International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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US Air Force (ret.) major and astronomer, James McGaha, said, "the show no vertical motion. They move at a constant velocity, no acceleration. Duplicated images occur. Distances are uniform within each formation. They are bright and out of focus. All of these observations are consistent with system generated images. It's important to note that the pilots never saw these objects visually, only through the infrared imaging system. It's very likely that they used the system incorrectly and that this misuse generated spurious targets."

Hell, I suggested as much early in this thread. It's far more likely than the ETI speculation. Case closed.
Because it came from a US source we must believe it, everything that comes with a US seal of approval must be true.

Try again Skinny.
That is a fallacy, it does not matter where information comes from to validate it as correct or not. Just cause the USA government said it does not mean it is incorrect. If Hitler says 2+2=4 does that mean 2+2 does not equal 4?
No WCF, it means there are other sources than the US or Hitler and you get 2 for 2 WCF cause both those sources used some other sourse.
Sure, Skin, blame it on the Mexicans, they are so stupid, how could they ever learn to operate such complicated things as FLIR systems.

Now that is sound logic WCF. Keep thinking, or at least attempting to.
// Merged your thread Wes as this ones been going for sometime, but I'm sure everyone will forget I mentioned Balloons, which I still say is what they were :p
Ballons that couldn't be seen visually at only a couple miles?

Yes it is a plot. NO FLY ZONE for ETI craft, Welcome to Prison PLanet Earth. Do not attempt to leave after being cast down to the earth.
Wow. Way to bump a dead thread.

It was dead for a reason. The Mexican "ufo" sighting has been well-explained. No mystery here.
When did mankind acquire flying flaming oil wells?

FOCLMFAO ohhhhhhhh godddddsssss you are so funny skinny.

Did you forget to take your antirejection meds again?
There's no evidence that counters the notion that the lights are not the oil wells. Just because the plane is flying, doesn't mean that everything visible from the plane is flying too. Moreover, the directionality and the position of the aircraft imply that these wells should have been visible, so if the lights on the video are not the wells, then their absence is curious.

You're probably one of those people that believes the moon follows you everywhere you drive too, eh? So while you continue to make the predictable, albeit witless, zingers in ad hominem fashion, you continue to betray not only your ignorance but your lack of emotional maturity. But don't worry, I don't take it too seriously. Fire away with the zingers.
The elevation 3 is explained in the Csicop article, if you bothered to read it.

IR can be detected through some clouds, and the "movement" of the objects is most likely due to the airplane, and not the objects themselves moving.
I believe in UFOs and whatnot, but I still say the so-called UFOs in this incident are actual hot-air balloons. No, not weather ones. ;)

- N
Good grief... that vitually strange "article" didn't do a very good job of explaining shit.

The csicop article still stands.
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