Is Hell for Real?

most of the time people become atheist bcuz of wat has happened in their life. some people start to blame god for their problems. since they believe in god they no he is a higher power and cant do nething bout it. so if they deny that jesus was a human being and god they have nothing to hate and then they dont worry about god nemore. it makes them feel better about themselves. this is with only some people im not sayin all or a big majority. ive seen it happen to people. and if they dont believe in god then wat is their motive to making us non-believers???
stuff057: i agree with woody. atheists are god haters thats why u are in here tryin to tell us there is no god. thats ur motive.
M*W: Let me make it easy for you. You can't hate something that doesn't exist. However, you and woody have proven once again that xians are the delusional fucks we atheists hate.
Woody, you're the most amusing spammer we've had in a while. Since it is too much bother to refute your crap, I'll let a George Carlin quote be my reply to your BS:

Religion: If this [word] offends you, welcome to the world of sane and realistic critical thought. More harm has been done to the collective human psyche by religion than by all the fucking and cocksucking since the dawn of time. By the way, many religious people (including the ordained) fuck and suck each other's cocks all the time.
-- George Carlin
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well medicine woman then y are u wasting ur time tryin to make us not believe. and no i dont believe in god bcuz i fear hell. i havent always believed in god but it was the only the rational way for me to find the reason of life.
"By the way, many religious people (including the ordained) fuck and suck each other's cocks all the time." No1 ever said that believers were perfect.
I get this distinct impression that stuff057 is in actuality Woody himself under a new guise. I can't say I have much evidence, but Woody and stuff057 of all people should understand just how irrelevant evidence is.

If that is the case my contempt is growing swiftly. To think that a servant of god could be so cowardly, so quick to judge and ignore the book he claims is the book above all else. To show such flagrant disregard for anyone who doesn't meet his criteria, and to dismiss them as evil, hell bound individuals. To forget the most paramount of jesus' laws: love thy neighbour, and go against it as if he were satan himself.

I am scared for todays children growing up surrounded by these sick depraved people. Those so fast to preach love for all, and the very last to actually listen to it.

As an atheist I do not hate god, because to me there is no god to hate. It is parallel to saying a theist hates leprechauns. There is no animosity, hatred or contempt for any fantasy beings my mind can conjure up. Humans however do not have the luxury of being unseen and unheard. When one has the audacity to happily cast aside his fellow man, to condemn that man to all manner of unforseen pains and evils, to happily walk over anyone who doesn't think exactly like they do, or indeed agree to everything they say, that person has not earnt the right to think himself better than scum.

I detest the very manner by which some will use gods name to hate everyone they encounter and to cause absolute disharmony and intolerance for anyone outside of their collective.

And I resent the notion that this is what I am supposed to be aspiring to achieve. These people actually want and demand that I be like them, that I too stoop into a life of self righteousness and absolute intolerance for everyone else.

And when they try to use Hitler and atheists in the same sentence, it seems more apparent to say Hitler and christians in the same sentence. You're both after the exact same thing, you just don't acknowledge it. While many of us live for the betterment of mankind, the christian lives for the betterment of himself, and himself alone.

He does not care about improving 'life', but about improving his 'afterlife' at the cost of anyone who dares stand in his way. Unrelenting in his abuse of humanity and his lowering the values of mankind, he will go merrily on his way stepping on everyone elses heads just to get there. And while he stands on the street corner shouting "judgement day is coming" to all who walk by, he knows deep in his heart that it doesn't matter if anyone listens, as long as he gets the prize. It is the most selfish, the most self serving ideal in the history of mankind.

I'm unsure exactly why I started this rant, but as if by a miracle it seems I have described hell better than anyone else could muster.
I really hope stuff057 and woody are the same person, but if they arnt then at least we get twice the laughs, maybe if everyone repeats it enough they'll get it, you cannot hate something you dont believe exists, but maybe im in denial and hate blue and green zebras after all :rolleyes:
Oh, this'll be fun. Woody,

By who's authority doest thou speak thou great and mighty snakelord?

Oh no, Woody hath opened a can of Biblical on SnakeLord's ass. Watch out!

And by the way, thou hast spelt "dost" wrong. It's "thou dost", not "thou doest". Learn Elizabethan English.

You don't want a place where evil people like you get punished.

No, we don't believe in a place where evil people get punished. Whether or not ya wanna think so, there's a difference.

As I said before it really doesn't matter what a person believes about hell. The end result is the same.

Yeah, we all end up rotting in the ground . . . or scattered across the ground if ya prefer to be cremated.

Denial in someone's mind doesn't make something exist or cease to exist.

Neither does believing in it.

In the end everyone finds out the answer.

You go ahead and think that.

Hell is a place where Hitler, Jack the Ripper, serial killers,devil worshippers, and haters of God (athiests) get to spend their eternity.

Gandhi is there too. Think about that.

Oh, and how can someone that doesn't believe that God exists hate God? How can ya hate something that isn't there?

You love pornography. What kind is it you like? It is a disease from hell. You are hooked on it -- Face the facts.

Ooh, lovely example of a Straw Man.

You are in denial about God, that is why you hate him.

It's impossible to hate something that one believes doesn't exist.

That is why you are here, so you can find comfort in others that think the same way.

Lookie lookie, another Straw Man.

Atheists hate God -- that is the real reason they don't believe isn't it?

Let me ask you something, Woody, and please answer. Do you believe in leprechauns?

Have you ever seen a radio wave pavlos? How do you know it exists?

Radio waves can be detected with scientific instrunemts. God can't.

The little dead man is the grim reaper, better known as death. He works for satan the chief atheistic God hater.

Assuming Satan exists for a bit . . . He possibly does hate God; however, he also believes in him. After all, he was one of his angels. Remember?

There is no difference between atheism and satanism, they both count God as dead.

Actually, Satanism counts God as dead — I actually dunno about that for sure kuz I'm not familiar with Satanism — but Atheism counts God as never having existed in the first place.

There is a difference. Look in a dictionary sometime.

I found God in my own heart.

Eww, ya have a parasite! Go to the doctor and have that removed, lest ya have a heart attack.


You are in denial.

Actually, you are.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

You [SnakeLord] are the fool.
medicine woman,

the same is true of you.

Matthew 5:22. ;)

Who's in deep shit? Thou art. :D

Does this forum allow you to put words in someone else's mouth?

Ya mean like you have?

I must go study for an exam.


I can come back . . .

. . . Aww.
no were not the same people so more laughs for u. ok u say im the same as hitler but all i am doin is tryin to save u. and plz tell me ur motive for tryin to make me not believe.
Uh oh, there's another little bugger running around. And a new one too. Stuff057,

i agree with woody. atheists are god haters thats why u are in here tryin to tell us there is no god. thats ur motive.

Lordy, another SciForumer that can't spell or capitalize or punctuate for shit. Why can't ya learn how to type?

Read what I and other SciForumers have said to Woody. And let me ask you (not "u") something, and please answer. Do you believe in leprechauns?

What makes you think we have a motive?

. . . if they dont believe in god then wat is their motive to making us non-believers???

wat is UR motive to making us believers???

well medicine woman then y are u wasting ur time tryin to make us not believe.

I'm sorry . . . Was that a question? I honestly can't tell . . . There isn't a question mark to be found. And I can't tell if there's an interrogative pronoun in that sentense, such as "why".

i havent always believed in god but it was the only the rational way for me to find the reason of life.

This is the only rational way ya could think of?! Sad. Please look at [Thread=44238]this thread[/Thread].

. . . plz tell me ur motive for tryin to make me not believe.

plz tell me UR motive for tryin to make us believe.
Medicine Woman said:
However, you and woody have proven once again that xians are the delusional fucks we atheists hate.

It's wrong to call sciforums an intelligent community...

...They seem to be the same person...
and plz tell me ur motive for tryin to make me not believe.

I haven't tried to make you not believe. You, (Woody), asked a question about whether hell was real or not. I left a very simple one word reply, (no), to which I got condemned to hell by you, (Woody). I didn't try to get you to no longer believe in god or heaven or hell.. I assume you're a grown individual so you can do and believe in whatever you want. I have that same right, and yet when I tried, the very first statement out of your, (Woody's), mouth was: "by who's authority does thou speak?", as if my right to opinion, my right to freedom of speech is non-existant unless I happen to agree with you, (Woody), 100%.

Besides, being the kind of individual I am, I wouldn't even dare attempt to persuade you into my beliefs without a hell of a lot of supporting evidence. This is where you and I differ.

all i am doin is tryin to save u.

By putting people down, by calling them haters, evil people, and affiliating us to Jack the ripper merely because we don't agree with your beliefs? That is some perverse and frankly rather sickening method by which to "save" someone.

Besides, you have absolutely no place to be assuming you are in a position to save anyone, from anything. We could look at it openly and say that it is you who needs to be saved. Saved from the ignorance and intolerance that is taking over your very being, spreading like a cancer throughout the human you once used to be. But is it our place to do that? Is it out place to force our ideals upon you because we see you as lost? Is it really our duty to enforce our beliefs into your life?

Must I spend my life being the victim of those who wish to inflict their ideals upon me without even taking the time to question whether I want these ideals inflicted upon me in the first place? They just assume themselves as the "greater" people and look down upon the rest of us. That is rude.
i really dont care about how im typin. if u can read it why do u care how im typin. u seem to understand everything im sayin. my motive for makin u believe is bcuz thats wat god wants me to do. and the reason i think u have a motive is because a person who is tellin me there is no god shouldnt worry about other people and waste his time.
plz tell me ur motive for tryin to make me not believe.
Personally i couldnt care less what you believe, i cant speak for others however my view is when you decide someone needs 'saving' through conversion and they disagree then you are going to get an arguement.
stuff057 said:
i really dont care about how im typin.

And that's painfully obvious.

stuff057 said:
if u can read it why do u care how im typin.

I'm sorry . . . Was that a question? Lordy, there's no question mark there, but it so looks like a question! Well, I suppose just this once, I'll assume it is.

I care how you're typing because it's just so much easier to read if I don't have to take the time to think, "Okay . . . 'u' means 'you' . . . 'y' means 'why' . . .". Wouldn't you agree?

stuff057 said:
u seem to understand everything im sayin.


stuff057 said:
my motive for makin u believe is bcuz thats wat god wants me to do.

Oh, kinda like how the tooth fairy wants you to put yer tooth under yer pillow?

stuff057 said:
and the reason i think u have a motive is because a person who is tellin me there is no god shouldnt worry about other people and waste his time.

A person who's telling me there is a God shouldn't worry about other people and waste his/her time either.

Btw, ya still haven't answered my question. Do you believe in leprechauns?
"A person who's telling me there is a God shouldn't worry about other people and waste his/her time either." yes i should waste my time because god wants me to show u that he is there. that is why i am wasting my time on u. leprechauns...wat i know about them nah. but if ur such a smart and rational person then y does it take u much effort and time to understand the u=you and y=why? are u happy there is a question mark. do u believe in spirits?