Is Islam Racist & Violent?

buffys said:
against islam randolfo isn't that you point out it's flaws because they are many and deserve to be looked at,
flaws, what flaws? cut your tongue out, or chop your fingers, you, you infidel, you.

according to its followers, islam is without flaw, it is "perfect", so there :p
Update on the "peaceful" CULT of beheading...

Saudis Say They Found American's Head

Why was it in the freezer? Stored away for later propaganda use? From
AP, RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - The head of slain American
hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr., who was kidnapped and decapitated by
militants in Saudi Arabia
Kiwi123 said:
Update on the "peaceful" CULT of beheading...

see, why do you do that? Is your point of view so flimsy you need to put ridiculous words into the mouths of your opponents? I have yet to hear even the most extreme left wing liberal describe the groups beheading people as peaceful.
To all the Muslims in this thread, why do you have to defend your cause? It doesn't matter what they think of your religion but it's what you think of your religion. Who cares what you think? And why do you always have to argument with what the Christians did wrong if someone claims Islam is bad? Who gives a shit, were talking about Islam here. If you want to talk about Christians, make a seperate thread.
buffys said:
What drives me crazy about your campaign against islam randolfo isn't that you point out it's flaws because they are many and deserve to be looked at, it's that you really don't seem to realize that christianity has similar flaws.

We are talking about Islam here and you guys must always compare it with Christianity. That is weak. Don't you guys have any other (reasonable) arguments?


Christianity is violent but Islam is more violent. And they kill alot of innocent people.
I compare it to christianity because christianity has a remarkably bloody history and I know a lot about it. If I knew hinduism better I might have chosen that to compare but I don't. It's easier to stick with what you know and I know christianity.

I think they are ideal comparisons, deal with it. If you disagree tell me why, moaning that christianity is slightly less brutal is hardly a great defense.
DeeCee said:
I fully agree.
I do find it kinda ironic that a brutal dictatorship with such close ties to the west including overt military and political support is now under threat from a 'terrorist' group founded and funded by a western trained dude.

You couldn't make it up.
Dee Cee

a better statement than "close ties to the west" would be "propped up by the west". STOP THE SUPPORT!!!

many comments on this thread, and others, is about the clerics that entice and encourage the terrorism/states that support terrorism/. why does the western population allow their governments to prop up/support such eastern islamic countries?

people are blaming the poor slob on the street. if eastern governments took action, then they wouldnt be allowed to get this far. but their governments dont and western government turn a blind eye.

after the imperialistic age, the third world countries were left in shambles. such chaos will only result in more chaos. instead of taking the time to educate these countries and bring them up to speed with the rest of the world, they were ignored. and now we see the result.

there is still no funding going to afgahnistan/iraq/many african countries/south america. the world is falling in to the same trap.

with this said, there is no excuse for violence, today or 700 years ago or 3000 years ago. it is sad, as i assume the most on this forum are educated people (if you can read you are a part of a small percetage of the world that can -- and thus educated) and still advocate hatred/violence/contempt/malice/etc.

very sad indeed.
s0meguy said:
We are talking about Islam here and you guys must always compare it with Christianity. That is weak. Don't you guys have any other (reasonable) arguments?


Christianity is violent but Islam is more violent. And they kill alot of innocent people.

just think, if it wasnt for these two religions, i wouldnt have met all the nice people here who already hate everybody without even knowing them.

actually i have noticed many muslims do not even defend. actually, many are embarassed of the actions of "modern day jihadists/muslims" and the direction it is leading. many are hear to voice their opinion of their religion.

it is funny though, because it is mostly christians that are telling muslims what islam is all about and how islam sucks. rather than preach tolerance (which is what i would do if i wanted to spread peace and maybe win some over at the same time), they increase the hate and feed the fire (of course, vice-versa, too). no one seems to accept/answer any questions in to christian beliefs (well, a few do).

Kiwi123 said:
In accordance with the hypocrisy on this board.
Let's see how the reaction is going to be to this thread.

When the global bloody facts speak for themselves on all non Muslims Dhimmis victims worldwide.

What are the actual news all about?

Another Mosque burning, another beheading from the 'religion of beheading', another homicide bombing, another disco bombing in Bali (or anywhere else) another beating to death for being a Christian, another parading with body parts, another wave (after the 2,000,000 are already dead) of enslavement and maiming by Fascistic Arab Muslim Sudan, another decapitation of tourists in the Philippines, another ethnic cleansing of Chinese in Indonesia, another crime on Maluku Islands, more atrocities from "modereate" Saudi Atabian apartheid against non Muslims, more torture against the Christians in Egypt, more discrimination against black non-Arab Egyptians, more torture of students and beheading by the Mullahs of Iran, more racist persecuting of the Berbers in Morocco, more violence from Algerian Arab Muslims one against each other, more violence in Southern Thailand, more threats of poison gas in the UK, more arrests in Singapore, more mass rape on Nigerian Christians, more killing of Christians by Albanians, More violence and crimes in the Netherland and France by (majority are of) Arab Muslim origin, More bloodshed by Chechen 'freedom fighters' coward criminals, more massacres against the Kurds in Syria the Monster, more bloodshed against Christian Lebanese by Arab Muslim Syrians Occpation, more Imams involved in profiting from Prostituion and <"holy"-sic> sex in Italy for Jihadi Terror, another "moderate" Mullah apologizing for 9/11 horror, another Islamo Arab march of dancing and smiling to the victims pain...

Of course Islamo Arabs are just "peaceful" 'freedom fighters', and Pigs fly too.

the usual anti islam propaganda by those who are paranoid... i could easly pick up a western news paper and report the killings of thousands by christians, u'v named a few,what about the 20 000 homocides carried out in the US each year, yes 20 000 murders by christians on there fellow christains, forgotten the Rawandan genocide of the 90s ? over a million massacred by there fellow christians in just 1 week ! christian serbrs slitting the throats of babies in bosnia...i could go on the list is endless..but it doesnt achieve anything....
Kiwi123 said:
Update on the "peaceful" CULT of beheading...

Saudis Say They Found American's Head

Why was it in the freezer? Stored away for later propaganda use?
AP, RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - The head of slain American
hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr., who was kidnapped and decapitated by
militants in Saudi Arabia
because the ones that did this, have no mercy, no morals, they are barbarians dogs, worthy of only eating pig's blood
Randolfo said:
because the ones that did this, have no mercy, no morals, they are barbarians dogs, worthy of only eating pig's blood

I have to agree with you. It is your first post that I agree with. Acutally it is your first logical post.
Randolfo said:
because the ones that did this, have no mercy, no morals, they are barbarians dogs, worthy of only eating pig's blood

"bacon tastes goood, pork chops tastes gooood" -- Vincent, Pulp Fiction. :p
skywalker said:
I have to agree with you. It is your first post that I agree with. Acutally it is your first logical post.
why thanks, I think :confused:
Knife said:
"bacon tastes goood, pork chops tastes gooood" -- Vincent, Pulp Fiction. :
bad for muslims, very bad, yuck!!psssssstt!!!!
*"bacon tastes goood, pork chops tastes gooood" -- Vincent, Pulp Fiction*

Words you'll never hear from a Jew!.

Well first of all one needs to understand their literature in order to "judge" if Islam is racist and violent, and at the same time one must also "judge" christian literature to determine if they are the same.

I'll start with the Qua'ran;
The Cow:

Allah has blinded the disbelievers. 17-18
Disbelievers will be burned with fire. 39, 90
Jews are the greediest of all humankind. 96
Only evil people are disbelievers. 99

The Family of 'Imran:

Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, theirs will be a heavy doom. 4
Don't believe anyone who is not a Muslim. 73
Don't be friends with non-Muslims. They all hate you and want to ruin you. 118

The Women:

Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 89
The disbelievers are an open enemy to you. 101
Do not choose disbelievers as friends. 144

Now the Christian bible:


Moses murders an Egyptian after making sure that no one is looking. 2:11
"And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." Who else could be so cruel and unjust? 7:5, 17
God will make sure that Pharaoh does not listen to Moses, so that he can kill Egyptians with his armies. 7:4
God will kill the Egyptian children to show that he puts "a difference between the Egyptians and Israel." 11:7
God encourages the Israelites to steal from the Egyptians. 12:35-36
God favors Israelites "above all people." 19:5


Homosexuals must be executed. 20:13
People with "familiar spirits" are to be stoned to death. But how can we be sure that a person's spirit is too familiar? The good book doesn't say, it just says to kill them. 20:27
Handicapped people cannot approach the altar of God. They would "profane" it. 21:16-23

Oh!! hell by the looks of it, they are both prejudice, and they are both writen with contempt for what they don't agree with.
I could go on & on but what's the use?.

UK: Terror cartoon plunges Blunkett into race row
Now wait a minute. They're up in arms (so to speak) because a cartoon depicts an Arab terrorist? Why does such a cartoon mean that every Arab who wears a beard and Muslim garb is a terrorist? Why must we pretend that the terrorism we face is not a Muslim movement? Why is it "racism" to acknowledge that that is exactly what it is?

From The Independent,

Muslim leaders accused a Home Office terrorism document of being "deeply offensive" about their religion yesterday, plunging David Blunkett into a new race row.
The document - exclusively obtained by The Independent on Sunday - "plays into the hands" of white racists and Islamic extremists by portraying all Muslims wearing beards and traditional headgear as terrorists, they said.

Mr Blunkett should withdraw the "offensive material" - a cartoon in an official presentation by a top Home Office counter-terrorism expert , they said. The cartoon will boost the cause of Muslim militants who argue that parts of the Government suffer from "institutionalised Islamophobia", they said.

The row, the latest involving ministers and senior officials, could not come at a worse time for the Home Secretary, who is pressing for a new offence of inciting religious hatred to be written into British law. It follows his announcement last week that leaflets preparing the public for terrorist attacks are soon to be distributed to every home in the country.

The cartoon depicts a bearded and stereotypically dressed Arab instructing apparently gormless colleagues in suicide bombing. It formed part of a slide presentation given by Graham Lippiatt, a senior official in the Home Office's terrorism and protection unit, addressing the threat of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks.
Iraq Church Bombs Response to 'Crusader War' - Claim

Evil, corruption, immorality, and ... evangelization. Books about the Holocaust. And all this blessed by the Pope, yet. Never mind that he has spoken out consistently against the war. Why let facts stand in the way of paranoia? It's all no doubt part of a huge Zionist plan of deception. From Reuters: (

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (Reuters) - A group in Iraq claimed responsibility Monday for a series of church bombs this weekend in a statement posted on a Web site, saying they were a response to the U.S. "crusader war" and evangelization.

"You wanted a crusader war, so these are the results. ... We warned you," the statement by a little-known Islamist group calling itself the Planning and Follow-Up Organization in Iraq said on a site where a number of claims have been posted in recent weeks.

"We were able Sunday to direct several painful strikes at the dens of evil, corruption, immorality and evangelization."

Iraq accused al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi earlier Monday of carrying out the coordinated bombings, saying the militants wanted to drive Christians out of the country....

Car bombs Sunday hit at least five churches in Iraq, including four in Baghdad. Police defused two more bombs outside other churches, one in Baghdad and the other in Mosul. The attacks killed at least 11 people and wounded 55.

"America didn't only occupy and militarily sweep Muslim countries, it also set up hundreds of evangelization organizations and printed books about the Holocaust and distributed them in Muslim countries to wrench Muslims from their religion and make them Christians," the statement said.

"The wars now in Iraq and Afghanistan are hateful crusader wars against Muslims by America and its minions, with the blessing of the Pope who has the leaders of America between his hands like slaves," it said.

Of course it's easy for Islamo Arab Militant Fascists to pick on the little minority "infidels" in the middle east, but we know they mean all of us,,,
1 billion Muslims: ~95% of them will try to convert me.
2 billion Christians: ~50% of them will try to convert me.
20 million Jews: ~10% of them will try to convert me.
1 billion Hindus~1% of them will try to convert me.

This is not illusion , we all know this is the mentallity of these 4 major religions.... the more is the %wish to convert others, the more voilent and racist will be that religion in the minds of others.

islam has crossed all limits because of the wish in the minds of its followers to convert others and i think this is the main and only reason why islam produce 90% of world terrorists.

the map posted by kiwi123 clearly proves that in every major conflict one party is muslim...why only muslim vs. christians , jews , hindus?.....why?why?why? islam has to shed its desire to convert others or time is not far , history proves that.....such a threat to humanity is always defeated.

Remember , more is the wish to convert others by sword or by any means reflects more is the insecurity within u about the life of ur religion and hence more weak is the soul of that religion. :m:
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