Invisible Flying Objects (IFO's)

Could you all start rating this thread please? Despite the fair amount of bickering going on I'd still like to get people's opinions on whether peoples posts are providing good reading etc.
Originally posted by Number Six
Well that is your opinion; you're perfectly entitled to yours as I am to mine and as everyone is to his or hers. Everybody has their own views and opinions and that's why boards like this exist.

Look at the image. Without actually having taken the picture or having been there when the picture was taken myself, I can not comment on the validity or content of what the image is actually of but taking into account Chris has supplied this image in the belief that it may satisfy, to some extent that some extra ordinary things out there do exist, I'd personally say it's unusual. Having looked at this picture, I myself would say that the fractures (if that's the right word) in the sky are unusual.

Number six, this picutre is nothing out of the ordinary. Chris posted a picture of the same sky on the first page. All he has done with this one is run it through some filters (I beleive that running it through a "solarize" filter would produce thsi effect. . . maybe just invering the colors, as yellow is the inverse of blue, and all the parts which were white in the first image are now dark, and vise versa). Those "fractures in the sky" are nothing but some whispy clouds, you can see them for yourself in the first image if you'd go and take a look.
Mr norad.... Y'know, some how I knew you simply must be a Canadian....

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Mr Six.....

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Mr. Anonymous

So, you're originally from Ontario, yes? Would that be a french speaking province at all?

No, can't say it is. Quebec, Ontario's neighbour is the french speaking province. And then we have New Brunswick which is english and french speaking. Confusing, I know. There are some communities in Ontario that are both english and french speaking. Ottawa, since it is so close to Hull, Quebec, is french and english speaking. Me myself, I don't know a word of french. Well, I do know some phrases, but if I said them to a french woman I would probably be slapped!

Well, not so polite, Mr. A. Some of my posts have been downright nasty, but I say that is over with. I don't mind different opinions as long as those opinions stay opinions instead of trying to cut someone else's opinion. Did that make sense? ;) I think you got the idea.

Mr. A, pleasure as always, and I will fly by here again. Have a good one, and say hi to Rowan Atkinson-Mr. Bean. That guy is hilarious!
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Ok Ok, I agree, the photograph is not that interesting, filtered or not, but it all depends on the individual viewing it and how much he or she is willing to let their mind run wild with imagination.

This is a far fetched topic, but some theories are very interesting and I'd go some way to say that I believe that UFO's are capable if disguising themselves into the atmosphere to either become invisible or failing that the "beings" have not perfected the art of becoming transparent yet and so until they achieve this they may use clouds as extra cover.

So to let my mind, at this present moment, completely run rife with myself, then after looking at the picture again under a magnifying glass, I can definitely see two eyes and a little three fingered hand waving at me.

Mr. Anonymous

Would that be 5 quid or pounds? What exactly would a quid be?
You're right, Toronto is in the middle pretty much and Halifax in Nova Scotia, east coast.

Canuck is the correct term.

just take the piss and get the benefit of a good chuckle out of it....

Or do you mean, go take a piss? ;)

I'd like to chat more about the electromagnetism. I must do a little bit of reading on it first; hard to tell what is correct information on the net, and what isn't. So, a trip to the library is in order.

If I remember correctly, you mentioned our galaxy spinning which could possibly lend a hand to the UFO's flight. What about galaxies that are not a spiral galaxy like our own Milky Way? I assume they all have some kind of motion to them, don't they?

Is there an electromagnetic field in the galaxies themselves? There's a reason why I ask this. Thomson experimented with electrons-he used an electric field to accelerate electrons. Of course now electromagnetic fields are used to give particles energy-lots of energy! Millions of electron volts.

Mr. Anonymous, I'll meet you again here. I need to think this through before I post my question.
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Mystech: " What exactly are we supposed to see in that, Chris? "

For myself I see possible evidence of another world, a short turn of the dial away from us so to speak, that is oblivious to the laws of Nature we abide by. And it is from here that the ufos come. I don't consider that craft travel from 'millions of miles away', although that's not to say 'they' don't have their own planets. In the images the variable shutter speed of the camera can reveal much that is unseen by us in 'normal view' mode.

<img src=>

In the image I have posted I see interesting similarities between this and an earlier pics on my site: .Both have a craft ejecting some sort of dark 'smoke' while other craft appear to be parked next to it and both are within similar shaped 'forms'. I suspect that the squarish cloud appearance is another angle of the 'pyramid field' shape, possibly the base.

<img src=>
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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aliens are real I tell you….and you can't deny that if they have invisible spaceships they also have the technology to turn themselves invisible when the visit the planets surface. Many people have seen glimps of these invisible aliens…Some scientists calculated that they are probably more commone than we think they are. They seem to be especially abundant in scientific research centers and political institutes. Although they are invisible there are manners to detect them. They often leave a strange smell behind. One researcher described it as sulphur-like. I mean how often have you not smelled some sulphur-like smelll in a room full of people!!! I sure did! Scientists speculate that this smell is caused by their environmental protection mechanism against earth microbes…these get decomposed instantly…There is some indirect data that also small animals can disappear when they make contact with an invisible alien's environmental protection suite (IAEPS). Some say that people have disappeared in this way, but I am skeptical of that. Why would the aliens want to hurt us after all?

Just do a google search for 'invisible alien' and 'IAEPS' if you want to know more.

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Are you saying that maybe the "visitors" are manipulating space by bending it and then emerging on the other side so that the long distance they travel could in theory be shorter? For example, point A to point B on a straight length of 'X' light years could in some way be altered so that both points are bent like a horse shoe towards each other in order to effectively reduce the distance between both points and therefore the time it takes to get from point A to point B can be reduced somewhat. Do you get my point?

I think I read something about this theory once, but like I said I'm no expert on this matter.
Mr. Anonymous

those things with a UFO on the cover or brandishing the words "Mysteries", "Secrets" or "Revealed"

Trust me, it won't be anything like that. ;)

So, it may be possible for a UFO that uses electromagnetism to travel within a galaxy-correct? The question now is what about inbetween galaxies-assuming there is no wormhole in ours :)

I understand that anything with any kind of intrinsic mass could not possibly reach the speed of light-light can be particles and waves-that's if general relativity is correct. Most likely is, but without testing it, how do we know for certain?

I'll get back to you Mr. Anonymous-throaty. I have some ideas, but as I said, I have to think them through first before conveying what those ideas are. Have a good one, Mr. A!


Mr Norad......

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Mr. Anonymous

I haven't finished it yet, but I'm sort of leaning towards dark matter. What that will bring about in my mind, I don't know. It seems to be the force holding clusters of galaxies together-let me know if I'm wrong with that one, but I'm almost positive that was one of the things in physics class that I did listen too.

I'm still stuck with the question of travel in between galaxies. With this, I'm sort of leaning towards these may be the areas where flattened out dimenions exist. It's a far stretch, I know.

I'll let you know what I come up with. Maybe I'll just zoom over to the UK in 3 seconds for a surprise visit! ;) Make sure Ms. Hurley is there!
Mr norad.....

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Mr. Anonymous

As to the rest, yes. So called Dark Matter is thought to something which accounts for the Galaxy as it stands. The simple fact of the matter is, no pun intended or actually made, that the amount of visible stars simply don't acount for what must actually be the a complete mass of the Galaxy.... Though quite how that helps you I have aboslutely no idea.

I have no idea myself, but as you stated, scientists do believe it's there. Now whether or not it can be used is the question.

As to this business of Trans-Galactic Travel, why the necessity? Our Galaxy alone is a truely enourmous place y'know, more than enough room to acomodate a very great many permanet tenants non of whom ever need to actually know of each others actual existance at all. The distances involved between the stars are simply that enourmous as they are....

This is true-I'm just questioning the vast regions of empty space. Now, I read this in a book a few years ago. So, this could be different now, but what I read in this book, which was mostly physics, black holes, etc., is that the reason why we are in 3 dimensional space is because if one adds more dimensions, this weakens gravity. So, if we added another dimension, I believe the figure was that gravity would be weakened by one-eighth. Add another, it would be weakened by a quarter and so on. So, my assumption of flattened out dimensions between galaxies is based on this information I read a few years ago. It may be the reason why nothing exists in between galaxies in the first place. Hyperspace theory conceeds that the universe was a perfect 10 dimensional universe, but it was unstable. I have to say that the hyperspace theory is wrong considering what I read a few years back, but the instability of extra dimensions may lend the reason why there are these huge spaces in between galaxies. No stability, no chance for stars or planets to exist.

Now, my initial thought a few years back was that the vast regions of empty space, since they are unstable, may be one of the reasons why galaxies form. A crack in space and time if you will, but I abondoned that idea. I still like the idea, but after reading up on galaxy formations, I disregarded it.

Again, pleasure Mr. A, and I don't think you would be a dead man if Ms. Hurley was there. You can say she's my woman! ;)
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Hence the actual emptyness of intergalactic space. It's empty simply becasue the Galaxies have torn up and bound up all of that very smooth, very evenly distributed material which was the original bi-product of the so-called Big Bang.

I see, said the blind man as he walked into a wall! Are we sure that's the reason, though? I'm stuck on extra dimensions, as I stated, I did like the idea, but did see why it wouldn't work.

Now, as for extra dimensions and so forth.... Are you actually really sure we don't have quite enough of these things already...... ?

3 really is perfectly adequate enough to account for pretty much everything which exists already y'know.

:) I know, it is enough, but I'm trying to think outside of the box, and that's pretty hard to do when most reading material is thinking within the box. I'm not sure if you understood that, but it's the best explanation I have. As you mentioned way back when in another post, I try to keep an open mind. It's something that really bothered me a few years ago when I started writing. It still bothers me a little, but not as much anymore-extra dimensions that is. You are right though. Most likely the travellers are from this galaxy, but if they are out there, there must be something that we are all overlooking. Whether that's through sheer arrogance or ignorance, I'm not sure. It leaves me little room to maneuver myself. Without the know how and technology, we may never know, and that's sad. Really, it is sad. It's too bad as a species most of us, especially the scientific community, is stuck on this "We are it" kick.

Well Mr. Anonymous, I must go cry in my beer now :( Just kidding, Throaty. I still have a lot of stuff to work out, but I'll keep you posted!

Regards, and have a good night with Ms. Hurley;)
