Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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Life thinks .
No, it doesn't it has no brain.
It doesn't need a brain. It's quasi-intelligent and that is sufficient for the evolutionary emergence of consciousness.

You give life a mystique that it doesn't deserve. On earth alone there have been trillions of living organisms of which 95 % are not extinct. But a new quasi-living organism is very much in the news lately as it seems able to kill humans even as we are a trillion time larger than the virus. But this little critters has learned to use the function of "living" cells to multiply and become the perfect deadly parasitic form of quasi-living patterns which rides on the backs of living cells.

As with consciousness, life is not mysterious any longer. Abiogenesis is an all but proven fact, and will be very soon, if it is up to Robert Hazen .....:cool:

Consciousness is in the same category. We are gathering the "hard facts", and some day we will "discover" or at least describe the answer to the "hard question". Nothing mystical is needed to account for everything the universe makes so abundantly physical and observable. But no know mystical properties of any kind.
No, it doesn't it has no brain.
It doesn't need a brain. It's quasi-intelligent and that is sufficient for the evolutionary emergence of consciousness.

You give life a mystique that it doesn't deserve. On earth alone there have been trillions of living organisms of which 95 % are not extinct. But a new quasi-living organism is very much in the news lately as it seems able to kill humans even as we are a trillion time larger than the virus. But this little critters has learned to use the function of "living" cells to multiply and become the perfect deadly parasitic form of quasi-living patterns which rides on the backs of living cells.

As with consciousness, life is not mysterious any longer. Abiogenesis is an all but proven fact, and will be very soon, if it is up to Robert Hazen .....:cool:

Consciousness is in the same category. We are gathering the "hard facts", and some day we will "discover" or at least describe the answer to the "hard question". Nothing mystical is needed to account for everything the universe makes so abundantly physical and observable. But no know mystical properties of any kind.


Consciousness Thinks Upon .
And what is this arrangement of these particles ?
Of course to your last statement .
In two distinct patterns, one pattern alive and dynamic, the other in a pattern which is static and not alive.
Asking for specific details is unnecessary and not productive. All organisms are expressions of billions of relative values interacting in accordance to a handful of mathematical functions.

This arrangement yields a near infinity of possible patterns alive or dead as evidenced by the near infinite patterns expressed in nature.

A perfect example is a fractal, a simple algorithm that produces the most astoundingly intricate patterns bordering on pure artistry performed by a quasi-intelligent function and is often found in the growth patterns of plants, which proves its pervasiveness and the realistic ability for abiogenesis to occur throughout the universe.
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In two distinct patterns, one pattern alive and dynamic, the other in a pattern which is static and not alive.
Asking for specific details is unnecessary and not productive. All organisms are expressions of relative values interacting in accordance to mathematical functions. This arrangement yields a near infinity of possible patterns alive or dead as evidenced by the near infinite patterns expressed in nature.

So what comes first Write4U , the physical , as I think it does .

Or mathematics . As you think it does . Mathematics before the physical .

Lets discuss
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So what comes first Write4U , the physical , as I think it does .

Or mathematics . As you think it does . Mathematics before the physical .

Lets discuss
Mathematics is the language of physics and the other sciences.
Discussing science with you is futile due to your psychotic anti mainstream delusional qualities.
river said:
So what comes first Write4U , the physical , as I think it does .

Or mathematics . As you think it does . Mathematics before the physical .

Lets discuss

Mathematics is the language of physics and the other sciences.
Discussing science with you is futile due to your psychotic anti mainstream delusional qualities.

What came first , the physical or the mathematics ?
Consciousness Evolves .
Evolution is the process of emergent complexity over time by specific mathematical functions directing the orderly interaction of relative values.

Every pattern that ends in the suffix "-ness", has an emergent quality which is greater than the sum of its parts.
This is the position Tegmark has proposed in relation to "consciousness" as an emergent quality from the processes by the entire neural network in general and the brain in particular.

There are literally thousands of emergent qualities which exceed the qualities or values of the individual constituent values. What causes "happiness"? It's an emergent property of the pattern arrangement in the brain that "feels" good, such as flooding the brain with psychoactive chemicals, which by a mathematical equation trigger an emotional "experience" (conscious or unconscious).

Emergent qualities in complex patterns is proof of the evolutionary processes as defined in a fundamental way.

Evolution = Process of unfolding mathematically allowed dynamic pattern forming at a fundamental level.
Network = A complex pattern of individual more fundamental information processors, with an emergent quality of greater control over the information being processed. Exercising control over a reaction is the first sign of self-aware conscious-ness .

This is well documented in the mathematical experiments performed with apes, monkeys , and Lemurs, which prove that a Lemur can make a simple mathematical calculation as well as humans in a very general sense of recognizing "more" from "less" and making a purposeful response reaction to this information. Some Lemurs beat the college students in this specific task that only required cognition of two relative quantities.

Are Lemurs conscious? Of course they are and more so under some circumstances, such as gauging 30' leaps from tree branch to adjacent tree branches. That takes supreme skill!
river said:
So without physics , mathematics has no language . post#1032 .

What is not true in this statement pad ? Nothing .
Oh FMD!!!

river said:
So without physics , mathematics has no language . post#1032 .

What is not true in this statement pad ? Nothing .
Mathematics does just fine without physics.
There are whole branches of mathematics that are not applicable to the physical world.
We've been through this river.

I'll give you a Grade one example: simple arithmetic - addition and subtraction. You don't need any physical application to do arithmetic. 4+4=8 is true in a purely mathematical application - You can apply it to counting apples, but it is not necessary to do so.

One Googol plus One Googol is still two Googol - even though there is nothing in the universe of which there is a Googol's worth - let alone two Googol.
You haven't shown that Mathematics Forms Anything Physically Real .
Look around you. Everything you see is a mathematical pattern. Every physical object is nothing more than stuff arranged in a mathematical pattern. The first

If it were not, you would not be able to identify it and science would be a trivial pursuit.

One of the earliest "stuff" has a mathematical "crystalline" pattern.
A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions.
In addition, macroscopic single crystals are usually identifiable by their geometrical shape, consisting of flat faces with specific, characteristic orientations. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is known as crystallography. The process of crystal formation via mechanisms of crystal growth is called crystallization or solidification.
Microscopically, a single crystal has atoms in a near-perfect periodic arrangement; a polycrystal is composed of many microscopic crystals (called "crystallites" or "grains"); and an amorphous solid (such as glass) has no periodic arrangement even microscopically.

A Crystal has a quasi-intelligent self-forming mathematical growth pattern!

A microtubule is a crystal growth pattern
With their ability to depolymerize microtubules (MTs), KinI kinesins are the rogue members of the kinesin family. Here we present the 1.6 Å crystal structure of a KinI motor core from Plasmodium falciparum, which is sufficient for depolymerization in vitro.
Unlike all published kinesin structures to date, nucleotide is not present, and there are noticeable differences in loop regions L6 and L10 (the plus-end tip), L2 and L8 and in switch II (L11 and helix4); otherwise, the pKinI structure is very similar to previous kinesin structures. KinI-conserved amino acids were mutated to alanine, and studied for their effects on depolymerization and ATP hydrolysis.
Notably, mutation of three residues in L2 appears to primarily affect depolymerization, rather than general MT binding or ATP hydrolysis. The results of this study confirm the suspected importance of loop 2 for KinI function, and provide evidence that KinI is specialized to hydrolyze ATP after initiating depolymerization.

Keywords: crystal, depolymerization, kinesin, microtubule, structure
A dynamical self-regulating growth pattern with some very interesting potentials in processing a variety of macroscopic and microscopic necessary information processes which are sophisticated enough to enhance the interpretation and understanding of reality based on limited observational abilities.

p.s. close your eyes and internalize a lit lightbulb. See, you saw the lightbulb with your eyes closed. How did your brain do that ???

Fact; it is the brain which is doing that, or more accurately, your brain's best guess of what it experiences at any given conscious experience.
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Look around you. Everything you see is a mathematical pattern. Every physical objects is nothing more than stuff arranged in a mathematical pattern.

If it were not you would not be able to identify it and science would be a trivial pursuit.

The physical is the foundation upon which mathematics is based .
Mathematics does just fine without physics.
Nice post with a full explanatory of maths.
My statement though which river [as usual] seemingly has a problem with was ""Mathematics is the language of physics and other sciences. Without it, we are dumb".
river replied...."So without physics , mathematics has no language" That is like saying "without Australians, English has no language"
Rather then based on my original statement, substituting two words....
"English" for "mathematics", and "Australians" for "Physics "

And for river's benefit, while mathematics can do fine without physics, it is still the language of physics.
Nice post with a full explanatory of maths.
My statement though which river [as usual] seemingly has a problem with was ""Mathematics is the language of physics and other sciences. Without it, we are dumb".
river replied...."So without physics , mathematics has no language" That is like saying "without Australians, English has no language"
Rather then based on my original statement, substituting two words....
"English" for "mathematics", and "Australians" for "Physics "

And for river's benefit, while mathematics can do fine without physics, it is still the language of physics.

What Mathematics does fine without any physical thing existing ?
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