Indian babythrow

You're thinking like a westerner.

If anything happened to a child, it would be destiny.

So the parents would not feel guilt, they would just try again.

You views about raising children and kids in general really shocks me.:mad:
Destiny huh? So if the child is handicapped for the rest of their life from
the neck down is that destiny too?

Sam I also see you have tried to turn this into an abortion issue. Can you ever stay on the actual topic? This has absolutely nothing to do with abortion. This is a full term baby that is being put in a dangerous life
threatening situation all in the name of what??? According to you if
the baby happens to die accidently WHOOPSSSS oh well they can always
try again. What the hell is wrong with you.
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You views about raising children and kids in general really shocks me.
Destiny huh? So if the child is handicapped for the rest of their life from
the neck down is that destiny too?

You should first get a class in reading comprehension before attempting to understand what I post. :)

Since I've already learned English apart from my native languages, I really cannot do more in this regard.
is aborting a baby in new york wrong?

mind you this is a moral question
M*W: There is an ethical difference between abortion and throwing a newborn baby off a building. At least this is my take.

An abortion is a woman's right, but injuring a newborn child is not right. Although in my home state of Texas, children basically have no "rights." This appalls me. I have no problem with a woman's choice, but I do have a problem with "injury to a child." Call it what they legally want, but child murder is still murder in my view.

This videotape made me sick. There are many other sickos that I would like to see thrown off a building. A newborn baby is not one of them. I don't give a damn if the baby lived. It was inhumane and criminal.
O ya I fogot I am two stoopid to undrstand anithang. :rolleyes:

Recognising a problem is the first step to solving it.

M*W: There is an ethical difference between abortion and throwing a newborn baby off a building. At least this is my take.

An abortion is a woman's right,.

Hmm so its okay to pull of a kids arms and legs as long as you cannot hear them screaming, but as soon as you can, its an offense? Strange.
Irrelevent, this is (probably) not caused by religion.

Neither is abortion, it didn't stop Sam.

The point was merely that, with some 93% religiosity, these god lovers don't seemingly love their kids.
Neither is abortion, it didn't stop Sam.

The point was merely that, with some 93% religiosity, these god lovers don't seemingly love their kids.

Maybe they don't share your ideas of morality (which as we have established, atheists do not apparently have one anyway). Of course, as the enlightened white massah, you'll be sure to tell us all we are doing wrong, seeing as you come from such a forward thinking culture.
For some reason, S.A.M., I could not quote your response.

There is a big difference in abortion and homocide of a child. Before birth, the woman's body is the prime influence. After the birth of a child, I believe the child has legal rights. This is not a common belief as I see it. An embryo or fetus does not have the legal rights of a borne human being. I'm not pro-abortion. Who likes abortion? Nobody. But a borne human being should have the rights that a non-viable human being has. I don't like it. I don't promote it. There is a dividing line between an embryo and full living breathing human.

In the USA currently, newborn babies are assigned an SSN at birth. Therefore, they are fully recognized citizens. Fully recognized citizens are afforded the full legality of an SSN and the law. Therefore, they have legitimate rights. This is not my opinion, this is the law. If I had my choice, all living creatures would have equal rights. Unfortunately, my beliefs are not the beliefs of the legal system.

My opinions stand on this topic.
For some reason, S.A.M., I could not quote your response.

There is a big difference in abortion and homocide of a child. Before birth, the woman's body is the prime influence. After the birth of a child, I believe the child has legal rights. This is not a common belief as I see it. An embryo or fetus does not have the legal rights of a borne human being. I'm not pro-abortion. Who likes abortion? Nobody. But a borne human being should have the rights that a non-viable human being has. I don't like it. I don't promote it. There is a dividing line between an embryo and full living breathing human.

In the USA currently, newborn babies are assigned an SSN at birth. Therefore, they are fully recognized citizens. Fully recognized citizens are afforded the full legality of an SSN and the law. Therefore, they have legitimate rights. This is not my opinion, this is the law. If I had my choice, all living creatures would have equal rights. Unfortunately, my beliefs are not the beliefs of the legal system.

My opinions stand on this topic.

Thats my position too, while I do not support abortion or throwing babies off roofs, as long as it is legal, my beliefs have nothing to do with it.

As far as I can see, there is a lot of hypocrisy inherent in the "right to life" statutes anyway.
Maybe they don't share your ideas of morality (which as we have established, atheists do not apparently have one anyway). Of course, as the enlightened white massah, you'll be sure to tell us all we are doing wrong, seeing as you come from such a forward thinking culture.


guys, india needs help realizing that abusing children is wrong
M*W: But to get back to your point, there is no knowledge or sensations of an aborted embryo. An embryo is still not techically a viable human being, because it cannot survive it's unviable humanint. I don't like this, and I don't even agree with this techinical factoid. All an embryo is is a small piece of human tissue that is nothing more than a parasite. An embryo cannot survive in this world. An embryo doesn't have a developed nervous system, like a plant, per se. Human pain is relative. I'd personally like to save all the embryos, but that is not my calling. Embryos, therefore, are not anymore advanced than plants. This is not my true choice of words, but as I see it, these are the facts.

When does a woman's body fail to become the dominion of her right? I believe at the 20+ week of pregnancy. I don't take pride in my professional responsibilities. Sometimes, I'd like to ignore what nature tells me to do. I'd give them all rights of life, but that's just not possible.

But getting back to topic, throwing a newborn baby off a building is sick. I don't care which ethnic group does it. It's wrong. It's evil. It's pathetic.
M*W: But to get back to your point, there is no knowledge or sensations of an aborted embryo. An embryo is still not techically a viable human being, because it cannot survive it's unviable humanint. I don't like this, and I don't even agree with this techinical factoid. All an embryo is is a small piece of human tissue that is nothing more than a parasite. An embryo cannot survive in this world. An embryo doesn't have a developed nervous system, like a plant, per se. Human pain is relative. I'd personally like to save all the embryos, but that is not my calling. Embryos, therefore, are not anymore advanced than plants. This is not my true choice of words, but as I see it, these are the facts.

When does a woman's body fail to become the dominion of her right? I believe at the 20+ week of pregnancy. I don't take pride in my professional responsibilities. Sometimes, I'd like to ignore what nature tells me to do. I'd give them all rights of life, but that's just not possible.

But getting back to topic, throwing a newborn baby off a building is sick. I don't care which ethnic group does it. It's wrong. It's evil. It's pathetic.

All this is dependent on what we presently know about the embryo and the nervous system.

Personally I do not believe this is a plant.


And I'm not willing to take the chance that pulling off an arm or a leg will be painless
Thats my position too, while I do not support abortion or throwing babies off roofs, as long as it is legal, my beliefs have nothing to do with it.

As far as I can see, there is a lot of hypocrisy inherent in the "right to life" statutes anyway.
M*W: Okay, at least we agree on this, and yes, there is a lot of hipocracy on this issue. That really sucks.
Personally, I have to say that I'm not in support of either vacuuming or tossing children about.

I really more prefer vultures. Because it's organic.
Your religion tells you a foetus is the same thing as a born child. Science would recognize some significant differences. The absense of a distinction comes from the religious notion of a soul.
Which significant differences would science recognize? Because my glasses are all foggy and I can't see.