International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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There are currently two new theories being argued. I read it while researching this on the net.

1. Oil well gas fumes.

2. Trucks and/or reflections of trucks travelling along the Yukaton highway picked up by the FLIR and wrongly interpretted by the crew.
moementum7 said:
What do you think Unknown?

So far, I don't know. But, what I have been reading regarding the trucks as lights reflecting off of them makes sense, except for one detail. When the lights pass through the clouds, they disappear and then reappear when they emerge out. If it was something being reflected, i.e., a steady grouping of cars or truck lights, then those should pass in front of the clouds?

I would conclude then that it is genuinely something that is passing through the clouds and not a reflection. Also, I would have to conclude that whatever it is is intelligent, due to the formation of the objects. I think we can rule out anything other than humans or ETs at this point.
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Well, those were pretty high flyin' trucks sputtering swamp gas.

Did you honestly consider trucks?
"Did you honestly consider trucks?
FOCL" Fieryice

I would consider everything, and after that conclude. You know, something the debunkers haven't figured out yet.

And yes, I did consider trucks. Why? I think the compelling issue is that the lights are in an OBVIOUS formation. Why the f$ck that idiot so-called nuclear scientists thinks 4 sets of lights travelling in formation would turn out to be ball lightning is a big red flag (getting paid by someone). Therefore, an explanation that has to do with formation in its solution is something I would look at and not dismiss outright. But, as I already mentioned, the reflections would not appear travelling behind the clouds. They would reflect onto the clouds.
The trucks and 'distant oil wells in the gulf burning off gas' theory, seems to be the best, if not the only real alternative to the 'ufo' theory, so far presented.

They still have to do some more maths on this one though and may have to then question the air crews again. Either way they should soon know if the theory holds up. The problem is with distance to the target objects being reported at 10 miles. If this distance is confirmed then that's another possibility out the window.

At least the 'real' investigators are taking the whole thing seriously which is more than can be said for some of the 'crack pot scientists' who've voiced their wild opinions.
Just to clarify a couple of points.......the trucks are a possible explanation for the radar sightings, not the FLIR.
The oil wells burning off gas could have been the cause of the FLIR images.
As for the 'lights'.......I was led to believe there weren't any?

Anyway they can't explain the reported distance until they've done lots of maths. If doesn't add up then the theory's a dead duck.
Tonystringy said:
The trucks and 'distant oil wells in the gulf burning off gas' theory, seems to be the best, if not the only real alternative to the 'ufo' theory, so far presented.

An important point on this. The Mexican Defense Department has expressed ongoing cooperation in this investigation, a position that we rarely see from any country's military.

They have offered to overfly the oil wells and record them on the FLIR camera for comparison. With that, it will be relatively easy to confirm or reject that theory.
Tonystringy said:
At least the 'real' investigators are taking the whole thing seriously which is more than can be said for some of the 'crack pot scientists' who've voiced their wild opinions.

I second that.

Unfortunately armchair theory postulating has been a significant problem in UFO investigations for many years.

Typically the debunker will hear a report of a sighting and immediately issue a possible explanation without taking even the slightest caution in carefully examining the data first.
(Such propaganda is not just used by the military, political and religious factions use it and those that fit neither category (Cult groups) and since our world is filled full of so many jokers in the pack I tend not to jump to conclusions about something being "alien in origin".)

Wise, or simply just good old 'common sense' there Stryderunknown!

However I do wish you'd stop reffering to the possibility of ET visits as 'psuedoscience'.

I acknowledge the fact that the evidence for such visits, is at best best poor so far, but our current knowledge of science indicates that we should by now have been visited by, at the very least, unmanned probes. If this is not the case, as I've stated before, then there has to be a good reason for it. Either the evolution of an intelligent race is extremely rare in this universe (unlikely), or the long-term survival of such a race is very difficult to accomplish (much more likely). Either way, the possibility is far from being within the realms of 'psuedoscience'.
If automated probes/drones, whatever you'd prefer to call them, are visiting us, then we would need to examine any evidence we have for such an occurrence in order to discover them.
As for the work of SETI - how likely is it that a civilisation thousands or millions of years ahead of us would use radio communications anyway?
Even at our early stage of technological developement we have discovered far superior ways of communicating information. Just recently, as reported by 'New Scientist' we have discovered how to create 'twisted light', which is found nowhere in nature and can be used to transmit vast amounts of data via laser, many times that of 'normal' wavey light! Who knows what other methods still await discovery, maybe hundreds or even thousands of years form now?
Lets face it, if we listened for the sound of Jungle Drums from deep space to find out if we've got company, we wouldn't have much chance of success.
Tonystringy said:
However I do wish you'd stop reffering to the possibility of ET visits as 'psuedoscience'.

The possibility of ETI isn't pseudoscience. But most assertations and postulates that claim to be "theories" about ETI on earth connected to UFO's is pseudoscience. That is only because these poor folks disregard scientific method and established norms of science in their description of the "truth."
SkinWalker said:
The possibility of ETI isn't pseudoscience. But most assertations and postulates that claim to be "theories" about ETI on earth connected to UFO's is pseudoscience. That is only because these poor folks disregard scientific method and established norms of science in their description of the "truth."

There have been and continue to be many scientifically valid investigations of UFO sightings.

Take the Condon report for example, which could not explain 30% of the cases it examined.
Good point SkinWalker!

Maybe that's what Stryderunknown meant. In that case I'd have to agree with you both.

One thing's for sure, while we may exchange ideas on forums such as this, is darn unlikely that the likes of us will ever solve very much.

My own personal view on the possibility that we've been visited by any ETI craft is that it's unlikely but not impossible. We may be alone in this galaxy but I also believe that's quite unlikely. In order to find the answer to these questions we will need to do more than look for distant artificial radio sources, unfortunately it's difficult to know just what we should be looking for given that our technologies are so young compared with the age of the universe. If we can survive and continue to advance for a just a few more thousand years, then the technology we would have developed by then would seem like nothing less than magic to us today.

I just try to keep an open mind and weigh up the evidence that's available. Unfortunately, I know there are those who cling to the idea of ETI visits as though they need such a belief as a replacement for religeon and then those who deliberatly mislead in order to make money from books, magazines, etc. That's just what's made me loose interest in the subject in years past.
Tonystringy said:
I just try to keep an open mind and weigh up the evidence that's available. Unfortunately, I know there are those who cling to the idea of ETI visits as though they need such a belief as a replacement for religeon and then those who deliberatly mislead in order to make money from books, magazines, etc. That's just what's made me loose interest in the subject in years past.

What's not commonly known is that the people insisting on legitimate scientific study of the phenomenon (CUFOS, FUFOR, etc.) reject all that as nonsense as well. The fact that popular culture relates them is a fault of the media and crackpots that are just looking for money/fame.
I've just taken a phone call from an old friend who's recorded a recent program on ETI.....sounds interesting from what he's told me. I'll be borrowing it to watch sometime within the next week.
Not holding out any great expectations but if there is anything that I think is worth passing on here for discussion then I will do so.
I'll be away for a few days from tomorrow.
B in touch soon.......Tony.
R_I_G_H_T Faulty, we have heard this argument before of the UFO lights were no more than oil platform burn-off flares at 11,500 feet with the ability to surround and keep pace with the plane.


Those flares have to be atleast 11.5 something off the ground...LOL

R_I_G_H_T Faulty, your doing good.
FieryIce said:
R_I_G_H_T Faulty, we have heard this argument before of the UFO lights were no more than oil platform burn-off flares at 11,500 feet with the ability to surround and keep pace with the plane.

sorry but I never saw any surrounding or keeping pace with the plane in the video, no was there any indication that the lights were at the same altitude.
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