Is Abortion a right someone should have?

What do we value about a child that has popped out of the womb vs one that is still inside at some earlier stage of development. I assume that no one here would argue that killing a newborn is not murder and a heinous crime.

I happen to feel that the decision to terminate a "blob of cells" is the womans alone. But it is always instructive to examine the boundary conditions. At each month of normal development, what value does this "entity" have and when does that transition to a value such that we call it murder when we terminate it?

So, let me check I understand you. You're saying that the potentiality of the foetus to grow into a viable, healthy child is enough to make abortion wrong. Is that right?


I don't have time to address this argument now, but I will come back to it later on.

You ad-hominem about how people "reach a conclusion, then try to invent arguments to justify their gut feeling" when you are doing the same exact thing.

Then if I admit I'm doing the same thing, I'm not being hypocritical, am I?

Your "gut feeling" is that women should have a choice...

Yes. But then again, I've studied the issue in some depth, and my gut feeling has changed over the years in light of that.

...and than you produce scenario's "invent(ing)" an argument claiming they are common, you "invent" an argument claiming that adoption is more traumatizing than abortion, and you "invent" arguments as to why abortions have increased dramatically since they were legalized.

I stand by my claim that my scenario is common. Far more abortions go on in college environments that is generally known. Why? Well, obviously because most women keep their private lives private.

My argument about adoption vs. abortion is not a general one. I said that some women find adoption to be more traumatic than abortion. Do you dispute that?

I don't see the relevance of increased abortion rates to the argument of whether abortion should be permitted at all. I think you're trying to make a slippery-slope argument that when abortion is legal people flock to have abortions and pay less attention to preventing pregnancy. However, I see no support for your claim, and I have given at least one good reason as to why it is likely to be false.

So than are you arguing for permitting abortion only on a case by case basis? If not, than that argument is pointless.

Read my lips: pro-choice. Pro-choice means each woman gets to decide, individually, for herself. No one-size-fits-all rules.

I go to college right now, and am planning on attending UNLV next year (I have already been accepted), I'm theoretically the same age as the two people in your hypothetical "common" scenario. So, I know exactly how it is.

Talk to me again in two year's time. I'm sure you will have changed your mind. Unless all your friends and aquaintances are bible thumpers, maybe.

No, I am arguing the claim that women who have abortions have them because they made a mistake one night after they were drinking and didn't think to use protection as a "common" scenario.

It is one common scenario of many. I never claimed it was the only way women get pregnant unintentionally.

Really, get over it. I was only trying to illustrate for you to put a less abstract face on the argument. As I keep saying, for you this is just one more academic argument. For women facing an unplanned pregnancy, the situation is rather more life-changing - something you have yet to even acknowledge.
If you cared at all about choice, then you would recognize that sex is a choice.

Also if you cared about choice, then you would allow the child to make the choice as to if it lives or not.

Murdering the child and denying it the right to choose if it lives or not is just proving how much you are opposed to the concept of choice.

Every woman should have the right to choose what she does with her body.

Then again they have no right to take the choice away from the child as to wether it wants to live or not.

If they don't want children, then they can make a choice about their own bodies and get their reproductive organs removed or just not have sex.
increased abortion rates now that abortions are legal proves a couple of things.

women, given the choice, would rather abort than adopt out

also it proves that women were having babies when they didn't want to.
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i also like the way some of these posters refering to "murder"

you can not murder a fetus in the first trimester

even the legal profession will agree to that.
i also like the point that james brought up
about how children are a life changing ordeal for women

being a man completly nullifies any objection that men have about abortion.

Explain how a 'moderate increase in the quality of life of the mother' justifies the murder of a human being. This ought to be good!

Again, you use the emotive term "murder", but I will ignore that.

Suppose a woman finds she is 3 weeks pregnant, decides to have an abortion, and this leads to an increase in her quality of life compared to if she had not had the abortion. In the process, she has considered the interests of her 3-week old foetus and her own interests. Hopefully, she has also got some professional advice on the options for handling the pregnancy, and discussed the matter with her partner.

The woman is a sentient, conscious being with a very good appreciation and anticipation of her own future and that of the foetus. On the other hand, the foetus is probably not sentient, and certainly not conscious, with no concept of itself as a being in time or an appreciation of past, present or future. In such circumstances, the interests of the mother take precedence over the very limited interests of the foetus.

When exactly does a human gain human rights? Do you believe that the unborn baby instantly gains a full set of human rights when it passes out of the magic hole?

Why don't children have the right to vote or drive a car? Why doesn't a 12 year old have the right to have sex with a 32 year old? Think.

Now you're engaging in semantics. Generally when the term 'murder' is used, it means the unjustified killing of a human being. But no matter, I understand why you are resorting to word play. It is the 'emergency button' of someone who knows that they have no valid arguments.

As you would be aware, the question of "personhood" is very much an issue in the abortion debate. Murder is the killing of a person. Indisputably, a foetus is a human being, but it is debateable as to whether it is a person. Of course, you'd know all about the definitions of "person" suggested by ethicists.

I don't consider a fetus to be 'just a blob of cells'. Ever heard of differentiation?

This is a straw man. I never claimed a foetus was "just a blob of cells", although the dividing line is fuzzy.

I'm not going to even bother skimming that link until you demonstrate that you have gone to the effort of reading it in depth. Quote what sections you believe are relevant, and explain why, instead of just cutting and pasting a link.

The point, which is somewhat peripheral to the abortion debate, is that "true love waits" doesn't seem to prevent young people from having sex. But it does prevent them using contraception when they have sex, as the study shows. And that means more STIs and, presumably, more unplanned pregnancies. Recall that you asked for this.

You elect government's who will pass (or nullify, or uphold) laws which you believe are appropriate. Democracy is ultimately the majority enforcing its morality on the minority. HYPOCRITE!

Er, no. Democracy's default assumption is: don't interfere with people's autonomy unless there is a good reason.

In the case of abortion, there's no good reason to interfere with a woman's right to choose.

If you cared at all about choice, then you would recognize that sex is a choice.


Also if you cared about choice, then you would allow the child to make the choice as to if it lives or not.

If it could make that choice, we wouldn't be having this debate. Its very incapacity to choose, as well as its total dependence on its mother, is why the mother's right to choose is paramount.

If they don't want children, then they can make a choice about their own bodies and get their reproductive organs removed or just not have sex.

You still sound as if unplanned pregnancy is some kind of deliberate choice women make. It isn't.
ok.... just stepped back into this forum and want to be sure I've got the thread straight....
penguin-eating patriots, or nationalists, don't have abortions. right?
Dreama said:
ok.... just stepped back into this forum and want to be sure I've got the thread straight....
penguin-eating patriots, or nationalists, don't have abortions. right?
if that is the only intelligent thing you have to say
then please take it elsewhere
Anyone care to explore this question?

What do we value about a child that has popped out of the womb vs one that is still inside at some earlier stage of development? I assume that no one here would argue that killing a newborn is not murder and a heinous crime.

I happen to feel that the decision to terminate a "blob of cells" is the womans alone. But it is always instructive to examine the boundary conditions. At each month of normal development, what value does this "entity" have and when does that transition to a value such that we call it murder when we terminate it?
Wow, this entire discussion is absolutely dumbfounding. The ability for people to ignore past argument points is incredible.

James R said:
I don't have time to address this argument now, but I will come back to it later on.

Sure. Should be good. :rolleyes:

Then if I admit I'm doing the same thing, I'm not being hypocritical, am I?

Um, yes? So, are you going to admit that your ad-hominem attack was really a decription of you?

Yes. But then again, I've studied the issue in some depth, and my gut feeling has changed over the years in light of that.

And do you feel you are the only one to study the matter in depth? Or do you feel that your study is more relevent and therefore you posses more authority on the issue than everyone else?

I stand by my claim that my scenario is common. Far more abortions go on in college environments that is generally known. Why? Well, obviously because most women keep their private lives private.

47% of abortions are performed on women who have already had one or more abortions. That fact is in complete disagreement with your statement. Do you presume to be above facts and that your statements automatically become facts in of themselves? Arrogance, or just believing what you want to believe regardless of facts.

My argument about adoption vs. abortion is not a general one. I said that some women find adoption to be more traumatic than abortion. Do you dispute that?

Absolutely not. However, that argument is pointless unless you are arguing for the allowance of abortions only on a case by case basis. If you do not, that argument does not help your cause, because not all women feel adoption if more traumatizing than abortion but still have abortions anyway. That is immoral.

I don't see the relevance of increased abortion rates to the argument of whether abortion should be permitted at all. I think you're trying to make a slippery-slope argument that when abortion is legal people flock to have abortions and pay less attention to preventing pregnancy. However, I see no support for your claim, and I have given at least one good reason as to why it is likely to be false.

You have? Where would that be? The support for my claim are the very abortion statistics you seem to ignore. My claims are supported by facts, your claims are supported by absolutely nothing. It seems to me you are just a fanatic and believes abortions should be legal just because, with no valid reason as to why. I would call that trolling.

Read my lips: pro-choice. Pro-choice means each woman gets to decide, individually, for herself. No one-size-fits-all rules.

The women has a choice to have sex.
The women has a choice to use protection.
The women chooses to have sex.
The women chooses to not use protection.

Your argument is bunk.

Talk to me again in two year's time. I'm sure you will have changed your mind. Unless all your friends and aquaintances are bible thumpers, maybe.

So, before I had to be in college to understand your argument. But when I tell you that I am in college, you then tell me I have to come back in two years. You, sir, are trolling.

And no, my friends aren't Bible thumpers because I'm not one myself. Why would Bible thumpers want to hang out with someone who doesn't believe in their God?

It is one common scenario of many. I never claimed it was the only way women get pregnant unintentionally.

One common scenario of many? That makes absolutely no sense! It is an uncommon scenario, a claim supported by abortion statistics.

Really, get over it. I was only trying to illustrate for you to put a less abstract face on the argument. As I keep saying, for you this is just one more academic argument. For women facing an unplanned pregnancy, the situation is rather more life-changing - something you have yet to even acknowledge.

Ad-hominem. You have yet to bring up a single valid argument. Fact: Abortion has increased substantially since it's legalization. Fact: 47% of women who have abortions have already had one or more. Fact: Condoms are 99% affective. Fact: Birth Control Pills are 99% affective. Fact: The majority of unplanned pregnancies are a result of consensual sex without the use of protection.

I repeat, you are trolling.

But it does prevent them using contraception when they have sex, as the study shows. And that means more STIs and, presumably, more unplanned pregnancies. Recall that you asked for this.

Two people wait until they are married to have sex. The women ends up pregnant, why would that be an unwanted pregnancy? Fact: The majority of unwanted pregnancies occur when a women has sex before marriage. Troll.

You still sound as if unplanned pregnancy is some kind of deliberate choice women make. It isn't.

A women chooses not to use protection, and chooses to have sex before she is able to take care of a child. Deliberate or not, it is her choice, and she must be held accountable for those choices.

Since it's legalization, abortion has been exactly what leopold99 claims it isn't, a solution to pregnancy. Almost half who get one have already had one or more, how do you explain that if my above statement is not true?

In the case of abortion, there's no good reason to interfere with a woman's right to choose.

And you are trolling. You have given no good reason for the legalization of abortion, you are arguing just to argue.
penguin-eating patriots, or nationalists, don't have abortions. right?

That's right - all pro-lifers are morally blameless.

I will start to take pro-lifers seriously when they start advocating vegetarianism, rather than waving their anti-abortion placards as they stomp backwards and forwards munching their hamburgers.
James R said:
That's right - all pro-lifers are morally blameless.

I will start to take pro-lifers seriously when they start advocating vegetarianism, rather than waving their anti-abortion placards as they stomp backwards and forwards munching their hamburgers.

So, in order to be for abortion, you would have to eat the aborted fetus?

Do you see how ridiculous that is? In order to be pro-life we have to be vegetarians? You are a mod and you are trolling! Please, ban yourself.
superluminal said:
Anyone care to explore this question?

According to the law, it is not granted the rights of a Human being until it takes a single breath outside of the womb.

I am not arguing the legality, because under the current law, abortions are quite legal. I am arguing the morality of it.
leopold99 said:
if abortions have increased since they have become legal
what does that say about how women feel about it?

That abortions are a solution to pregnancy and that it will bail them out if they "accidently" get pregnant. Supported by the fatc that almost half the women who get abortions have already had one or more. Women no longer have to take responsibility for having unprotected and premarital sex. The unprotected part being the most important, because I have premarital sex but I have yet to encounter this problem. Why? Because I use protection. It has nothing to do with religion.
Fact: Condoms are 99% affective. Fact: Birth Control Pills are 99% affective
Last i heard condoms are 97% effective when used correctly, which up to 10% of the time, they arnt. Also some people are allergic to them(a small minority).
The pill also in practice is not so effective as it could be(again 97% being my last recollection as opposed to 99.9%), and its side effects healthwise seem to also be in constant debate, a reason why some girls stay clear of it or at least limit its use(at one time thought to increase the risks of breast cancer), its easy to forget(which i assume is why its not so effective), and can be expensive to some people.
Almost half who get one have already had one or more
Then i suggest it be encouraged as a last resort and not as prevention, i dont approve of that either but based on that i would not suggest you remove the choice from others because some people are too irresponsible.