International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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Ohhhhh you are discovering the tactic of "I still don't see" and the time it wastes in trying to discuss with ones like persol and wcf now. good.
It means to me the day when you kooks get your beleifs proven correct, how that? It like saying "when Jesus come back" or "When hell freeze over and the demons and condemned souls invade the earth to stay warm, and I am forced to roommate with Attila the hun and an incubus!"
Unidentified Flying Objects. UFO’s

It has been disclosed that they are real by both the British and the Mexican DOD, that these UFO’s are not IDENTIFIABLE by any know types of known flying crafts. It has been disclosed that UFO’s are real.

If they ain’t ours, then whose are they?

The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.
Thank you seriously WCF, I already spend way to much time on this here forum.
And I'll take any form of titties coming my way! Thanks again.
Holy shit WCF, thats thats one heck of a disclosure!
Going back to your response on my post as being to long, and then to compare it to A scsience journal, gosh...thanks. You shouldn't have.
Can I ask where you live WCF?
I live in Canada.
And I apologize for anything I have said that may have come across derogatory.
I spent a lot of time awnsering your question.
Anyway, thats water under the bridge.
Ponders, does WCF want to be locked up with two males? Not a succubus? Does that mean WCF thinks he is man enough for Attila the hun?

It means tough titties on you! As in sitting there in the winter chill having your nipples fall off from the cold!

UFO's are real, ETI though you need to prove that one.

No man with hell frozen over and me getting ass raped by those two is the level of likelihood all your beliefs will get proven true.
craterchains (Norval said:
Have we been given ALL the data from that account? I think NOT. Often it isn’t what we see that is important, but what we didn’t see, and should have. Forward Looking InraRed scanning was one passive data received, radar was the one active data received. Are we to believe that these two are and were the only pieces of data being obtained? Anybody else get the feeling that something is missing?

If this was drug trafficing planes, what other monitoring devies would they have on board that has not been mentioned so when they do make a bust it can be entered in court? Evidence in simple terms so it can be presented in court to a judge or jury?
We are missing a bunch of evidence.
Excuse moementum, maybe with you?
No F'in way am I going to be locked up with the likes of WCF, let alone locked up.


edited; to fix who is who
I think they are having a problem with the whole disclosure thing based on the “Alien War” that took place in our solar system that has been on the back burners under deep cover since about 1956.
Thats even too much for me Crater!
Lets try and stick to the fundamentals at this stage in the game.
Have you been addresing this topic in your Crater chains Research thread?
Here WCF, I broke it down for you.
Why wouldn't they observe us without giving away their presence?
Remember, that many, if not all earlier sightings in the beging of our technological age were done at places of military presence,
Take a look at the link I provided above to see just what they think about our progress in terms of continuing to build weapons of destruction.
They are very concerned about this.
They are not going to let a race like us enter into the universal neighborhood.
Think about it. Look what we have done to this planet.
Isn't that enough for any intellingent being to reckognize what would happen if we were to land/take over any other planet of intelligence or some sort of valuble resource.
What have we shown as a race to prove otherwise.
Back to your original question.

I beleive they want us to know they are here.
But just to let us know what they are capable of, at least those in the military anyway. As for other sightings, again, you must at least try and look at this as if we were the ones visiting another planet, all the while remembering the importance of letting a person/race acheive its own highest level of independence esatblishing their own identity.
If we are never given the oportunity to mature as a species without the help of an outside influence, we will never truly know if we were capable of such acheivements. This is very important to us as a species and cannot be understated!
These beings have a totaly different perspective of whats going on down here on earth.
They are able to witness the continuing militarization of the planet, not just intellectualy, but visibly.
They are able to see the whole picture.
The very real direction our race is heading in.
It doesn't look to promising.
Think about how much is being spent on military everyday.
Building new and better weapons and crafts of destruction.
In all countries.All over the world.
They can see this.
I beleive what they are doing (ET's) is the right thing to do, as in the hopes of raising an independant child into a mature independant being, to intefere as little as possible, and only to step in when negative consequences are unavoidable.
Because they can see that we have hit a technological stage in our development, and that our introduction to the universal neighborhood is enivitable, and only a matter of time,allowing their presence to be known in as subtle and peaceful manner as possible is not with out warrant.

But to have a direct meeting, with anyone, an exchange of ideas must be had.
Just what do you think they would have to say to us at this point?
Sorry, you guys aren't capable of looking after your own house, so we are here to show you how its done.
Or us to them, I mean really. Look at the shape of our world, what do we have to offer them?

No way, again it comes down to a priority of us reaching our own independance as a race first.
Saving our asses second.
i saw something on the cnn ticker indicating that the phenomenon in question is "ball lightning". it wasn't presented as a question.

i figure the conpiracy people will have fun with that.
Actually we have been trying to figure out just how long the powers that be here on earth have known about this “Alien War” (so called by “them”) The CS crater chain research is only a part of what is really known about that war in our solar system. We just stumbled across the tip of the ice berg so to speak. The weapons experts are the ones to ask. But we do know that these crater chains of the CS types are not in any way natural. That has been verified by two NASA sources so far, and a couple scientists think we have something.

It was rumored to us that a top secret meeting took place in Europe in 1956 about what some Russian military experts presented that they thought that our moon had been strategically and surgically struck with great weapons from the crater patterns.
We do not have any collaborative evidence at this time of that meeting. We could use some search help on that.

The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.
Indicating or proving?
Wes, have you seen the video clip of this particular incident.
You'll have fun with that.
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