International Press Conference, Mexican DoD (UFO)

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Funny, none of the original links are working to download the video.
Anyone else having this problem?

Testimony of Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

"The question of, has it been kept secret, or how could it be kept secret? It hasn’t been kept secret. It’s been there all along. But it has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and to create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out. Disinformation is simply another method of stonewalling. And that’s been used consistently for the last 50 years or so: Weather balloons over Roswell as opposed to a crashed craft of some sort. That is disinformation. We’ve seen that for 50 years. And it’s the best way to hide something. "

Testimony submited to congress
They are able to witness the continuing militarization of the planet, not just intellectualy, but visibly...Think about how much is being spent on military everyday.
Building new and better weapons and crafts of destruction.
In all countries.All over the world.

Oh please, nuclear weapons build up as gone down since the 70's. Globalization is becoming ever more powerful and there is no war in a globalize economy as it would cause economic damage. All of Europe is unified; the world is not headed toward WW3. The world spend about one trillion dollars on its militaries a year and that has been not as bad as it use to be! Aside for the USofA most of the world is spend less on its military.

I beleive what they are doing (ET's) is the right thing to do, as in the hopes of raising an independant child into a mature independant being, to intefere as little as possible, and only to step in when negative consequences are unavoidable.

and if they want us the grow up independent then why even give us any signs of their existence at all, wouldn’t that ruin it?

and that our introduction to the universal neighborhood is enivitable, and only a matter of time allowing their presence to be known in as subtle and peaceful manner as possible is not with out warrant.

Why should they worry, they could crush us like insects at a moments notice.

Look at the shape of our world, what do we have to offer them?

nothing thats why if their smart they won't waste the time to even come here.

Now for my beleifs:
Your description describes these aliens as a race of emotional unevolved empathiest worthy of star trek and not scientific speculation. A race more advance then we are will be being of pure logic and truly higher cognitive and philosophical beliefs! They will cares for us as much as we care about nematodes in a tree in New Zealand! We will also be equally as threatening to them as nematodes in a tree in New Zealand!
As a state of evolution we will soon evolve to meet them in peace and communion as cybernetic, AI and emulated existence replaces are pitiful talking monkey form and we extend our self’s beyond the limitations of these evolved monkey minds. They will wait for us to come to them, rather then they come to us and wait.
Now was that so hard WCF?
Amazingly enough, I actually tend to lean more towards your suggestions. ;)
Wes-Are you suggesting that is what was picked up on the Mexican DoD radar and infrared?

I finally understand.
It ...clear to me now.
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moementum7 said:
Wes-Are you suggesting that is what was picked up on the Mexican DoD radar and infrared?

I made no such suggestion.

Honestly, I have no idea if it was ball lightning. I only posted that picture to have something to compare the video against. It looks pretty similar to the lights I saw in the video, and yeah now that you mention it it probably would show up on radar (plasma could probably reflect radar if it were intense enough I'd think) and definately infrared.

If I were in the position to do so, I might spread that story to shut people up... or hell maybe I spread it in order to distract people. I have no means by which to determine what is real in that context, so I just take it all as "maybe", or gauge its likelihood based on plausibility.

I'm not though, nor am I privy to any information that swings me either way. I think the stuff is interesting, but until there is some really, really convincing proof I'll reserve judgement. This isn't proof enough for me to go either way, but it's interesting though. I particularly enjoy the positioning and interaction of beliefs.
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Ahhh, so now its ball lighting? Ball lighting is invisable to the eye too? Does it make directional changes like stop or change course or speed off?

When is that guys show coming on today? Isn't it revealing more of the footage?
Also plasma in open day light looks metalic (it reflects all EM including, radio waves.) Something to think about. :D
the video I saw did not contain "impressive manuevers", and like i said, i saw it on the CNN ticker about the lighting and the balls and the bizness. then i got that picture (linked above) to try to see what ball lightning looks like as compared to the video I saw. To me, the explanation is plausible, but shit if I would base a strong opinion on it, as it seems at least a little unlikely.
WellCookedFetus said:
Also plasma in open day light looks metalic (it reflects all EM including, radio waves.) Something to think about. :D

Of course it does, WCF. It may well have been a plasma signature. But the big
question is, what do you use to generate this plasma AND keep energy
supplied to it so it remains a plasma for 30 minutes AND make it accelerate
and change directions while keeping formation with other plasma balls? As
the plasma shown by Wes indicates, it takes an energy source and a
mechanism to produce that type of plasma. Yes, I am aware lightning is a plasma, a short-lived static electric discharge between a charge in the
atmosphere and the opposite charge on the ground.
Your pic of the balled lightning did look similar, but you could duplicate thousand of objects in a pic. The thing we are looking at in the vid is seen through infrared vision if I am correct. I am confused as to what the pilots could see and what took place according to the pilots as everything in the vid is in Spanish.

Hypothetically, if this is a technology of some sort, being US or ET, then perhaps it is using something of a ball lightning in its tech. The conclusive evidence that it is definately US or ET in my opinion is funny enough due to Stryder's multiple posts on balloons. The area of the vid where they look similar to balloons shows two objects with outlines that wouldn't just be a single 'ball lightning', but rather something attached to it. I think we all can agree on that.



By the way, what in the hell is that tilted up thing in the left the screen? It follows along in the back and appears different in size and formation.
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Wes, I admit that I am quite releived to hear your respones.

"I made no such suggestion.

Honestly, I have no idea if it was ball lightning. I only posted that picture to have something to compare the video against. It looks pretty similar to the lights I saw in the video, and yeah now that you mention it it probably would show up on radar (plasma could probably reflect radar if it were intense enough I'd think) and definately infrared.

If I were in the position to do so, I might spread that story to shut people up... or hell maybe I spread it in order to distract people. I have no means by which to determine what is real in that context, so I just take it all as "maybe", or gauge its likelihood based on plausibility.

I'm not though, nor am I privy to any information that swings me either way. I think the stuff is interesting, but until there is some really, really convincing proof I'll reserve judgement. This isn't proof enough for me to go either way, but it's interesting though. I particularly enjoy the positioning and interaction of beliefs. "

I have come to hold your opinions and views of most matters, if not all of them in high respect.
And again to see that you have even an intelligent perspective on a topic of such ridicule and dis-information as this,....... is appreciated.
In an interview with the "Hoy por Hoy" radio show hosted by Carlos Loret de Mola, Vega Gacia remarked ..."of course, the phenomenon is unexplained" and made it clear that Mexican military personnel "never speak of UFOs or saucers or anything like that--only the sighting of very strange contacts, incomprehensible in that situation, since there was absolutely nothing flying in the area, accoridng to reports from the Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche airport."

Two days ago we captured a private plane with drugs, but when I discerned it along with (other experts), seeing the lights behind the airplane, its nose and its sides, I told myself there couldn't be so many aircraft."

So for drug trafficing, what other recording and surveillance evidence gathering equipment would those Mexician military planes have on board?
Plasma can be generated by geomagnetic disturbances and also remain plasmafied for sometime. Lighting has been know to produce ball lightning or plasma balls. The plasma balls simple stay together by magnetic and ionic interaction and ride along magnetic fields.
Wouldn't the Mexican Air Force or military, if one of their planes was being surrounded, wouldn't they call in the JET's?
What about that red beam, bounce, listening device wouldn't that be some equipment on that Mexican military plane?
So a scientists guess at what it could be:

Ball lightning. He doesn't have any proof, yet is ready to help shut the door on this. Notice how he says he would like to study the footage. Also, how he says the lighting could turn around and circle the plane, because it would be using the plane like a conductor??

So, I guess I could attribute most things to ball lighting. I mean, it pretty much does everything.
Actually, he hasn't studied the data.

I think ball lightning theory is bogus. How a intelligent person could come up with that is beyond me. If it was one ball that went straight without changing speeds or direction and then disappeared, maybe I would buy it. But, these things are allover the place in the vid.
Unknown_user said:
Actually, he hasn't studied the data.

Nor the footage.

The complete footage is 30 minutes long.

The one minute excerpt that has appeared on the net is a very small fraction of that. Right now the only people who have the complete footage are Jaime Maussan and the Mexican military.

Jaime has stated he will be furnishing copies to several scientists to study. Bruce Maccabee for one, who is an optical physicist and is very qualified to analyze pictures and video.
anybody have a new link to the video, i would greatly appreciate that. if there is a current working link posted here i am sorry for i have not the time to surf thru 15 pages. please point me to the page with the link if its here, or wherever it may be if you know.


i did come across some ridiculous wannabe debunkery claiming these UFOs to be hot air balloons.
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