International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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moementum7 thanks for your kind words. ;)


Cool I hadn't seen that video. Moving pretty damned fast for "ball lightning" it seems, of course I don't know how fast it should move, but what was shown sure doesn't look like a weather phenomenon. Gotta love a mystery.
wesmorris said:
Moving pretty damned fast for "ball lightning" it seems

Indeed. The problem with the ball lightning hypothesis is both the speed of the objects and duration of the sighting when examined together. The plane was traveling at over 200 mph. The crew stated that the objects surrounded them and kept pace with them for several minutes. A duration of "minutes" is extremely rare for ball lighting. Typical ball lighting lasts only a few seconds.

Ball lighting has been observed to travel at high speed, but in a manner more related to traditional lighting, from the sky to the ground. It has been observed to travel in a horizontal direction, but only close to the earth. It has never been observed traveling at a high rate of speed while moving in a horizontal direction high above the ground. I am also not aware of any instance where 11 balls were observed at the same time. Also, the chances of 11 balls lasting a duration of "minutes" is almost none. (Usually there is only one ball.)

Some good info on ball lighting can be found at this page.
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From the video I don't see these things moving in anything but a strait line. There is also no ranging on their distance or speed.
Still looks like a balloon.

In fact I'm looking at a potential new hobby because of this, I'm going to get a Balloon and then you can watch out for me since I'll be incognito as a UFO.

Actually heres something else about why a balloon would be good to fit in this UFO equation:

<IMG SRC="Http://">

This small image shows a cross section of a crude wing and how the airflow that generates lift is created (I'm sure you can find better aerodynamical models than mine). However my attention is drawn to the Red Arrows going the other direction, lets say that represents a Jet stream. (Wind from behind).

Now what would occur if your Velocity in a plane matches that of the wind speed? Simply you would lose the lift from beneath your wings. (This is why turbulance tends to jolt you about in a plane, since your actually dropping through space since your no longer lifted by airspeed tension.)

Now lets say you want to smuggle stuff in something that can't be chased, you could spend millions on ultrafast high speed jets, or you can use balloons that generate a larger overall surface tension and in regards to helium or ammonia the volume of space containing that gas is lighter than the surrounding atmosphere. The balloons method of flight differs from the planes since it doesn't need to have the airspeed to generate lift, therefore a balloon can steadily ride a jet stream where an airplane cannot.

I'm basically saying the plane couldn't chase a balloon in a jet stream unless it could go "Way faster" (like a jet), This does rule out that the Mexican pilot's didn't attempt an intercept course, however their angle of interception might have taken into alignment with the wind. (Wind from behind)
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Hi Stryder, I can honestly say that I appreciate your curiosity in this matter.
Can I ask you a flat out question, with a yes or no awnser?
Do you beleive this specific incidence, were ballons?
Given all evidence provided.
Yes, or No?
I respect your awnser either way.
From the video it hard to tell if the movement is because the plane is moving or the objects are moving.
Stryder, just because you refuse to see the ridiculousness of your balloon explanation, I obtained a jet stream map for March 5th from a meteorological site. It clearly shows the jet stream over Mexico had a top speed around 70 knots that day. 70 knots is 80 mph, far shorter than the 200 mph speed required. This is no surprise because, as I'm sure you're aware, 200 mph speeds are extremely rare even in a jet stream.


This should put to rest completely your "balloons in a jet stream" nonsense.
The balloon vs jet in an airstream comparison is misleading. A play capable of flyign 200mph is able to fly in a 200mph jet stream. It will just end up going 400mph. The only issue is if the stream of air is too thin for the plane to stay inside.

I find it much more likely that it is just 'a bunch of hot air'... literally. First year thermo labs will show you that hot spots can move much faster than the air. In this case it may very well also be carrying a charge which would help.
Persol said:
I find it much more likely that it is just 'a bunch of hot air'... literally. First year thermo labs will show you that hot spots can move much faster than the air. In this case it may very well also be carrying a charge which would help.

Then how do you explain 11 such areas having exactly the same size, temperature, and traveling at the same speed. Very unlikely.
Actually no, it's not. You will NEVER get an isolated pocket and they will always be about the same size and temperature. The only problem here is the size....
I could have sworn I just said 'a bunch of hot air'. An abnormally large transient hot spot seems most likely.
Actually, I could have sworn you said "likely".
Is this what you beleive to be true, or just likely?
That's what I think it is. That doesn't make it true. I think that's what it is because it is the most likely option I've seen.
Coolmacguy, That doesn't "Put me out of my misery" so to speak, Identify what -133deg Az stands for and you'll seem my point if you look at that direction from Campeche.
coolmacguy said:
That is the speed the plane was traveling when it observed the objects and they matched its speed.

aaah when was that? I don't see that in the video.
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