International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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It's also 'possible' that a unicorn or dragon is driving the UFO around.
shaman_ said:
Actually a lot of people will disagree regarding ghosts manifesting themselves in reality in modern times...

Okay but,

How many quality photos do we have of ghosts?

How many cases where multiple witnesses saw the ghost?

How many scientific studies of ghosts?

How many government documents admitting the existence of ghosts?

I just don't see it in the same category.
What happened to you Skins?
You just blew me away with that one.
I am seriously shaking my head.
You can't figure this one out for yourself?

I will awnser this for you with another question.
Do you beleive in the possibilty of other life existing in the universe?
The only reason why Ghost don't get placed into the same category usually is the number of years that each phenomona has been reportedly studied. For instance with UFO's you can hae a bunch of people state they've been seen throughout earths history, however they didn't really become a topic of issued until the early-to-mid 1940's when the Japanese were balloon bombing the US.

With Ghosts there have been people believing in their existence for a much longer period, for instance "The Day of the Dead" admittedly not about ghosts but about Remembering the dead to an extent.

Also during the Edwardian/Victorian Period, Palour games were invented to pass the time, one such game would be to try an envoke spirits of the deceased to ask them question, this involved the use of Sayance's and Ouija boards.
(It's also noted that due to the "Popularity" of such things around that period, Romany Gypsies began to deal in these spiritual planes purely because of the popularity with the Victorian householders. As you can tell the usage of the macabre became a selling point, and the Gypsies spied a market which they could easily fill which increased to "palm reading" and Crystal balls.)

If the same market had been spied back then for UFO's, then of course we would have aliens knocking at your door trying to read your palm, or leave with a reject from yourself and cursing you.

Albeit if you look to the present day, and look at Alienware computer systems, Antenna headbands, Blockbuster alien films and technological advances that are "out of this world".... You can plainly see that market exists in todays world.
Stryderunknown said:
they didn't really become a topic of issued until the early-to-mid 1940's when the Japanese were balloon bombing the US.

If you are seriously trying to suggest that japanese balloons were responsible for the sightings of the 1940s, that is a ridiculous argument.

There were thousands of sightings in the 40s. Only a handful of Japanese balloons that reached the US.
Stryder, hey man, suggesting that ufos have not been a topic until the 1940 is not right.
The problem I have trying to talk with every one on here is that I like to talk ....normal.
What ever that means.
Not like a scientist.
So forgive me if I don't always adhere to scientific lingo.
UFOS have been documented from the earliest times.
Although back in the day they were described as angels or gods coming down from the sky.
It is only because of our technological advancement that we can now understand what these objects are. Technology.
Back in the day, thats how you would have described something you had no references for. Angels from the heavens. Or Gods.
Can you understand that or see what I am saying?
Again, I am not trying to shove anything down your throat, but can you see what I mean?
Place the image on a webhosting site or personal webspace then link to the image with [ img][ /img].

But delet the spaces before "img."

Like this:
"The only reason why Ghost don't get placed into the same category usually is the number of years that each phenomona has been reportedly studied. For instance with UFO's you can hae a bunch of people state they've been seen throughout earths history, however they didn't really become a topic of issued until the early-to-mid 1940's when the Japanese were balloon bombing the US."

Perhaps you haven't heard of the foo-fighters of WW ll. They were reported by both
Allied and German pilots. They were described as small silver discs or balls in the
daylight hours and as small glowing balls of light at night. Both sides in the war were
suspicious the other had developed some sort of secret weapon. It is the phenomenon
that the popular band, 'The Foofighters' took their name after. Here is an excerpt
from a veteran that saw them and turned in a classified report. There are others.

"I later learned the pilots and several crews in the nose and top turret reported a cluster of discs in their flight path and apparantly closing on the bombers. The discs in the clusters were silver colored. They were easily seen by the B-17 crewmembers, gliding down slowly in a uniform cluster. One Fortress closed rapidly with a cluster of these discs, however the pilot was unsuccessful in trying to evade the discs. He reported at debriefing that although his right wing went through the cluster there was absolutely no effect on the engines or the plane surfaces. The pilot further stated that one of the discs was heard to strike the tail assembly. None of the crew heard or witnessed any explosion as a result."

I did add that I didn't take the info. I posted too seriuosly...that it was just 'food for thought'. I haven't had time to check up on all of the info.....if anyone here has I'd be greatful.

I don't think it's right to consider the UFO phenomenon as being on a 'parr' with the 'paranormal' simply because, unlike 'ghosts' and the like, ET intelligence, somewhere in this vast universe, is practically a scientific certainty.......the questions on this topic are - are any of them close enough to us to ever detect and have we ever been visited by such a race.
The actual possibilty by itelf is not at all challenged by current scientific understanding, it's just the evidence of such visits which is questionable.

As far as 'folklore' is concerned, it has been proven that SOME 'folklore' is based on real historical events.
Many examples of this have been proven.
One interesting but yet unproven story concerns a great flood. According to one Native North American Indian legend, there was in the ancient past a time when the sky turned black, a fierce icy wind blew and it rained constantly for over a month. Most people were killed in the great floods which followed........sound familiar? The same ancient flood 'story' is also told in the history of many remote South American Indian tribes. About 8,000 years ago mammoths, wooly rhino's and many other large mammals were wiped out, it is now known that they weren't hunted to extinction as was previously believed. Also many of the bones of these mammals, bafflingly, have been found clustered together on the highest points of land. Also glaciers now thawing have been found containing frozen apple blossom, in one was a whole tree in blossom, think about that one for a minute......that's trees flowering, in spring, in a temperate climate, which were then frozen (just as summer was appraoching) and had remained frozen until the present (a long cold snap!). There were lots of people around europe and America 8,000 years ago - clearly something nasty occurred and as you'd expect from such a major event, tales of this seem to have survived down through the ages.

My point in posting those pieces was to show that 'flying disc' stories aren't just a recent occurrence, they don't only date back to the 1940s either. We could try to explain recent sightings as possible secret, advanced, military aircraft, but what about those of the 1940s and hundreds, even thousands of years ago?

I am quite skeptical on the subject of ET visits myself but the 'secret aircraft' story I don't take too seriously either.
Something that is similar to ghosts and unicorns existing somewhere in the uiniverse is also "practically a scientific certainty". Any of them actually travelling here is not.
(Something that is similar to ghosts and unicorns existing somewhere in the uiniverse is also "practically a scientific certainty". Any of them actually travelling here is not.)

I'm afraid that the possibilty of ghosts existing somewhere in the universe is something I can't agree with. If current scientific knowledge can explain such phenomenon as 'real' then it's certainly escaped my knowledge of physics.

I keep stating myself that the possibility of such visits is whole lot different from saying that such visits are likely to occur. Of course we would need some evidence for that! If you look at what we do know about this universe then the information we have tells us that by now our galaxy should be well populated by intelligent life forms, the fact that we so far have no proof of this should actually be quite worrying, for if no other race has managed to achieve this by now then the chances of us ever doing so and outliving our home planet are probably not too good! It may be that some of the events which cause 'gamma ray bursts' occasionally sterilise vaste regions of the galaxy, thereby wiping out any life which has evolved for a radius of hundreds of light years. There are many intersellar hazards which we have still to fully understand.

The point I'm trying to make is that we should judge each reported event of such a visit based on it's merits. Looking at the possibility of alternative explanaitions is only right but attacking the very possibility if ET visits itself is a waste of time and in no way supported by our 'limited' scientific knowledge.
I'm afraid that the possibilty of ghosts existing somewhere in the universe is something I can't agree with. If current scientific knowledge can explain such phenomenon as 'real' then it's certainly escaped my knowledge of physics.
That's why I said something 'like'.

Trying to use the phrase "current scientific knowledge" doesn't help you any. Using 'current scientific knowledge' aliens should not be able to reach us easily.
The point I'm trying to make is that we should judge each reported event of such a visit based on it's merits.
But the problem is we have no reason to think that most of them are actually a 'visit'.
Why should they not be able to reach us easily? You've got me on that one.

If the galaxy was well populated then just how far would they have to travel? Also wouldn't many of them be travelling as part of their normal way of life, like gypsies?

Apart from that, with the right instruments it would be easy to have detected the presence of life on Earth about 4 Billion years ago from a distant solar system!

It helps if your well versed with up to date scientific knowledge!
Just to add to my lasy post. Any such civilisation would do as we should be doing in the forseeable future... that is searching for life supporting planets and then sending out 'probes' to relay back more detailed information from such planets when they arrive. This may take tens or even hundreds of years depending on distance and the speed capabilities of the craft but it would still be done without a doubt.
Eventually hundreds of such 'probes' could be sent out being produced and launched cheaply by fully automated processes, being constructed from asteroids using 'robots' and presumably a more efficient means of producing energy than we have at present.

Then, the 'travellers' could just set a course which takes in life supporting planets as a matter of routine anyway.

Of course 'they' would have to exist in the first place, which as I keep stating has yet to be shown!
Actually, yeah, now that I think about it, unicorns somewhere in the universe may not be so far off. A horse with a horn on its head, look aty the platypus, I guess any shape of animal is relatively possible.
Ghosts........not even gonna go there.
I am a skeptic on that one.
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