Is Islam Racist & Violent?

DeeCee said:
The way things are going, Vienna, the next person to commit a globally advertised mass murder is most likely to be me.:)

IMHO the war on terror is a contrived crock of shite that should never have been allowed to happen. OBL is ours, we made him we could have dealt with him a long time ago. He should be isolated and marginalised but no, we choose to turn him into the new Saladin.
Way to go dickheads :rolleyes:

If I'm wrong and the current state of world affairs really is down to some scholars misreading of the Quaran, then I offer the following advice.

You can't destroy the Islamic machine.
You work on it's operators.
Dee Cee

Yeah Dee Cee - There's more to terrorism than plain good ol' Islam. Operation Cyclone played a huge part in the initiation of terrorism today albeit it is all based around Islam. 9/11??? Was Afganistan carpet bombed to lay the pipelines huh? So many lose threads here.....

"carpets of gold" - the pipeline.

Operation Cyclone

There has never been an independent inquiry in the events of 9/11.

Questions are being asked.

As for the operators and the machines I vote we flatten the whole fucking factory - then we can all get some peace. ;)
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Vienna said:
There's more to terrorism than plain good ol' Islam. Operation Cyclone played a huge part in the initiation of terrorism today albeit it is all based around Islam. 9/11??? Was Afganistan carpet bombed to lay the pipelines huh? So many lose threads here.....
Ah Vienna my lil strudel, I see you're back and in form as per usual. :D

Anywho, there has always been a question that I've wanted to ask you Vienna and I always forget to. But my memory has kicked back in somewhat and it's back in my mind. So here goes...

What if it wasn't a Muslim who flew those planes into the WTO on 9/11? What if it had been a Christian, Hindu, Jew, etc? What if it had been an athiest? What then? Would we be in the moral panic that we see today when it comes to Muslims?
timothy mcveigh did not wrap a towel around his head. therefore, he is one of us. secretly, we kinda admire him. kicked some righteous govt ass!

it is homegrown and it rocks, baby!
You admire someone who killed that many innocent people, many of whom were children in a child care centre in the building?
Bells said:
Ah Vienna my lil strudel, I see you're back and in form as per usual. :D

Anywho, there has always been a question that I've wanted to ask you Vienna and I always forget to. But my memory has kicked back in somewhat and it's back in my mind. So here goes...

What if it wasn't a Muslim who flew those planes into the WTO on 9/11? What if it had been a Christian, Hindu, Jew, etc? What if it had been an athiest? What then? Would we be in the moral panic that we see today when it comes to Muslims?

Hello sweetpea ;)

There are too many unanswered questions laying around but ultimately - it was Muslims who carried out 9/11. Muslims have openly threatened the UK whilst living here in my country. I am totally against anyone or anything that threatens my country - and anyone who threatens my country be it Muslims, Martians or people from the land of Zod - I will fight them. Muslims have threatened my country - I didn't threaten them. They have called for the death of Tony Blair, they burn the Union Flag in public, they display hate towards the native Brits and threaten to terrorise this country in the very near future. We have lived side by side in the town where I live, but they want more than that, they want to destroy the British identity - they want to increase the number of Muslims living here and ultimately turn Britain into a Islamic state - it ain't going to happen.

I want Britain to retain it's identity which has been thrown to the wind by the government and it's political correctness and the favour of the ethnic minorities over the native Brits. This has created animosity in this country. The Government and the ethnic minorities are not gonna steal the Identity of my country - I will fight democratically and I have postal voted for the BNP ( British National Party) in the election which is ongoing at the moment - the actual voting day is June 10th - I would advise anyone who is living in Britain who wants to keep the British identity and not see it turned into a Islamic state to vote BNP too.
It is the Islamo Arab leaders in the West's off-record or on-record, [in Arabic or in English] support for Jihadi bloodshed, that is boosting up the Euro-Nationalists.
Hathor said:
timothy mcveigh did not wrap a towel around his head. therefore, he is one of us. secretly, we kinda admire him. kicked some righteous govt ass!

it is homegrown and it rocks, baby!

Your comments reveal a lot about you - dumbass!

Timothy McVeigh is just another sick religious nutter - and a danger to a peaceful society. Dam aren't there enough religious nutters in the world - shoot them all.
you guys say that christians and muslems are just about as bad as each other.. well lets pull out the score card then...

Christians - A. In school we are tought that all muslems must die..
B. that only right way is the christian way...
C. that politicly correct comes before all else...
D. that war is evil and killing is wrong and should be stoped...
E. A and B
F. C and D

Muslems - A. In school we are tought that all non muslems must die..
B. that only right way is the muslems way...
C. that politicly correct comes before all else...
D. that war is evil and killing is wrong and should be stoped...
E. A and B
F. C and D

you also pull out our past... saying that we are just as bad... ya you forget at the same time you said that we where so bad that you guys where killing each other anyway... because the did not like how one group was interpreting the coran... Guess what your still doing it.... and hitler was a christaian but he did not kill in the name of god he set up a athiast state... well that one goes out the window... now lets try the KKK... started soon after the civil war... and hit there high in the 50 early 60's and now have mostly died out... You know why???? because as a group we know its wrong... in the states and showed him diffent pictures of bad things black guy being killed by linching, white guy being deheaded, pictures of S&M photo's of arab guy's whats the white going to say ... odds are question 1 wrong bad evil, question 2 wrong bad evil, question 3 wrong sick humm I might pay for that.... ooo I mean evil.... now you do the same thing form a arab from the middle east.... reply to question 1 Is he muslem... no the infidile must die... yes ooo thats wrong the infidiels that did this must pay... reply to question 2 he got what was comming to him... reply to quesiton 3 ooo the the atrositys its the most evil thing i have ever seen.... all christians must die for this....

both sides have the capasity for evil.... but guess what we are raised to question what our leaders say... to make moral jugments on our own... here is another example.....

some arab cleric get arressted.... charges dont mater.... what do arabs do... they march and hold riots...

now amarican preacher gets arrested.... agine charges dont mater what do christians do... they ask what he did and based on evidence if there is any they may pray for him but guess what they dont riot they dont go around chanting saying they want to kill people because of a holy man being arrested.....

amaricans dont march in general or riot we look at things sencebly...
few cases differ the ones where minority groups wig out over small things...

lets take the LA riots.... black man killed by white officers... beating.... what happend LA was looted and burned...

now lets change it up... white man killed by black officers... beating.... if this did not happen in the south.... then guess what nothing would happen... I'm sure the numbers of hate crims would go up but no rioting no looting... we would mown a bit and it would soon leave the news....

here is the plain simple truth.... muslims from birth are trained to follow orders from the chirch.. and never quesiton.... as seen on the abc report about a school where the kids are tought from age 5 up to teens out of the coran every day all day long and pounded into there heads that there way is the only way.....

and for christians in the states?.... chirch and state are totaly appart... shoot I think goverment is trying to get rid of it all togeather... in the sake of being PC.... and guess what we are told to question everthing.... to try to seek the truth... even though if its handed to us we might exept it as truth... and that even if we dont like others they have the right to live... but we can only be pushed so far.... japan learned that very quickly... and it will happen agine with muslems... the rounding up and putting them in camps because we thought out of fear that because they are trained from birth to follow the orders of there empior and that he is a god on earth that they would do anything that japan asked of them... humm sounds alot like muslems dont it?... when some muslem group attacks us agine odds are with nukes... odds are we will round up the muslims in this country and put them in camps and then because of the nature of muslims odds are they will wig out because of this and cry holy war and nuke us agine or try somthing else which will involve us invading another arab country... odda are iran.... and the people will fight us... then some stupid arab will say we will fight to the last man and distroy the USA and all the infidiels in the world we will rain holy fire on your citys.... then some stupid amarican will go the time has come people this is no longer a fight between people dealing in terror... and the U.S. trying to stop it... its now a fight for the servial of our way of life.... and we all know what happens when them words are said to the U.S. people... germany and japan both know... but they had it easy... we did not consider civians in there countrys as combatats... once we took ground... besides policing actions... but in a war between christians and muslems all muslems will be considers combatants.... and I'm sorry to say it... but even if every muslem in the world got together and on mass and invaded the states with there RPG's and AK-47 there is no way ligistalcy that they could win.... yes they could nuke a few citys... but do they really want to open that box that the USA will close...? the USA will only take muslim majoraty hiding the fantics before we will reach a braking point and be forced by the muslims around the world to wipe them off the face of the earth...

here is also a little tid bit you all should like.... the average income of the people that died in 9/11 was 150,000 a year.... the average income of a muslem is 1500 a year so just in the pure lose of money we shoud be killing 38 million muslems before pay back for 9/11 is payed off in full.... I think we still got a ways to go there are still a estimanted 28 thousand terrorest from alkida training camps still running around...

take it as you will but in my eyes.... I would say the world would be a far better place with the USA leading the way then the world being ruled by muslems...
Vienna said:
Hello sweetpea ;)

There are too many unanswered questions laying around but ultimately - it was Muslims who carried out 9/11. Muslims have openly threatened the UK whilst living here in my country. I am totally against anyone or anything that threatens my country - and anyone who threatens my country be it Muslims, Martians or people from the land of Zod - I will fight them. Muslims have threatened my country - I didn't threaten them. They have called for the death of Tony Blair, they burn the Union Flag in public, they display hate towards the native Brits and threaten to terrorise this country in the very near future. We have lived side by side in the town where I live, but they want more than that, they want to destroy the British identity - they want to increase the number of Muslims living here and ultimately turn Britain into a Islamic state - it ain't going to happen.
I understand where you're coming from in regards to the threats and the flag burning, but Muslims aren't the only ones who have done this. I've seen many an Irish burn the union jack and wish death upon the PM. Many of the Muslims who live in the UK probably disagree with such actions and they probably disagree or are just as frightened by any terrorist threat hanging upon the UK.

Not all of the ethnic minority are out to destroy your identity. Most of them probably wish to adopt the British identity because of what they think it stands for. I'm an immigrant to my home country and I have lived here for nearly 24 years now. I love this place and would defend it with all I had left. I haven't tried to distort the identity of this country. I'm one of the many who are fighting for the rights of the true people of this land. But not all people are fundamentalists Vienna.

Now my lil strudel, no need to tell us who you voted for :p... You've been telling us for a long long time now that you will vote BNP. But just keep in mind that not all minorities are out to get you. Most of them would probably fight alongside you if need be.

Hathor said:
your slur offends
honor demands i challenge you for a duel.
on guard, cur!
Hathor, how manly of you. But if you're going to fight anyone with such a short sword, it would probably be a barbie doll.

shadarlocoth said:
take it as you will but in my eyes.... I would say the world would be a far better place with the USA leading the way then the world being ruled by muslems...
Yes, they've led the way so well that they've led us right into a war where hundreds if not thousands of innocent people are dying. Give me a break. The US and Bush could not lead a camel to water. :rolleyes:
take it as you will but in my eyes.... I would say the world would be a far better place with the USA leading the way then the world being ruled by muslems...
Your comparing a country to a religion, i'd feel no more comfortable being ruled by christians than muslims.
here is also a little tid bit you all should like.... the average income of the people that died in 9/11 was 150,000 a year.... the average income of a muslem is 1500 a year so just in the pure lose of money we shoud be killing 38 million muslems before pay back for 9/11 is payed off in full.... I think we still got a ways to go there are still a estimanted 28 thousand terrorest from alkida training camps still running around...
So its not about how many they killed its because they are earning more and therefore worth more, how can you put a price on life? And as for loss of money statement economically the USA has lost nothing as far as their wages are concerned, the families have lost out but more than that they have lost someone important to them, i think you meant the ammount of damage done is what should be dealt back, because your reasoning is flawed otherwise.
Bells said:
I understand where you're coming from in regards to the threats and the flag burning, but Muslims aren't the only ones who have done this. I've seen many an Irish burn the union jack and wish death upon the PM. Many of the Muslims who live in the UK probably disagree with such actions and they probably disagree or are just as frightened by any terrorist threat hanging upon the UK.

Not all of the ethnic minority are out to destroy your identity. Most of them probably wish to adopt the British identity because of what they think it stands for. I'm an immigrant to my home country and I have lived here for nearly 24 years now. I love this place and would defend it with all I had left. I haven't tried to distort the identity of this country. I'm one of the many who are fighting for the rights of the true people of this land. But not all people are fundamentalists Vienna.

Now my lil strudel, no need to tell us who you voted for :p... You've been telling us for a long long time now that you will vote BNP. But just keep in mind that not all minorities are out to get you. Most of them would probably fight alongside you if need be.

Hi Bells

They wouldn't fight alongside me - in fact many Muslims who live here went to Iraq and Afganistan to fight against the allies - then came back to Britain to continue living here - That is treason.

Muslims aren't out to get me personally, but they do want to change this country, for example. even some British building societies have taken on board Islamic loans in compliance with the Sharia law ( Just an example of thousands I can mention). Attacks on white people have been hushed up and not reported in newspapers, racism is a one way street here but it's all coming out now thank God. The political correct do-gooders are hopefully breathing their last. Islamic politics are affecting this country so much now that the British public have had enough - it's time to act.

If I were to burn an Islamic flag in the middle of London and chant racist remarks towards Muslims I would be arrested on the spot and imprisoned. Yet Muslims are allowed to do exactly the same but against the British, and nothing is done. Abu Hamza is in custody now, but that was because of Americas actions - not British. There is something very sick with a British government that cannot or will not protect the people of Britain, it will not protect the identity of British ethnicity and its heritage against the influx of muslim immigrants and their aim to change this country. It is happening all over Europe and some European countries have taken the initiative, but Britian at the moment is being led by a weak willed government who follows America at the snap of a finger, it will not last long. Bring the elections on - No more illegal wars - No more immigrants - Keep the British currency and stay away from the European Union. I'm not messing about, I will fight tooth and nail.

I could go on Bells, but I think you get the picture. :)
iam just stating it how it was posted origonaly... but really the price of life in the world is cheep... we are all cattle... thats all it brakes down 2... the masses dont matter there only reason for being around is to lift the rich of the world onto its shoulders so they can live it up at the cost of human lives some where else.... think of it this way you work all of your life for what exactly? its all just slavary but with nice slave corders... its all a illusion of freedom... the problem is your the slave of sociaty... not to a person or country...

people die all the time... somthing like 1 person dies every 90 seconds USA... thats 960 people a day.... humm... how many people have died in the gulf on the US side.... they are all complaining about the cost of the war is to hight in human lives.... we lose more very day.... but no one cares.... in the third world its more like 1 person dies every 15 seconds... life is cheep you need to get over it...
Hathor said:
your slur offends
honor demands i challenge you for a duel.
on guard, cur!

Anytime you are ready - go for it.

Duel me - I could do with a laugh!
shadarlocoth said:
iam just stating it how it was posted origonaly... but really the price of life in the world is cheep... we are all cattle... thats all it brakes down 2... the masses dont matter there only reason for being around is to lift the rich of the world onto its shoulders so they can live it up at the cost of human lives some where else.... think of it this way you work all of your life for what exactly? its all just slavary but with nice slave corders... its all a illusion of freedom... the problem is your the slave of sociaty... not to a person or country...

people die all the time... somthing like 1 person dies every 90 seconds USA... thats 960 people a day.... humm... how many people have died in the gulf on the US side.... they are all complaining about the cost of the war is to hight in human lives.... we lose more very day.... but no one cares.... in the third world its more like 1 person dies every 15 seconds... life is cheep you need to get over it...

You might think your life is cheap buddy boy - but I value mine.
people die all the time... somthing like 1 person dies every 90 seconds USA... thats 960 people a day.... humm... how many people have died in the gulf on the US side.... they are all complaining about the cost of the war is to hight in human lives.... we lose more very day.... but no one cares.... in the third world its more like 1 person dies every 15 seconds... life is cheep you need to get over it...
Thats because many of those deaths at home are unavoidable, likewise many people are born and nobody cares.
think of it this way you work all of your life for what exactly? its all just slavary but with nice slave corders... its all a illusion of freedom... the problem is your the slave of sociaty... not to a person or country...
I work for money because without it i'd be unable to buy food, eventually i will find a job i enjoy and then i will be getting payed for doing something i wanna do, to an extent we are free but never completely unless we grow our own food, build our own house etc.
just making a generalzation.... people die... people are used up and discared like trash.... its the way the world has worked sence man walked and talked... the strong crushing the weak under there boots....

to truely make the world a better place we need to do is edit all the books get rid of all religens then get all the kids of the world togeather in some small area of the world around age 2 and have a custodians take care of them teaching them the tree hugging hippy ways... and let them live like that for a few gearations aliminating anyone that shows any bad traits and let them all screw tell they are all one color... one size... one language... one hair color one eye color... you get the basic idea... tell all that is left is tan people that are all tree huggning hippys then teach them all the diffent skills they will need then the rest of the world needs to be cleanzed kill everone off leaving no one alive... no history of past hatreds or religians... a clean slate if you will... you cant hate some one that looks like you and thinks like you and acts like you .... umm... cookie cutter robots..... tastie....
people die all the time... somthing like 1 person dies every 90 seconds USA... thats 960 people a day.... humm... how many people have died in the gulf on the US side.... they are all complaining about the cost of the war is to hight in human lives....
Very true!
15-20 thousand Americans are killed every year by.... Americans!
and they go to war on the Muslims!
LoL :D

Hey you smart boys all know just how much the Pentagon props up the economy now, don't you?
Dee Cee
just making a generalzation.... people die... people are used up and discared like trash.... its the way the world has worked sence man walked and talked... the strong crushing the weak under there boots....
Where the fuck are you from man?
The place sounds pretty fucked up.
If was you I'd move to Europe. the people are much more civilised there.

What's the opposite of "Rose tinted spectacles?"
Dee Cee
shadarlocoth said:
F. C and D
here is also a little tid bit you all should like.... the average income of the people that died in 9/11 was 150,000 a year.... the average income of a muslem is 1500 a year so just in the pure lose of money we shoud be killing 38 million muslems before pay back for 9/11 is payed off in full.... I think we still got a ways to go there are still a estimanted 28 thousand terrorest from alkida training camps still running around...
and what about the money Iraq have lost beacause of the US? before sanctions, Iraq was one of the richest and morden cities in the ME. it had high literacy rates and some of the lowest infant moratlity in the world. 93% of the population had accseess to modernised medical care for free.

after sanctions Iraq's econonmy was completly destroyed, MILLIONS lost there jobs, beacame homeless and died.. Iraq lost everything and over 1,000,000 people died, mainly new born babies and chiuldren as a result of starvation and lack of medical care.
Iraq went from some of the lowest ifanct moratlity to the one of the highest. i dont see Iraqis getting any compensation

so you want Muslims to pay for America but shouldnt America pay for capatilaism(well the American version) and its exploiation of other countries?

and America exploits practically all Muslim countries resources (and other Non Muslim countries) and supports the dicatators and terrorists and then decides to have wars against them.

the US spends approxametly $1 BILLION a day on weaopns and miltatry but can not pay back the UN $400 million for peacekeeping missions.

America has placed puppet govermants all around the world. in Haitai, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, America has made sure that France does not pay back $21 Billion dollars of debt to this poor and starbing country and is making sure it capitaliszes on the Carabeian by using thigs like the FTAA which gives full control to latin american welath and trade to America and makes unfair trade prices.

really i feel sorry for Freemason America, after it falls from a super power, which would propbably be before 100 years from now, then the next super power will have no mercy on the US and will exploit, kill and maim the US just as the US does to others.