Is Islam Racist & Violent?

Originally posted by David F
This is an interesting proposition... If so-called Christian leaders (kings, popes, cardinals) abuse their position and, in the name of God, commit acts which are against their religion, then all Christianity for all time is now violent???
Well how is it that throughout history christianity has so easily been the vehicle for so much violence? Why is it that when it was at its most influential, it was at its most violent? The point is I think, not whether this or that religion is more intrinsically violent than another, but that religion itself is an irrational idea and irrational ideas in the hands of people with political agendas are dangerous. Take a look around at the worlds political hotspots and you will likely find religious conflict lurking there.

Christianity is a peaceful religion now, because it has been displaced from the political arena and not because it is superior or particularly non-violent. Put christianity in the right circumstances and you could quickly find the rationalizations for violence roll out again.
I fully agree.
I do find it kinda ironic that a brutal dictatorship with such close ties to the west including overt military and political support is now under threat from a 'terrorist' group founded and funded by a western trained dude.

You couldn't make it up.
Dee Cee
Hathor said:
timothy mcveigh did not wrap a towel around his head. therefore, he is one of us. secretly, we kinda admire him. kicked some righteous govt ass!

it is homegrown and it rocks, baby!

you admire him? you're sick. it was a sad day, when one of our own killed 168 innocent people, just working for the gov, isn't a 'capital' offence.

if you don't like the US gov, then move out. I'm sure they could use you in Iraq?

"rocks"?, you mean you have rocks in your head, what type of person wants gov workers & buildings demolished?
Vienna said:
Shall I mention the word "Crusades"? ....
If you look at the history, it was the West's first attempt at stopping 'Jihad' against the East (the Byzantine Empire asked for help against the Seljuk Turks), problem was, that the Crusaders couldn't tell them apart, so they killed everybody & then let God sort them out.

and as for the Inquisition ..well
Spain learned that from the Almohads & Almoravids (muslim Berbers), after fighting 800 years to rid their country from muslim invaders (711 to 1492)
Randolfo said:
... the Crusaders couldn't tell them apart, so they killed everybody & then let God sort them out.

I couldn't have stated the problem better.

Pick a faith. Every religion can commit any crime and then say, "... let God sort them out." christianity and islam are far more alike than different, I can't believe they don't see that.
Why do muslims and christians waste so much of their time and effort arguing over who invented god? Each too their own i suppose, but to the educated peoples of the world, all religion seems to be an irrelevance in their lives. The way i see it is that in a couple of hundred years, the west will have consigned religion to the trash can of life, while the third world will still be peddling the evil nonsense of religion to its poor impoverished masses. Does anybody else see a new type of iron curtain being erected around the west to keep out hoards of , well lets be honest here, muslims from destroying our nice comfortable way of life?
slotty said:
Why do muslims and christians waste so much of their time and effort arguing over who invented god?
Not invented (clever insult), but whether Jesus is the Savior or allah is god

Each too their own i suppose, but to the educated peoples of the world, all religion seems to be an irrelevance in their lives.
educated? please, you make me laugh, as if an education made any one live & think automatically in a non-religious way. & so, all of us that went to college & graduated, we are not 'educated', is that what you're saying?

The way i see it is that in a couple of hundred years, the west will have consigned religion to the trash can of life,
maybe Europe, but they will have muslims already in their mitts, & since Euros aren't populating, they will be over-run by muslims in maybe 50 years, the new national language of Germany will be "Turkish", of France, "Arabic", of Spain, "Arabic", of England, "Urdu", of the Netherlands, "Indonesian Malay", Italy's a toss up, "Albanian" &/or "Arabic".

while the third world will still be peddling the evil nonsense of religion to its poor impoverished masses.
gee thanks, as if believing in God is or was a preoccupation of the poor only

Does anybody else see a new type of iron curtain being erected around the west to keep out hoards of , well lets be honest here, muslims from destroying our nice comfortable way of life?
you're too late, about 50 years too late. What happened, Mr. "educated"? couldn't see it coming?, "cause & effect" man, it's the oldest rule in science, now the only remedy, will be ruthless, like 'wholesale ouster' or 'forced secularism', & no democracy can do that, & call itself a democracy
buffys said:
I couldn't have stated the problem better.
not original on my part, its part of an old 'slogan' on a t-shirt

Pick a faith. Every religion can commit any crime and then say, "... let God sort them out." christianity and islam are far more alike than different,
you might believe it, superficially there are some similarities, but delve deeper & the diff is clear as night & day. islam is totally anti-christian, founded in 622, they set up a mosque on the Jewish Temple site in Jerusalem, sorry, but that's too close to the 'number of the beast' & 'abomination that causes desolation” prophecies for me, "Armageddon" anyone

I can't believe they don't see that.
like I said, too many diff's
Randolfo said:
not original on my part, its part of an old 'slogan' on a t-shirt

you might believe it, superficially there are some similarities, but delve deeper & the diff is clear as night & day. islam is totally anti-christian, founded in 622, they set up a mosque on the Jewish Temple site in Jerusalem, sorry, but that's too close to the 'number of the beast' & 'abomination that causes desolation” prophecies for me, "Armageddon" anyone

like I said, too many diff's

number of the lol.. you don't even know what is that beast. :rolleyes:
250'000 muslims men women and children killed by chrisitans of serbia and in kosovo and Radno still calls his religion peacefull. Wasn't milosivc and his army christians? I think that was a the worst massacare by christians in recent history but rando still talks about peacefull religion. Pretty sand how brain wahed rando has become. :eek:
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567 said:
number of the lol.. you don't even know what is that beast. :rolleyes:
the 'beast', why that would be Mohammad, when he was tempted by satan with all the kingdoms of the earth, (& not knowing the diff between satan & Jabril, read satanic verses left out of sura 53), why Mohammad accepted. the rest is history, bloody history. Mohammad dies in 632, what do muslims do? why attempt to conquer the world; syria, iraq, persia, palestine, egypt, asia minor, lybia, tunis, algeria, morroco, spain. lost spain in 1492.

they want spain back, then your country is next
567 said:
250'000 muslims men women and children killed by chrisitans of serbia and in kosovo and Radno still calls his religion peacefull. Wasn't milosivc and his army christians? I think that was a the worst massacare by christians in recent history but rando still talks about peacefull religion. Pretty sand how brain wahed rando has become. :eek:

brainwashed? me? nah, you have me beat by at least 3 washerfulls of laundry detergent.

but you are blind & deaf, tell us, just who came to the bosnians aide?
can you tell us?

would it be NATO?
Randolfo said:
you use 'chechnya' as an example, boy o boy, blind & brainwash, what a combo!

hah... you are funny one. So Human rights, red cross and oh well the whole world is Right on. When you can't argue the facts then why bother replying back?
Randolfo said:
brainwashed? me? nah, you have me beat by at least 3 washerfulls of laundry detergent.

but you are blind & deaf, tell us, just who came to the bosnians aide?
can you tell us?

would it be NATO?

oh look here you lost your mind or something. Nato? or not.....the FACT remains the same you and your kind commit atrocities and you can never deny that. But instead of admiting that how violent your religion's follower are you try to escape.......250000 is a big number and in recent history like in last 10 years....talking about barbarians and evil people. ahh.... who said who save them or not didn't they were follower of your peacefull religion who commited those crimes and you are here to cover them? ha your true face is showing up. :D