Is Islam Racist & Violent?

Preacher_X said:
and what about the money Iraq have lost beacause of the US? before sanctions, Iraq was one of the richest and morden cities in the ME. it had high literacy rates and some of the lowest infant moratlity in the world. 93% of the population had accseess to modernised medical care for free.

after sanctions Iraq's econonmy was completly destroyed, MILLIONS lost there jobs, beacame homeless and died.. Iraq lost everything and over 1,000,000 people died, mainly new born babies and chiuldren as a result of starvation and lack of medical care.
Iraq went from some of the lowest ifanct moratlity to the one of the highest. i dont see Iraqis getting any compensation

so you want Muslims to pay for America but shouldnt America pay for capatilaism(well the American version) and its exploiation of other countries?

and America exploits practically all Muslim countries resources (and other Non Muslim countries) and supports the dicatators and terrorists and then decides to have wars against them.

the US spends approxametly $1 BILLION a day on weaopns and miltatry but can not pay back the UN $400 million for peacekeeping missions.

America has placed puppet govermants all around the world. in Haitai, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, America has made sure that France does not pay back $21 Billion dollars of debt to this poor and starbing country and is making sure it capitaliszes on the Carabeian by using thigs like the FTAA which gives full control to latin american welath and trade to America and makes unfair trade prices.

really i feel sorry for Freemason America, after it falls from a super power, which would propbably be before 100 years from now, then the next super power will have no mercy on the US and will exploit, kill and maim the US just as the US does to others.

I can't argue with that Preacher - I am really annoyed that Britain is involved too. If it was up to the British people we would not have invaded Iraq. One example of an undemocractic government we have.
like i said though, when America falls from a super power its gonna have some serious problems.

vienna, glad we agree on something, i dont think the world really has a true democratic country. the leaders do what they want, if they cant then they just spread lies and propaganda to get public support. people cant say what they feel as so called freedom of speech doesnt exsist aswell, the treacherous are seen as trustworthy and the trust worthy are treachorous.

american politicians summed up:
"i did not have sexual relations with that woman" - bill clinton

british politicians summed up:
"Iraq has WMD's and is capable of striking British people in holiday islands in 45 minutes" - Tonly "ass lickin" Blair (bush said somethig similar aswelll)
more american politics:

Sadam Hussien: "innotive" "smart" "tactful" and even "great"

ten years later,

"terrorist" "madman"

same with the Taliban, iran and in the future (i reckon another decade) it will be Saudia Arabia.
Preacher_X said:
like i said though, when America falls from a super power its gonna have some serious problems.

Empires have a nasty habit of crashing down all around them, and Bush has made America the most hated superpower on Earth.

vienna, glad we agree on something, i dont think the world really has a true democratic country. the leaders do what they want, if they cant then they just spread lies and propaganda to get public support. people cant say what they feel as so called freedom of speech doesnt exsist aswell, the treacherous are seen as trustworthy and the trust worthy are treachorous.

Quite the opposite here, government lies and propaganda to get public support doesn't work, the majority of the British public didn't want a war on Iraq. This act of war by this government ensured their short comings at re-election. They should have been lynched for

a) starting an Illegal War

b) putting this country on the terrorists map.

In Britain freedom of speech exists only to the few - Abu Hamza got away with treason and it took action America (Not Britain) to get him locked up. If an Englishman said the same about Muslims in the same way he would be locked up without hesitation. You see it is the British governments favouring the immigrants over the British ethnics in this country that causes the greatest friction. The government introduces one way political correctness, and that causes more friction. The government is the cause of racial tensions in this country, and they caused this by lies, favouritism and cover ups. Then they take on a war on a muslim country - shit - do they want this country blown to fucking pieces or what??? Iraq??? we are war with Iraq?? I can't hear Iraq dropping any bombs on the UK, is Iraqs navy heading for Britain? No. But I bet Britain will get a blasting in the near future now that our idiotic leader Tony B Liar waged war with Iraq - what a dolt.

american politicians summed up:
"i did not have sexual relations with that woman" - bill clinton

british politicians summed up:
"Iraq has WMD's and is capable of striking British people in holiday islands in 45 minutes" - Tonly "ass lickin" Blair (bush said somethig similar aswelll).

LOL! B Liar is still licking his wounds after that one, the blame has been shifted on to the intelligence, what a farce - it's a load of bollox.

If the intelligence can state without doubt that WMD existed they must have known where they were - with satellite photos at least to back it up.

When the ordinary public can see through crystal clear lies like this, why are politicians allowed to commit such criminal acts like declaring war on any country they feel like - And to top it all when Islamic militants hit back they are called the bad guys - fuck me - this sick world is becoming sicker.
Preacher_X said:
american politicians summed up:
"i did not have sexual relations with that woman" - bill clinton

i assume you mean..lying?

in anycase, it seems absurd. what you offer up is a typical response from any male when caught in a compromising situation.
it is a matter that concerns the parties involved
if i recall, clinton never pledged not to have an affair when running for election.
why the outrage?

the man was forced into a corner and put in an impossible situation.
so cmon preacher x, how about a better example?
several things... there are no illigal-wars wars are a natural occurance they are like fights even if outlawed will occur. Personally I think the war was a lashout at islam govts as a whole to say something like: if you dont clean up your house we will do it for you. this apparently didnt have the best effect but running from it now would be even worse.

I actually feel sorry for the brits vienna by listening that the govt is pro-immigrant and anti-ethnic in US it feels like its fairly neutral. I guess that favoritism does lead to tensions and justly i might add. Furthermore I would agree with you that blair shouldnt have gotten involved in iraq but once he did i think he should follow through because u dont wanna leave someone holding the bag once you already agreed to help them with it. Granted the populous didn't support it but that should have been expressed prior to not afterwards. Personally I think the war in iraq made some sense although not a whole lot and I generally don't care but think if its started it should be finished therefor I figure they should continue it until handover.

Also I completely agree islam is stuck in the dark ages and it apparently will never get out because its moderates are stoned to death as soon as they show a hint of their views. Personally I think there should be a very very very stern policy towards fighting terrorism something to the effect of killing the whole extended and non-extended family of the terrorists once they have been proven guilty post-mortem of the accused deed. This would keep the award money facilitiating terrorism as incentive to sacrifice oneself for the benefit of the family.
american politicians summed up:
"i did not have sexual relations with that woman" - bill clinton

Ahhh, those were the days. Don't think that Clinton and Bush are the same just because they're both American politicians. Bush's list of misdeeds will most likely be of a far more serious nature.
Preacher_X said:
how do we know Sadam has chemical weapons

beacause we kept the reciepts!!
The poor Kurds have the bloody receipts.
Oops, sorry for they are not Muslim Arabs, and as such can not be considered as victims at bias UN.
Funny how the Arab world Hated Saddam for oppressing the muslims in his country, invading Iran, butchering his people, and ivading Kuwait- but since he shot a couple of missles at Isreal and WE got rid of him- he is all of the sudden the greatest Islamic Hero.

Typical BRAINWASHED muslims.
Preacher_X said:
american politicians summed up:
"i did not have sexual relations with that woman" - bill clinton

Least he didnt marry a 6 year old baby and was pounding her by age nine like your pedophile prophet. How can you preach about morals when you have none ???.

Silly rabbit trix are for kids....
"I am really annoyed that Britain is involved"
echo that from Australia, none of the Aussie public supported the war

"Funny how the Arab world Hated Saddam for oppressing the muslims in his country, invading Iran, butchering his people, and ivading Kuwait- but since he shot a couple of missles at Isreal and WE got rid of him- he is all of the sudden the greatest Islamic Hero."
yeah, its called a common enemy, they still hate saddam, but he is nothing compared to their hate for America

"Typical BRAINWASHED muslims."
no, typical brainwashed humans, dont be so fucking hypocrtical, you're just as brainwashed as them, and so am i, so i should stop being hypocritical too :p

btw, brainwashed better have been in caps as a parody of proud muslim, cos otherwise....
chill out niggy. the posts have been deleted. your secret is safe.
if you continue to taunt and harass....
Islam is no worse than any other religion in itself. We only have to look through history to see how *violent* christianity was, but it does pose a great threat because of how it is placed in the world today. Unfortunately it's become all wrapt up in identity politics...a source of self-esteem for the ME and a channel by which to rage against the West.

Christianity has had to face 300 years or so of rigorous intellectual criticism and believers are now left with a largely watered down version of their faith. Apart from lunatic fringe elements, the christian world is really a secular one. Islam has had no such heavy scrutiny imposed upon it from within its own cultural context....mainstream Islam IS fundamentalist. It has been kept in the dark ages because if too much light is thrown upon it, like all irrational ideas, it will begin to crumble.

A religion like Islam, which in many countries is interwoven with the political fabric, can only poison the well of political grievances in the Middle East.
David F. said:
There is a difference, however, since the Christian bible does not advocate violence while the Koran does in some places.

It's been a few years since sunday school so I googled "violence in the bible" and found these thoughts at

"And consider too how God, further on in Genesis, flagrantly destroys Sodom and Gomorrah with "brimstone and fire." Another Sunday school lesson that is taught with cartoon pictures, a violent story sans the violence. No close-ups, no burned and scorched flesh, no agonized mourners. Just swift, clean, unfathomable justice (Gen. 19:24)."

GOD: "hey, as long as it's hethens you're punishing, kill away! Wahoo!"

"Consider Second Chronicles 20:24. The writer shows us a landscape strewn with corpses. From a watchtower in the wilderness we see, with Judah, that the inhabitants of Seir have been utterly destroyed. Thousands of dead bodies have fallen to the earth. None escaped. This is but one of myriad biblical events that fulfill the Psalmist's joyous hope of the day when his people's feet will be dipped in the blood of their enemies. Blood, as Zephaniah says, that will pour out like dust (Zeph. 1:17). Blood, as the Psalmist says, that the dogs will lap*up (Ps. 68:23)."

GOD: "yay, roll in the blood of your enemies!"

"Not long after that old Abraham is prepared to cut the throat of his beloved son, on God's inscrutable orders, intended to make Abraham prove himself. Yet another pervasive and powerful Sunday school lesson devoid of all the implications of what would have happened if God's angels had not stayed Abraham's hand (Gen. 22:9-13)."

GOD: "psyc! Just kidding abe, I just wanted to make sure you'd murder for me... we're cool, you can go home now."

Don't get me started about the killing of all those egyptian babies... those examples are just the smallest tip of a bloody iceberg. What can I say, when you're right, you're right David F. The bible is clearly all just fluffy love and cheek turning.
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