Is Islam Racist & Violent?

Randolfo said:
the 'beast', why that would be Mohammad, when he was tempted by satan with all the kingdoms of the earth, (& not knowing the diff between satan & Jabril, read satanic verses left out of sura 53), why Mohammad accepted. the rest is history, bloody history. Mohammad dies in 632, what do muslims do? why attempt to conquer the world; syria, iraq, persia, palestine, egypt, asia minor, lybia, tunis, algeria, morroco, spain. lost spain in 1492.

they want spain back, then your country is next

ever read the bible? :rolleyes: it will tell u what is the sign of beast. Might help you if you weren't that islamophobic. lol
Islam is not racist or violent.

Maybe a subset of Muslims might be racist and/or violent, but Islam itself is just a religion, hence an inanimate object.

I leave you to your daily ponderings.
Zero said:
Islam is not racist or violent.
in Hadith* vol. 1, No. 662, vol. 9, No. 256; Mohammad called blacks 'raisin heads', & if you have ever read history, pray tell, how exactly did isam make itself known to the world, say in 632 to 711 by the arabs? the Turks 900 A.D. and onwards? hmmm?

Zero said:
Maybe a subset of Muslims might be racist and/or violent,
ask about slavery & "blackness" in Mauritania, Sudan, etc... , ask the Hindus about the 500 year jihad that they had to endure

Zero said:
but Islam itself is just a religion, hence an inanimate object.
ahh!, but if encoded into it is the command to 'world domination', would it not show signs like 'nazism' or 'communism', to those not so inclined?

Zero said:
I leave you to your daily ponderings.
so kind of you, :confused:

* from:
"Translation of the Meaning of Sahih Al-Bukhari" by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan (Kazi Publications, Lahore, Pakistan, 1979)
Humanity itself is racist and violent. The propensity to be racist and violent exists in all human beings. It is our upbringing and environment that will have the ultimate say on whether we take that path or not. We are all racist and we are all violent to certain degrees. We all have racist and violent thoughts to a certain extent. We may deny it, but the truth remains that it is so, although for some members of humanity, they are in the extreme range of violence and racism. Religion is merely a screen for humanity to hide behind as an excuse for our racist and violent past and present.
Bells said:
Humanity itself is racist and violent. The propensity to be racist and violent exists in all human beings. It is our upbringing and environment
disagree, it is cultural, a learned behavior, look at pre-school kids raised together, huggy, huggy, lovey-dovey

love, peace

Randolfo said:
disagree, it is cultural, a learned behavior, look at pre-school kids raised together, huggy, huggy, lovey-dovey

love, peace

Ermmm had you continued the quote, you'd have seen that I also said that environment and upbringing that has a major say in whether we develop racist or violent tendencies:

Bells said:
It is our upbringing and environment that will have the ultimate say on whether we take that path or not.

I agree with you. It is a learned behaviour. It can be learned not just from family but from the environment and people we interact with and from any form of the media. But it is still possible for anyone to become extremelly racist or violent. The way I see it personally, we are all racist and violent to a certain extent. Some more than others. Most of the time the behaviour is so minor that it goes by unnoticed. But if any person is brought up and surrounded by an environment where such behaviour is the norm, it is to be expected that the individual may develop such tendencies themselves.
Bells said:
Ermmm had you continued the quote, you'd have seen that I also said that environment and upbringing that has a major say in whether we develop racist or violent tendencies:
did, but I disagree that it is even innate as a racist tendency. I do believe that that 'innate' sense is we see 'us' & 'other' at our baby-stage, to recognize 'mom', as opposed to the mean old lady that is going to cook you in the pot, with herbs & greens :eek:
Kiwi123 said:
In accordance with the hypocrisy on this board.
Let's see how the reaction is going to be to this thread.

When the global bloody facts speak for themselves on all non Muslims Dhimmis victims worldwide.

What are the actual news all about?

Another Mosque burning, another beheading from the 'religion of beheading', another homicide bombing, another disco bombing in Bali (or anywhere else) another beating to death for being a Christian, another parading with body parts, another wave (after the 2,000,000 are already dead) of enslavement and maiming by Fascistic Arab Muslim Sudan, another decapitation of tourists in the Philippines, another ethnic cleansing of Chinese in Indonesia, another crime on Maluku Islands, more atrocities from "modereate" Saudi Atabian apartheid against non Muslims, more torture against the Christians in Egypt, more discrimination against black non-Arab Egyptians, more torture of students and beheading by the Mullahs of Iran, more racist persecuting of the Berbers in Morocco, more violence from Algerian Arab Muslims one against each other, more violence in Southern Thailand, more threats of poison gas in the UK, more arrests in Singapore, more mass rape on Nigerian Christians, more killing of Christians by Albanians, More violence and crimes in the Netherland and France by (majority are of) Arab Muslim origin, More bloodshed by Chechen 'freedom fighters' coward criminals, more massacres against the Kurds in Syria the Monster, more bloodshed against Christian Lebanese by Arab Muslim Syrians Occpation, more Imams involved in profiting from Prostituion and <"holy"-sic> sex in Italy for Jihadi Terror, another "moderate" Mullah apologizing for 9/11 horror, another Islamo Arab march of dancing and smiling to the victims pain...

Of course Islamo Arabs are just "peaceful" 'freedom fighters', and Pigs fly too.


I don't think it's the religion alone that results in violence. Simply put, people
have a choice on how they behave. Some choose to kill, others don't. I see
a couple of factors that contribute to Muslim Militants nowadays. The culture
and religion (to some degree) tend to associate people as being objects. This
is a problem as it has been witnessed in the U.S. that most (if not all) of
our Serial Killers grew up in environments that objectified people. I am not
entirely sure why, but associating people as objects is directly linked to
violent behaviors.

For Muslims, those whom come from good economic, educational, and environmental backgrounds probably will turn out just fine. Those who don't
are at risk, and today's media loves to publicize the works of such individuals.
Today's culture in say East Oakland California produces alot of inner-city
gang bangers (i.e. Oakland Militants). They tend to come from poor
economical, educational, and environmental backgrounds and have that
person=object association. They kill each other every day; however, it gets
no media attention (partly because it's geographically contained and old
Crunchy Cat said:

I don't think it's the religion alone that results in violence. Simply put, people
have a choice on how they behave. Some choose to kill, others don't. I see
a couple of factors that contribute to Muslim Militants nowadays. The culture
and religion (to some degree) tend to associate people as being objects.
it has a lot of entisments, like going directly to heaven if you die during jihad, quranic injunctions to kill the infidels, BTW, that's you & me, since I assume that you are a Westerner? which means you shuld be a dhimmi, 2nd class person in muslim eyes, sorry
Randolfo said:
it has a lot of entisments, like going directly to heaven if you die during jihad, quranic injunctions to kill the infidels, BTW, that's you & me, since I assume that you are a Westerner? which means you shuld be a dhimmi, 2nd class person in muslim eyes, sorry


The enticements do exist; however, they are not a big part of of the Quran.
I think they may be powerful marketing materials for the uneducated.
Additionally, I have seen evidence that the Quran implies that those not of
your religion are sinners worthy of death; however, I have seen this same
implication in the Torah and Bible. All these religions have a nice cross section
of bloody history.

Anecdotally, I would assert that if education is improved, economics
equalized, focus put on healthy family relations, and religion eliminated then
the problem would become statistically negligible.

Just for example, I know (pardon the expression) an assload of Muslims,
Jews, and Christians. They all get along just fine and treat each other VERY
well (not as second class citizens). They all have the benefit of strong
education, economics, and healthy family relations. Thats simply not a
coincidence. I will share some differences that I have noticed.

Christians: ~50% of them will try to convert me.
Jews: ~10% of them will try to convert me.
Muslims: ~95% of them will try to convert me.

These are just approximations; however, these are one of the primary
behavioral differentiators I have noticed.
Crunchy Cat said:

The enticements do exist; however, they are not a big part of of the Quran.
I think they may be powerful marketing materials for the uneducated.
Additionally, I have seen evidence that the Quran implies that those not of
your religion are sinners worthy of death; however, I have seen this same
implication in the Torah and Bible. All these religions have a nice cross section
of bloody history.

Anecdotally, I would assert that if education is improved, economics
equalized, focus put on healthy family relations, and religion eliminated then
the problem would become statistically negligible.

Just for example, I know (pardon the expression) an assload of Muslims,
Jews, and Christians. They all get along just fine and treat each other VERY
well (not as second class citizens). They all have the benefit of strong
education, economics, and healthy family relations. Thats simply not a
coincidence. I will share some differences that I have noticed.

Christians: ~50% of them will try to convert me.
Jews: ~10% of them will try to convert me.
Muslims: ~95% of them will try to convert me.
These are just approximations; however, these are one of the primary
behavioral differentiators I have noticed.

Hello Cat,

Christians: ~50% of them will try to convert me.
Jews: ~10% of them will try to convert me.
Muslims: ~95% of them will try to convert me.

I find that interesting because the "crutch" of the Christian religion(at least as far as ive been told) is John 3:16:

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17

As opposed to Islam which states:

[29.46] And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.

(followers of the book being christians and jews)

I am a muslim and have many muslim friends but have never tried to convert anyone to my cause because i know that i have to answer for myself not others when i die.....peace
surenderer said:
Hello Cat,

Christians: ~50% of them will try to convert me.
Jews: ~10% of them will try to convert me.
Muslims: ~95% of them will try to convert me.

I find that interesting because the "crutch" of the Christian religion(at least as far as ive been told) is John 3:16:

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17

As opposed to Islam which states:

[29.46] And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.

(followers of the book being christians and jews)

I am a muslim and have many muslim friends but have never tried to convert anyone to my cause because i know that i have to answer for myself not others when i die.....peace

Thanks for sharing that viewpoint. My observation is simply based on my
own experiences with individuals from all these religions. The statistics
are TRUE for those whom I have interacted with. Of course this is a very
small sampling of people whom prescribe to these religions in the U.S.

If I had known you in person, you would have affected that 95% statistic,
but not by alot.
surenderer said:
Hello Cat,

Christians: ~50% of them will try to convert me.
Jews: ~10% of them will try to convert me.
Muslims: ~95% of them will try to convert me.

As opposed to Islam which states:

[29.46] And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.

(followers of the book being christians and jews)

I am a muslim and have many muslim friends but have never tried to convert anyone to my cause because i know that i have to answer for myself not others when i die..
so why do you dispute with the followers of the book, is it because you consider us acting "unjustly"?

A racism which denies the history and sufferings of its victims.

At the dawn of the new millennium, the world is being confronted with an absolute culture of hate, characterized by paroxysms
of international terrorism against civilians, and religious intolerance. This culture of hate has multiple heads from Algeria to Afghanistan, to Indonesia, via Gaza and the West Bank, Damascus, Cairo, Khartoum, Teheran, and Karachi. It scatters the seed
of terrorism from one end of the earth to the other.

This hate, which suppresses freedom of thought, and condemns difference, calls itself Islamic Jihad. It draws on religious texts whose interpretation other Muslims dispute. Moreover, because these moderate Muslims challenge this interpretation of jihad, wishing to live in peace with the non-Muslim peoples and nations of the world, their lives are threatened. There is constant bloodshed in Algeria. Jihad is disseminating death and terror in Israel. In Southern Sudan, jihad has caused the death of some two million people, generated an even larger number of refugees, lead to the enslavement of tens of thousands, and produced deadly famines.

In Indonesia, some 200,000 deaths resulted from jihad violence in East Timor. Christians have been pursued, and massacred, and their churches burned down by jihadists in the Moluccas and other Indonesian islands. The death toll in these violent attacks is over 10,000, while an additional 8,000 Christians have been forcibly converted to Islam, including many who were circumcised. Atrocities are also being committed by jihadists in both the Philippines; and some northern Nigerian states. Hundreds of innocent people died when jihad struck at the Jewish Community Center of Buenos Aires in Argentina, and the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. In Egypt, jihadists have massacred Copts in their churches and villages, and murdered European tourists.
Christians in Pakistan and in Iran live in terror of accusations of blasphemy, which, if proven, can yield a death sentence. And a cataclysmic act of jihad terror resulted in the slaughter of nearly 3,000 innocent civilians of multiple faiths and nationalities in
New York, on September 11, 2001. None of these victims were guilty of any crime. They were murdered and mutilated out of hate.

It is this hate that Israel is fighting. The Durban World Conference Against Racism (where the culture of hate was rehabilitated,
not condemned) ended only three days before the jihad terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. When proposals were made condemning Zionism, this conference was encouraging jihad; the culture of the war against infidels, while ignoring the principles of freedom and human rights. This was negationist racism. The word Zion, which designates the land of Israel and its capital Jerusalem, exists in texts dating back almost three millennia. It was the Emperor Hadrian who first called the country Palestine in 135. In this Palestine, Arabic was not the common language, the Bible and not the Koran was taught, and the population was mainly Jewish. Palestine was colonized five centuries later by the Arab armies of the Islamic jihad. Many Jews were massacred at that time, others deported to Arabia as slaves, the whole population expropriated and reduced to the condition of dhimmis, as were all indigenous Jews and Christians in the south Mediterranean countries conquered by jihad, including those
in many European countries.

Should these countries conquered by Islam (Portugal, Spain, Sardinia, Sicily, Crete, and the southern regions of France and Italy,
for example) still be considered Arab Muslim lands? Turkish jihad conquests imposed the sharia as far north as Hungary and southern Greece, former Yugoslavia, Romania, and Bulgaria, until the end of the 19th century. Are those countries also to be identified as Muslim lands, in which non-Muslim inhabitants must return to the condition of dhimmis, whose testimony
concerning Muslims is rejected by Islamic courts? Will they again be required to don discriminatory garments such as the Taliban demanded of the Hindus, or be subject to the continuing prohibition on building and renovating their churches, like the Copts in Egypt?

If the liberation movement of the Jews in their ancestral homeland is interpreted as racism, then all the movements of liberation from expropriation and servitude imposed by jihad are racist. Such a stance reinstates the imperialism of the Islamic jihad, which has claimed millions of victims over three continents during more than a millennuim, deported an incalculable number of slaves,
and annihilated entire peoples, destroying their history, their monuments, and their culture. Have the Copts of Egypt a right to their history and their language? Do the Kabili of North Africa have a right to theirs? We must acknowledge all the victims of the racism that jihad creates, a racism which denies the history, sufferings, and memories of those conquered.

Arab racism consists of calling the Land of Israel, Arab land, whereas no Palestinian province, village, or town, including Jerusalem is mentioned either in the Koran or in any Arabic text before the end of the ninth century. On the contrary, these locations are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible; which represents the religious and historical heritage of the Jewish people. The Bible, which tells the history of this country, tells it in Hebrew, the language of the country, and not in Arabic. Palestinian racism consists of asserting that the whole history of Israel, biblical history, is Arab, Islamic, and Palestinian history. The kings and prophets of Israel were Arab, Palestinian, and Muslim kings and prophets, as were Jesus, his family, and the apostles. This Arabization and Islamization of the Bible thus robs not only the Jews but also the whole of Christianity of their history. New theologies of substitution are developed, transferring Israeli heritage to Arab and Muslim Palestine.

The imperialism of jihad consists of appropriating the whole history and identity of the peoples who were conquered and thrown into the nonexistence of dhimmitude. This is a total negation of the other, a refusal to acknowledge him as an equal. The Israeli battle is not a battle of colonists, as some European political circles like to claim, because Europe itself had a colonial history on
all continents, which it projects on to Israel. Similarly, Europe projects its own history of Nazism on to the Israelis, thereby revenging itself on the revelations of historians. The Israeli battle is not a battle against the Muslim world, it is a battle against the unbridled hate of jihad. Israelis are struggling to maintain their liberation from the yoke of dhimmitude, which was imposed in
order to eradicate the Jews in their indigenous homeland. That is why Christians who reject the new theologies of substitution are joining Israel in its fight, as are Muslims who refuse to allow the values of Islam to be perverted by the ideology of jihad. It is through this common effort that reconciliation between peoples can be achieved, replacing the culture of hate with a culture of friendship.
skywalker said:
Randolfo said:
You missed the rest of the thread? or you are just pretending to be dumb? Just curious.
ahh, wake me up, what are you talking about?
BTW, you forgot to copy my quote, that you're responding to or whatever?
what are you going on about, do I personally have to respond to every thread that's posted? do you think I'm a troll or something? hey, let everybody have a chance

BTW, I'm not a college student, that I can afford to spend endless hours in front of the comp, only get that chance when I have time off, smiles & kisses
skywalker said:
You missed the rest of the thread? or you are just pretending to be dumb? Just curious.
skywalker, you missed the point of this thread, is islam violent & racist? can you answer that in the negative? do non-muslims get treated fairly & equally in dar-al-islam? or do we get the dhimmi treatment? so how well are Copts treated in Egypt, or christians the Sudan or Indonesia? or how about Hindus in Mohgol Inda?

be honest, at least to yourself, no 'al-taqiyya'
What drives me crazy about your campaign against islam randolfo isn't that you point out it's flaws because they are many and deserve to be looked at, it's that you really don't seem to realize that christianity has similar flaws.

I'd think the way leaders have manipulated and twisted christianity throughout history to maintain their dominance show pretty clearly that most faiths can be misused.