In regards to atheism.

You are way way way to polite

That is all I have ever wanted really.

Your politeness is being taken advantage of or I am way to cynical

Way way too cynical.
I believe Jan really wants to help me find his God, not that he has lost him and is including me in the search party, for my benefit mainly and no doubt if I found God with Jan's assistance it would make him happy I expect.

For my part I would like to help Jan find enlightenment.

I am working on something can I run it by you...see if you can catch it.

It is, it was and so it shall be.

In the beginning there was nothing and in the nothing there was the beginning.

You must admit I have the gift...and he that has the gift shall give and those who receive shall not go without for without the gift they have received nothing.

I am on a roll here.

I sometimes watch the entertainer Dr Phil
Why? I bet he never watches you.
He has a massive Christian bias which shines out but part of me sorta thinks while his beliefs are genuine is he pushing it for the entertainment benefit value
Way too cynical but yes....yes he does.

It is a wise man who prepares a meal for the hungry which is their favorite food and thus leave them content and well fed for it is that man who shall dine at a table overflowing with things he doth like.
I would dearly like to see him attempt to untangle this stale pretzel conversation

I can see a series in it.

Pity the title "Never ending story" has been taken.
Did someone write stupid on my forehead?

Yes Dr Phil but you will read it as "biquts".
This is not my first rodeo.
Dr Phil come back to me we are in the studio now, forget about your episode with the bull.
Look I don't have a dog in this fight
Dr. Phil there are no dogs here, there is no bull drink this flavored water and look at the camera and just relax let the actors do their thing.
You need to understand
Drink all of your water.
That's entrainment
Yes and while we stick with that line the Medical Board won't touch us.
Finish your water.

Please apply to go on the show and stop prancing around in the feather weight boxing ring with powder puff words which are soooo ineffective
I have to be gentle and kind I am thinking a family type audience.

You exhibit, if I may say so, an impatience which I interpret as you want more of the same.

You must wait enlightenment just does not happen in an instant.

Please meditate and think about nothing clear your mind and be ready for the load when it arrives.

I believe Jan really wants to help me find his God, not that he has lost him and is including me in the search party, for my benefit mainly and no doubt if I found God with Jan's assistance it would make him happy I expect.

Way way to trusting

When you're done here come and have a beer with me in Sydney

I've got a bridge proportional to put to you :)

That is all I have ever wanted really.

You got it in spades

It is, it was and so it shall be.

In the beginning there was nothing and in the nothing there was the beginning.

You must admit I have the gift...and he that has the gift shall give and those who receive shall not go without for without the gift they have received nothing.


But I am Jet lagged so let me ponder a bit

You exhibit, if I may say so, an impatience which I interpret as you want more of the same.

I just want it to stop :)

Dear god almighty :)

Make it stop :)

Circa about 30 years ago

Anyone of about 6 psychotic patients I looked after :)

I've got a bridge proportional to put to you :)
Sorry I am dealing direct with the owner and he is going to reduce the price because without an agent he will save on commission.

Best of all I only have to pay a 5% deposit so we can do it in cash at the pub.

But I am Jet lagged so let me ponder a bit
This a wise man who can rest after a holiday...when will you be allowed to drive heavy machinery.
I just want it to stop :)
It has stopped.
Maybe your head is still spinning.

You are trying to introduce me to God so to speak whilst I am asking for evidence.

Now think about it, if I'm trying to introduce you to God, then the term 'God Is' is rendered meaningless.

I'm trying to get you to put your current mind-set on hold. Because that is the reason you can't comprehend God.
Does that make sense?

So I will ask nicely and with respect to your approach if there is any other way to do it or in your view is the lay back and let it flow approach the only way

I think you misunderstand, or you are purposely playing down what I'm saying.
Either way that needs to be addressed.

You can't just send me some photos of God at a rally or something?

Why would you think I could do that?

So I put no value in finding truth from superman stories.

Nobody does. We may enjoy watching it, but we may also find things about the films, or books that relate in such a way, that we can learn from them.

On the other you you may think your learning something from a documentary, and it turns out to be fiction.

OK rather than evidence tell me something so I can learn more about your position

I've already explained my position, and yours.

You attack what you perceive as my ignorance but I am not defending it.

It's an observation, not an attack.
"You can't just send me some photos of God at a rally or something?" A classic example.

A reasonable answer when I say "are you crazy?" ...
I am trying to understand where beliefs starts I suppose.

I take it the link I posted a while back, has been discarded by the atheist community.
Oh well!

I take it the link I posted a while back, has been discarded by the atheist community.
So quick to think the worst of those you are in discussion with, Jan, rather than look for more obvious explanations. It does you no favours.
I am trying to understand where beliefs starts I suppose.
There are undoubtedly evolutionary reasons for it.
For me a better question would be why do some persist with the belief and others do not.
And a hint: the answer has nothing to do with being "without God". ;)
, then the term 'God Is' is rendered meaningless.

There are those who say it had no meaning in the first place.

Does that make sense?

Not entirely Jan...well actually no.
Are you suggesting that if I do not think or seek some degree of proof that I can invent my own God.

Either way that needs to be addressed.

Could you address my question first.

Why would you think I could do that?

Why wouldn't I think you could do that I have no idea what a theist can do...Forget the photo but something anything...
Nobody does.
I formed the impression you did.
that we can learn from them.
How do we learn from fiction it is after all fiction.
Have you learnt anything from Superman comics or even the various movies that you apply to good use in day to day existence, or Spiderman.
Anyway I don't understand how watching a movie would help other than prepare my mind to be receptive to more fiction.
On the other you you may think your learning something from a documentary, and it turns out to be fiction.

Wouldn't that be unlikely can you give me an example?
Do you mean documentaries on religion?
I've already explained my position, and yours.
Please run it by me again.
It's an observation
Please remind me what observation was I defending?

"You can't just send me some photos of God at a rally or something?" A classic example.

A classic example of what exactly?

I take it the link I posted a while back, has been discarded by the atheist community.
Which link?
Can you please post it again and I will speak to the community and ask them not to disregard it.

There are those who say it had no meaning in the first place

How does that relate?

Are you suggesting that if I do not think or seek some degree of proof that I can invent my own God


I formed the impression you did.

Mistakes happen.

Have you learnt anything from Superman comics or even the various movies that you apply to good use in day to day existence, or Spiderman

We learn all the time, whether we want to or not.

Please run it by me again.

Just go back and read it.

A classic example of what exactly?

Of you defending your ignorance

Which link?
Can you please post it again.

Again go back and look. :)

There are undoubtedly evolutionary reasons for it.
On a serious note:rolleyes: I expect evolution could provide answers but I am inclined to attribute belief in God to the intelligent designer helping out by putting some mechanism in our brain that enables us to realise God is.

The science of inteligent design however can't say there is a God as that would not be science. As intelligent design does not relate the notion to there being a God it must be science.

My speculation of course is only mere speculation but given it is a fact children have a natural tendency to believe in God (there is a wonderful paper by a good christian who researched the matter and discovered to his surprise that children have a tendency to believe in God..) even before it is drummed into them with no influence from their God fearing parents:mad:we have irrefutable evidence that God is.

Why? I bet he never watches you.

What odds would you give?

Would you believe he has me on Twitter

Oh wait

That should be he has me on TWIT

Sorry bout that

It is, it was and so it shall be.

You have not defined IT

And it sounds a tad familiar

In the beginning there was nothing and in the nothing there was the beginning.

The two ins?

Are thay like within? reading

Within the the beginning there was nothing

and within the nothing there was the beginning

Sounds like a love child between a Matryoshka doll and a Möbius strip

You must admit I have the gift...and he that has the gift shall give and those who receive shall not go without for without the gift they have received nothing.

I admit nothing and what makes you think you are the only one with a gift and the only one handing it out?

I am on a roll here

I'd get off before Subway finds out what your doing

It is a wise man who prepares a meal for the hungry which is their favorite food and thus leave them content and well fed for it is that man who shall dine at a table overflowing with things he doth like.

Not if the greedy barstards eat the lot

OK if you won't come down to the pub and have a beer at least come to the clinic

We can do something about those cuts and bruises on your forehead

Looks like you've been banging it against a brick wall

On a serious note:rolleyes: I expect evolution could provide answers but I am inclined to attribute belief in God to the intelligent designer helping out by putting some mechanism in our brain that enables us to realise God is.

The science of inteligent design however can't say there is a God as that would not be science. As intelligent design does not relate the notion to there being a God it must be science.

My speculation of course is only mere speculation but given it is a fact children have a natural tendency to believe in God (there is a wonderful paper by a good christian who researched the matter and discovered to his surprise that children have a tendency to believe in God..) even before it is drummed into them with no influence from their God fearing parents:mad:we have irrefutable evidence that God is.

You know, Alex, that with thinking like this you might well be further along the path to believing in God than you give yourself credit for. Although maybe the credit should be God's, as he would have given you the ability to ink the way you are doing so. ;)
fact children have a natural tendency to believe in God (there is a wonderful paper by a good christian who researched the matter and discovered to his surprise that children have a tendency to believe in God..) even before it is drummed into them with no influence from their God fearing parents:mad:we have irrefutable evidence that God is.

OMG he's fallen in the water (holy that is)

How does that relate?
I am not sure.
Mistakes happen.
Well don't let it happen again.
We learn all the time, whether we want to or not.
What did you learn from Superman and Spiderman that you did not want to learn?
Just go back and read it.
Go back where and read what?
Of you defending your ignorance
My ignorance of what exactly?
Again go back and look. :)
OK I will start at page one...
You know, Alex, that with thinking like this you might well be further along the path to believing in God than you give yourself credit for. Although maybe the credit should be God's, as he would have given you the ability to ink the way you are doing so. ;)

Oh I know God is real he just does not exist.

But all and any credit must go to Jan...

He gives credibility to my statement that...
Men create Gods
Gods do not create men

And by discussing God if we can call it that, if that is what is going on here then Jan gets to make God more real (for him) and that is a good thing...
I am happy to help with that side of things and with more thought Jan should be able to move past God is....It is on the tip of his tongue...
God is ... Look he can add whatever he likes but he should be the one to find the next no prompting.

I resort to comedy because this is a serious matter.

Thank you for your wisdom and balance.
