Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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God, you must be desperate, trawling the internet to find something that seems to say "change" and "processing" are synonyms. But actually even what you have found does not say that.
Right, it was the very first link that came up on inquiry. You want more?
Completely irrelevant to the subject of this thread, as so much that you have posted has also been.
Are you mad? This is what you said.
For a start, "change" is not a synonym for "processing".
This inability either to distinguish relevance from irrelevance, or to understand the meaning of words, looks increasingly like mental illness.
First: OFF TOPIC! If you want to have a discussion on the use of the English language post it in proper language sub-forum and stop cluttering my thread.
Second; What's, wrong with you? You're losing it. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and say "Write4U is decent fellow, Write4U is a decent fellow, Write4U is a decent fellow".
Trust me, you'll feel better......:)

"Change Is a Process. Change occurs as a process, not as an event"
change, noun
Definition of change (Entry 2 of 2)

1: the act, process, or result of changing: such as
a: ALTERATION a change in the weather
b: TRANSFORMATION a time of vast social changegoing through changes
c: SUBSTITUTION a change of scenery
Processes of change is a major dimension of the Transtheoretical model that enables us to understand how shifts in behavior occur. Change processes are covert and overt activities and experiences that individuals engage in when they attempt to modify problem behaviors. Each process is a broad category encompassing multiple techniques, methods, and interventions traditionally associated with disparate theoretical orientations. Numerous studies have shown that successful self-changers employ different processes at each particular stage of change
The ten processes of change are: consciousness raising, counterconditioning, dramatic relief, environmental reevaluation, helping relationships, reinforcement management, self-liberation, self-reevaluation, social-liberation, and stimulus control.
The processes of change are defined in the table below......more

And perhaps this is easier for you to understand what I mean. Just trying to prevent you from suffering a stress heart attack.
Processes of Change Definition / Interventions
Consciousness RaisingEfforts by the individual to seek new information and to gain understanding and feed-back about the problem behavior / observations, confrontations, interpretations, bibliotherapy.
What is an intervention process? An intervention is a process whereby all the significant members of a person's family get together at the same time, in the same place, to present specific behavior in a loving acceptable way. The experience for everyone involved in an intervention can be a very powerful, life-changing and dramatic event.

I am engaged in the process of changing your consciousness. Is that more relevant than "the process of changing money, or socks, or habits, or attitude, or ignorance, or stubborness, or anything that is amenable to change"? change = process

I think I'm going to try an organize an intervention for you, exchemist. You need it, and I mean this in a positive way.
Maybe we can get you to make an effort to start a process of attitude change.

Can we get back to the topic now? Or are you going to pesrsist in being a real "prick" (not cock) and not engage in your process of change?
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First: OFF TOPIC! If you want to have a discussion on the use of the English language post it in proper language sub-forum and stop cluttering my thread.
When you mangle the English language to try to make your case, then calling out your errors is most definitely on-topic.

Otherwise, why not just say "2+2=5" and shout down anyone who corrects you as being "off-topic"?
Otherwise, why not just say "2+2=5" and shout down anyone who corrects you as being "off-topic"?
Because that would be;
a) Exactly like what you are doing now. If I respond to this , it is YOU who is screaming "OFF TOPIC", OFF TOPIC"!
b) Attributing lies to me. Something I would never do intentionally as you are doing here.
c) Off topic. As you keep reminding me after you rudely steer the thread Off Topic.
d) Incorrect. In all respects as pertains to having a public discussion
e) Not my style. That kind of behavior you are displaying is not worthy of a science forum. Go to Twitter, then you can join Trump in calling everyone "false".
f) It is YOU who is unable to stay in context. The subject here is not Linguistics! I'll be happy to engage you in linguistics in the proper sub-forum. Create it and I'll join you.

The false justifications you use to interrupt and actively attempt to destroy my thread are unworthy of "reasonable" people. Please don't be boorish. It really makes me lose interest in what you have to say altogether, which is too bad.
I used to be eager to see what you have to say. Now you force me to put you on ignore. I consider it a lost opportunity....:(
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In an attempt to salvage some relevancy in this interruption;

morph1, verb
  • 1Change smoothly from one image to another by small gradual steps using computer animation techniques.
  • 1.1n.Undergo or cause to undergo a gradual process of transformation
Microtubule Function in Morphological Differentiation:
The mechanistic analysis of cytoskeletal function in cell morphology began with a series of formative drug interference experiments. Several types of animal cells grow in culture with a relatively symmetric morphology but can be induced to take on their characteristic differentiated shape by changes in their growth media.
Drugs that depolymerize microtubules inhibit the acquisition of differentiated morphology or, in cells that have established morphology, the drugs cause loss of asymmetry. That phenomenology fits well with the typical geometry of the microtubule network in many cells—a radial pattern extending toward the periphery—since it is the periphery of the cell where the motile events that underlie shape change occur.
A straightforward prediction of these results is the existence of molecules that are responsible for motile specializations at the cell periphery and whose localization depends upon intact microtubules. In fact, very few such molecules have been identified. Instead, the predominant cytoskeletal participant in determinants of cell motility and associations with peripheral molecules is the actin cytoskeleton.
For example, bud site selection and growth in S. cerevisiae occur as if they are essentially independent of microtubule functions (Jacobs et al. 1988); rather, they are strongly associated with F-actin structures and functions (Chant and Pringle 1991). An analysis by Mata and Nurse (Mata and Nurse, 1997 [this issue of Cell]) of tea1, a gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, helps bring microtubules back into the picture. The details of the molecule they are studying present a potentially intriguing parallel with microtubule-associated activities in animal cells. microtubules

Back on track.....:)
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f) It is YOU who is unable to stay in context. The subject here is not Linguistics!
You are not entitled to mangle the language in order to make your point.
Change is not a synonym for processing.
Saying wrong things does not help your case.

On the other hand, we are allowed to call out your mangling of the language, because that is a direct rebuttal of your flawed argument.

Again, you can't simply declare that 2+2=5 and not expect people to call you out.

All you have to do to not have your thread constantly interrupted is to stop saying dumb things that need correcting.
Wait. "My" right what? You'
Arm? Foot?
"My" right is your left.
No, You're off topic.
Don't tread on me!
I see ex-military. A veiled threat?
A darned good thing this thread is not about linguistics... :wink:
That is the point. Your "correction is meaningless in context of the thread topic. You're just being a nuisance. Start a linquistics thread and we'll see how I do in linguistics as compared to all other posters here. I see so many spelling errors, if I were to call everybody on their misspelled words, no discussion would ever take place. And that is precisely what's happening here.
I spell a word correctly a hundred time, but the one time I am a little sloppy in my final edit, the misspelled word becomes the NEWS of the day and W4U is officially branded as "illiterate" and "sub-human". This is becoming a clinical obsession with you wannabe science censors.

Don't be so juvenile. Since when did you become the word police?
Moreover, you do realize that everytime you call me on a "bad" word and I show that it is a "good" word in the dictionary, it is you who becomes the fool who does not know his English.[/quote]
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Anyway , continue Write4U .
Thanks for the encouragement, river. It's good to know there are others who are interested in this extraordinary subject of "consciousness" and how it emerges through evolution from the original proto-conscious sensory information processes in the most fundamental life-forms. I don't claim to have the answers, I am only posing the questions, in the hope of finding someone who has actual practical knowledge of the subject(s) under discussion.

People like Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose, Max Tegmark, David Bohm, all heavyweights in their area of expertise, and who have a lifetime experience in theoretical and practical research in the properties and causes of "consciousness", each from their own scientific perspective.
I see my 42 words has triggered a 500-word sploodge from the Write4Ubot - a 12:1 ratio - This is the same one who complains about others derailing his thread.

...W4U is officially branded as "illiterate" and "sub-human".
Well, that's mighty revealing...
The only one who thinks you're illiterate and sub-human ... is you.
I see my 42 words has triggered a 500-word sploodge from the Write4Ubot - a 12:1 ratio - This is the same one who complains about others derailing his thread.
Not until you time and time again complained that I am posting off-topic in response to your miserable mantra;
Off Topic, Off Topic, blah, blah!....
Well, that's mighty revealing...
The only one who thinks you're illiterate and sub-human ... is you.
No that is a completely false conclusion. I do not think I am illiterate (I used to be a proposal writer), and neither do you. Which make the subversive allegations just more egregious.

I said you are branding me with these titles and falsely implying that I have no command of the English language, in addition that I do'n have a clue as to what I am talking about.
As I observed before, your behavior is very Trumpian. And that is a correct observation.

If you deny this, any other reason for your obnoxious behavior makes it just worse. That would make you an intentional saboteur of scientific discussion, contrary to the goal of this forum to encourage lively discussion of interesting science research.

I am posting in the spirit of SciForums; you are Tweeting vulgarities, just like Trump.
But if you think I am going to lie down and roll over, you have a big surprise coming.

I will answer any off topic slur in my thread until some mod will get tired of your juvenile instigations and destructive behavior. Grow up and learn some manners.

I am giving you this time to teach you how civilized people communicate. Learn some civility! But until you show improvement., you are on ignore, with arequest you do no longer post in my thread.
Apparently you have nothing positive to contribute.
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No that is a completely false conclusion. I do not think I am illiterate (I used to be a proposal writer), and neither do you. Which make the subversive allegations just more egregious.
No one suggested you were illiterate or subhuman except you.

scientific discussion,
As has been pointed out to you, by several moderators now, there is nothing scientific about any of this thread. And certainly nothing discussive about it. You are abusing the forum by using it as a blog.

until some mod will get tired
Hey there's an idea - let's count the number of times you've been been warned about this thread versus the number of times I've been warned about this thread.

You've been warned more than ten times as much as I. Sorry, correction: more than a hundred times as much - in fact, more than a thousand times as much as I.

Apparently you have nothing positive to contribute.
And the point you are missing - made by several officials now - is that neither do you.
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A little back ground on the conscious processing of sensory information and other conscious brain activities, processing our awareness of self. Apparently this is regulated by the;
By:Katy McLaughlin, Ph.D. Reviewed by: BD Editors
Last Updated: June 3, 2020
The thalamus is a paired, symmetrical structure that is found at the base of the cerebrum, just above the brain stem. It acts as a relay station in the brain, regulating the flow of information from the spinal cord, brain stem, and other brain regions, to the appropriate location in the cortex.
The thalamus acts in concert with many regions of the brain. Therefore, it and has importance in various functions both in the central nervous system and the limbic system. For example, sensory perception, pain response, and emotional regulation.
Thalamus vs. Hypothalamus
Due to the similarity between their names, the thalamus and the hypothalamus are sometimes confused. However, they are very different structures, and the only reason they have such similar names is because of their location. The hypothalamus is found immediately below the thalamus (hypo- means ‘under’ in Ancient Greek).

The thalamus is found in the centre of the brain
The thalamus is made up of various structures called nuclei, which each contain projections into different parts of the brain. These nuclei all receive and transmit a different type of information. The nuclei are made up of neurons, mostly thalamic relay neurons. There are up to 60 different nuclei that have been identified in the thalamus. These nuclei can be grouped based on their location: anterior, medial, or lateral. Their functions are discussed in more detail below.
Thalamus vs. Hypothalamus
Due to the similarity between their names, the thalamus and the hypothalamus are sometimes confused. However, they are very different structures, and the only reason they have such similar names is because of their location. The hypothalamus is found immediately below the thalamus (hypo- means ‘under’ in Ancient Greek).
The hypothalamus regulates homeostasis throughout the body through its close connection to the pituitary gland. This is distinct from the role of the thalamus, which relays sensory information to the appropriate part of the brain......more

Microtubules are involved in these conscious and unconscious processing of sensory information. MT are controlled "variable" polar coils which transport the information to the brain and from the brain to the body, i.e. the information distribution network and the major part of the brain's information processing is handled by the MT.

For example; Mitosis
Gap 2 After the DNA has been replicated during synthesis stage, the cell enters a second gap stage, known as Gap 2 or G2. During G2 the cell the cell adds volume to the cytoplasm, and replicates many important organelles. In animals, the mitochondria are replicated to provide enough energy for the dividing cell.
In plants, both the mitochondria and the chloroplasts must be replicated to provide the daughter cells with organelles capable of producing energy. G2 extends until the cell enters cell division, seen as the “M” in the diagram above. The cell divides through mitosis, and the sequence starts again. If the cell divides through meiosis, the gamete must become fertilized with more DNA before fully entering into interphase and allowing the cycle to continue.

In all cases, the role of MT is not only essential for the the neural transmission of sensory information, but also physically process all the raw data "necessary" for the gradual emergence of consciousness, from simple chemical reactions to motivated planning of future activities.

Is there any reason why a gradual evolution of sensory experience of reality by any biological organism should be exempt other normal evolutionary processes? Somewhere along the line our hominid brains just kept pace with the required awareness of jungle reality, until a mutation introduced a fundamental departure from the common ancestor and came down from the trees and left the forest altogether to occupy the plains.

This fundamental departure occurred by the fusion of two adjacent ape chromosomes into a single larger human chromosome. All human DNA contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, all other great apes have 24 pr chromosomes in their DNA.
1) The genetic material is duplicated. At this stage, called interphase, the DNA strands are extended and invisible. Although there are still 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans, each one has twice the DNA material compared with a non-dividing cell.
3) The chromosomes become aligned so their centromeres are on the centre of the spindle. At each centromere there are plate structures (called kinetochores) for attachment of microtubules to the centromere. This is metaphase
4) The sister chromatids separate forming a pair of identical chromosomes and are drawn to opposite ends of the cell to the spindle poles. This is anaphase.
The evidence that human chromosome 2 is a fusion of two of the common ancestor's chromosomes is overwhelming.
And the onset of larger brain growth and reasoning powers. A "learning biological sensory data processing network".

Question: are we investigating the possible connection between human chromosome 2 and how it affected the demonstrated simultaneous emergence of the "brainy" ape, which came out of the trees.
Seems like an excellent area of research....:?
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One study of electric activity in brain microtubules. Yet one more piece of the puzzle.
Bundles of Brain Microtubules Generate Electrical Oscillations
Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 11899 (2018)

Microtubules (MTs) are long cylindrical structures of the cytoskeleton that control cell division, intracellular transport, and the shape of cells. MTs also form bundles, which are particularly prominent in neurons, where they help define axons and dendrites. MTs are bio-electrochemical transistors that form nonlinear electrical transmission lines. However, the electrical properties of most MT structures remain largely unknown.
Here we show that bundles of brain MTs spontaneously generate electrical oscillations and bursts of electrical activity similar to action potentials. Under intracellular-like conditions, voltage-clamped MT bundles displayed electrical oscillations with a prominent fundamental frequency at 39 Hz that progressed through various periodic regimes. The electrical oscillations represented, in average, a 258% change in the ionic conductance of the MT structures.
Interestingly, voltage-clamped membrane-permeabilized neurites of cultured mouse hippocampal neurons were also capable of both, generating electrical oscillations, and conducting the electrical signals along the length of the structure. Our findings indicate that electrical oscillations are an intrinsic property of brain MT bundles, which may have important implications in the control of various neuronal functions, including the gating and regulation of cytoskeleton-regulated excitable ion channels and electrical activity that may aid and extend to higher brain functions such as memory and consciousness.


Experimental setup to study electrical oscillations of MT bundles. (a) Rat brain MT bundles obtained as reported in the Methods section (DIC x20). (b)Top Panel, DIC image of patch pipette approaching an MT bundle placed over a 2D MT sheet. Bottom Panel, Live immunochemical labeling of MTs by addition of both the anti-α ary antibodies to the preparation shown on Top. Please note that the loose patch connection between the MT bundle and the patch pipette allows backfilling of the pipette with both antibodies. (c)Top Panel, Schematics of the “loose-patch” clamp configuration to obtain electrical properties of MT bundles. The blue curved arrows from the pipette tip indicate leak currents that modify the amplitude of the holding potential applied from the amplifier. Bottom Panel, Schematic of the loose patch circuit applied to the MT surface. Resistances are shown for the pipette (Rpip), patch surface (RMT), seal (Rseal), and CMT represents the capacitive components for the MT surface (see Text for details). The holding potential (Command voltage, Vcmd) and tip potential (Vtip) are different, as expected for the loose patch configuration (See Methods). (d) Time series recording of a patched rat brain MT bundle under symmetrical KCl conditions (both pipette and bath), to which several holding (positive) potentials were applied as indicated in the Figure. Expanded tracings show the increase in amplitude and complexity of the spontaneous oscillations. (e) Time series of a recording held at 7 mV, showing changes in amplitude, spontaneous sudden death, and complete recovery of the oscillatory behavior in the absence of any changes in driving forces. (f)Top panel, Fourier power spectra obtained from (1) unfiltered current tracings from a free-floating pipette before attachment, (2) after attachment to the MT bundle, and (3) same sample after treatment with Taxol (10 μM). Bottom panel, 3D phase-space portraits from spectra shown on Top, indicating limit cycles for the attached sample under control conditions, and much reduced after Taxol treatment. Color code as in Top Panel. Delay time for first and second derivatives adopted for phase portraits was 1 ms.
Copied from ; Unconscious Matter.
Anomaly1 said;
I guess what I’m trying to ask, what affect does anesthetic gas have on particles?
What affect does anesthetic gas have on frequency trying to make contact to the particle?
Would microtubules cease to resonate in an atmosphere of anesthetic gas, And would that directly affect consciousness ?
Better question is: do anesthetics have an effect on microtubule function and therefore affect consciousness? The answer is yes, but not in the way you are asking the question.

Microtubule Structure
Microtubules are hollow cylinders made up of repeating protein structures, specifically dimers of alpha and beta tubulin (also referred to in writing as ɑ-tubulin and β-tubulin). Dimers are complexes of two proteins. ɑ-tubulin and β-tubulin bind to each other to form a dimer, and then multiple units of these dimers bind together, always alternating alpha and beta, to form a chain called a protofilament. Then, thirteen protofilaments arrange into a cylindrical pattern to form a microtubule.
Microtubules are constantly assembling and disassembling via the addition and removal of dimers. They are said to be in a state of dynamic equilibrium because their structure is maintained even though the individual molecules themselves are constantly changing.
Specific anesthetics appear to affect the microtubules in the "level 3" conscious part of the brain but does not affect the microtubules in the unconscious interoceptive parts of the brain which maintain homeostasis.
How would non-resonant microtubules affect the polarity of the particle?
Interesting question. Stuart Hameroff (anesthesiologist) explains this in some detail.

Consciousness Depends on Tubulin Vibrations Inside Neurons, Anesthesia Study Suggests

Anesthetic alterations of collective terahertz oscillations in tubulin correlate with clinical potency: Implications for anesthetic action and post-operative cognitive dysfunction Craddock TJA, Kurian P, Preto J, Sahu K, Hameroff SR, Klobukowski M, Tuszynski JA.
5-Sep-2017 1:30 PM EDT, by Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona

Change in tubulin collective dipole modes due to the addition of anesthetic and non-anesthetic molecules, with maximum agent-induced change in tubulin normal-mode oscillation frequency at (613 ± 8) THz plotted versus each molecule’s minimum alveolar concentration (MAC).

Blue: Anesthetic, Green; Anesthetic/convulsant, Pink: Non-anesthetic, - Meth: Methoxyflurane, Halo: Halothane, Iso: Isoflurane, En: Enflurane, DEth: Diethyl ether, Sevo: Sevoflurane, Flur: Flurothyl, Des: esflurane, Nitr:Nitrous oxide, F6:dichlorohexafluorocyclobutane, TFMB: trifluoromethylbenzene).

For anesthetic and non-anesthetic molecules, alterations in oscillation frequency correlate closely with their anesthetic potency (1/MAC). Non-anesthetics (shown with MAC of 1000%, 10 atmospheres) are predicted with their correct lack of potency, unlike with the Meyer-Overton correlation. Reproduced from Craddock et al., Sci. Rep., 2017.

Most view consciousness as an emergent property of complex computation mediated by membrane and synaptic processes among brain neurons. But despite ever-increasing detailed knowledge, the brain-as-computer approach has failed to shed light on the nature of consciousness. Accordingly, some now see the brain as a multi-scale hierarchy, resonating inside neurons with deeper, faster (quantum) vibrations in cytoskeletal microtubules, much more like an orchestra than a computer.

Multi-scale hierarchy with dipole oscillations from neuron (left) downward in size and upward in frequency through microtubule, rows of tubulin, tubulin and London force dipole networks which oscillate in the terahertz regime. Anesthetics may act (lower right) by altering these collective dipole oscillations.
In the 19th century a group of gases with diverse chemical structures were found to have a common action. When inhaled, the gases rendered humans and animals immobile, unresponsive and presumably unconscious. When the ‘anesthetic’ gas was exhaled away, the subjects ‘woke up’ and regained consciousness.
For each gas, the same concentration was required to anesthetize all types of animals - salamanders, fruit flies, horses, mice and humans, the effective dosage for each gas becoming known as its ‘minimum alveolar concentration’ (‘MAC’), inversely proportional to potency.
Anesthetic gases are believed to be stabilized at their targets by weak, quantum interactions known as van der Waals London forces. How do such subtle forces exert profound and selective effects on consciousness?
could a non conscious +\- particle interact opposite how conscious +\- particles interact, creating masses of particles containing -/- particle interaction or +\+. And what affect would that have in the gravity around it?
This is outside my knowledge, but IMO, it is more a problem of dynamic variable "patterns" rather than "mass" which give microtubules their specific functional information processing abilities. It is suspected that migrating birds use microtubules in the eye for "navigation", but that would be the acquired ability to "read" the earth's magnetic fields, rather than gravity.
When you mangle the English language to try to make your case.
From my post "Top signs you are reading woo":

4) Webster Rescue. Often when a crank is losing an argument he will resort to redefining words to try to ameliorate a previous error. For example: "The results you have presented show greater than 100% efficiency, which is thermodynamically impossible." "Well, really, what's the definition of efficiency? Can't it mean that . . . " He will then search out various online dictionaries until he finds a definition that is at least not entirely clear, at which point he will claim that that's the definition that is in common use.
"The results you have presented show greater than 100% efficiency, which is thermodynamically impossible."
I hope you are not suggesting that I ever made the claim as quoted above. That is a false and misleading example. There are plenty of results that are not subject to thermodynamics.
On the contrary, I prefer to use Aristotle's example:
Aristotle said that, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” In other words, when individual parts are connected together to form one entity, they are worth more than if the parts were in silos.
Of course this is not true of all sums. Sometimes a new property may emerge in addition to straight Euclidean mathematics.
Thanks Anomaly1 for this link.

The combination problem asks: how do micro-conscious entities combine into a higher-level macro-consciousness? The proposed solution in the context of mammalian consciousness suggests that a shared resonance is what allows different parts of the brain to achieve a phase transition in the speed and bandwidth of information flows between the constituent parts.
This phase transition allows for richer varieties of consciousness to arise, with the character and content of that consciousness in each moment determined by the particular set of constituent neurons. We also offer more general insights into the ontology of consciousness and suggest that consciousness manifests as a continuum of increasing richness in all physical processes, distinguishing our view from emergentist materialism.
I hope you are not suggesting that I ever made the claim as quoted above.
Of course not. Are you that dense as to not understand an example?

In case you are, here is the maxim as applied to you:
You: Microtubules process information.
Other: No they don't.
You: But what does "process" mean, really? Can't it mean X, which is vague and confusing enough that I can claim my original statement is correct? And the term "information" has several definitions, depending on context in psychology, or computer sciences, or cognitive science. Maybe there are several more applicable definitions. How can you tell what is needed? How can anyone tell what things mean? And if no one can tell, doesn't that mean that science itself has issues?

(And in case you really are that dense, no, that is not an exact quote either.)
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