Is it immoral to sleep with prostitute?

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Low end prostitutes tend to despise their clients, probably - as do low end car and furniture salesmen.

The despised customers of low end hookers are often despised by their wives, as well - which is an argument against marriage, one would suppose.

Is it immoral to marry for money always, or only if one despises the other?

If one is despised by all the women one finds attractive, is it better (morally) to marry one of them or hire those available for hire?
I don't see why adults cannot make contracts for sex just like any other transaction. It's their body to give away.

Because its usually a one way transaction. How many men who frequent prostitutes are willing to be used sexually for cash by strangers? How many of them are alright with their girl friends, wives or children either belonging to this profession or using prostitutes for their sexual gratification? Would you bring a prostitute home to sleep with the way you bring in the cable guy to do his job? Would you be okay with your family members bringing home a different guy or girl to sleep with as opposed to forming monogamous long term relationships? Would you be okay with being a product of such a union? Would you be okay with having children born of such transactions? Would you be okay by your significant other being impregnated as a result of such casual transactions?

Its not all cut and dried.
sam said:
I don't see why adults cannot make contracts for sex just like any other transaction. It's their body to give away.

Because its usually a one way transaction.
That applies to many other accepted, morally sanctioned transactions - very few men in most patriarchal cultures would accept the wife's role in marriage, for example. Few upper class men would accept the roles of all of their employees, or welcome them for their children etc.
That applies to many other accepted, morally sanctioned transactions - very few men in most patriarchal cultures would accept the wife's role in marriage, for example. Few upper class men would accept the roles of all of their employees, or welcome them for their children etc.

I don't think its the same thing. Even titled men will barter their name for a woman's wealth without considering it immoral and a rich man who falls into penury will only be ashamed of working under those who worked for him as a matter of ego, but a man who frequents prostitutes is unlikely to welcome his wife bringing in a male escort for her entertainment - although there are apparently marriages based on such sexual proclivities. The one is a matter of social status the other a matter of moral disparity.

Interestingly I wonder how much the interest in stuff like BDSM etc is related to such gender roles. Do we see such interest in pornography or "deviance" as one may call it, in cultures where sexuality is not bartered?
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you think a woman takes to prostitution by choice, attracted by the working conditions?

What do you know of being a prostitute? (aside from your liberal imagination about what its all about)?

Still waiting for you to inform us at what level and degree a woman becomes attracted to the working conditions of a prostitute

I know this might come as a shock to someone a misogynistic as your self but woman do in fact enjoy sex.
If prostitutes want to be prostitutes and people want to deviate from society, let them. It is not like we could control them in the first place. If they want to screw up their lives/not screw up their lives, then let them do what they want. In the end, I actually care less about this than we are making a deal about it here. Just because it becomes a law doesn't mean it is going to be generally accepted. Look at sexuality for example. Sure there maybe more bisexuals than there was before, but then again...

How do we know some straight people back in the day were not really bisexual?
prostitutes are moral.

Sounds to me like you are looking for validation of your act. You just want a few people to say it's OK, so you can feel right about yourself.

It's not that simple I'm afraid. If you paid someone who uses the money to buy drugs, and they are a hooker because they are an addict, you have funded their addiction, and no, that wasn't a moral act.
I think you have a rose tinted, sanitised, and naive view of what 'society' comprises.

Let's look at the definition of Deviate before you start an argument, for we are more on the same page than you think we are.

Deviate- Depart from usual or accepted standards.

Is it usual and accepted in today's day of age to practice prostitution according to the law?


Just because something is deviant doesn't mean it is wrong . Look at anti-slavery for example. Anti-slavery was a deviant act . Just because something is deviant doesn't mean it is morally wrong .

Conclusion: Don't cause create chaos something we agree on, for that is just not getting us anywhere. It's like a person hating someone for wearing black when they themselves are wearing black. It is unnecessary. (Not needed) Instead, create a discussion set up or intended to produce an agreement. (Negotiation)

I am a neutral person and I love peace.

If you want respect, respect me and others. Maybe then you will earn my respect.

It's a trade off. Nothing is free.
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Sounds to me like you are looking for validation of your act. You just want a few people to say it's OK, so you can feel right about yourself.

It's not that simple I'm afraid. If you paid someone who uses the money to buy drugs, and they are a hooker because they are an addict, you have funded their addiction, and no, that wasn't a moral act.

it is different from drug.
Sex is necessity, sex between man and woman is right of privacy.
Prostitute straight up sex-for-money? No problem. Fuck away.

People, as a whole, should be having a lot more sex than they are- and who are you to disagree?

Everyone should be screwing everyone else.

Everyone's got an itch that needs to be scratched. So scratch it.
Everyone should be screwing everyone else.

It seems that is what is going on in the world today. Businesses are screwing the consumer quite a bit along with the governments over spending of people monies.:mad:
Because its usually a one way transaction. How many men who frequent prostitutes are willing to be used sexually for cash by strangers? How many of them are alright with their girl friends, wives or children either belonging to this profession or using prostitutes for their sexual gratification? Would you bring a prostitute home to sleep with the way you bring in the cable guy to do his job? Would you be okay with your family members bringing home a different guy or girl to sleep with as opposed to forming monogamous long term relationships? Would you be okay with being a product of such a union? Would you be okay with having children born of such transactions? Would you be okay by your significant other being impregnated as a result of such casual transactions?

Its not all cut and dried.

I don't care about the one way part, that's typically of many encounters. I may want a plumber to fix my pipes, but I'm not going to fix his, that's the deal.

I do get what you are saying about the relationship part, and if your wife or girlfriend objects, then it's probably wrong, but why would you see a prostitute anyway if you have a wife or girlfriend? I am typically against any unplanned pregnancies, but I was assuming birth control and safe sex was involved.

I'm not even against my tax money going to pay for prostitutes for disabled or depressed people. Having sex is a basic human need.
The Bible has little to say on prostitutes. In Leviticus 19:29, it says not to prostitute ones' daughter lest the land falls into whoredom. As the land is not fallen to whoredom yet, it would seem to be within acceptable limits.
Is it immoral to sleep with prostitute?
I am a man, I am unmarried, I have sexual desire because I am just a man, an ordinary man, not a Saint :D
So, when I want sex, I go to find prostitute. I paid for it. I did not rape.

Am I immoral?:cool:

It isn't immoral. But if this is your primary method of obtaining sex (using your money) because you can't otherwise obtain it, then chances are that you are probably some kind of fat loser who is undesirable in looks and status.
It isn't immoral. But if this is your primary method of obtaining sex (using your money) because you can't otherwise obtain it, then chances are that you are probably some kind of fat loser who is undesirable in looks and status.

Is it immoral to be a fat loser who is undesirable in looks and status?
it is different from drug.
Sex is necessity, sex between man and woman is right of privacy.

Necessary for what? Necessary in the sense of eating and breathing, as in being required for life?

Because then no it isn't necessary.
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