Invisible Flying Objects (IFO's)

Mr. Anonymous

You are correct, sir, chap it is. I believe Q had a certain jab in there, but I ignore he/she from now on. Q is making me stoop down to his/her level.

That's enough about that. So, Mr. A, thanks for replying in a sincere manner. I realize my guffa with the suggestion.

I would like to continue this discussion with you Mr. A. Right now, I'm programming something for work. So, not really much time. Sometime this week though. Have a good one Mr. A.
Mr A

So I'm gathering then that it's appology accepted....?

No need to apologize – it appears to be a simply misunderstanding. J

By the by, I believe Mr norad's actually a chap

That alone would be a topic of debate. If a chap, he most certainly lacks a spine.
Hey Mr. Anonymous.

I've done the programming job. It was a pain, but it had to be done. It's now off to the second member of the team. Great fun, programming is!

So, what are some of the implications of using electromagnetism as the force behind UFO propulsion. I believe you explained it from coming into the atmosphere of this planet from orbit, but what about out in space? How would this work? There must be some other kind of propulsion system for outer space, isn't there? PLMK, I'm curious to your response.

Thanks, Mr. Anonymous, and have a spot of tea for me! If you see Elizabeth Hurley, give her a growl for me too, won't you? ;)
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Interesting posts.

Does anybody have any decent links for photographs/videos that they could post please that show what they beleive to be real UFO footage.
Mr Q...... Mr norad.

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heyya all :)

sorry to sound like a perdantic theologian....

and it seems to me to be a huge one :/

look at the shear amount of emotional dribble that has been
nurtured to coddle the egos of those who seek to divert the topic.

funny how all seem to loose the plot... myself included on some occasions :D

and no offence but mentaly blinkerd text book re-gergitation is not the fundamental prose of this thread...
it started so well with the very first post-starter thread...
now its finishing (so it would seem)
in a "flooding" of ... dare i say it CRAP
i assume you all have no intension of wanting to discus such a topic seriousely???

*note: seriouse does not mean closeminded conformatism!
*note making derivative condacending reference to sexual orgins
as a predetermination of intelect and intelegence is not only biggoted but also shows a high degree of sexual disfunction.

and then to say someone needs therapy....
sheeesh :/
it would be an insult to nature to say the content had gone to the dogs! (unless thats the dogs of war)

note ... posative discusion is debate
negative discusion is biggotry.
i feel almost stupid to even point out these facts(as such)
because i would think anyone past the age of 20 should understand what constructive discussion is.

another thread dies.... as intended?

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
Mr. Anonymous you bring up a good point.

Now, on to the original reason for the thread.

You had mentioned ...Though of course, being electrolytic in nature, in a very general sense electromagnetic features are indeed coming into play with this, so indeed you're first instinct in looking at the matter in this particular way isn't actually all that terribly unfounded after all...

Are you saying I'm on the right track or the wrong track? I still think it's possible whether people think it's science fiction or not. The way I look at it is when Buck Rogers landed on the moon in the comics in 1945, people thought it was science fiction then too!
What's science fiction today could very well be reality tomorrow. I believe everyone should have that kind of concept in their mind when they are 'looking' as you put it.

Let me know your thoughts, Mr. Anonymous-Throaty. Where did you get that from?

One other thing Mr. A. Follow this link and you will understand why I think the way I do, although this link had no bearing on my suspicions 14 years ago, it just strengthens my suspicions.

It is very extensive, and this fellow has done a lot of research into the matter, although on the first page it does say he doesn't support that God is an alien. This to me doesn't make sense since He isn't from this planet, that makes him alien. Just my observation.


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Follow this link and you will understand why I think the way I do

The purpose of this work is to present the reality that the UFOs in our modern skies have been flying in those skies for the entirety of world history. The beings controlling these high tech flying vehicles are not "aliens", in the sense that they are visitors to this world, but in fact the same beings that terra formed / created the biosphere we inhabit. Human beings have recorded the presence of these beings since the dawn of time and are more closely related to them than has been revealed. This work does not attempt to prove God is an alien; it presents evidence and logic that the Gods have been mistaken for an alien race.

We present this evidence as warning to mankind that there are forces on this planet, which have reason to condition mankind into believing the Earth is under threat of an alien invasion. Those forces are now manipulating mankind into a warlike and defensive posture, which will soon be directed from the current planetary terrorist threat to an “extraterrestrial” terrorist threat. The result is all humanity will unite against the returning fleet of Christ returning to Earth to capture and imprison those evil forces plaguing the planet. Mankind is being recruited to fight against the very God they claim to worship.

Q, of course some of it is far reaching, especially the first page, but there are a lot of valid points in his work. I'm speaking about the references in the Bible to what he determines them to be. And logically, whether one believes or not, they all make sense. Possibilities is what this board is about.
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Mr. Anonymous

How are you today? Did you take a look at that website? Do you have an answer to my question? I'm not starting anything by the way, Q is. As you can see by my reply afterwards, it is much more mature.

Let me know Mr. A what you're thoughts are re: ...Though of course, being electrolytic in nature, in a very general sense electromagnetic features are indeed coming into play with this, so indeed you're first instinct in looking at the matter in this particular way isn't actually all that terribly unfounded after all...

Q, of course some of it is far reaching, especially the first page, but there are a lot of valid points in his work.

What points are valid?

I'm speaking about the references in the Bible to what he determines them to be

His interpretations of the Bible are no less and no more plausible than you or me or anyone else. His interpretations however, leave one to suspect his complete loss of all rational thought and reasoning. He’s a loony!

And logically, whether one believes or not, they all make sense.

Uh… Yeah, sure… whatever you say.

*Q backs away slowly*

No need for the backing away slowly. I'm referring to some things in the *cough* Bible, that the author of this website has used to verify some points he makes. It may not be the complete truth because he will add his own opinion, but I do know he has done extensive research on the matter. The way I look at it is like this. One must look at the time period that these books were written. Lights in the sky, UFO's? Virgin Mary-immaculate conception or artificial insemination? Ezekial-explaining a UFO or something else? The star over the manger-UFO or was it a star? The last is interesting because it does say in the book that the three wisemen came upon a child-not a baby. This is why bible theologists believed it took the three wisemen 2 to 3 years to get to the manger. To put this into perspective. It took Alexander the Great and his army 17 years to travel 10,000 miles. Of course there were wars, drinking binges in between, but it does show one how it may have taken the 3 wisemen that long. By that time Jesus was in Bethleham. There are some things on this site I don't agree with, but one cannot fault the guy-he has done his research.

This should have given you a clue that this guy is a kook:

For those who have not been to the Disclosure Project website, it has been completely updated and I was assured by staff members that it would be maintained in the future. I would recommend, if one has the funds, that they obtain the briefing tapes available on the website as these are the tapes used to present the case to congressional, executive, military, and NASA officials. It is packed with very convincing testimony from very high placed witnesses and gives one a feel for the scope of not only the cover-up, but the incredible extent of the government's experience with UFOs. The updated website can be found at:
Does it make him a kook, or anyone else for that matter, looking for the answers? I don't believe it does anymore than scientists claiming natural selection, etc. It's what people thought of Buck Rogers landing on the moon in 1945 in the comic strips. It's a different concept, nothing more, nothing less. With writtings on walls in pyramids, native americans called them flying canoes, I have serious doubts that the Bible with it's descriptions is any different. If the ancients seen them, you can bet your bottom dollar that the people saw them in the holy lands. Have a good one, Q.
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Does it make him a kook, or anyone else for that matter, looking for the answers?

If one looks for answers from the site you linked or from Disclosure Project, then yes, absolutely, they are kooks, loons and/or crackpots. So tell me, is that where you get your answers?

I don't believe it does anymore than scientists claiming natural selection, etc.

Then I submit your critical thinking skills are non-existent and your understanding of natural selection and scientists is seriously flawed. You appear gullible towards pseudoscience and crackpottery and easily swayed by the opinions of others.

It's what people thought of Buck Rogers landing on the moon in 1945 in the comic strips. It's a different concept, nothing more, nothing less.

Strawman argument – pointless.
Mr. Anonymous

I know what you speak of "Chariots of the Gods". Some of his theory I didn't agree with, but yet again, I feel compelled to believe he was on the right track.

As for the electromagnetism, that is a shame. So, the possibility of IFO's is probably just wishful thinking, since they could be seen by radar.

I'll have to print out some of your posts and go through them. I will 'talk' with you later, MR. A. You're a good guy, I like you. You don't condemn anyone, and you seem to be relatively laid back. You would like it in Nova Scotia. It's the same type of atmosphere. When I moved here from Ontario, well, the maritime ladies know how to show a guy a good time! :)

I assume it would be the same in the U.K. I have to visit sometime before the next phase of my life-death. What comes afterwards, I don't really know, but my mom said it pretty well one time. She said, "If there isn't a heaven, I lose nothing, but if there is a heaven, I have everything to gain!" I think that puts it in a nutshell. If everyone lived life like that, there would be fewer problems in the world.