Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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Part of the reason I finally put him on Iggy

He put me in mind of the finger wagging teacher

Now listen here blah finger wag blah finger wag blah finger wag blah :)

Should I be concerned about your insecurities? AFAIK you have never contributed anything to this thread.

And my finger wagging blah, blah is in response to what? Finger wagging blah, blah, that's what.

I am sick of this establishment superiority complex. If you treat me without respect, why should I treat you with respect? Are you the teacher here?

If you do not read my posts that I carefully select for pertinent information, you have no right to critique any of my labors. I don't have you on ignore, but I have ignored your posts for a long time now, for lack of interesting content.
This is the bit you added to that idea, isn't it? It's where you go off the rails.
No that was Penrose who suggested this after he observed that single celled organisms without neural systems but that do have cytoskeletons, and cytoplasm maintain intra- and inter-cellular communication.

btw. are you sure you understand the term cytoskeleton? It has nothing to do with bones other than regulate bone production. The cytoskeleton gives shape to all cells by filling the cytoplasm with microtubules and related filaments.


The cytoskeleton (cyto- meaning cell[6]) is used to stabilize and preserve the form of the cells. It is a dynamic structure that maintains cell shape, protects the cell, enables cellular motion (using structures such as flagella, cilia and lamellipodia), and plays important roles in both intracellular transport (the movement of vesicles and organelles, for example) and cellular division.
Despite being called a "skeleton", the word's usage is commonly more restricted to animals who have them as, for example, a plant cell has cell wall and fluid filled vacuole inside which provide a structural framework even though they aren't called together a hydroskeleton.

The cytoskeleton of a cell is made up of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments. These structures give the cell its shape and help organize the cell's parts. In addition, they provide a basis for movement and cell division.

Overview of the Cytoskeleton from an Evolutionary Perspective.
  • T. Pollard, R. Goldman
  • Published 1 July 2018
  • Biology, Medicine
  • Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology
Organisms in the three domains of life depend on protein polymers to form a cytoskeleton that helps to establish their shapes, maintain their mechanical integrity, divide, and, in many cases, move. Eukaryotes have the most complex cytoskeletons, comprising three cytoskeletal polymers-actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules-acted on by three families of motor proteins (myosin, kinesin, and dynein). Prokaryotes have polymers of proteins homologous to actin and tubulin but no motors, and a few bacteria have a protein related to intermediate filament proteins.
pdf available.
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Do you have any response to the questions I asked you in posts #2275 and #2276?
Define "data processing". That usually involves input, manipulation and output of something "processed". Tell me what the inputs and outputs are for microtubules, specifically, and what gets processed, exactly.
Your claim is that microtubules do the "data processing", not activities in synapses and at the higher neural level. That's what you need to establish.
I had hoped that people would do some of their own research.
I am not trying to be a teacher, just an observer. But being that you insist.

How Your Brain Works
By: Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D. & Robynne Boyd

Basic Neuron Types

Meet the neurons!



Neurons come in many sizes. For example, a single sensory neuron from your fingertip has an axon that extends the length of your arm, while neurons within the brain may extend only a few millimeters.
They also have different shapes depending on their functions. Motor neurons that control muscle contractions have a cell body on one end, a long axon in the middle and dendrites on the other end. Sensory neurons have dendrites on both ends, connected by a long axon with a cell body in the middle. Interneurons, or associative neurons, carry information between motor and sensory neurons.
These fundamental members of the nervous system also vary with respect to their functions.
  • Sensory neurons carry signals from the outer parts of your body (periphery) into the central nervous system.
  • Motor neurons (motoneurons) carry signals from the central nervous system to the outer parts (muscles, skin, glands) of your body.
  • Interneurons connect various neurons within the brain and spinal cord.
The simplest type of neural pathway is a monosynaptic (single connection) reflex pathway, like the knee-jerk reflex. When the doctor taps the right spot on your knee with a rubber hammer, receptors send a signal into the spinal cord through a sensory neuron. The sensory neuron passes the message to a motor neuron that controls your leg muscles. Nerve impulses travel down the motor neuron and stimulate the appropriate leg muscle to contract. The response is a muscular jerk that happens quickly and does not involve your brain. Humans have lots of hardwired reflexes like this, but as tasks become more complex, the pathway circuitry gets more complicated and the brain gets involved.

Ah, but now we are talking about neurons. No one disputes that neurons process electrochemical data. But the word microtubule has not been mentioned once in the above article. So where do microtubules come into the picture?

Let's step back and draw an analogy of "neurons" with "electrical" cables, switches and distribution centers that are more familiar to us all. We have all handled electrical power cables, turned on a light switch and maybe changed a fuse in the fusebox and this picture should look familiar to all;

An electrical circuit'

Note the "input array" from the fusebox (receptor) and the distribution of electrical data throughout the system via electrical cables.

But what is inside these electrical cables that really do the "work" of electrical transmission?


Note the copper and aliminium "conductors" that do the actual transport of electricity. The rest is "shielding" and "separation" of the copper and/or aluminium wires.

Now let's draw a picture of a neuronal cell;

note the multipolar microtubular circuitry (purple) just as in an electrical system. All microtubules in axons are connected to form the actual distribution transport highway of electrochemical data, just as the copper wires in electrical cables provide the distribution transport network of electricity in a house.

Inside a single neural cell body (the receptor, (fuse box)), its cytoplasm contains hundreds of microtubules (cytoskeleton);

that are responsible for the shape and organization of the cell itself and form the transmission network of electrochemical data throughout the body and brain via the "axons" and "dendrites" where we deal with voltage, wattage, amperes, wire gauge, insulation, shielding.

The data itself is in several forms depending on the nature of the external source just as in electrical systems, but AFAIK the biological neural network is much more sophisticated inasmuch that the "data" comes in various forms and chemistry, unlike the purely binary (on/off) system in computers and the microtubules must be able to dynamically change to account for various electrochemical properties.

The data itself comes in different forms from our senses, gets translated and distributed to the proper organs for processing.


Note that the incoming data gets processed by and leaves the sensory organ via "axons", always! Axons are the cables that shield the microtubule network from injury and external influences.

I don't see why any of this would present a conceptual obstacle. I do not claim any knowledge of the electrochemistry itself and how that translates into conscious thought rather than rudimentary action potentials and responses. As the world knows that is the "hard question".

But I have confidence that the microtubule network is directly instrumental in the subjective "experiential" results.
This biological neuronal data processing is extremely complex but there is no magic in any of this.

As Tegmark observes ; "Our bodies and brains contain all the ingredients necessary for the emergence of conscious thought. Our ability to think is a "hard fact" that cannot be ignored and that is where all inquiry should begin, rather than ask the "hard question" we cannot even formulate.

IMO, the next step down is the role of the microtubule network in the body and brain in the distribution and experience of sensory data and that is what I am exploring.


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I think this very recent and wondrous to behold:

3D FIB-SEM reconstruction of microtubule–organelle interaction in whole primary mouse β cells
In Special Collection: Structural Biology 2021 , The Year in Cell Biology: 2021
Microtubules play a major role in intracellular trafficking of vesicles in endocrine cells. Detailed knowledge of microtubule organization and their relation to other cell constituents is crucial for understanding cell function. However, their role in insulin transport and secretion is under debate. Here, we use FIB-SEM to image islet β cells in their entirety with unprecedented resolution.
We reconstruct mitochondria, Golgi apparati, centrioles, insulin secretory granules, and microtubules of seven β cells, and generate a comprehensive spatial map of microtubule–organelle interactions. We find that microtubules form nonradial networks that are predominantly not connected to either centrioles or endomembranes. Microtubule number and length, but not microtubule polymer density, vary with glucose stimulation. Furthermore, insulin secretory granules are enriched near the plasma membrane, where they associate with microtubules.
In summary, we provide the first 3D reconstructions of complete microtubule networks in primary mammalian cells together with evidence regarding their importance for insulin secretory granule positioning and thus their supportive role in insulin secretion.
Subjects: Cytoskeleton, Metabolism, Trafficking



And for some accuately illustrated eye-candy;
watch the busy microtubules copying and controlling the entire mitotic process.
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In furtherance of exploring the dynamic role microtubules play in life and "living processes", that may lead to an emergent conscious awareness of these processes when combined into one larger dynamic energy field present in the organism itself.

As a fluorescent lightbulb may physically light up inside the field of high voltage power lines, is it possible that inside the dynamic energy field of an organism, there may be an emergent physical experiential sentience?

I am exploring all dynamic physical processes that utilize microtubules to see if the entire network may create a consciously experiential "field" (self-awareness)

In Mitosis, the kinetochore (the interface between microtubules and chomosomes) may be considered the equivalent of a production computer. It regulates the mitotic process and is part of the overall sensory complex that may lead to emergent conscious awareness of all the individual data processing functions.

Mitosis is the process in which a eukaryotic cell nucleus splits in two, followed by division of the parent cell into two daughter cells. The word "mitosis" means "threads," and it refers to the threadlike appearance of chromosomes as the cell prepares to divide. Early microscopists were the first to observe these structures, and they also noted the appearance of a specialized network of microtubules during mitosis.
These tubules, collectively known as the spindle, extend from structures called centrosomes — with one centrosome located at each of the opposite ends, or poles, of a cell. As mitosis progresses, the microtubules attach to the chromosomes, which have already duplicated their DNA and aligned across the center of the cell. The spindle tubules then shorten and move toward the poles of the cell. As they move, they pull the one copy of each chromosome with them to opposite poles of the cell. This process ensures that each daughter cell will contain one exact copy of the parent cell DNA.
What Are the Phases of Mitosis?
Mitosis consists of five morphologically distinct phases: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Each phase involves characteristic steps in the process of chromosome alignment and separation. Once mitosis is complete, the entire cell divides in two by way of the process called cytokinesis (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Drawing of chromosomes during mitosis by Walther Flemming, circa 1880
This illustration is one of more than one hundred drawings from Flemming's \"Cell Substance, Nucleus, and Cell Division.\" Flemming repeatedly observed the different forms of chromosomes leading up to and during cytokinesis, the ultimate division of one cell into two during the last stage of mitosis.
© 2001 Nature Publishing Group Paweletz, N. Walther Flemming: pioneer of mitosis research.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2, 72 (2001). All rights reserved.

What Happens during Prometaphase?
When prophase is complete, the cell enters prometaphase — the second stage of mitosis. During prometaphase, phosphorylation of nuclear lamins by M-CDK causes the nuclear membrane to break down into numerous small vesicles. As a result, the spindle microtubules now have direct access to the genetic material of the cell.
Each microtubule is highly dynamic, growing outward from the centrosome and collapsing backward as it tries to locate a chromosome. Eventually, the microtubules find their targets and connect to each chromosome at its kinetochore, a complex of proteins positioned at the centromere. The actual number of microtubules that attach to a kinetochore varies between species, but at least one microtubule from each pole attaches to the kinetochore of each chromosome. A tug-of-war then ensues as the chromosomes move back and forth toward the two poles
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In cell biology, the centrosome (Latin centrum 'center' + Greek sōma 'body') (also called cytocenter[1]) is an organelle that serves as the main microtubule organizing center (MTOC) of the animal cell, as well as a regulator of cell-cycle progression. The centrosome provides structure for the cell. The centrosome is thought to have evolved only in the metazoan lineage of eukaryotic cells.[2]
Fungi and plants lack centrosomes and therefore use other structures to organize their microtubules.[3][4] Although the centrosome has a key role in efficient mitosis in animal cells, it is not essential in certain fly and flatworm species.[5][6][7]

And that is what might explain the lack of self-aware consciousness in plants, insects and simple organisms, although their cytoskeleton itself is still a data processing network that allows for physical response behaviors.
Do you have any response to the questions I asked you in posts #2275 and #2276?
Continuing with the efforts to provide clarity.

Microtubules – the critical highways of neurons – must stay “clear” for good traffic and neuronal survival


The excess of tubulin polyglutamylation perturbs transport in primary hippocampal neurons and causes extensive neurodegeneration in mice and humans.
Researchers from Carsten Janke’s group from Institut Curie have recently published two articles of important relevance in the field of Neurobiology.
Neurobiology is the branch of biology, which explores neurons, these tentacle cells also known as nerve cells, which are the primary components of our Nervous System.
A typical neuron1 consists of a cell body, dendrites and an axon2 (see images 1 and 3) 1,4. Most neurons receive signals via the dendrites and send out signals down the axon. However, to allow the spreading of those signals, materials have to be transported to the right place at the right time in the axons.
“Scientists are amazed that microscopic materials can be transported more than several feet along one neuron that goes from the spinal cord to the foot. This is equivalent scale to a person carrying a package walking along the wall of China” 3.
Neuronal cells have to transport mitochondria, vesicles and other materials from one side to the other for their correct functionality. This means from the neuronal cell body to the end of the axon (synaptic terminal) and vice versa. In order to do this, neurons use microtubules as highways along the vast length of their axon.



Image 1, 2 and 3. From top to bottom: 1A typical neuronal cell with its nucleus in pink and axon and dendrites in blue. 2Great Wall of China, represents the analogy with axons of some neurons. Those axons are so long, that the material travelling along them can be compared to the transport of a package along the Great Wall of China. 3Main parts of a neuron: cell body, dendrites and axon.
Many neurodegenerative diseases can be related to the dysfunction of microtubules. Therefore, studying the mechanisms that can influence and alter the properties and functions of microtubules is of important interest since they could play a role in neuronal disorders.

Let me know when you are satisfied that microtubules are the main data transport mechanisms , be it in cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, or neurons.
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This may be of general interest. It may provide some scope of the number of microtubules present in the body and brains of Eukaryotic organisms.

Consider that the number of synapses in the brain alone is astronomical.

Basic Neural Units of the Brain: Neurons, Synapses and Action Potential
On average, the human brain contains about 100 billion neurons and many more neuroglia which serve to support and protect the neurons. Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons, passing signals to each other via as many as 1,000 trillion synapses.30 May 2019

Physics of Life Reviews
Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 39-78


Fig. 1. An ‘integrate-and-fire’ brain neuron, and portions of other such neurons are shown schematically with internal microtubules. In dendrites and cell body/soma (left) involved in integration, microtubules are interrupted and of mixed polarity, interconnected by microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) in recursive networks (upper circle, right). Dendritic–somatic integration (with contribution from microtubule processes) can trigger axonal firings to the next synapse. Microtubules in axons are unipolar and continuous. Gap junctions synchronize dendritic membranes, and may enable entanglement and collective integration among microtubules in adjacent neurons (lower circle right). In Orch OR, microtubule quantum computations occur during dendritic/somatic integration, and the selected results regulate axonal firings which control behavior.
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In case you missed it, from one of my previous posts:

"Please give me a step-by-step outline of the procedures by which a microtubule takes information and processes it to produce a different output. You are free to choose any information-carrying thing that might be processed by a microtubule. Step me through what goes on."
Step me through what goes on."
You may want to revisit post # 2186

This identifies what the eye does when it receives images from outside. A lot of the light waves the eye receives are translated by the retina into electrochemical data and sent to the brain via the optic nerve which is an axon and I have shown that axons use microtubules to do the actual transportation of the information to the brain, where the data is compared to data stored in pyramidal memory neurons which use microtubules as the storage media.
From this comparison the brain makes a best guess of what the incoming data represents and if can recognize it against stored memory.

If the incoming data and the stored memory are close the brain forms an image that is an approximation of the data.

I can't tell you anything more because I believe that there is much to be learned here even by the most experienced and knowledgeable researchers. I can list all the known particles and molecules the microtubules use in their processes but that is meaningless unless we know what they actually do and from what I have read there is much speculation but very little hard evidence yet. A couple of decades is not a long time when dealing with astronomical numbers.

If the best minds cannot answer your question why should I be required to do that? I don't make any claims of great discovery. I report on the state of research in the role microtubules play in the transmission of several varieties of data depending on the sensory inputs (exteroception) or the homeostatic sensory inputs (interoception), because IMO the evidence that themicrotubule (cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, neurons) networks, utilizing trillions of microtubules throughout the body, are the most likely candidates for any concept of emerging conscious experiential awareness of the data being processed.

We know there are several energy fields generated by data processing in the brain. We can record them. All we need to do is figure out what they mean and how to read them as our brain has apparently learned to do, without knowing how it does it.
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This identifies what the eye does when it receives images from outside. A lot of the light waves the eye receives are translated by the retina into electrochemical data and sent to the brain via the optic nerve which is an axon and I have shown that axons use microtubules to do the actual transportation of the information to the brain, where the data is compared to data stored in pyramidal memory neurons which use microtubules as the storage media.
From this comparison the brain makes a best guess of what the incoming data represents and if can recognize it against stored memory.
So you're saying microtubules are really nothing other than a means of conducting information, and memory storage?? This doesn't sound like consciousness, but pretty much what a computer can do, albeit with electronics.
I.e. is consciousness not a rather more complex process than just being the passing and storage of information?
From what you have also stated, it seems you accept that it is the brain that does the processing. What the storage medium is, or how the brain gets its information, seems somewhat of a red-herring as far as consciousness goes. Is your response not a bit like saying that the ability of a self-driving car is to be found in the fuel tank and fuel pipes?
So you're saying microtubules are really nothing other than a means of conducting information, and memory storage?? This doesn't sound like consciousness, but pretty much what a computer can do, albeit with electronics.
I.e. is consciousness not a rather more complex process than just being the passing and storage of information?
Yes, they are the biological equivalent to computer semi-conductors. I never claimed that microtubules are sentient or conscious in and of themselves.

I like Tegmark's proposition that it is the entire network including the sensory organelles that acquire an emergent experience of consciousness. This already is present in plants that will close their leaves when touched or Venus flytrap that closes when several hairs are disturbed.

AFAIK, artificial intelligence GPT3 is based on the model of human data processing and making "best guesses" of what data represents and how to deal with it.

IMO, evolution has honed the entire system to experience an emerging higher quality of awareness of the type of data being processed.

This is what impressed Penrose when he discovered that even single celled organisms without any neural network, still do experience a certain awareness of their environment and can navigate and hunt and catch food.

Imagine, a single celled organism is a fully functional biological entity that is able to make copies of itself, catch and digest food, swim and navigate with cilia. In the case of pseudopods the organism is able to walk via extension and contraction, the rudimentary form of locomotion and ALL these properties are driven and executed via microtubule motors and related filaments. Moreover the simplest bacteria already possess the ability for chemical communication as Bassler demonstrates. A new scientific term for that type of hive comunication is quorum sensing.

When Penrose learned that individual cells all have active microtubule networks in their cytoplasm and cytoskeleton, he recognized that this must be the principal candidate for intra- and intercellular communication, a required ability for emergent consciousness at various levels of evolutionary complexity.

Tegmark makes a fundamental observation that the inescapable "hard fact" is that all conscious organism must have all the required parts without needing any magical extra ingredients. The secret of consciousness can only be found internally, not externally.

Fact: We have all the required elements for an emergent experiential consciousness. Therefore we must look inside for possible candidates. Microtubules are the natural common denominator in all Eukaryotic organisms that have the ability for dynamic data processing and combined with the actual sensory organelles gain the apparent versatility that would lend itself to the emergence of conscious awareness of the information carried by the data being processed and how to react appropriately depending on the information.
From what you have also stated, it seems you accept that it is the brain that does the processing. What the storage medium is, or how the brain gets its information, seems somewhat of a red-herring as far as consciousness goes. Is your response not a bit like saying that the ability of a self-driving car is to be found in the fuel tank and fuel pipes?

According to Hameroff the storage sytem is contained in specific arrays of microtubules in "pyramidal neurons" . These microtubules are no longer dynamic but are "fixed' via CaMKII that affects phosphorylation that allows the neuron to store memory data.


This function is clearly suggested by the microtubule catastrophe in pyramidal neurons

What happens when pyramidal neurons go wrong?
As might be expected from their ubiquity and long axonal projections, faulty pyramidal cells are an important cause of brain disorders. Epilepsy, due to excessive neuronal excitation, is particularly common in brain regions containing many interconnected pyramidal neurons, such as the hippocampus. Some neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, disproportionately kill pyramidal neurons, leading to characteristic cognitive changes. Thus, pyramidal neurons are the building blocks for high-level functions like memory and consciousness. When they misbehave, the consequences can be profound.
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Is your response not a bit like saying that the ability of a self-driving car is to be found in the fuel tank and fuel pipes?
Not really. If we look at GPT3 AI we already find hints of intelligent self-awareness of the artificial brain.

If you ask a GPT3 (or 4) if it is self-aware it will answer in the affirmative. This is not a programmed response!
The GPT3 actually believes it is self-aware of what it is , what it does, how it does it, and why it does it.
One may not believe the AI, but it believes in itself. Are we going to argue the point with the AI?

Alo you need is to verbally ask a GPT3 to perform a task it has absolutely no experience in and it will learn how to do it and write the program of how it does it. And I am not talking about brute processing power, but application of scientific principles and make informed decisions based on scientific knowledge. What more is there?

p.s. GPT3 has access to the internet for its non-specific general access to knowledge (memory), just like humans.
If you know how to research good (mainstream) science from the internet you have access to all the science in the world.

The difference between the human brain and the GPT brain is size. The human brain is remarkable in its compactness due to its ability to function at quantum level? That's what Penrose and Hameroff are investigating.
Whatever goes on in the human brain it must be extremely small.
We have a candidate: microtubules.

Consider that the human brain alone contains: 1,000 trillion synapses
On average, the human brain contains about 100 billion neurons and many more neuroglia which serve to support and protect the neurons. Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons, passing signals to each other via as many as 1,000 trillion synapses. 30 May 2019

Note: synapses are the terminal ends of microtubule bundles in neurons (axons).

The Enormous Complexity of Transport Along the Axon
Some scientists consider scaffolding fibers and tubules in the neuron to be the seat of consciousness. They respond instantly to any mental event with massive movement and construction—building and rebuilding the structures for dendrite spines and axon boutons at synapses in the ever-changing neuron.
Microtubules are the critical highways for materials, mitochondria and vesicles along the vast length of the axon. Many neuro-degenerative diseases can be traced to dysfunction of microtubules. In fact, the cause of Alzheimer’s might be the disintegration of tau molecules that provide strength and stability to the microtubule structures.
Three Types of Tubules and Many Motors for Each
While there are three basic types of scaffolding tubules—actin, intermediate filaments, and the larger microtubules—it is the microtubules that provide transport along the axon. A previous post discussed these three tubules and another discussed the important myosin motors that work with actin and are critical for neuroplasticity.
There are thousands of different types of lattice scaffolding structures in human cells—each built with these three molecules. Actin builds a membrane’s moving edge for a growing axon or dendrite. Microfilaments are the most flexible that make strong connections by elaborate branching. Microtubules provide stable structure for transportation.
Microtubules Build Structures Using Many Other Molecules
Microtubules are the strongest and most elaborate tubules. They are used for major transportation traffic as well as complicated scaffolding at all levels of neuronal function. They, like the other tubules, are critical for neuroplasticity. Microtubules have hundreds of helper molecules that are needed in different situations.
The microtubule is built as a spiral cylinder with a positive charge on the growing leading edge and a minus charge on the other. Transport away from the cell body carries lipids, proteins, energy producing mitochondria, vesicles of all types and other materials for the synapse. Transport back to the cell body is critical for mitochondria going back and forth, removal of debris in vesicles and signals related to damage of the distant axon regions. In fact, defects in the ability to transport debris might be the primary cause of Alzheimer’s disorder.

p.s. Thank you Sarkus for your interest in this important subject. You allow me to research for specific answers to specific questions which I am happy to do. I am most pleased when I can demonstrate that serious scientists confirm my own intuitive conclusions.
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Not really. If we look at GPT3 AI we already find hints of intelligent self-awareness of the artificial brain.
Unfortunately I'm not sure your response here actually rebuts the comparison. If microtubules are the pathways and the storage of information, and the brain processes that information, then how is that not analogous to the fuel tank and fuel pipes that carry the fuel in a car that is then processed by the engine.
My point in all this is that the microtubules that you appear so enamoured with are NOT where consciousness is to be found, and that you're focussing on the wrong thing. Sure, they're part of the overall system, but replace the microtubules with other means of storage and transmission and you could well still get consciousness. What is it that they offer, specifically over other means, that would prevent consciousness from not arising if some other means were used?

GPT3, for example, does not perform as it does because of the info-passing and memory storage mechanisms, but because of how it processes. To me it appears that one is the architecture, the other is the algorithms. Sure, microtubules allow this to happen at the smallest level, so maybe one could say that animal consciousness is to be found in something as small as the brain because of microtubules. I.e. they're not the cause of consciousness per se, but they allow it to happen in something as compact as the pink fleshy blobs in our skulls.
Unfortunately I'm not sure your response here actually rebuts the comparison. If microtubules are the pathways and the storage of information, and the brain processes that information, then how is that not analogous to the fuel tank and fuel pipes that carry the fuel in a car that is then processed by the engine.
Biology. Car engines are not dynamically active organisms in and of themselves. They do not self-assemble, nor do they evolve. On the contrary they devolve over time.

OTOH biological cells already dynamically process all kinds of information, such as mitosis. That requires the exchange of electrochemical data. And the little self-assembling engine that does the "work" is the microtubule.
(see mitotic spindle)

example: the evolution of the eye from a purely light sensitive chemical patch into a delicate optical organ that transmits electromagnetic data via microtubules in the optical nerve.

Perhaps an interesting factoid. An engine can sit for years without processing anything.
OTOH, deprive the brain from information for just a few days and it begins to hallucinate uncontrollably (microtubule catastrophe?) The brain must have information or it goes haywire.
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I.e. they're not the cause of consciousness per se, but they allow it to happen in something as compact as the pink fleshy blobs in our skulls.
I agree with you in principle on this generic description, but let us not forget that each cell in the pink blobs in our skulls contains several different specialized arrangements of microtubules, that cannot just be replaced by "some other" data processor. The microtubule data processor is a common denominator in ALL Eukaryotic life.
On average, the human brain contains about 100 billion neurons and many more neuroglia which serve to support and protect the neurons. Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons, passing signals to each other via as many as 1,000 trillion synapses. 30 May 2019

I do certainly agree that consciousness emerges with the actual data processing on a physical scale. It is the network activity that triggers conscious experiences as compared to data stored in memory (another microtubule function).

I am so impressed with the extraordinary versatility of microtubules including their ability to act as a variable rheostat.
A rheostat is an electrical instrument used to vary resistance, that usually consists of a coil of wire with a terminal at one end and a sliding contact that moves along the coil to stop the current. ... Since the field rheostat is normally set to minimum resistance, the speed of the motor will not be excessive.

Regulation of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs)
Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) function to regulate the assembly dynamics and organization of microtubule polymers. Upstream regulation of MAP activities is the major mechanism used by cells to modify and control microtubule assembly and organization.
This review summarizes the functional activities of MAPs found in animal cells and discusses how these MAPs are regulated. Mechanisms controlling gene expression, isoform-specific expression, protein localization, phosphorylation, and degradation are discussed.
Additional regulatory mechanisms include synergy or competition between MAPs and the activities of cofactors or binding partners. For each MAP it is likely that regulation in vivo reflects a composite of multiple regulatory mechanisms.
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