Invisible Flying Objects (IFO's)

Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

I wasn't really getting to 'warp drive' per se, but I was getting to the same type of idea. So, this was the basis behind Star Trek? I really didn't know that, even though I am a 'Treky', I always thought it was something else-ah, matter-anti-matter. I just saw that matter-antimatter bit you put in your post. Yes, I'll have to get back too you on this-I missed it from having too many! I realize that space is loaded with dark matter-the substance that scientists believe hold clusters of galaxies together. Hmmm...I really have to get back to you on this one, because I have had a few beers, and honestly, I cannot think worth a darn when drinking! Now, GGH on the other hand-God's Green Herb-yes, my mind is like a sponge soaking up water! lol :)

The speed of light, yes, 186, 000 miles per second! Phenomenal isn't it? It travels a meter in: .000000005640952 seconds.

Yes, old fellow I am. Not the big four oh, yet, but getting there-December I will be. ;)

Have a good one Mr. A. Pleasure as always, and take care.
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well Q it would seem most appearant that estimate that you have posted in you link/qoute is one that is a general statment of the speed of light.

consider the event not all light is of the same frequencey, or length some light is only 100 angstroms, and some only 4000 angstroms, some 10,000 Angstroms, wave forms get as long and several meters and so on.
consider also that each wave from of light has a emf feild, simply light has electromagent properties.
the shorter the wave form the higher the eletromagentic properties.

if you said that red light traveled at 186,000 miles per second, and it was 8,000 angstroms in length, what would be the speed of light of a x-ray that is only 100 angstroms in length.
plainly 100 is 80 times smaller than 8,000.
looking a closer we see than gamma is even smaller, and has a greater effect on mass than light, like wise a electron, and as said before a x-ray, in order for such energy to have a effect it must have a speed at which energy can react that is not back ground energy radation. or seen another way, the x-ray, gamma, and electron have more energy and therfore react with other energy slowing it down.
these event pretain reagrless if it is in a vaccum or air, as long as radation or energy exist in medium the x-ray will react at a greater rate than other light. simply conservation of energy and engery expenditure demonstrate this.
common sense demonstartes that light with different lengths will have different speeds and different electromagnetic reactions.

example radio wave do not respond as geen light, plainly ther are different properties with different light. like wise different speeds.

in general if a x-ray is 80 times less than red light, which tavels at 186,000 mi per sec then

186,000 divided by 80 = 2,325
the speed of a x-ray is then 183,675 mph or minus 1/80th of the speed of light red.

beta patricles are as slow as 150,000 miles per second.,

the event of emf is the coupling speed of light , in organized dierction which is 166,000 miles per second. therfore one can see than random light is different than organised coupling of light and for that reason has two different speeds, as well they have two different effects.

Mr. Anonymous

Not sure really what gravity would be made of, but the universe itself is 73% dark energy, 4% is atoms, and the rest I forget :(

I'll get back to you on this Mr. A-later on when my head stops throbbing! lol Too many brews!
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Well, I have to say that I do have a high metabolic rate. I'm not skinny mind you, but I'm not fat either-I actually lost almost 2 inches around my waist just from walking to/from work-20 minutes either way. So, I'm one of the lucky few that can get away with it ;)

I'll get back to you later on. Getting ready for work at the moment. So, I'll check with you later, and take care.


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Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

My, my....... We're certainly sounding more sparky t'day....

Yes, much better today ;)

So, if I understand your post, then I should look at space like a rubber sheet? I saw something somewhere that used this synopsis for looking at how to *distort*, not sure if that's correct, space. From what I understand of this, it would take huge amounts of energy, possibly matter to *distort* spacetime. So, I guess for now, this is totally unfeasible-at least from where I'm standing at.

So, I guess the question is, which would be easier to attain? Electromagnetism for propulsion or gravity? And what would prove to be the better for acceleration? Gravity or electromagnetism? I would think gravity for space travel, and then electromagnetism for travel within a body-such as our atmosphere. Does that sound like the typical UFO, Mr. A?

I'll be back later to check up on your feelings on this.


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Although y'do have to remember, that stuff about a UFO using an electromagnetic field like that isn't actually propulsion, but then I think I may have banged on enough about that for me to be fairly certain that's actually the way you're meaning it...

Yes, not for propulsion, but for descent reasons.

Now, the engine is something I question. It wouldn't have to be like the archaic solid rocket engines we use-I also assume this wouldn't produce enough thrust to get here in an exceptable amount of time from the nearest star. I guess I question the use of booster rockets being used by beings more advanced than we are-if those beings exist.

What about nuclear power? Would that produce enough energy to escape our atmosphere? I assume it would, but how that would be accomplished is another matter. What about electromagnetism? Could there be enough force to propel the object out of the grips of our gravity? mentioned way back when that the Earth is both positive/negative. What about the magnetic grids? From my understanding, these grids move around. I wonder if some research has been done with UFO sightings and the magnetic grids? You know, depending on where these grids are at the moment, if there is more UFO sightings in that particular region? If you do a search for Coral Castle, you will see what I mean. This fellow claimed he knew the secret the Egyptians did, but took it with him to his grave.

Pleasure, Mr. A


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Yes, nuclear fusion is what I meant by nuclear power.

So, magnetic grids wouldn't be of any use?

I'll check back later, Mr. A. Have a good one.


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

The speed of light I knew. I do have a physics book at home which describes the twins paradox, etc. So, I'm not behind on this. I'm more behind on magnetism, electromagnetism.

I guess what I really wanted to know if the magnetic grids were strong enough for some sort of propulsion out of Earth's gravity, but it seems that it really isn't. I still think if these things exist, UFO's, then they must be using something beyond our capabilities/thinking. It seems to me that eye witness accounts don't even suggest noise or an ion trail, which would be representative to the use of an engine of some sort.

What I was driving at with the magnetic fields is, well, I think you already knew. If you take one magnet and try to put them together with the same polarity-not sure if that's the correct term-they will do everything in their power to stay apart. So, that was my reasoning. I still think it's viable, but not necessarily with magnetic grids.

Have a good one Mr. A. I'm at work at the moment, and just have a few minutes left before going back at it.


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Yes, work is a bugger, especially when it makes someone else rich!

Thanks for the post, and I know what you mean, no hardcore evidence of UFO's.

I'll read through the whole thing latter, and see if I can come up with any questions-heck maybe even rebuttals ;) Just kidding Mr. A.

Have a good one.


Re: Mr. Anonymous

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