Is it immoral to sleep with prostitute?

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i dont see anything to do with selfish stuff here.
I did not force the girl to be prostitute, she is a prostitute on her own decision,
I pay her and she let me "in",
both parties benefit.
"morality" is basically not to harm others,
a safe sex with prostitute is definitely moral in this sense.

You misunderstand.
Harm defines a crime. That's a hostility.
Rape Assualt, Murder, Man Slaughter.

But ethics and morality start with the core motivation. Your thread ask the question "is it immoral to sleep with a prostitute." Morality is the contemplation of social rules at a much higher level than actions but of thought and emotion. Even if you didn't pay money for the service...if it was merely "consensual" sex if you're copulating merely for your own desires then it's immoral too. You're using a person for your own selfish needs desires. It doesn't matter, money or not or if you both acknowledge your mutual use of each other. Sex is a bonding behavior. We all know that. That's why it's called "intimacy". There is another person involved yet their feelings are ignored. Yes. Without a doubt that is what we can call an immorality.

If your only concern was your emotional needs and not hers or his then it can rightly be called immoral.
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this is your prejudice.
we have less murder, rape, than New York, LA.:D

According to freedomhouse, your country Malaysia is only "partly free." Sharia law is still used in your country and the women there are hurt by it. You also have high rates of labor and sex trafficking. Your media is also restricted in order to hide the fact that torture exists there.

So... yeah. Malaysia blows. :cool:
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It is the oldest business in history, politics being second of course. There is a place in society for it unfortunately the dogooders & PC brigade see it as unethical & the religous nuts see it as blasmephous,,, well it has been around since the old testament. If it is controlled correectly like in Holland wheres the problem !!
Well look at it this way.

Millions, if not Billions of children will suffer starvation in our society
But there will always be money for sex...or sex for money.

Our priorities are skewed toward selfish endeavors. We conjure rationale for them. We tell our selves there is nothing we can do but in the end children die because we'd rather have paid sex or...gamble to get more money or horde money and benefits or fame or power.

The world isn't moral. It's a pit of selfishness and greed. This is just part of the symptoms.
You're using a person for your own selfish needs desires.
Desire for sex is selfish?
Can't be more funny!:confused:
It is merely between me and the prostitute, done in a private room,
there is nothing against social norm.
Religion forbids, but, that is your religion, not mine, I dont recognise its set value.
Desire for sex is selfish?

Are you a giver or a taker? It's that's simple.
You're saying you're carnal. You want someone to satisfy you without the emotional attachment right? That's self centered.

It is merely between me and the prostitute, done in a private room,
there is nothing against social norm.

Are you attempting to breed? No?
The basic motivation is satisfying no other purpose than your physical desires.
The question isn't it's morality, it's why do you care?
Why do you think it's important to BE moral. And why are you attempting to justify it?

Religion is a wide spectrum of beliefs throughout history. It forbids everything and allows everything under the right doctrine. Go find you a religion to justify yourself like everyone else does.

Your question is "Is it immoral to sleep with a prostitute"
You used the world "immoral". Morality is a intangible psychology. Using a person fits under the negative description of psychology last time I was in class but worldly thinking lets us entertain the illusion that we are doing no "harm" mentally and avoid culpability.
The basic motivation is satisfying no other purpose than your physical desires.

Well it's a 2 way street you get screwed 2 times ones during the service ones during determining how much that services was worth. Aftherall If you look at the costs like rent, electricity and dry cleaning and ad the manual labor hours I do believe they generally overcharge you.

Yes I do agree some of them are (quasi) sex slaves but be honest that falls under forced labor not under prostitution. I don't see the difference between them and those forced construction workers you find all over the middle east
Only if it clashes with your morals. I don't think it is immoral. The only difference between prostituion and other service providers is the social stigma attached to prostitution. Most places don't lock up massage therapists for pleasuring people physically in exchange for money.
It would be immoral of us to refute the right of a woman to make money in anyway she so choses, so long as it is not infringing on anyone else's rights.
The basic motivation is satisfying no other purpose than your physical desires.
what's wrong with my physical desire?
I see nice food and I want to eat it, it is also a similar desire.
I fuck a prostitute by paying her, this is her business, there is nothing immoral with that.
This is our own business.

It would be immoral of us to refute the right of a woman to make money in anyway she so choses, so long as it is not infringing on anyone else's rights.

agree, prostitution is a job, a career, she chooses it.
business is demand and supply,
prostitution is a long lasting business existed since long long time ago:)
Only if it clashes with your morals. I don't think it is immoral. The only difference between prostituion and other service providers is the social stigma attached to prostitution. Most places don't lock up massage therapists for pleasuring people physically in exchange for money.

By that logic it's peoples inmoral attitude towards it that makes it inmoral because if it was genrally accepted then it wouldn't be ruled by those shady people. And people wouldn't get locked up and the brach would exist out of exibisionist, MILFs who want some extra money and students who want to pay their way to college
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By that logic it's peoples inmoral attitude towards it that makes it inmoral because if it was genrally accepted then it wouldn't be ruled by those shady people. And people wouldn't get locked up and the brach would exist out of exibisionist, MILFs who want some extra money and students who want to pay their way to college

By my logic, it doesn't matter what society says all that matters is how you feel about right and wrong. I think morality is personal. If you don't feel like something is wrong, no one can make you feel that it is. Only you can decide and change your mind as best fits with your personal feelings.
Morality principle is "Do not harm others for your own good".
I pay and I fuck, I do not harm anyone.
I am moral and innocent. :D
I will go ahead with fucking more whores,
play safe.
I enjoy, she gets money,
fair deal.
No immorality.
Adults' game, mature people's right.:eek:
Depends on you

Saint said:

Am I immoral?

Depends on how you treat your tag. Other than that, hiring a prostitute who is of age, consenting, and not selling for the sake of addiction, there's not really any problem with it.

Well, aside from the practical consideration of applicable laws.

But, no, in terms of morality, as long as the transaction is free of exploitation, it's not immoral.
It is not immoral to sleep with a prostitute. They are grateful to get your money especially if you dont look dangerous or punch drunk ugly.

However, I see other problems with it. Mostly in third world countries. I'll share my experience when I was in colombia. In the tourist city of cartagena, if your american, girls basically stalk you and other american-types. I had sex with a beautiful colombian woman for $10 US no joke.

My brother spent $20 US and had sex with another girl, who turned out being only 17 (My brother was 16 during this time) and I found that this isnt un-common at all. Girls ussually start strutting around cartagena for americans at age 14+ and less depending on how developed the girl is. Mainly due to the socioeconomic problems that colombia faces, colombian girls in particular, do this in lieu of being catholic, so if they dont feel bad about it, you shoulden't either. :shrug: Although many don't have much of a choice.
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