Indian babythrow

STFU sam. If you decide to raise a child, it's idiotic to then endanger it's life by throwing it off a roof for no good reason. But we arent supposed to question any religious practice because its a religion and all religions are better than no religion no matter how stupid and irrational because they make society better... right? Who cares if infants are cut up, or thrown off roofs, we cannot oppress these loving people.
I'm just trolling. Though the tossing kids off a building just seems needlessly dangerous. Nice pic BTW.

Same here, but just looking between whats considered acceptable in different places, I think its best to avoid any judgement. If I disagree, I don't do it. :shrug:
I thought we were discussing ways about disposing of babies?

disposing babies that you love, or disposing babies that you didnt want?

i can understand a person terminating an unwanted pregnancy

I cannot understand a person who wanted to have children and tought couldnt, believes received a miracle, and is throwing the miracle from a building
disposing babies that you love, or disposing babies that you didnt want?

i can understand a person terminating an unwanted pregnancy

I cannot understand a person who wanted to have children and tought couldnt, believes received a miracle, and is throwing the miracle from a building

Strange. While I can understand doing weird things from the [mistaken] belief that it may be better for teh child even though its baseless (like using baby formula for instance), I cannot comprehend consenting to having your kids arms and legs sucked off by vacuum to kill it. So we understand different things.
big difference between a born child, growing up and bonding to its parents and then thrown off a roof for irrational religious reasons, and a foetus

but we have no way of knowing if this practice really brings luck, do we? knowledge isn't something that can be determined by us cause nothing can be known for sure. If this isnt' child abuse I don't know what is. Child abusers should just invent religious reasons for their actions and then they will be accepted by society.
Strange. While I can understand doing weird things from the [mistaken] belief that it may be better for teh child even though its baseless (like using baby formula for instance), I cannot comprehend consenting to having your kids arms and legs sucked off by vacuum to kill it. So we understand different things.

do you understand individual choices over a person's own body?

do you understand the difference between that and a festival dedicated to everyone throwing their babies down from a buiding?
Clearly the difference is with bonding, then. The child by itself is not worthy of consideration. So whence the concept of abuse?
Yeah I understand individual choices over ones body give you the legal right to kill your own child if you so wish. But only while you carry it.
Clearly the difference is with bonding, then. The child by itself is not worthy of consideration. So whence the concept of abuse?

it's a completely different situation

they aren't thinking much about what the child thinks of it when they're throwing them, are they

is the look of terror in that boy's face taken in consideration?

if the child says "i dont want to go", do they stop?

what's a dislocated shoulder anyway...
Just collateral damage SAM.

Exactly. As long as tossing a kid from the roof is as legal as pulling off its arms and legs to kill it, who are we to have a say in it?

No missiles or bombs evade kids after all.
Wow, I'm hearing a lot of bullshit here. It's supposedly okay to tear your developing baby into ribbons, but God forbid a baby being dropped onto a sheet held firmly by a legion of prepared spectators.
Bonding, birth, nursing, introduction to family... once you have started down this road, you better raise it right. I am in favor of a woman being able to make the decision to abort if necessary, because it's much better to kill an unwanted proto-human than raise it in less than ideal conditions. Once you give birth, you damn well better treat it right. It has a working brain and nervous system, unlike a foetus.

Still, these babies may not ever suffer harm from their brief airborn trip, but its still an example of irrational religious beliefs getting in the way of moral behavior. Some cultures go farther and kill their virgin children for religious reasons, granted not lately
it's a completely different situation

they aren't thinking much about what the child thinks of it when they're throwing them, are they

is the look of terror in that boy's face taken in consideration?

if the child says "i dont want to go", do they stop?

what's a dislocated shoulder anyway...

If you look at the ultrasound of a live abortion, you can see the child's mouth open in a silent scream when the vacuum pulls of its legs.

That has not stopped a single abortion, as far as I know.
Yeah I understand individual choices over ones body give you the legal right to kill your own child if you so wish. But only while you carry it.

so if abortion is ok, so is killing a grown baby by politraumatism?
Wow, I'm hearing a lot of bullshit here. It's supposedly okay to tear your developing baby into ribbons, but God forbid a baby being dropped onto a sheet held firmly by a legion of prepared spectators.

I'm hearing a lot of bullshit too about justificating a wrong with another wrong

so you think abortion is wrong? is endagering a child wrong?
what if a child dies in this fest?
looks like india has succeeded

congratulations sam!

are you going to let them throw your baby?

Now you get it. Killing your child or any person is only wrong if its done illegally. You just gotta figure out

1. how to make it legal
2. find someplace where it is.