Indian babythrow

I want to see SAM's face when they decide to go for dropping full grown babies instead of abortion.

You are such a troll SAM.
so you think abortion is wrong? is endagering a child wrong?
what if a child dies in this fest?

If a child dies in this tradition, then we will finally chalk one tally mark on our side. Our pro-abortionist counterparts are already up to what, 60,000,000?
Now you get it. Killing your child or any person is only wrong if its done illegally. You just gotta figure out

1. how to make it legal
2. find someplace where it is.

no, killing your child is wrong, period.

how can you be anti-abortion and think that this festival is fine?
I want to see SAM's face when they decide to go for dropping full grown babies instead of abortion.

They already do that. Only they drop missiles on the kids instead of dropping the kids.

The trick is to kill lots of them at the same time using millions of pounds of bombs, then its perfectly legal. One at a time can be a bit tricky to get around.

If a child dies in this tradition, then we will finally chalk one tally mark on our side. Our pro-abortionist counterparts are already up to what, 60,000,000?

so your argument is "yes, I killed that man, but he killed another man first!"?

I did it, but you did it worse?

I'm wrong, but so are you?
They already do that. Only they drop missiles on the kids instead of dropping the kids.

The trick is to kill lots of them at the same time using millions of pounds of bombs, then its perfectly legal. One at a time can be a bit tricky to get around.


(both sides do it)

im going to go out on a limb and say that tossing babies or killing them with bombs are both wrong
says who?

Says you.

"i can understand a person terminating an unwanted pregnancy

I cannot understand a person who wanted to have children and tought couldnt, believes received a miracle, and is throwing the miracle from a building"

This distinctly shows that you support abortion, yet fervently criticize the tradition of baby-throwing.
But killing tens of millions of developing babies by ripping them asunder is perfectly reasonable and practical. Suddenly, I'm confused...

Right or wrong is a matter of legality not feeling.

So its legal to toss your kid from the roof in India but not in the West.

Now its also legal to tear off your kids limbs to get rid of it both in India and the West. But tearing off the kids limbs is okay because a kid has no rights over its limbs until its legally born. Until then, the mother or father or doctor is fully legally permitted to kill the child.

In India, we're backward, because we haven't realised this legal birth thingy properly everywhere.

And I forget, getting hit by bombs is legal at all times, especially if you don't have the technology to defend yourself. Then its just like being in the womb no matter how old you are.:rolleyes:
Says you.

"i can understand a person terminating an unwanted pregnancy

I cannot understand a person who wanted to have children and tought couldnt, believes received a miracle, and is throwing the miracle from a building"

This distinctly shows that you support abortion, yet fervently criticize the tradition of baby-throwing.

I dont think either is right, no. I think both are wrong.

It makes sense to me, though, that a mother who doesn't want a baby will attempt to get rid of it.

It doesn't make sense that parents who want the child want to throw them from a building.

I wonder how this started... Who was the first person to think hey, I'm going to throw my baby, somebody catch him, this will be good for him.
Right or wrong is a matter of legality not feeling.


Legallity has nothing to do with morals. It is usually a product of moral.

I wouldn't think that you would make this kind of argument, considering the other thread, you know..
Indians are weird.

I like the FFXIII trailer at the end of the video. A little random, but oh well. Can't wait to get that game!

Kadark ......... sometimes I have the urge to kick your butt ......:)
In a nice way .......

Anyway .... the horrible truth is .... that their moms , love their children , and , according to tradition ,want to do the best for them .......!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Me think , a wee bit of education might be proper .......... I mean , just a....
Little bit of education ............