Is Hate Delusional Thinking?

Humans and brains are made of dead matter, there's no magic.
Its one thing to say that humans share the same qualities of rocks in that they are made of matter.

Its something else to say that rocks share the same qualities as humans in that they experience.
Its one thing to say that humans share the same qualities of rocks in that they are made of matter.

Its something else to say that rocks share the same qualities as humans in that they experience.

No matter how you slice it LG, you are a part of the universe. The universe is capable of assembling a tiny bit of its matter into various life forms of which you are one. Hate it or love it, everything you do is the universe's doing.
No matter how you slice it LG, you are a part of the universe. The universe is capable of assembling a tiny bit of its matter into various life forms of which you are one. Hate it or love it, everything you do is the universe's doing.

the universe made me do it.....:D
No matter how you slice it LG, you are a part of the universe. The universe is capable of assembling a tiny bit of its matter into various life forms of which you are one.

I guess the nature of our disagreement is whether the buck stops at the universe

Hate it or love it, everything you do is the universe's doing.
I see

The reductionist's equivalent of "the devil made me do it", eh?
No matter how you slice it LG, you are a part of the universe. The universe is capable of assembling a tiny bit of its matter into various life forms of which you are one. Hate it or love it, everything you do is the universe's doing.
Sounds mystical. But examine the consequences for interpersonal interactions if one truly believes this. If you are angry with what someone does, you are angry at the universe. For example.
Its one thing to say that humans share the same qualities of rocks in that they are made of matter.

Its something else to say that rocks share the same qualities as humans in that they experience.
Are you being intentionally obtuse? :bugeye:
Are you being intentionally obtuse? :bugeye:


I'm not the one talking of rock's experiencing our hand we hold them (#276)

The difference between the rock in the sun and the rock in the shade is, for instance, the temperature of the rock. In that sense the rock 'experiences' your hand.
I hold that our experience is of the same nature, only much more complex.

I'm not the one talking of rock's experiencing our hand we hold them (#276)

The difference between the rock in the sun and the rock in the shade is, for instance, the temperature of the rock. In that sense the rock 'experiences' your hand.
I hold that our experience is of the same nature, only much more complex.
What do you think experience is? It's a cascade of simpler 'experiences' like the one in the rock analogy.
Could you describe for me what events make it possible for you to, say visually, experience a rock?
What do you think experience is? It's a cascade of simpler 'experiences' like the one in the rock analogy.
Could you describe for me what events make it possible for you to, say visually, experience a rock?
once again, to avoid sounding obtuse I think you have to so something more with the word experience other than place it in quotation marks.

Otherwise someone might let drop with the idea that some rocks are more experienced than others or something

once again, to avoid sounding obtuse I think you have to so something more with the word experience other than place it in quotation marks.

Otherwise someone might let drop with the idea that some rocks are more experienced than others or something

So you understand what I'm saying but you just don't agree with my choice of words out of your concern for others? Err..
Tell you what, you may suggest a wording then.
So you understand what I'm saying but you just don't agree with my choice of words out of your concern for others? Err..
Tell you what, you may suggest a wording then.
not really

my initial quibble was ....

So what do you say distinguishes the processes we attribute to "mind" from the physical objects it is experiencing?

You seem to be suggesting that there is no need for distinguishing since physical objects also have recourse for experiencing phenomena.

Once again, its one thing to say that humans share the same qualities of rocks in that they are made of matter.

Its something else to say that rocks share the same qualities as humans in that they experience.

IOW semantically twisting the word "experience" away from ....

the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities

... just so one can include things like rocks seems like a rhetorical crutch.

I mean its not like you here of geologists talking about the experience of rocks in such a fashion.

Or love for that matter? Or a product of delusional thinking? I thought of this when I read SAM's 'Do Atheists have a God Complex' thread this morning. I don't hate theists, I pity them.

How does the thought of hating someone because they are theist, even enter your mind?
Do you pity all who are theist? Why?

Maybe hate is too strong a word but I believe SAM at least detests atheism. Detest being a harbinger of hate.

Hate is strong word, especially on the basis whether one is hated because they are theist or atheist. Atheism, in the true sense of the word has aways been. Most people are atheistic to some degree or other. Modern atheism has taken the title 'atheism' and created an kind of exclusive, godless, religious organisation,creating new divisions.

Hate for someone never seems to be instantaneous. Never hear that "it was hate at first sight'.

You never hear of people falling in hate either.

So it kind of builds momentum. Same with love. Can love and hate be anything other than delusional thinking if the object of these affections doesn't reciprocate.

If we think we love or hate, then i suppose there is a chance of it being 'delusional'.

Getting back to the theist/atheist relationship...who is more likely to hate the other?

It depends on the individuals, not whether they are thest or atheist.

Personally I can't hate the delusional theist.

Would you like to?

Are the deluded more prone to hate? If so, then in a world that's approximately 90% delusional it is not surprising to see a lot of it.

If what you say is true, i would expect to see hate in every aspect of human life, at every moment. Instead I the vast majority of people just trying to be happy but being checked, constantly by the system.

Yes I expect a few theists to see my remarks and take it as a hate-thread, but isn't thinking that thought somewhat hateful of me or at least a step in that direction?

You are fuelled by hate, there is no doubt about that when you read some of your posts. Do you actually hate theists?
No. Because you have no reason to. If you think you do, then you are just a hateful person, and have used theists as a target.
Maybe you should chill, and try and understand God, and theism, instead of jumping on bandwags.
I don't know you, so I have no feeling towards you, and hating you because you are atheist, would be no different than hating someone who cannot play a drumset.

not really

my initial quibble was ....

So what do you say distinguishes the processes we attribute to "mind" from the physical objects it is experiencing?

You seem to be suggesting that there is no need for distinguishing since physical objects also have recourse for experiencing phenomena.

Once again, its one thing to say that humans share the same qualities of rocks in that they are made of matter.

Its something else to say that rocks share the same qualities as humans in that they experience.

IOW semantically twisting the word "experience" away from ....

the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities

... just so one can include things like rocks seems like a rhetorical crutch.

I mean its not like you here of geologists talking about the experience of rocks in such a fashion.
I see you lack any imagination. Never mind then.
Sounds mystical. But examine the consequences for interpersonal interactions if one truly believes this. If you are angry with what someone does, you are angry at the universe. For example.

Basically. The universe has evolved many life forms, they don't always agree with one another. Anger, love, hate are examples of what you can find here, there is nothing mystical about it.
Basically. The universe has evolved many life forms, they don't always agree with one another. Anger, love, hate are examples of what you can find here, there is nothing mystical about it.
No, but my point is that if one truly believed that everyone everyone else was doing was the universe doing it - in a sense this is a form of determinism - why be angry? If one is angry at another piece of the universe, this indicates that part of you does not believe, yet, this idea of yours.
No, but my point is that if one truly believed that everyone everyone else was doing was the universe doing it - in a sense this is a form of determinism - why be angry? If one is angry at another piece of the universe, this indicates that part of you does not believe, yet, this idea of yours.

Sorry Doreen, could you edit your comment? Not sure what you're saying.