International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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“ Originally Posted by moementum7
Fortunately for us, These beings are intelligent, ”


Well maybe it IS possible to develop crafts without being intelligent, but that is also just speculation.
SkinWalker said:
Without the remainder of the memo (we have only an appendix to view) and perhaps other memos or inside information as to the conversation(s) that might have taken place with these individuals, there's no way to say that this was to do with the "study [of] UFOs" as you so kindly put in brackets. It could very well be the "investigation of UFO pranks" that may have been causing some stir in the administration by suggesting that the administration wasn't doing its job in being forthcoming.

You sir are woefully ignorant of the historical record.

I don't blame you only though, most of the debunkers are the same way.

The record is very clear regarding Hoover's comments on that memo.

We most certainly do have the entire memo, and not just an appendix. We also have other memos referencing it, one in particular that provides a good response. Try doing a little basic research next time. I know it's a new concept for you but really, come on.

Here is a scan of the memo, Hoover's comments appear on page two.

Some interesting quotes that clearly establish the legitimacy of the investigation, and not your absurd prank theory, include the following:

General Shulgen indicated to -deleted- that the Air Corps has taken the attitude that every effort must be undertaken in order to run down and ascertain whether or not the flying disks are a fact and, if so, to learn all about them. According to General Shulgen, the Air Corps Intelligence are utilizing all of their scientists in order to ascertain whether or not such a phenomenon could in fact occur. He stated that this research is being conducted with the thought that the flying objects might be a celestial phenomenon and with the view that they might be a foreign body mechanically devised and controlled. (emphasis mine)

After discussing some other theories, later in the memo it says:

General Shulgen indicated to -deleted- that he is desirous of having all the angles covered in this matter.

Later regarding his desire for FBI assistance:

General Shulgen indicated to -deleted- that if the Bureau would cooperate with him in this matter, he would offer all the facilities of his office as to the results obtained in the effort to identify and run down this matter.

<deleted> advised General Shulgen that this request would be made known to the Bureau and and an answer made available to him as soon as possible.

Then we have this memo dated July 24, 1947. It provides further context for Hoover's remarks, and it is a reply to them.

The second paragraph is the most important in this document. It begins with:

This is to advise that Special Agent -deleted- has recontacted General Shulgen and advised him in connection with the Director's notation [Hoover's comments on the previous memo]. General Shulgen indicated to -deleted- that he desired to assure Mr. Hoover of complete cooperation in this matter and stated that he would issue instructions to the field directing that all cooperation be furnished to the FBI and that all discs recovered be made available for the examination by the FBI agents. General Shulgen pointed out to -deleted- that he will from time to time make the results of the studies of his scientists available to the Bureau for the assistance of the FBI field offices.

This is the context Hoover's remarks appear in. Clearly there can be no misunderstanding here. This was a serious investigation being undertaken by an Army Air Corps General. Hoover responded that he wanted access to disks if any were recovered, like the LA one, whatever that is referring to.

Given this context, the inferred [study UFOs] by moementum7 is perfectly logical in this instance. Meanwhile Skinwalker provides us with yet another example of his total lack of quality information on the history of UFOs.

Oh yeah, I especially like your "Alleged (emphasis mine) memo from J. Edgar Hoover/Clyde Tolson. Date alleged: (emphasis mine) 7/10/47."

Now you're going to deny the existence of the memo??!! You're hopeless. Even when we provide you with good evidence, you simply state it isn't valid or accurate. A true skeptibunker.
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moementum7 said:
Be easy on my man Skins eh!

Okay, I apologize if I was too hard on him.

I'm just sick of this attitude.

It's why people trying to do serious research on this topic still don't have any respect in the wider culture.
With this new UFO incident comes two possibilities.
1. It will be rolled over and covered up.
2. It will be the precedent setting release that causes disclosure.

We have been given some data of that encounter. Have we been given ALL the data from that account? I think NOT. Often it isn’t what we see that is important, but what we didn’t see, and should have. Forward Looking InraRed scanning was one passive data received, radar was the one active data received. Are we to believe that these two are and were the only pieces of data being obtained? Anybody else get the feeling that something is missing?

Hell, bluntly stated I have FAR MORE information collecting systems aboard my boat than that and it is just a typical big motor boat. (No, it’s not a pleasure yacht, just a home. LOL)

The mark of all great conspiracies is the corruption of common knowledge.

I'm not reading all that! Could you put a abstract at the top and a conclusion at the bottom?
Yup I know, but slandering in anyway does not help no matter how much it seems like it at the time.
Peace Out
Yes Crater chains, but delving into complete speculation of what isn't being revealed doesn't really add value in any way.
The least we can do with second hand evidence is work with what is.
Not with what isn't.
WCF, please do not bring any more information implicating the possible explanation as being gasses.
I am not even going into that one again.
Have you even watched the video of that, if you even consider that it is a gas of some kind or ball lightning managing to hold complete symetry relative to each other hundreds of miles an hour........I don't know what to say WCF.
Another retort to the denial or possibility of a shadow government.

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."

- Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Again......this is not some high school kid on drugs.
Heres a background on the guy.
I swear this extra research is becoming sympathy. :D
I won’t, you can’t read articles in a science journal you don’t like, but you can read the abstract and get the jist of the whole article.

Ball lighting being magnetize can travel in formation and travel along the earth magnetic field at high speed, its more likely then aliens that like to fuck with our heads.
For fucks sake WCF, just fucking read it yah pansy. :D
You could have had the whole thing read twice by now.....sheesh.
Just start with one paragraph and I swear you will be taken aback by my superior writing skills.
Your lucky I don't charge you. :D
WellCookedFetus said:
I won’t, you can’t read articles in a science journal you don’t like, but you can read the abstract and get the jist of the whole article.

Ball lighting being magnetize can travel in formation and travel along the earth magnetic field at high speed, its more likely then aliens that like to fuck with our heads.

Even 11 of them, and can they surround a plane traveling hundreds of miles an hour?
Thas amazing, I did not know that. *notice the sarcasm* :D
actually, it is amazing... and happens to be true and demonstrated.
This is the worst part about carrying on a conversation 11 pages deep in a thread.
All of this has been covered.
And since I know that neither of you really gives a rats ass about this topic I am not about to go back and research it for yah.
Maybe you should let the Mexican DoD in on your little thoery, I'm sure they haven't thought of it yet.
Do your good deed for the day and contact them with this vital information!
Heres a link to look at before you do, yes WCF, it has more than a paragraph so you might not want to read it.
Persol said:
actually, it is amazing... and happens to be true and demonstrated.
Please show me demonstrations of ball lightning surrounding a craft for a half hour at hundreds of miles an hour.
Please please please.
That way I will know I'm crazy and will never discuss this particular topic again.
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