Invisible Flying Objects (IFO's)

On the subject of IFOs:

Why doesn't windex have a line of glass cleaners designed to clean invisable dirt? I mean that's gotta' be the hardest stuff to get rid of, because if it's invisable how do you now if it's still there or not? They should have a special formula designed just to get rid of invisable dirt.
Mr norad.....

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Mr. Anonymous

That's so kind of you to give Ms. Hurley my best! ;)

I don't know if UFO's exist, but it seems to me that the darn things have been around since recorded history. Depending on how one looks at it, the Bible, ehem, I know, borish, maybe even foolish, is full of sightings, and yes, I do believe close encounters of the third kind happened too. I cannot accept a Christian's view of the Bible-I believe they have been brainwashed into missing the obvious. North American Indians called these things flying canoes. People in the holy land would call them angels, God, whatever. The book of Ezekial is the most damning of all. It goes something like this: A wind came from the north, and I saw an object that shined like beryl with flames about it-sounds like coming through the atmosphere. There was a wheel inside of a wheel on the ground. The rim was so high it was fearsome. About the rim were these eyes. I thought about that, and taking the time frame into consideration, I don't believe they were eyes-more like round windows, portholes if you will. Again, time period plays a major factor in the way things are described and the culture. Hence, North American Indians calling them flying canoes.
It continues, and Ezekial said he heard the voice of God come out of this thing. Now there are some other verses that I haven't been able to make sense of yet, but as you can see, there is credence to my insanity.

Then there's the matter of UFO sightings everyday throughout the world. One every three minutes I think. Now, some are natural, some are hoaxes, but if we take the 1 or 2 percent that cannot be explained that's a lot of sightings throughout the run of a year.

Now the other question is why don't they contact us? Reveal themselves to us? I cannot answer that. Are they checking up on us? Are we an experiment? Are they us coming from the future? A lot of questions that really need to be answered.

Then the extra dimenions, if they exist. There may be flattened out dimensions in our neck of the woods, but again, without searching we will never know. I would assume that they would not be visible to the naked eye. It would be more like stumbling across a porthole-just a stroke of luck.

I guess we will all know when we're dead, but I would like to find out for sure when I'm still here.

Mr. A. pleasure as always.


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Have you ever heard of an African Tribe called the Dogon? They were discovered and studied in quite some depth by a french anthropological expedition, originally back in the thirties.

They worship a star, Sirius, sometimes known as the Dog Star I believe. Part of their ceremonies envolve dressing up in wicker masks and dancing around representations of Sirius, which they have always depicted as being two distinct stars.

That is very interesting-can't say I have heard of the Dogon, but quite interesting indeed.

There's still quite a few unknowns out there, Mr. Anonymous, but I would like to get over the electromagnetism bit first! :)

I appreciate some of your explanations. Very thorough.

Either that, or there here after our Oil.

Maybe-have you heard of 7th Day Aventists? I think this is the name of the group, but not quite sure. There is a religious group, cult, what have you, that believe in life on other planets. Their reasoning is that beings from other worlds are not to bother with us because we are known as the falling planet. It's definitely an interesting concept and it's quite true-that's the sad thing about this concept. :( And again, not sure if this is the 7th Day Aventists or not.

Well, Mr. Anonymous, I have to go for now, but will check back later. Have a good one, and don't let the missus catch you with Ms. Hurley! At least, don't let her catch you calling out Ms. Hurley's name in the middle of the night! ;)

So, by all means, keep that open mind of yours, becasue these very much are parts of the puzzel which appear to fit..... Weather it all leads ultimately to what ever it is you personally believe of course is another matter

I cannot say it is a belief-more like an obsession! I want to know the truth, that's all I want really-the truth. Did we evolve from primates? Genetic engineering? What? This is what has been the thorn in my side for several years. As stated earlier, I have a sneaking suspicion that we are all missing something-scientists, Christians, Atheists, you name it. I don't know what it is-I really don't. It's one of those feelings-the type of feeling where someone doesn't get on a plane because something doesn't feel right, and the plane goes down an hour later killing everyone on board. It's that type of feeling. I do believe in natural selection to a certain extent. That's part of the problem. Of course, if I believe in natural selection, then why would it stop at primates? And if this ocurred here, then it most likely ocurred the same way on another planet. Again, this is another problem that keeps nagging at me. And if I ever put it all together I will be met with much resistence. Scientiists Christians, you name it.


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Hello again, Mr norad.....

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Mr. Anonymous

What about gravity as a driving force for a UFO? I have been thinking about that possibility too, but not quite sure how or if it would work.

You know, Mr. Anonymous, maybe it has been natural selection all along. If one even looks at the Bible, there is a procession of order. The light of the first day-the Big Bang-then the universe forming-then the earth, plants, animals-and then man. Maybe not quite in that order, but darn close.

Maybe there are other species out there, good and evil. Maybe that's what's referred to in the holy book as God and the devil. Who knows? It's bothersome!

Mr. Anonymous, do keep in touch. If you're bored, you can visit the website of the company I work at-I don't have a bio or pic up there yet-we have all been too busy. The President is only 30-had this company since he was 22. Not passed down either-he built it from scratch! Has a call centre that does mostly surveys in the U.S., and I work at the computer solutions side of it. I, along with two others, do programming for the call centre, coding of open-ended responses, and data integrity checks-this is done to check for skip pattern errors or to see if all the people making the calls are following instructions. The other part of computer solutions is we build databases and web-based applications. Some half decent companies he's done this for. He's doing a database for the dean's faculty for Dalhousie university, built a billing system for the Canadian Automobile Association, etc. One other thing-if you visit the field services site, I suggest turning on your speakers, pretty neat. Talk to you soon, and have a good night. I believe it's around midnight there now.



After reading only one and a half page of this thread, I feel the need to make this post. As you seem bothered by other peoples insults toward you, I have quoted a few of your expressions.

Originally posted by Norad

Man you are some pissy!… Are you implying that you are a 'troll'?… You seem like a pissy person… you don't even have the brain power… shows your ignorance and arrogance… You are really boring me with your grade 2 IQ… Q slags me because he/she is a PoS

Originally posted by Norad
So, go to your other boards, Q. You are really boring me with your grade 2 IQ.

And this did it really:

Originally posted by Norad

I suppose you believe in Star Trek is not slagging Q? That is a personal attack, god damn admit it!

Really Norad, that last quote shows you are somewhat too touchy. How do you see it as a personal attack? I may hope you do not take everything people say to each other in discussions as a personal attack, may it be online or off line.

The following, posted by (Q) says it all very clearly. (Q) is right. This is a discussion board. It is all different people with their very own view.

Originally posted by (Q)


Q slags me

Uh, excuse me norad, but you should go back and read this thread again. YOU are the one who is “slagging.” YOU are the one who said:


Man you are some pissy!… Are you implying that you are a 'troll'?… You seem like a pissy person… you don't even have the brain power… shows your ignorance and arrogance… You are really boring me with your grade 2 IQ… Q slags me because he/she is a PoS

I did not attack you in any way - I attacked your opinions and ideas, that is what a forum is all about. If you are going to hurl personal insults because someone disagrees with your worldview and then state you are the victim, then perhaps you are the one who should leave.

I challenge you to show me anywhere in this threads a personal insult directed towards you from me. If you can’t, then shut up and go away!

Also, Norad, I noticed you had more encounters of the same likes, in the Biology & Genetics forum for instance. Aren't you behaving exactly the same way in that forum as what you accuse (Q) of doing in this forum? Do not tell posters to stay out of this forum because of their disagreeing with your thoughts and opinions.

I would advice you to grow some skin. Get over it. There is no need for insulting. I strongly suggest you stop with it and take a deep breath or so before you reply in hopes it will prevent you from continuing shouting insults.

In one short word: Chill!
the event of invisable aircrafts, seems to be a reality since light is a electromagnetic property.

i have a question, it seems that many that post a opinion rely on the opinion of other people to validate there argument, regardless of others opinoin, why not use real scientific information to determine if it is posssible that invisable aircrafts exist.

consider the event a electron is manipulated by a electromagnetic force, this is seen in a cathod tube, and is the reason televisions and computer monitirs are possible, same for a scaning electron microscope, this esatblishes that a electron which can move a speeds of 10,000 miles per sec can be manipulated, hence the event of light which travels at 182,000 miles per second and is a elecrtomagnetic source can be manipulated by a magnetic feild.
this observation of simple measurement tells us that you need a magnetic force around 18 times stronger than one use to manipulate a electron.
looking at the magnetic feild electromagnetic energy travels about 166,000 miles per second, standard. this is very close to the speed of light and exsplains why light and light of electrons is manipulated by a magnetic feild.
the speed of effect of light is about 1,800 mile per sec. this is the electro magnetic effect of light, plainly said light travels at 182,000 mile per second but it effect travles at 1,800 miles per second. light is long gone pased the point of effect by the time the effect takes place.
here the reaction of a elecrtomagnetic feild with light is at 1,800 miles per sec. this defines the difficultly with manipulating light. but yet light can be manipulated in fact such as in polarized light, the event of ploarized is the event of light polarized by a magnetic when passing through a magnetic feild, this occurs as onle light with the same polarity can travel thorugh the magnetic feild, and the remained of light is either canceled by the magnetic feild or realigned by the magentic feild. this magentic feild exercises a force before the light passes through the magnetic feild, and on the other sized comes out polarized, by the magentic, this is the same as making a magnet from steel by placing it in a magnetic feild. ther is no difference plainly so because light is the soruce of atoms, and so electrons, theris just a higher concenrtation of light in a atom and electron naking it easier to attract or repel by magnetic force. as light can be polarized it becomes appearant that light can be bent, the ablitiy to bend light then requires a polaization by a magnetic force,
two appear invisable requires the event of moving light from one point round the object to the opposite side of the obect and in the same tracjectory as the orginal path of the light, the second meathod of invisablity is to absrobe light andthe point of contact on one side of the object and reproduce the light at the opposite side of the object with the same light wave as absorbed. in the first scenrio it would require that light be moved at the speed of light and include the time for light to travle around the object, how could this be done, the only way that tis can be done is by useing light to bend light, this can opnly be controlled by useing contiously slower speeds of light carring a magnetic feild, but raveling neear the speed of the fastes light wave, x- rays would be the most magnetic, and then continuing on to visable light and then radio, here we see that a magnetic feild would have to maniplulate xrays in a orderly fashion which would then controll the various light waves by the magentic feild of the xray coupled with the magnetic feild of the magnetic used to controll the xray, here we see that the difference in time of manipulation of the xray will be about 1,800 miles per second and 20,000 miles per second slower, there fore to defeat this time lag the magnetic force use to manipulate the xray must travel in motion continously in the same direection, allowing the xray to gain a motion in the same direction, once the xrays have a motion in the same direction as the magnetic feild the x rays will move light in the same direction, near the speed of light. if this capture and motion of the light by xrays in capture is moved around the object or craft at the same speed as it would take light to pass by the object the craft/oject will disappear. because the electro magnetic feild travels a 166,000 miles per second it is sightly slower, but the event of x-rays manipulated in the direction around the craft by the magnetic feild actually travels sightly slower than the fastest light or viable light, this emans that the succes of xrays to manipluated light is the success of invisablity,

so how does this appear, if you are looking at a invisable object it will have a wave form light a florscent light bulb, or a heat wave but it will apear as invisable as if you are looking through it and seeing a heat wave. if you get near the oject its safe to do so but to touch the oject or two be within say 10 to 5 feet of the oject or craft will result in a dose of x-rays, which can cause cancer, mutations and death due to exspore to the rads. this has been the case that has occured to people that have enter what is called a ufo with out the knowlegde of its occupants, these people have died from the rads of which they where exsposed to with out knowing as x ray are inviable.
the event that when looking at a inviasble object it appears as a floresenc light buld or heat wave makes such a object perfect for being invisable in the sky, and in deserts, as heat waves appear normal in the desert and in the sky such wave froms appear as normal in the lighting of the sky.

so then are there invisbale object/crafts the awnser is tes there are, and it is perfectly capable for human to make such crafts of invisablity in present day and as well in histroy. however the reality of such a invisable craft and its dangers has to be taken in to consideration, such a craft could not operate under invisablity in populated areas as contact with people would cause illness.

let there be no mistake about invisable objects, they are real, the truth is that goverments or selected groups of people do not want people to have knowledge of such crafts, but simple science and a understaning of science over 100 years old will direct you to the fact that such is a real event.

Re: Mr. Anonymous

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hence the event of light which travels at 182,000 miles per second and is a elecrtomagnetic source… electromagnetic energy travels about 166,000 miles per second…because the electro magnetic feild travels a 166,000 miles per second it is sightly slower… light travels at 182,000 mile per second but it effect travles at 1,800 miles per second.

None of these are correct.

this can opnly be controlled by useing contiously slower speeds of light carring a magnetic feild,

The speed of light is invariant. There is no such thing as slower speeds of light.

this has been the case that has occured to people that have enter what is called a ufo with out the knowlegde of its occupants, these people have died from the rads of which they where exsposed to with out knowing as x ray are inviable

Who died? Can you cite any references?

let there be no mistake about invisable objects, they are real, the truth is that goverments or selected groups of people do not want people to have knowledge of such crafts

Do you have any evidence of this conspiracy theory?
Mr. Anonymous

Well the bible stuff I just find interesting.

the Universe itself did actually begin as a blinding flash of light. Funny how mans always seemed to know that, isn't it.......?

This is why this alien thing bothers me. Who knew about this 2000 years ago?

The sling shot from gravity I knew about. It was one of the reasons I questioned gravity as a source of propelling. Black holes definitely! No light escaping from that I would imagine it would be a huge amount of force, although useless to use since one would get sucked into it! So, I imagine then, the bigger the body, Jupiter for instance, the stronger the gravity and this would lead to a much more accelerated sling shot than Earth?

I'll wait for what you think before I post another question, Mr. Anonymous.

Pleasure, as always,

Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

After all, current cosmological therory does tend to nod towards the probability there's actually a super Black Hole at the very centre of our own Galaxy, the sheer quanity of stellar mass surrounding it exerts enough gravitational force of its own to hold off being sucked wholesale into the thing and instead everything travels in orbit around it, just like a collection of satelights around a planet.

I heard of this. It's interesting that their own gravity prevents them from being sucked into it, but I still find that amazing considering light cannot even escape. You know, black holes, I just find intriguing. I wonder where planets, moons, etc go when they get sucked in? If one could live through it without being ripped apart-that would really be an interesting trip! I imagine no where really, but would still be an amazing thing to experience.

Mr. Anonymous, have a good night. Enjoy the fireworks in Bagdad, and good health to you. One question before I go-have you ever met the queen? Any royalty?


unfortunelyt again Q as alwasy you are a complete nusiance, if you think that you know the speed of light, and that of the magnetic feild and the effect speeed of light please say so because you have offered nothing of value so far other than speculation, and commenatry.
tell me Q why question if you can not provide a awnser, plainly you must be a complete idiot when it comes to light.

if i gave you case or not, the fact remains that x-rays are leathal, so how could you be such a idoit as to question the event of death in contact with large doses of x-rays.

the fact that you do not knowQ is enough to say that there is a conspiarcy and that they do not want you to know.

Q you really have to be a retarded idiot to come up with some of the statements you make, why dont you just use your mind,

listen i am not going to exsplain to you every fact of science, you need to study in stead of insult people with insane questions, or learn to ask questions diferently, i allready give you the benifit of a awnser.

discussion, Q if emf does not travel at 166,000 miles pe sec then at what speed does it travel. if the effect of light is at 1,800 miles per sec then what is the rate of effect of light.
Please Q since you seem to think that these are wrong show better.

Q really this is why i hate it when you respond to my post, it is as if your are a idot, please if you can not do better don't respond to my post, you did that in the post magnetic feilds of earth two.

let me make it clear you recive benfit from me not me from you, if you are looking for a way to measure light because you do not how then you need to learn, use your mind,


It is clear to everyone here that you have no idea what you’re talking about. And it doesn’t really matter whether or not someone corrects your nonsensical drivel; you don’t believe him or her anyway, no matter what they say and no matter what references are provided for you. You remain entrenched in your own little world of quackery.

You can hurl insults at me all you want – it only serves to make you look the fool even more, if that were possible.

But for the benefit of anyone else who may wish to understand a little real science, I’ll provide this link:

The speed of light in free space (that is, in a vacuum) is a constant that has been measured to considerable accuracy. To nine significant figures, it is 299,792,458 meters per second (2.99792458 x 108 m/s). This is the speed with which all electromagnetic fields, including radio waves, infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), X rays, and gamma rays, propagate in a vacuum. The constant is symbolized c.,,sid9_gci803719,00.html
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Imagine a heavy metal ball just deposited on the surface of a flexible sheet of rubber. The ball's weight causes the rubber sheet to sag around the heavy ball, and this sagging is at it's deepest the closest you physically get to the ball itself, and smooths out and becomes more gradual the further away you get.

Now, this I'm interested in. This was one of the reasons why I asked about gravity being used as propulsion.

If it's possible, could a machine create it's own gravity to cause it too be 'heavy', which in my mind considering what you just described would give it the means to propel across the galaxy at a phenomenal rate? I cannot convey what I have in mind because I'm trying to understand this, but I do have an idea.

HRH Her very Self no never actually, Royalty but just the once in a sort of hugely indirect way. I was crossing over the road out side the BBC's Broadcasting House and a car carrying Her Royal Highness Princess Anne very nearly ran me over. There she sat in that back of one of their Royal Saloon's with the imperious nerve to actually give me a filthy look as if for the damned imputance of her bladdy driver almost managing to ding the paintwonk on the bonnet of one her of mothers motor's by smacking into my body with the bladdy thing.

I inturn merely only reciprocated the gesture myself and continued, in a pointedly and deliberately slow fashion, to continue my egress across the road in my own sweet time...

Just becasue the buggers probably do actually own the damn road, it isn't as if it gives them any special rights or anything.

This seems to be the case with anyone that has money, Mr. A. I guess they think they can take it with 'em. I've got news for them-not!

Well, Mr. A, pleasure as always, and looking forward to your response. This has been an eye opening experience for me, to say the least. Thanks!



P.S. I'm up there in the years, Mr. A. Not old, but middle age.