Invisible Flying Objects (IFO's)

Originally posted by Mystech
as for "Craft" becoming apparent when you run it through "filters" I'd have to ask exactly what you mean. Because if you are implying that if we run it through filters, like say in PhotoShop, then you are a complete nut. Let me assure you that PhotoShop’s filters can't do anything which would reveal an object in a picture which was not already visible in the original image, or barring that, create something entirely new to be placed in the image.

I was wondering that too.

I figured he meant something like a light polarizing filter or a color filter to reduce glare??

I can't see it.
What exactly are we supposed to see in that, Chris?

Anyway, seeing how as it seems to be fun with PhotoShop hour, I figure I'll post a little something of mine. Click here to see it.
Chris, regards the picture; It's certainly unusual and therefore worth posting in. Thanks.

I'm no expert on this matter but I just think it plausible to think that there are other beings out there, with technology or means to mask their vehicles from being seen. Makes sense to me as if I were able to travel/explore space I wouldn't pass a green & blue planet like ours without stopping to inspect it. Ofcourse I would be cautious about the inhabitants and the way they would react to visitors of an unusual being and so therefore I'd want to conceal my presence/identity for my own sake.

Great posts anyway, and certainly giving me food for thought.
Just curious to know what exactly you find interesting about either one of those pictures, Nuber Six. I'm just not seeing anything out of the ordinary.
Well that is your opinion; you're perfectly entitled to yours as I am to mine and as everyone is to his or hers. Everybody has their own views and opinions and that's why boards like this exist.

Look at the image. Without actually having taken the picture or having been there when the picture was taken myself, I can not comment on the validity or content of what the image is actually of but taking into account Chris has supplied this image in the belief that it may satisfy, to some extent that some extra ordinary things out there do exist, I'd personally say it's unusual. Having looked at this picture, I myself would say that the fractures (if that's the right word) in the sky are unusual.
Mr. Anonymous

To fill you in Mr. Anonymous, Q talks down to people. Q has the knack of claiming someone is wrong by being ignorant to them, leaders, countries, you name it. I mentioned Philadelphia experiment comes to mind, and Q, being the wonderful, intelligent human being that he/she is, started slagging me. As I can see, Q hasn't replied back to you, Q slags me because he/she is a PoS; I'll PM you Mr A telling you what a PoS is.

So, what we're trying to determine is IFO's and their existence. I believe it is possible since UFO's use electromagnetism, in theory, for propulsion. Mr. A do you remember parts of theories about the possibility of 'cloaking' through electromagnetism? You know, it's funny. Q said to me I must believe in Star Trek. Funny thing is though Q, the things that you see on Star Trek are based on actual science and actual scientific theories. Don't come down on me for this Q, this was from the writers themselves in a special I watched.

So Mr. Anonymous, what do you think? You can tell someone is wrong without being ignorant about it-you're respectful!


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heyya all :)

note to all readers!
mr G ... gee wizz .. gee what?
mr Q ... star treck name of a god ... ego!
mystech.... mis technologist

all are trolls and try to draw you out then insult you!

but its very funny to see how ignorant and closed minded they
continue to be regardles of any intelegent proof of possiblity.
probability is the key to thier pain! :D
maybe they are all paid by the same company?

funny how they always turn up so quickly on new threads in the threads that they say mean nothing to them!

LOL ignorance and sadistic behaviour is spawned through a
pretence of better communication...
poor internet.
the quality of the links they offer are always sarcastic and condesending with negative reinforcement of pathological
freakin sickos!
good for them im a peace monger instead of a
"anti self-expresionist" monger.. you make the ignorant fools look
liberal minded!
*imagine what damage :eek: they would do with einstiens inventions!
good thing that Einstien and Tesla learned the nature of such people before they died!
such people covet the power of armagedon! ... scary! :( :eek:

groove on all :)

Q slags me

Uh, excuse me norad, but you should go back and read this thread again. YOU are the one who is “slagging.” YOU are the one who said:

Man you are some pissy!… Are you implying that you are a 'troll'?… You seem like a pissy person… you don't even have the brain power… shows your ignorance and arrogance… You are really boring me with your grade 2 IQ… Q slags me because he/she is a PoS

I did not attack you in any way – I attacked your opinions and ideas, that is what a forum is all about. If you are going to hurl personal insults because someone disagrees with your worldview and then state you are the victim, then perhaps you are the one who should leave.

I challenge you to show me anywhere in this threads a personal insult directed towards you from me. If you can’t, then shut up and go away!
Mr A

Care to fill me in on what I've missed?

Sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I suppose you believe in Star Trek is not slagging Q? That is a personal attack, god damn admit it!
Re: Mr. Anonymous

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Mr. Anonymous

Thanks so much for the insightful input! You got to the point, and you didn't slag. I see the reasoning now, so I admit, it was a silly notion/idea. Keep it up Mr. A.

I suppose you believe in Star Trek is not slagging Q? That is a personal attack, god damn admit it!
Do you also believe Star Trek is real?

You’ve got to be kidding me?! I ask a simply question and you go on a tirade? Give me a break.

Have you read any other threads here? Have you not witnessed for yourself the amount of name-calling and profanity that is thrown back and forth? Most members here simply let it roll off their backs and move on.

But you’re upset by a simple question! Can you not see how utterly ridiculous that is?
Simple question, Q? Sounds like to me a question full of barbs! But hey, if that's you, that's you.

Read Mr. A's post and you will see someone that has some class in pointing out what's wrong with someone's train of thought on a subject. I mean you could have put it differently, and it is the pseudoscience board. If I wanted the real deal, I would have gone to Physics and Math board.

Simple question, Q? Sounds like to me a question full of barbs!

If something as innocuous as that question gets your panties tied up in knots, you should consider seeing an analyst for anger management. There are women on this forum who have bigger kahoonas than you.

Go buy yourself a set.

Mr A

I had the impression through reading your reply to Mr norad that aspurtions may have been being cast upon my own ability to do that very same thing as you yourself had suggested to Mr norad in being able to read and crack open a physics book

I don’t remember mentioning your name. I was pointing out to norad that she should try to understand a concept before commenting. It was clear to me she does not understand simple physics.