International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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Avatar said:
why should the usa test it over mexico when it can do it in it's own teritorry?
oh I know, you'll probably say somthing like: to test mexican defences
but the implications if one of these stealth baloons :D is hit down by the mexicans are far too serious to risk it

I agree. This is compounded by the fact that 11 objects were observed. Illegally testing even one object over Mexican airspace would carry great risks. Multiply that by 11 and I find it improbable even sinister authorities in this country would risk it.
I was reading a article about the aurora craft, the artilce went quite in depth at what this craft can do, all i can say is if the article was truthfull, the objects could definetly be a aurora craft.

Of course though, i find it highly doubtfull anyone not invloved with the project could know so much about it
if aliens wanted to "disclose" all they'd require to do would be to land in any major city
Because they have actually been able to shut down our missile sights, I beleive they are actually letting us know that they can do that, and knowing that we are quite the hostile bunch, or at least the ones in charge of our Military Industrial Complex who are playing the role of spokesperson of earth,definitely have very hostile intentions, and ET is making sure we do not branch off into space with such hostile actions.

Yeah yeah, something like space police.
Seriously though, something like that.
Their (ET's) thoughts might be something in alighnment of" We truly are hoping you guys can get your shit together, but until then, there is no way your getting off this planet to cause shit elsewhere!"
Well, I finally saw coverage on the Space Channel just moments ago, discussing the infrared video with a UFO researcher, I think his name was Michael Wood. Wood's stressed how this encounter was very significant, in there were several recorded objects. Wood's said this incident is comparable to the 1991 siting by millions of people in Mexico during the solar eclipse.
What I did notice with the video clip shown on the Space Channel, there was more video shown than what was in the video download on the net.
I think the ETs have chosen Mexico from way way back and some other areas. You look back into history and see wierd crap with advanced mathmatics, big pictures on the ground you can only see in the sky, etc., etc..

This time, the ETs wanted to be seen. That is obvious, as they aren't going to screw up and get "caught." Notice, as they realize that there is a phenomenum happening, the ETs apparently reverse the situation and come up to the Mexican plane. Thus, I would go so far on a limb to say there was CONTACT. According to the pilots were instructed to turn the plane lights off because so many were surrounding the plane and they were freaking out. After they turned the lights off, the ETs "disappeared." Maybe they just turned out their lights eh? :bugeye:
Watching you people extrapolate is one hell of a hilarious sight! We haven't yet proven what the hell this is let alone ET that think disturbing drug traffic controllers in Mexico is proper form of contact.
Yes, Android!! Glad you don't mix up my point with a BALLOON :confused:

I think the pilots and/or ground control were so relieved that the 11 or so things disappeared that they didn't think to whether it was a message. I mean, it is the basic communication to mirror right? And, if this was secret US tech, then why would they follow the Mexican plane to such a degree after their cover was blown?

WellCookedFetus said:
No seriously why don't these ET actually talk to the mass of earth???

This is my take on the matter, and I consider myself to be fairly level headed.
I beleive that their first priority in their relationship with us is one of observance.
Why, because they understand the importance of letting a race come to its own destiny based on their nature, are we capable of getting our shit together, or are we going to destroy ourselves?
Think about how important it is for someone to make it on their own.
To establish independance.
If a teenager is ever to become an adult, he must do so on his own.
If the parent is always there giving him money, or imposes support in anyway, it only prevents the person from becoming fully independant, to establish ones own identity.
They understand the importance of this for us as a race.

I beleive they also reckognize just how far in the shit hole we are as well. Thus giving subtle signs of there presence in case plan B has to happen, them stepping in and preventing us from destroying the world in what would be world war 3.
These subtle signs are for the benefit of us to be some what prepared for there introduction instead of this one big shock that an out of the blue would have on us as a whole.

And if they have to step in, your either with them, or against them.
You are pro life, or not.
This is going to sound way out there for anyone who doesnt even beleive in the existence of other life, and may even sound crazy to thos that do.

It is a fact that the Military runs this earth.
The U.S. Military are the powers that be.
They take orders from no one.
Not even the president.
These are the black projects and Shadow governments that have been established for wuite some time, as far back as the late fifties.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Beware the military-industrial complex."
This was in the sixties, and Eisenhower in his last speech to the world as president warned us in the most severe and rational way he could without being able to grab you by the arm.
Think about the severity of his statement.
"Beware of us!" Is what he was saying. Those in power.
Namely the Military.
These people are running the world, and how we are interacting with other races (ET's).
J. Edgar Hoover
"I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

Those in power our taking hostile actions toward these visitors of ours.
Fortunately for us, These beings are intelligent, and understand that these actions do not neccessarily suggest the same motives as the rest of us.

Plan A - Allow the race to fully mature and welcome us into the Universal nieghborhood.
PLan B - Step in and save us kids from destroying ourselves.
Jaime Mausson was interviewed last night on Strange Days Indeed, a Canadian UFO radio show.

I will make a transcript of this interview and post it here sometime in the next few days.

There was some very interesting information discussed.
Thanks coolmacguy.
It's incredible how easy it is to forget about some of the truly amzing footage captured when the shitty footage is always the topic of discussion.
Chech this out.
Go to the military link
Fucking cool. :eek:
Imagine any of our F-14's trying to battle that!
And that's at 11-14,000 miles per hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why don't they observes with give away there presence, and if they do give away there presence in subtitle little bits the get confused and wash away by skeptics why not just come out in full? I don't think it would be a big shock, what would happen that so bad if they just came out?
Hey WCF,
This is long, but this is just for you, so you better freaking read it! :D

This is all speculation on my part, my own okhams razor of the situation if you will.
Why wouldn't they observe us without giving away their presence?
Remember, that many, if not all earlier sightings in the beging of our technological age were done at places of military presence,
Take a look at the link I provided above to see just what they think about our progress in terms of continuing to build weapons of destruction.
They are very concerned about this.
They are not going to let a race like us enter into the universal neighborhood.
Think about it. Look what we have done to this planet.
Isn't that enough for any intellingent being to reckognize what would happen if we were to land/take over any other planet of intelligence or some sort of valuble resource.
What have we shown as a race to prove otherwise.
Back to your original question.

I beleive they want us to know they are here.
But just to let us know what they are capable of, at least those in the military anyway. As for other sightings, again, you must at least try and look at this as if we were the ones visiting another planet, all the while remembering the importance of letting a person/race acheive its own highest level of independence esatblishing their own identity.
If we are never given the oportunity to mature as a species without the help of an outside influence, we will never truly know if we were capable of such acheivements. This is very important to us as a species and cannot be understated!
These beings have a totaly different perspective of whats going on down here on earth.
They are able to witness the continuing militarization of the planet, not just intellectualy, but visibly.
They are able to see the whole picture.
The very real direction our race is heading in.
It doesn't look to promising.
Think about how much is being spent on military everyday.
Building new and better weapons and crafts of destruction.
In all countries.All over the world.
They can see this.
I beleive what they are doing (ET's) is the right thing to do, as in the hopes of raising an independant child into a mature independant being, to intefere as little as possible, and only to step in when negative consequences are unavoidable.
Because they can see that we have hit a technological stage in our development, and that our introduction to the universal neighborhood is enivitable, and only a matter of time,allowing their presence to be known in as subtle and peaceful manner as possible is not with out warrant.

But to have a direct meeting, with anyone, an exchange of ideas must be had.
Just what do you think they would have to say to us at this point?
Sorry, you guys aren't capable of looking after your own house, so we are here to show you how its done.
Or us to them, I mean really. Look at the shape of our world, what do we have to offer them?

No way, again it comes down to a priority of us reaching our own independance as a race first.
Saving our asses second.

Heres an example, imagine you are playing ball, getting ready to bat, or anything you consider to be easy and common sense, and fully capable of doing yourself, but had some guy in the back ground thinking he is the authority on the subject and begins to tell you how to bat, considering yourself to be fully capable of doing it your self, his antics would only bother you and be considered more of an inconvience. If he were to come up to you grab the bat and say"this is how you do it!" Who does this guy think he is?!
After all youve been batting for years, and doing what you think is a fine job.
What about if they feel they need to teach you how to brush your teeth,taking the toothbrush and brushing your teeth like a little kid, or anything else you have been doing on your own thus far.

It is an intrusion of your own development, your own self esteem, and identity. When you beleive you are fully capable of handling a situation, yet your actions and results prove other wise, it will not be until you/ we are ready to listen and learn as a species that it would benefit all involved in the matter of such a direct meeting and exchange of ideas.
And not a second earlier.
I am sure it would'nt bother you to know that there is a batting coach in the duggout, waiting to give you advice when you ask for it, but not until then.
Or until you get knocked unconscious by the ball. :D

The thing is, I beleive that you either know this in your heart, or have seen something on your own or have had some experience to form your own beleifs.
To me, it doesn't matter what skeptics have to say. It washes away nothing.
Those who beleive, beleive. Even if its in the possibilty of ET.
And those who don't, won't.
No amount of intellectual intercourse will change an intelligent mind if ones mind is already made up.
I can take people of the highest integrity, share what they have said, and skeptics will still find a way to over look, dismiss, or rationalize a way to not to integrate its value.
For instance..

President Jimmy Carter
"If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public, and the scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I’ve seen one..."

J. Edgar Hoover
"I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

President Gerald Ford
In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."

and skeptics will create a way to blank this out. Or all of a sudden lesson the credibility of the person due to its content.
It is amazingly unfortunate.

I happen to disagree with you about the reaction of the public at large if ET were to all of a sudden make their appearance known without any prior influence. Fight or flight would dominate the human population despite your own confidence in the matter.
People lose control of themselves when traffic is backed up.
Let alone having their entire pardigm of their own existence turned upside down, and deal with it in a rational, mature way.
How many people do you know would be a good spokesperson to represent the entire human species as a whole?
Someone who could communicate, and get along with another alien race.
Most people can't get along with their own.

What would be negative consequences would there be if they did just appear all of a sudden in full force inthe middle of New York, well beside chaos, everything else I metioned above, which would have much more dire consequences to us as a race.

I will leave you with this.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D.
In 1971, Dr. Mitchell became the sixth person to walk on the moon as part of the US Apollo Space program.
"I am an American astronaut and a trained scientist. Because of my position people in high places confide in me. And, as a result, I have no doubt that aliens HAVE visited this planet. The American government and governments throughout the world have thousands of files of UFO sightings which cannot be explained. As a scientist, it is logical to me that at least some of these will have been witness of alien craft. As a former astronaut, the military people who have access to these files are more willing to talk to me than to people they regard as mere cranks. The stories I have heard from these people, who are more highly qualified than me to talk about UFOs, leave me in no doubt that aliens have already visited Earth…"
… "when I learned that aliens really do exist, I wasn’t too surprised. But what did shock me when I started investigating extra-terrestrial reports a decade ago is the extent to which the proof has been hushed up. It isn’t just the US government which has kept quiet about alien visits. It would be arrogant of an American like myself to assume that ETs would only choose to visit my country. Indeed, I’ve heard convincing stories about governments all over the world that know of alien visits - including the British government."

And here we are in the present, just another ordinary day...... :bugeye:
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Another point worht addressing in the fact that they only exspose themselves in small doses is a little further up on an intellectual abstraction of our integrity as a race.
How do we percieve each other when discussing this.
As a race, do we respect anothers word, do we trust each other, enough to value word of mouth on this subject?
This is just another speculation of their strategic introduction methods of interpreting our characteristics as a race.
Not so much as a primary stategy, but of secondary improtance.
Again this is only speculation.
moementum7 said:
It is a fact that the Military runs this earth.

I strongly disagree. And that is from the perspective of a military retiree. I can cite military failures, particularly U.S. ones, going back the last 50 years. If the military was that much in charge, those failures wouldn't have occured to the degree with which they did.

moementum7 said:
They take orders from no one.

Again, from the perspective of a former servicemember, that's merely a fallacious or speculative assumption. I can recall many instances in which Congress prevented the military from achieving goals. From the quality of life of soldiers and sailors to education of their family members to health care to whether or not they are cleared to engage the enemy, these "permissions" came from the legislative and executive branches.

moementum7 said:
These are the black projects and Shadow governments that have been established for quite some time, as far back as the late fifties.

And rightly so (with exception to "shadow" governments). The 1950's marked the height of the Cold War and it must be remembered that the Nuclear Bomb technology was stolen by the Russians and gave them a jump in their research (a la the Rosenbergs). "Black" projects were then and perhaps still are vital to national security. Keeping spy plane programs, satellite programs, weapons programs, etc. off the Soviet Radar was an important part of winning the Cold War.

moementum7 said:
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Beware the military-industrial complex."

And that is not a direct quote of Eisenhowers speech, its a paraphrasement. Unless of course we're thinking of two different speeches, one that I'm unaware of. What Eisenhower was saying in his Military-Industrial Complex speech was that America was the strongest, most influential nation of the day but that:
President Eisenhower said:
we yet realize that America's leadership and prestige depend, not merely upon our unmatched material progress, riches and military strength, but on how we use our power in the interests of world peace and human betterment.
Eisenhower recognized the amount of money spent on defense and the level of commitment of the U.S. citizenry, "yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications."

His speech was both a warning to the Russian Bear and a reassurance to the free world that we would be wise in our might.

moementum7 said:
This was in the sixties, and Eisenhower in his last speech to the world as president warned us in the most severe and rational way he could without being able to grab you by the arm.
Think about the severity of his statement.
"Beware of us!" Is what he was saying. Those in power.
Namely the Military.

Then we're definately speaking of different speeches. I'm referring to the 1961 speech.

moementum7 said:
These people are running the world, and how we are interacting with other races (ET's).

Assuming that speculations of ETI one day finds supporting evidences, there still isn't any real indication that the world's militaries are in control. In fact, there is plenty to suggest that they control very little. Most of the world's militaries are defensive in strategic design and the world's mightiest military is having it's ass handed to them on a daily basis by thugs with AK-47s and improvised munitions. But only because they are being constrained by political forces that control the numbers of troops allocated to where and how the enemy can be engaged.

I'd assert that if the military was, indeed, a superior controlling force, the attrocities at the Abu Ghraib prison wouldn't have been made public. If the military cannot keep something so damaging, so vile and embarrassing a secret from the world, how is it able to keep a "shadow government" conspiracy secret?

moementum7 said:
J. Edgar Hoover
"I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

Without the remainder of the memo (we have only an appendix to view) and perhaps other memos or inside information as to the conversation(s) that might have taken place with these individuals, there's no way to say that this was to do with the "study [of] UFOs" as you so kindly put in brackets. It could very well be the "investigation of UFO pranks" that may have been causing some stir in the administration by suggesting that the administration wasn't doing its job in being forthcoming. Such an allegation might have an affect on the public opinion of an administration and therefore get interest of the FBI. I need not remind you also, that the FBI was in the midst of seeing conspirators in everywhere with the original "Red Scare" only a few years in the past and a renewed one just beginning with the McCarthy era of the early 1950's just around the corner.

moementum7 said:
Those in power [are] taking hostile actions toward these visitors of ours.


moementum7 said:
Fortunately for us, These beings are intelligent,



Public Papers of the Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035- 1040

Alleged memo from J. Edgar Hoover/Clyde Tolson. Date alleged: 7/10/47.
Thanks for the first link, yes, that is the same one.
His video recording of the speech is much more insightful however.
I will attempt to find it.
Here is the exact words he used;

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

As for the second link,I don't speak spanish or what ever it may be.
Thanks anyway for the link and effort anyway.

How can I explain this........?
You would not know anything about any black projects, or shadow government. What is another way to explain what the term shadow or black would mean......secret, not open to public or anybody that does not add to the matter, hush hush, not for your eyes.
There are departments known and unknown.
You are so caught up in the in the particulars of a such a broad phenomenon,
you can not see the forrest for the tree.
There could be a forrest fire all around you, but you would be so busy looking at a leaf, and because it isn't burning you would imply" There is no fire, this leaf is not burning, prove to me this fire!" and go back to looking at your leaf.
And not until that single leaf has caught fire will you be convinced otherwise.
I am sure you can reverse the situation.
Something like, just because I see smoke, doesn't mean there is a forrest fire, huh, hows that.
I am not trying to be a smart alleck either.
I respect thatSkinwalker.
I have caught myself many times being very skeptical of many subjects to the point of being blinded.
You are a facts man.
There is nothing I am going to be able to say to change YOUR mind over the internet,through words, through pictures, no matter what the credibility is of who ever says it.
You will not beleive until you see one yourself, even then you would probly have to disect the an alien yourself to see if its for real, then lord knows what!
However, I truly do appreciate your responses.
I can see that "IF" you were to be convinced, you would be someone who would not just sit idoly by, and wait for this event to unfold(disclosure).
Thus your need for an ABSOLUTE proof before your acceptance.
I respect that as well.
However, once again, you will not come to terms with this from anything second hand.That is your nature.

Trying to convince you through sharing any of this is futile.
So please forgive me if I don't retort to all of your questions or refutations I may find taughtological.
I am not here to take crazey mikeys spot light.
He put way to much effort into trying to prove anything to people of such logical disection.
Not understanding the futility in these methods of discourse.

"there's no way to say that this was to do with the "study [of] UFOs" as you so kindly put in brackets"

"I would do it [study UFOs], but before agreeing to do it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

O.k. lets just stick with the concept "discs" then if that makes it simpler, or any less important, or some how less relevant.
Not only disc, but disc's'.
Sure it was a hoax.
You can not beleive otherwise.

Originally Posted by moementum7
It is a fact that the Military runs this earth. ”

"I strongly disagree. And that is from the perspective of a military retiree. I can cite military failures, particularly U.S. ones, going back the last 50 years. If the military was that much in charge, those failures wouldn't have occured to the degree with which they did."

Let me be more specific, those in power, more specifically,those within the confines of misplaced power governing this so called Military Industrial Complex, have access to our advancement of technology, communications, destructive weapons and other resources that guide our so called progress, including how we would interact with another race.
I am saying they make the important decisions on the topic at hand, not whether or not we invade another country.
Which is something of a different level.

Please do not be so niave as to think that just because you were a pawn in the military that they would disclose any information to you regarding to any of the "Top Secret", Black Operations", Or "Shadow Government".
It doesn't matter what you call it, if they don't want a context of information known, they are not going to tell you.Period.
That is Taughtological.

Sorry about the word pawn, I respect your services and duty.

Let us disect his speech a little more, I know you would appreciate something like that :D
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Just what do suppose "misplaced power" means in the context of potential disaster?
Or what "misplaced power EXISTS" means?
and that "misplaced power will PERSIST" means.
And do you think that you would be informed of any of this "potential for disaster from misplaced power (meaning power that has not been assigned or given) its exact details, whos involved, what their agenda might be?
Or anyhting to do with this misplaced complex of power.

I can see how this would be exceptionaly hard for you to accept as being anywhere true, being that you were in the service and not informed of any of this type of thing would lead you to feel deceived or played.
I understand that as well.

Aagin I know your intentions are good.
You are just trying to keep me straight, or others who may be reading this.
And most of all yourself.
Nothing I say will change your mind.
I respect you.
Always have, always will.
Peace Out

Here is a link, provided you are serious about this topic.
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