Is Abortion a right someone should have?

Right. I'm not interested what the law has to say. What I'm interested in is this: What value does the in-utero proto-human have to society (clearly the abortive mother dosen't value it much) such that terminating it is called murder? I know some claim "ensoulment" occurrs at conception and then intentionally terminating the blastocyst is "murder". If we rule out religious concerns, is the blastocyst (the initial dividing "ball of cells") worthy of the respect a newborn gets?

My position is that a blastocyst is disposable (and is thought to be naturally disposed of in some 40% of pregnancies - unbenownst to the woman much of the time), whereas a newborn is a human being with full right to life accorded to any human.

Where in this continuum from blastocyst to newborn is the dividing line between simple disposal and murder?
QuarkMoon said:
That abortions are a solution to pregnancy and that it will bail them out if they "accidently" get pregnant. Supported by the fatc that almost half the women who get abortions have already had one or more. Women no longer have to take responsibility for having unprotected and premarital sex. The unprotected part being the most important, because I have premarital sex but I have yet to encounter this problem. Why? Because I use protection. It has nothing to do with religion.
increase of abortion rates tell me that women would rather abort than to adopt out.
your arguement about "safe sex" is pointless because the condom could break
being a male makes most of what you say about abortions meaningless

i also feel that you owe james an apology
he cares about this site more that you ever will
Lemming3k said:
Last i heard condoms are 97% effective when used correctly, which up to 10% of the time, they arnt. Also some people are allergic to them(a small minority).
The pill also in practice is not so effective as it could be(again 97% being my last recollection as opposed to 99.9%), and its side effects healthwise seem to also be in constant debate, a reason why some girls stay clear of it or at least limit its use(at one time thought to increase the risks of breast cancer), its easy to forget(which i assume is why its not so effective), and can be expensive to some people.

Then i suggest it be encouraged as a last resort and not as prevention, i dont approve of that either but based on that i would not suggest you remove the choice from others because some people are too irresponsible.

For the side effects of Birth Control Pills:
Possible Side Effects
The birth control pill is a safe and effective method of birth control. Most young women who take the Pill have none to very few side effects. However, the side effects that some women do have while on the Pill include:

* irregular menstrual bleeding
* nausea, weight gain, headaches, dizziness, and breast tenderness
* mood changes
* blood clots (rare in women under 35 who do not smoke)

Some of these side effects improve over the first 3 months on the Pill. When a girl has side effects, a doctor will sometimes prescribe a different brand of the Pill.

The Pill also has some side effects that most young women are happy about. It usually makes periods much lighter, reduces cramps, and is often prescribed for women who have menstrual problems. Taking the Pill often improves acne, and some doctors prescribe it for this purpose. Birth control pills have also been found to protect against some forms of breast disease, anemia, ovarian cysts, and uterine cancer.

As for effectiveness:
Oral Contraceptives--combined pill

FDA Approval Date: First in 1960; most recent in 2003
Description: A pill that suppresses ovulation by the combined actions of the hormones estrogen and progestin. A chewable form was approved in November 2003.
Failure Rate (number of pregnancies expected per 100 women per year): 1-2
Some Risks: Dizziness; nausea; changes in menstruation, mood, and weight; rarely, cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attack, and strokes
Protection from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): None
Convenience: Must be taken on daily schedule, regardless of frequency of intercourse. Women using the chewable tablet must drink 8 oz. of liquid immediately after taking.
Availability: Prescription
Male Condom, Latex/Polyurethane

FDA Approval Date: Latex: Use started before premarket approval was required. Polyurethane: cleared in 1989; available starting 1995.
Description: A sheath placed over the erect penis blocking the passage of sperm.
Failure Rate (number of pregnancies expected per 100 women per year): 11 (a, b)
Some Risks: Irritation and allergic reactions (less likely with polyurethane)
Protection from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): Except for abstinence, latex condoms are the best protection against STDs, including gonorrhea and AIDS.
Convenience: Applied immediately before intercourse; used only once and discarded. Polyurethane condoms are available for those with latex sensitivity.
Availability: Nonprescription
The pregnancy rate for condoms probably includes condom tampering and breakage. Sperm does not magically jump through a condom. Used in conjuction with birth control pills the chances of pregnancy are negligible.
superluminal said:
What I'm interested in is this: What value does the in-utero proto-human have to society
this right here is the biggest thing i have against abortion
but not in a moral sense
i believe that one person can make all the difference in the world
superluminal said:
If we rule out religious concerns, is the blastocyst (the initial dividing "ball of cells") worthy of the respect a newborn gets?


(and is thought to be naturally disposed of in some 40% of pregnancies - unbenownst to the woman much of the time)

If nature decrees that the "blastocyst" will not develop into a human fetus, then so be it. I am only concerning myself with the unnatural abortion act.

increase of abortion rates tell me that women would rather abort than to adopt out.

Abortions are easier than adoption, no doubt about that.
I could give the following situation. It probably is already known but i think that the arguements for abortion are huge. James R is more right than you guys are willing to admit. Also, my bullshit with this is, dude who says that, is that James R is being nice to you and he doesn't have to. lol. And I will continue to be the laughing guy.

The situation:

Right. You yourslef say the condom and birth control are 99% affective. Then for certain that means there is a possibility of getting pregnant. Me and my girlfriend once had sex a lot. She was on birthcontrol, we used condoms. One time she wasn't. Either way we had sex without condoms etc etc. She always said she might get pregnant. She said she could not do that again. So all of you here must without doubt admit that it was possible for her to get pregnant.

Now, I am sure, lol, that I felt for her haha. I will continue laughing as she did not want to get it. Give here everything else, but don't allow her to go through that even though it isn't a child by gods defination. Or by the bible? Who can deny by this that abortion in this case is wrong at all. (that for a time it scientificall isn't a baby)?
Choice works for everyone. I've never had an abortion, but I know women who have, and they always feel like it was a terrible, but necessary, choice for them. If it is 'sin' in the eyes of some, then I suspect those 'some' might better let their God deal with the issue later on. I believe, given the world population, that one could very fairly argue the wrongness of giving birth. Personally, I think the over-zealous who feel compelled to tell others what to do with their own bodies are a much greater affrontery.

You're beginning to sound a little desperate, what with your accusations of trolling. But you sound intelligent enough. Chances are you'll come round to my way of thinking once you've grown up a bit. I don't expect to convince you now, but at least I can plant some seeds.

Um, yes? So, are you going to admit that your ad-hominem attack was really a decription of you?

If you read carefully, I didn't make an ad hominem attack. Or, if I did, it was only against a generic "some people". You seem to be taking this very personally.

And do you feel you are the only one to study the matter in depth? Or do you feel that your study is more relevent and therefore you posses more authority on the issue than everyone else?

No. The question here isn't who has "more authority". That's just more bullying - like telling women who are perfectly capable of making their own decisions how to live their lives. The relevant question here is: who has more convincing arguments?

47% of abortions are performed on women who have already had one or more abortions. That fact is in complete disagreement with your statement.

No. Look, it's very simple. I said that ONE common-enough scenario for unplanned pregnancy is the situation I outlined. I never claimed it was the ONLY scenario, or the MAJOR cause of unplanned preganancy. See?

So, 47% of abortions are performed on women who have already had one. So what? What's your argument against allowing abortion to anyone (apart from in rape cases), to which that fact is relevant? Don't be shy. Tell me what you really think.

Do you presume to be above facts and that your statements automatically become facts in of themselves? Arrogance, or just believing what you want to believe regardless of facts.

I invite you to check my facts in any way you feel is appropriate. I don't think I've made any statements which are factually incorrect. If I have, I'm happy to be corrected.

However, that argument [that adoption may be more traumatic for some women than abortion] is pointless unless you are arguing for the allowance of abortions only on a case by case basis. If you do not, that argument does not help your cause, because not all women feel adoption if more traumatizing than abortion but still have abortions anyway. That is immoral.

So, would you support the abortion option for those women who would find adoption more traumatic than having an abortion?

I think you're trying to make a slippery-slope argument that when abortion is legal people flock to have abortions and pay less attention to preventing pregnancy. However, I see no support for your claim, and I have given at least one good reason as to why it is likely to be false.

You have? Where would that be?

That would be where I said that abortion statistics are gathered on legal abortions. Illegal abortions go largely unrecorded. Therefore, we would expect abortion statistics to be higher once abortion becomes legal.

To take a similar example, consider crime rates. Suppose we collect statistics on the number of jay walkers in a city. In response to a perceived jay walking problem, more police are assigned to patrol the streets and book people for jay walking. What do you think will happen to jay walking statistics in this situation? Answer: the number of people recorded jay walking is likely to increase. Why? Because the police collect the statistics, and there are more police. Hence, more recording. You argument, in essence, is that the increased jay walking statistics tell us there are more jay walkers out there. Funny that that should happen just when there's a police crack-down on jay walking, don't you think?

It seems to me you are just a fanatic and believes abortions should be legal just because, with no valid reason as to why. I would call that trolling.

I'll make it simple for you. In a nutshell, here is why I believe abortion should be legal:

1. A pregnant woman is the person in the best position to decide what is best for her and her potential child.
2. The law should not interfere in matters of personal autonomy unless there is a compelling reason to do so.
3. Making abortion illegal does not prevent it occurring, but rather drives it underground, which results in BOTH women and their unborn children dying from backyard abortion procedures. Thus, net suffering increases by making abortion illegal.
4. An unborn foetus does not have the same interests, and therefore is not entitled to the same rights as an adult, or even the same rights as a newborn child.
5. The rights of a woman who has an unplanned pregnancy can, in some circumstances, outweigh the limited rights of an unborn child.

Now, why don't you give me your list of why you believe abortion should be illegal?

The women has a choice to have sex.

Not always. And accidents sometimes happen.

The women has a choice to use protection.

Not always. And accidents sometimes happen.

So, before I had to be in college to understand your argument. But when I tell you that I am in college, you then tell me I have to come back in two years. You, sir, are trolling.

Actually, I implied that it would have been useful for you to have gone to college to appreciate how common the situation was. Specifically, I asked you "did you go to college?", not "are you going to college?"

Two can split hairs, Quarkmoon.

And no, my friends aren't Bible thumpers because I'm not one myself.

There's hope for you yet. :)

One common scenario of many? That makes absolutely no sense! It is an uncommon scenario, a claim supported by abortion statistics.

Ah! You have abortion statistics for university halls of residence. Show me.

Fact: The majority of unplanned pregnancies are a result of consensual sex without the use of protection.

I could ask you to source this fact, but it really doesn't matter whether it is true or not. Let's say it is. Why does it then follow that abortion should not be permitted?

Two people wait until they are married to have sex. The women ends up pregnant, why would that be an unwanted pregnancy?

Er.. because she didn't want to get pregnant?

A women chooses not to use protection, and chooses to have sex before she is able to take care of a child.

So, in essence, you do believe that women are reckless about the chances of pregnancy. You actually think that, in general, women don't worry about getting pregnant when they have sex. What makes you think that?

I will start to take pro-lifers seriously when they start advocating vegetarianism, rather than waving their anti-abortion placards as they stomp backwards and forwards munching their hamburgers.

So, in order to be for abortion, you would have to eat the aborted fetus?

Do you see how ridiculous that is? In order to be pro-life we have to be vegetarians? You are a mod and you are trolling! Please, ban yourself.

You missed my point again.

An adult cow clearly has a higher level of sentience and consciousness than a human blastocyst. Yet pro-lifers consider the killing of a blastocyst to be murder which ought to be subject to the full force of the criminal law, while at the same time cheerfully encouraging and indirectly participating in the mass slaughter of innocent animals. And why? Just because they like the taste of their flesh.

Now that is hypocrisy.
let's not let this grow into a flame war please

the issue here is abortion not who has the biggest rod
For the side effects of Birth Control Pills:
“ Possible Side Effects
The birth control pill is a safe and effective method of birth control. Most young women who take the Pill have none to very few side effects. However, the side effects that some women do have while on the Pill include:

* irregular menstrual bleeding
* nausea, weight gain, headaches, dizziness, and breast tenderness
* mood changes
* blood clots (rare in women under 35 who do not smoke)

Some of these side effects improve over the first 3 months on the Pill. When a girl has side effects, a doctor will sometimes prescribe a different brand of the Pill.

The Pill also has some side effects that most young women are happy about. It usually makes periods much lighter, reduces cramps, and is often prescribed for women who have menstrual problems. Taking the Pill often improves acne, and some doctors prescribe it for this purpose. Birth control pills have also been found to protect against some forms of breast disease, anemia, ovarian cysts, and uterine cancer. ”

I did mean more the long term effects as opposed getting a bit sick when you start, but i think you knew that, and its 98% effective, so depending on where you look it ranges 97% and 98%, thats still 2/3 every hundred a year(theres a huge number of people in the world).
The pregnancy rate for condoms probably includes condom tampering and breakage. Sperm does not magically jump through a condom. Used in conjuction with birth control pills the chances of pregnancy are negligible.
Who said anything about it jumping through a condom? I said in practice it isnt 99%, which you kindly proved, thankyou.
Now we just went through why a small minority cannot use both, and some are simply ignorant of the fact both should be used(through no fault of their own), others dont believe in using condoms, but maybe we'll keep religion and personal beliefs out of it for now.
James R said:
I'll make it simple for you. In a nutshell, here is why I believe abortion should be legal: (edit) I've bolded the list below)

1. A pregnant woman is the person in the best position to decide what is best for her and her potential child.

Even if she has a mental illness? Or Downs Syndrome? Or is a cocaine(any drug) addict? Or is homeless and has no visible means of supporting the child?

2. The law should not interfere in matters of personal autonomy unless there is a compelling reason to do so.

Well, many people, (perhaps the majority?), seem to feel tha they have that "compelling reason" to make the law. I mean, you can't just ignore all of those people, can you? ...even if you think they're nuts, or crazy, or ignorant?

3. Making abortion illegal does not prevent it occurring, but rather drives it underground, ...

The same can be said of almost any human action. Murder, for example; would you say the same for murder? Or how 'bout theft? How 'bout subtle psychological abuse (Bullying?).

4. An unborn foetus does not have the same interests, and therefore is not entitled to the same rights as an adult, or even the same rights as a newborn child.

I think a very similar argument was used to prevent blacks from voting (and other such rights). Surely you, of all people, James, can't be advocating such an argument based on just some simple principles/beliefs, are you?

5. The rights of a woman who has an unplanned pregnancy can, in some circumstances, outweigh the limited rights of an unborn child.

See the note above concerning arguments against giving the rights of blacks in the USA.

But also this issue of "weighing" the various rights does one do that? And who does it? And is it by majority vote? And if not by vote, then how does one write such a law? ...about anything? (And isn't that a similar argument that President Bush is using to spy on telephone conversations?)

Geez, I don't know, James ...perhaps you can clear up some of my points.

And just so you know, I'm most assuredly pro-choice ....but that doesn't mean that I can't see the opposing side's point of view.

Baron Max
Don't worry, Hug-a-tree, no one else understands him either ....notice the lack of response to that comment?

Hey, do you really hug trees? Or are you just suggesting that *I* hug trees? :)

Oh, and ......what the hell is the consensus on abortion rights? Have we decided yet? If so, what's the decision? I mean, with some 17 pages of debate, surely a decision has been made and agreed to, hasn't it? Or have we, the members of sciforums, not able to make any legitimate compromises on such issues? ...and yet continually expect our congressmen and judicial members to do it?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Or have we, the members of sciforums, not able to make any legitimate compromises on such issues? ...and yet continually expect our congressmen and judicial members to do it?

To be perfectly honest, I don't think that's possible. I'll reply to James R's comments later, but the issue simply boils down to some people believe the fetus is an object while others feel it is a Human life or will eventually become a human life so to abort it would be immoral. Pro-choice proponents continue to make the argument that the fetus is not a child therefore it has no Human rights. Unless we can overcome that fundamental difference, abortion will remain a dividing issue. And as you can see after so many pages, that's easier said then done.