Is Hell for Real?

Woody: There are many positions on Hell, whether it exits or not, and what goes on in Hell. The bible scriptures quote it as an icky place where people crawl around like worms:

When a person dies it really doesn't matter if they believe there is a hell or not, the result is the same.
M*W: First of all, Woody, please show the undisputable truth that hell exists by providing scholastic references. If you can do this, then secondly your quoting lengthy scriptures may be of some minor value.

Thirdly, you directly quoted Jesus through the words of Mark and John. Problem here is, Mark was written some 70 years after Jesus was gone and was influenced by Paul's earlier written epistles. Mark never knew Jesus and neither did Paul. How can you prove those were Jesus' actual words? You can't. The old excuse, "the bible tells me so," doesn't hold water on this forum.

Fourthly, your repetitive copying of scripture instead of your own words is preaching, and it's not allowed here.

There is no such place as hell just as there is no such place as heaven.
Woody said:
You said it yourself.

Only problem is you leave this world without anything to pay with.

Oh, so they don't take credit cards?

Well, I think SnakeLord and Medicine Woman said it quite well.
Woody: Hell is a place where Hitler, Jack the Ripper, serial killers,devil worshippers, and haters of God (athiests) get to spend their eternity.
M*W: Again, Woody, we will need to see proof for your statement. Secondly, your church has obviously lied to you. Atheists absolutely don't hate God. How can you hate something that doesn't exist?

You are in denial.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

You are the fool.
medicine woman,

the same is true of you.

Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

You have no excuse.

Woody: you are right mis-t-high. I will be with the God you hate and you will not.
Medicine Gal,

You don't have to shout!

By the way. Mark the disciple and John Mark the apostle are not the same Mark.
Woody: Pavlos, I see right through your soul, son. You are the little boy and I am the man in your picture.

You love pornography. What kind is it you like? It is a disease from hell. You are hooked on it -- Face the facts.
M*W: You are one delusional fuck. You're an embarrassment to xianity, but it's idiots like you who make us atheists proud.
Ah, this is getting more and more pointless.... so a little bit more will not hurt.

1. You were asked for proof, all you came up was a pointless psalm... way to go.

2. Weak heart? How am I weak? I do not need a god, I do not fear a god, nor do I fear life and death, and whatever might await after I pass away.
But you, you make a weakness a blessing and submit to a god out of fear, overlaying it with a delusional message of love, while you are just afraid to live your live on your own responsibility. Wow yeah, and if you did not know it, a heart is just a muscle... and mine is quite healthy.

By the way, I am not the one who makes excuses.
You are in denial.

What a surprise that when it comes down to it, (like I said in my last post), you wimp out - instead taking the attempted insult method as if that would somehow make me focus my attention elsewhere than on your failure to take up the apparently very simple challenge I left for you.

As for being in denial, I've already explained it clearly for you, but it seems you are incapable of understanding very simple premises. Tell me Woody, is there an invisible $1000 bill floating in front of your face? The chances are you would say "no", to which I could reel off the blathering you have done on your previous posts. You too would be in denial, and I would be very curious as to your reason for saying no.

Tell me Woody, why would you say no?

But I guess if there is a hell, you'll be joining me. I can only imagine the grimace on your face when you get to the pearly gates, god takes one look at your willy and says; "why are you not circumcised, never read my book?"

You'll probably claim that it wasn't neccessary anymore to which god, true scientist that he is, will say "show me where it says you don't need to be circumcised anymore?".

That's just one example, but at the end of the day, I bet you're breaking more of god's laws than the average atheist.

You are the fool.

Matthew 5:22 "Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire."

Oopsie, you're in big shit now.

Shall I save you a spot next to us evil atheists by the giant barbecue?

That is just too funny for words man.. Lol, I'm really laughing my nuts off. Might I advise you spend some time reading the bible and less time judging others?

In fact, it's so amusing to see a religious lunatic doom himself to hell, that I feel this "burning" desire to point it out a few more times. Here we go:

You are the fool.

Matthew 5:22 "Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire."

You are the fool.

Matthew 5:22 "Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire."

You are the fool.

Matthew 5:22 "Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire."

You are the fool.

Matthew 5:22 "Whosoever shall say Thou fool, shall be in danger of hellfire."

Ah, I feel satisfied now. Wear loose clothing man, it's gonna get hot.

Guess the gif at the bottom of your posts is quite apt.
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Woody: itopal, Why don't you be honest with yourself? You are in denial about God, that is why you hate him. That is why you are here, so you can find comfort in others that think the same way. Atheists hate God -- that is the real reason they don't believe isn't it?
M*W: Woody, sciforums is an intelligent community. You just don't fit in.

I see I have stirred up the snake nest once again.

By the way medicine Gal, you don't speak for itopal.

Does this forum allow you to put words in someone else's mouth?

Rather rude aren't you?

I must go study for an exam. I can come back, but it sounds like you don't want me to.

You are right, maybe I don't belong here. Studying for my exam is a better use of my time and my mind.

By the way Pavlos,

I like your sign, it belongs on this forum. Have you read your porn today?

John 3

19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

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Woody: I found God in my own heart. You will never understand this unless you honestly look for him to.

Yes you have a life, but not for long, because it doesn't belong to you, and that is why we die.
M*W: Woody, I was a dyed-in-the-wool, bible-believing, scorch-the-earth christian for many years. Then I found the truth. Christianity is evil, but you people are too dumb and in denial to see your evil addiction.
I see I have stirred up the snake nest once again.

Oh come now, not at all. It's odd though, I can almost smell the fear coming out of your pores. What gets to me though, is for a religious person you certainly judge a hell of a lot, and don't even have the grace to apologise.

You have gone against the very things jesus told you not to, and while I see no personal insult in being called a fool, you have unwittingly given yourself a nice seat by the fire. In this situation it would probably be wise to pray for forgiveness. That would undoubtedly work out better for you if you had the courage and humility to point out your error here and apologise for it.

Instead, like the typical christian, you run for the hills at the very first sign of trouble. Pure and utter cowardice.

And after all that you have the blatant audacity to call others rude.

You have ignored all questions posed and have solely made it your duty to judge everyone you can, and have shown beyond all reasonable doubt that you are not fit to call yourself a christian. You're a true disgrace to the name.

So after all this time telling people they're doomed to hell, (and apparently enjoying the notion), you might just end up tagging along. However, unlike the sickening attitude that you portray here, I would be absolutely apalled if you were to burn for not being perfect.

All I can say now is unlike your god, my god doesn't ever burn his children. There is a land of joy and happiness for us all. You see, my god is all-loving. He does not judge you at all, because he is bigger and better than that. So, come join me in worship of my god and you'll go to heaven regardless to how many times you say 'fool'.

Have a nice day, (and afterlife if possible).
i agree with woody. atheists are god haters thats why u are in here tryin to tell us there is no god. thats ur motive.
Not an atheist myself (more an agnostic) stuff but could you please explain how atheists are supposed to hate something which in thier eyes doesn't exist?