In regards to atheism.

That's not much of an answer. The Easter Bunny isn't Santa Claus either but you seem to put both in the same category (things that only children believe in)

I don't get your objection.

At least TRY to give an honest answer: Why is God different? Why should any mature person still believe in God after they give up believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?

My answer was honest.

At least TRY to give an honest answer: Why is God different? Why should any mature person still believe in God after they give up believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny?

Firstly, I don't think it is possible to pick and choose what you believe, so the question, like so many atheist question, needs to be restated.

The correct question to ask is, why do people believe in God. The answer to that is simple, God Is.

Of course from your perspective, that is not a satisfactory answer, because you cannot comprehend God, but nevertheless, that is the answer.

Firstly, I don't think it is possible to pick and choose what you believe, so the question, like so many atheist question, needs to be restated.

The correct question to ask is, why do people believe in God. The answer to that is simple, God Is.

Of course from your perspective, that is not a satisfactory answer, because you cannot comprehend God, but nevertheless, that is the answer.
And you wonder why people consider you to be evasive and dishonest. :rolleyes: That's you all over, isn't it, Jan: you can't or don't want to answer the question asked, so why not simply ask another one! And in doing so you evade the original question and then act dishonestly by giving an answer you even acknowledge to be unsatisfactory.
Thor Is

So is his hammer Is

Ofcourse from your perspective those are not a satisfactory answers because you cannot comprehend Thor or his hammer but nevertheless those are the answers

The correct question to ask is, why do people believe in God. The answer to that is simple, God Is.

Of course from your perspective, that is not a satisfactory answer, because you cannot comprehend God, but nevertheless, that is the answer.
It's not even your answer. Your answer is that some people, ordinary humans, comprehend god, an omnipotent, infinitely powerful supernatural being. I find this answer unsatisfactory, since people join religion and leave religion all the time, for all kinds of reasons, and prominent theists often confess that faith is required to believe, something that would not be required if what you say is true.
The answer to that is simple, God Is.

I can't be hard on you here Jan as one of my little saying is...Things just are..... it is you who makes them good or bad upon your own personal qualification.

So is your approach similar?...

God is (add your own personal qualification).

God is real.

God is made up.

That sort of thing?

Funny tomorrow I have to help someone through a horrible break up and she believes in God and I have been thinking about how to really help her during the last ten hours and strangely I think I am going to have to say something like God cares for you or the like as she is very upset.

I am not happy about having to approach it that way but I guess its more important to help rather than get hung up by feeling guilty of being hypocritical.

All suffering is sent to build our character.

I am not happy about having to approach it that way but I guess its more important to help rather than get hung up by feeling guilty of being hypocritical.

Soothing words spoken by a friend or trusted person in authority work

The brain of the person being soothed works to make it so

Welcome to the world of the little white lie the priest and vodoo man


All suffering is sent to build our character

Have enough character

Change to money please

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It's not even your answer. Your answer is that some people, ordinary humans, comprehend god, an omnipotent, infinitely powerful supernatural being. I find this answer unsatisfactory, since people join religion and leave religion all the time, for all kinds of reasons, and prominent theists often confess that faith is required to believe, something that would not be required if what you say is true.

Anyone can join, or even make up, a religion SP, and here's the catch, you don't have to believe in God.

You can't just believe in anything, let alone God, because you fancy a change.

I'm sorry this answer is unsatisfactory for you, but that is the answer, God Is. If want to know why God Is, then find out, or just stay as you are. It's your call.

I can't be hard on you here Jan as one of my little saying is...Things just are..... it is you who makes them good or bad upon your own personal qualification.

So is your approach similar?...

You could say that.

God is (add your own personal qualification).

God is real.

God is made up.

That sort of thing?

Why do you require more than God Is?
Do you know what is meant by God Is? Or would it make more sense if I said God just Is?
Remember to you the ''Is'' as a verb.

Then please explain why it unsatisfactory.

Funny tomorrow I have to help someone through a horrible break up and she believes in God and I have been thinking about how to really help her during the last ten hours and strangely I think I am going to have to say something like God cares for you or the like as she is very upset.

Why on earth do you feel the need to say something like that?

I am not happy about having to approach it that way but I guess its more important to help rather than get hung up by feeling guilty of being hypocritical.

Focus on the issue.

All suffering is sent to build our character.

I doubt suffering needs to be sent.

The correct question to ask is, why do people believe in God. The answer to that is simple, God Is.
The opposite also applies: God isn't, therefore I don't believe in God.

But you still haven't answered the question: Why are Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny different? Santa Clause is. The Easter Bunny is. We actually have evidence that they are. Why do you think it's childish to believe in them but not to believe in God?
Why do you require more than God Is?
It just doesn't not work for me.
I can't get meaning from it no matter how I try Jan other than the small glimpse via my..things just are approach.
Its OK if it works for you but I feel I miss what it means to you.
No doubt I use expressions that mean things to me but that meaning would be lost on you.
Thanks for trying to help.
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