Indian babythrow

But killing tens of millions of developing babies by ripping them asunder is perfectly reasonable and practical. Suddenly, I'm confused...

They aren't born yet, they don't have lives, and they are still an aspect of a woman's body, they aren't bodies of their own. It's not irrational.
Legallity has nothing to do with morals. It is usually a product of moral.

Better make up your mind which it is.

The way I see it, if I sell you several guns its illegal and wrong, if the government does it, its legal so its right.

Maybe the ideal would be to legalise all killing, that would take care of all the morality. Animals have it right, after all. They kill babies all the time, stroll off have a cup of tea and bit of of bacon butty and take a nice nap.
Better make up your mind which it is.

The way I see it, if I sell you several guns its illegal and wrong, if the government does it, its legal so its right.

Maybe the ideal would be to legalise all killing, that would take care of all the morality. Animals have it right, after all. They kill babies all the time, stroll off have a cup of tea and bit of of bacon butty and take a nice nap.

SAM ???? Are we going into the abyss again ......... how did this thread go into ..... a flamewar .............:eek:
SAM ???? Are we going into the abyss again ......... how did this thread go into ..... a flamewar .............:eek:

Not a flamewar, dearie. Just an examination of standard concepts of right and wrong. ;)
I thought we were discussing ways about disposing of babies?

No, we were discussing RELIGIOUS rites honey! Man, you are the most intellectually dishonest poster EVER on this Forum, bu that isn't news for anyone.

The throwing off of the babies isn't mean to eliminate them, it is actually a celebration, sort of....

And by the way I LOVE Indian religions! My favorite is the rat worship....Although it might have something to do that India is the only nation that hasn't eliminated the plague yet, but hey, what is plague between friends?
I dont think either is right, no. I think both are wrong.

It makes sense to me, though, that a mother who doesn't want a baby will attempt to get rid of it.

It doesn't make sense that parents who want the child want to throw them from a building.

Seems like you're backpedaling. As for the "doesn't make sense that parents would throw their children" part, you have to understand that it's a different culture. Admittedly, I personally think it is weird. Actually, I think a lot of the cultures and traditions over there are pretty weird, but I guess that's natural, considering everybody in the West (including myself) is brainwashed to some degree to think that those cultures are nonsensical and should be criminally outlawed. I bet they think we're pretty weird, too. Most Indians (correct me if I'm wrong, Sam) probably think it's weird that Westerners wipe their assholes with dry, dusty toilet paper. To them, that's the equivalent of showering by rubbing your body with a towel.

I wonder how this started... Who was the first person to think hey, I'm going to throw my baby, somebody catch him, this will be good for him.

I wonder who thought it would be a good idea to stick a coat hanger in their vagina to kill their party mistakes.

Kadark ......... sometimes I have the urge to kick your butt ......:)
In a nice way .......

Don't take any offense, but I don't even know who you are.

They aren't born yet, they don't have lives, and they are still an aspect of a woman's body, they aren't bodies of their own. It's not irrational.

They aren't born yet, they dont have lives, but they will if you let them alive.

If people do not want a child, they should make the decision before they make the child.
No, we were discussing RELIGIOUS rites honey! Man, you are the most intellectually dishonest poster EVER on this Forum, bu that isn't news for anyone.

The throwing off of the babies isn't mean to eliminate them, it is actually a celebration, sort of....

Ah but is it right or wrong? Considering, you know, that inherently endangering or killing a child itself is not considered wrong if its legally done.
Ah but is it right or wrong?

I say right. Who am I to tell people how not to endanger their babies?? It is called social Darwinism. If the baby dies, the stupid parents stupid genes won't be passed. If the baby survives, what is the big fuss about? :D

Kind of similar when Britney Spears puts her baby in her lap while driving...
Most Indians (correct me if I'm wrong, Sam) probably think it's weird that Westerners wipe their assholes with dry, dusty toilet paper. To them, that's the equivalent of showering by rubbing your body with a towel.

Don't even get me started on that!:mad:

Its a good thing there are wet wipes available!:mad:
They aren't born yet, they dont have lives, but they will if you let them alive.

If people do not want a child, they should make the decision before they make the child.

They should but it doesnt always work out that way. Evolution has given us and most mammals a sex drive which is stronger than rationality.

Tossing babies off a roof is not always an irrational act. There could be a fire for instance. If someone is so concerned about the life of babies born and unborn, why do this for no good reason? Its just another example of superstition overriding good sense.
They should but it doesnt always work out that way. Evolution has given us and most mammals a sex drive which is stronger than rationality.

Tossing babies off a roof is not always an irrational act. There could be a fire for instance. If someone is so concerned about the life of babies born and unborn, why do this for no good reason? Its just another example of superstition overriding good sense.

Why make a big deal about superstition when rationally you think its fine to get rid of unwanted babies? The kid feels it when you tear off his limb as much as he would feel it if you held him down in the bathtub or tossed him into a fireplace. Whats the big deal about age?
Ultimately if its not wrong to kill a baby you don't want, I see no reason why it can't be extended to at least enjoying the ones you do. Kids die everyday.
i didnt say its not wrong to kill a baby, only an unborn foetus prior to a debatable level of development, the sooner the better. by extension the later the worse, and after its born only if there are rational reasons for it

to put a perfectly good baby in deliberate danger for no good reason is just ignorant
Better make up your mind which it is.

The way I see it, if I sell you several guns its illegal and wrong, if the government does it, its legal so its right.

Maybe the ideal would be to legalise all killing, that would take care of all the morality. Animals have it right, after all. They kill babies all the time, stroll off have a cup of tea and bit of of bacon butty and take a nice nap.

i dont understand what you are babling about

there is no making up my mind, this has already been stablished:
killing may be legal, but it is imoral
and so is endangering a child