In regards to atheism.

For you, God does not exist, period. There is no such thing as God, as far you're aware.
God cannot be dependent on our view of him. Either it's a thing or it isn't. The world still exists for non-believers, doesn't god make and operate the world?
Where have I said that it must be available to everyone? Availability is a subjective issue, yet we are trying to establish whether or not God has an objective existence

You mean you are trying to establish it, because as far as you're aware God does not exist.

If God does not then we are only talking about the subjective.

As far as you're aware, God does not.

No. Are you suggesting that it doesn't?

I'm suggesting that you can't use objective reality as measurement for whether God actually exists or not.

Correct. I also have no idea that God does exist objectively.

And until such time as you obtain this idea, God is non existent, as far as you're aware. Am I correct?

I do not know that. Where have I ever asserted it or even implied it?

You don't need to. It is your position. That is why you are atheist. You are without God.

I do not know that.

Either God exists as you read this, or God doesn't. You can't have it both ways.

Despite them telling you otherwise.

Same as above.

And that therefore makes it correct

You were the one who brought others into it.

Furthermore, are you agreeing that you do think God exists objectively?

I agree that God Is.
But I've told you this already.

There is such a thing, but whether it is merely a concept that man has concocted, or whether it has an objective reality, I do not know.

That isn't God.

Despite your continuing use of the insult, where have I said that there is no God? Still arguing your strawman, I see. How's that going for you?

It's not an insult if it is true.
You regard it as an insult because for you there is no God.

I do not know, only that it would be

How do you know that?

I don't, Jan. I'm not the one flip-flopping between God being objective and God being wholly subjective.

You are.
God doesn't exist for you, and you can't accept it, so you bring in objectivity to help you validate your imagined position.
Now it turns out even objective reality is subjective.

Either God has an objective existence and our comprehension of God is subjective, or God does not have an objective existence and thus God is wholly subjective.

You'd like that to be the case, because you it puts your position in a rational light.
The reality is, God doesn't exist for you, and God Is. Squirm all you like, but there's no getting around it.

Which are you going to plump for, or are you going to continue to argue both, and thus continue to make a mockery of your own arguments?

There is no argument until you admit to yourself that God does Not exist as far as you're aware. No probably, objective or subjective evasive tactics. God does not exist as far as you're aware. Why are you afraid to admit it?

And here you are asking me to prove that there is an objective reality

And you can't.

No, according to the studies that you put forth as evidence, believing in some superhuman is natural. Even if we concede, for purposes of argument only, that this superhuman is taken to be God, you've still only got belief, not knowledge. Just because people believe something doesn't make it true. You know that.

Over time, one comes to know what is God. Either that, or one forgets what is God.

So you rely on your mind filling in gaps to explain what you can't otherwise comprehend (this being the "natural belief that God Is" and then merely reinforce that a priori belief with circular reasoning.
Finally, we get there. Thank you.

I understand your fake sense of relief, and as such I will leave you with it. For a while.

Burden of proof, Jan, lies with the one making the claim. You argue that God has an objective existence, through being unable/unwilling to argue that God is wholly subjective. I have merely asked you to show that. I have no onus to prove that objective reality actually exists. You will do that when you show that God has an objective existence

You're asking me about God on your terms.

For you God does not exist.
Your terms only accept God does not exist
Nothing I say is going to make God exist for you.

You should all respect Alex, he is the greatest atheist among you.
He speak the truth about his (also yours) position. He doesn't try to smooth it over with intellectual waffle. He should be your leader.

Oh no, I'm being called a fool! That's a good reason for believing something.

Maybe it is the case that you are a fool for accepting there is no God. Why is that an insult?
I understand it being an insult if there were no God, but how will you ever know?

Enough of your utter garbage, Jan.
All you can now seem to do is bleat "you are without God" as a catch all for anything you can't understand or simply want to avoid addressing.
You fail to listen to what I have said. That you disagree with it I have no issue as long as it is supported or reasoned. That way discussions move forward. But all you have is repetition of your inane "that's because you are without God".
You clearly don't sufficiently comprehend the difference between objective and subjective enough to be able to meaningfully discuss the matter honestly. You can't even bring yourself to confirm whether you consider God to have an objective existence or a wholly subjective one. All you've replied with is "God Is" but that doesn't actually answer the question as it could apply to either.
And rather than actually address any of the criticism of your position there is nothing but bluster, obfuscation and evasion, all wrapped up in a neat package of blatant dishonesty.

You're no longer offering anything here, Jan. Your position has been identified, as we all suspected, as just an a priori belief supported by circular reasoning. You've convinced me that you can no more know about God than I can, but you convince yourself not only that you can but that you do, all from the blinkered view you have while running around the wheel in your cage.
And for that I honestly pity you.

Hopefully there are some actual honest theists who are willing to discuss the matter more openly, but for now I am sick from the smell of the manure you're serving up here, and have served up for far too long.
If you're going to do one thing, Jan, I just hope that it is that you are at least honest with yourself. At least once, even. But I don't think you'd even recognise it if you were.
Maybe it is the case that you are a fool for accepting there is no God. Why is that an insult?
I understand it being an insult if there were no God, but how will you ever know?

I asked you what's the difference between belief in God and belief in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.
Enough of your utter garbage, Jan.
All you can now seem to do is bleat "you are without God" as a catch all for anything you can't understand or simply want to avoid addressing

It's not garbage Sarkus, and there is nothing you have said that I don't understand, or that I need to avoid.
It is a fact. You are without God, and that is at the forefront of reasons why God does not exist for you.

You fail to listen to what I have said.

No I haven't.

That you disagree with it I have no issue as long as it is supported or reasoned.

You do have an issue with it, despite support, or reason.

You clearly don't sufficiently comprehend the difference between objective and subjective enough to be able to meaningfully discuss the matter honestly.

Of course I understand it.
Again, anything that jeopardises your held position, is met with these typical outbursts.

You can't even bring yourself to confirm whether you consider God to have an objective existence or a wholly subjective one.

Objective V subjective realities were brought in by the atheist. I maintain that God Is, and you can't comprehend it.

That is not the same as saying God exists, especially if existence itself is an aspect of God.

All you've replied with is "God Is" but that doesn't actually answer the question as it could apply to either.

It does answer the question. Explanation of God needn't be overly complicated.
Why don't you just try and work with it?
Who knows it might stop you being an atheist.

And rather than actually address any of the criticism of your position there is nothing but bluster, obfuscation and evasion, all wrapped up in a neat package of blatant dishonesty.

If that were true you would be able to point out these accusations. As it stands your simply going through the usual accusatory prattle.

You're no longer offering anything here, Jan. Your position has been identified, as we all suspected, as just an a priori belief supported by circular reasoning.

I disagree. I have offered something here.
You are without God, which is why God does not exist as far as you're aware. You hide behind personalised descriptions of yourself, to feel justification, when in discussion with theists.

Your held position is all over the place, when put under the smallest amount of scrutiny.

God cannot be dependent on our view of him. Either it's a thing or it isn't. The world still exists for non-believers, doesn't god make and operate the world?

Firstly, God isn't a thing.
Secondly, God isn't dependant.
Thirdly God makes and operates the world for every type of conscious awareness. You have a choice to act how you like, within your capacity. If you want to live as though God does not exist, it is within your capacity.

I'm saying that there is no difference between belief in gods and belief in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. If you disagree, don't be evasive. Answer the question.

Obviously for me, there is a difference, and obviously for you, there isn't. Isn't that what you'll expect if what I've been saying all along was true?

It's not garbage Sarkus, and there is nothing you have said that I don't understand, or that I need to avoid.
I'm sorry, Jan, but I disagree with you.
Everything you come up with tends to highlight that you don't comprehend what people say, especially on more technical matters (objective v subjective for example).
And all you do is avoid issues, mostly now with "you're without God".
It is a fact. You are without God, and that is at the forefront of reasons why God does not exist for you.
My case in point.
You're not actually addressing anything, just reasserting.
Your posts are littered with this, as if repeating it makes it true.
You do have an issue with it, despite support, or reason.
Again I disagree with you.
First I don't think many here have an issue with people disagreeing, but usually they prefer that the disagreement is supported and reasoned.
Your disagreement isn't.
Or maybe it is to your satisfaction, but clearly it isn't to theirs.
Yet you avoid clarifying for them.
Why is that?
Objective V subjective realities were brought in by the atheist. I maintain that God Is, and you can't comprehend it.
You're not explaining it, Jan.
What do you mean by "God Is"?
Please be clear and concise.
Do you consider God to have an objective existence, or purely a subjective one?
That is not the same as saying God exists, especially if existence itself is an aspect of God.
So "God Is" is not the same as saying that God exists in some manner?
Or are you not simply playing silly buggers with definitions again, in further obfuscation and avoidance?
It does answer the question. Explanation of God needn't be overly complicated.
But it need make sense.
You are not making sense, and you seem to deliberately make it that way.
I disagree. I have offered something here.
Little of value, it seems, other than seeming to confirm the basis of your belief.
You are without God...
There you go again.
Your held position is all over the place, when put under the smallest amount of scrutiny.
Yet it is you who is demonstrably inconsistent.
And other than arguing against your beloved strawman, I'm not sure what relevance much of your posts have to most atheists here.

It seems, from you, that to be "without God" is simply to have done away with the initial belief in a "superhuman" and to have made sufficient sense of the world without it.
You seem to have stuck with that initial belief and, as Sarkus suggests, simply reinforced it with circular arguments.
So I'll take being "without God" if that is what it basically entails.
Unfortunately you insist on it having the implication that God actually exists.
That is where disagreement lies... one can not accept what one does not agree with.

Furthermore, from all your explanations it seems that "God" really is nothing but a subjective worldview, with no demonstrable, meaningful objective existence.
Any meaningfulness is purely subjective.
Some need the worldview of "God".
Some merely hold it because they haven't really consider it more deeply.
Others don't need it, and give it up.

Yes, no doubt you won't actually respond with anything meaningful and instead just say "that's because you're without God".
And in doing so prove Sarkus' points for him.
I'm sorry, Jan, but I disagree with you.
Everything you come up with tends to highlight that you don't comprehend what people say, especially on more technical matters (objective v subjective for example).
And all you do is avoid issues, mostly now with "you're without God".

I understand where you're coming from, but I understand enough about objective and subject realities, to argue this particular subject. If you think my understanding is at fault then point it out and let's discuss it.

Saying you are 'without God' is not an avoidance. It is the foundation of your worldview. What you don't like about it, is the implication that God Is, and therefore your atheism is a result of your own mind.

First I don't think many here have an issue with people disagreeing, but usually they prefer that the disagreement is supported and reasoned.

Just saying that I am not reasoned, does not make it so.
Why don't you admit that as you read this post God does not exist, as far as you're aware? I know it is possible for you to claim that you do not know either way. But that has nothing to do with whether God exists as you read this, or not.

You're not explaining it, Jan.
What do you mean by "God Is"

I have explained it on numerous occasions.
God simply just is. He doesn't come into, or go out of being. If you want to describe that as existence, be my guest. But it is not the same type of existence you would associate with things we regard as existing, like rocks, and elephants.
Now I don't need to prove that, as it makes no difference whether I do (if I could), or not.
The other alternative, is your mindset, God doesn't exist, as far as I'm aware.
Note the "as far as I'm aware, because we cannot know if God does Not exist, but we can, and do know God Is.

But it need make sense.
You are not making sense, and you seem to deliberately make it that way

Then tell me what doesn't make sense, don't just assert it.

Little of value, it seems, other than seeming to confirm the basis of your belief.

That conclusion can be made without the need for belief, based on the original meaning of the term atheist. Which is why you are happy to render it null and void.

Yet it is you who is demonstrably inconsistent

I am very consistent, you just don't like it.

And other than arguing against your beloved strawman, I'm not sure what relevance much of your posts have to most atheists here.

I'm not arguing a Strawman, only that the original meaning of the term atheist, is very apparent today. I think it deals with character of the atheist.

At first you come across as light-hearted, then you descend into ad-hominem attacks, telling people they don't understand stuff, or accusing people of talking s-it, when they get a little too close to the reality of your position.

It seems, from you, that to be "without God" is simply to have done away with the initial belief in a "superhuman" and to have made sufficient sense of the world without it.

To be 'without God' is to exactly that.
God simply doesn't exist, as far as you're aware.

Even your reasoning, and questioning, regarding God, is evidence that God does not exist as far as you're aware.

You seem to have stuck with that initial belief and, as Sarkus suggests, simply reinforced it with circular arguments.

It is a fact, but you deny it Why?
If you cannot comprehend God, then God doesn't appear to exist. That is the crux.

That is where disagreement lies... one can not accept what one does not agree with.

But one can accept what is correct.
You can deny it, but it is still correct if you look at it honestly.

Furthermore, from all your explanations it seems that "God" really is nothing but a subjective worldview, with no demonstrable, meaningful objective existence.
Any meaningfulness is purely subjective

It matters to you, so I'm going to leave it there. Your denial is becoming quite pathetic.

Oh no, I'm being called a fool! That's a good reason for believing something.

At least you are being credited with having a heart

Be greatful for the smallest gifts god bestowes upon you

The fool part you deserve

Not for not believing but trying (in my opinion) to long to hold a rational ping pong post with

The idiot who doth say in their brain

"god does exist because I think it

I can not show you god exist for you because for you

you do NOT think it"

The fool part you deserve

Not for not believing but trying (in my opinion) to long to hold a rational ping pong post with...
You mean you haven't been convinced by his erudite, consistent, meaningful, coherent, and wholly non-fallacious reasoning?
Or is it 'cos you're simply "without God"? ;)
You mean you haven't been convinced by his erudite, consistent, meaningful, coherent, and wholly non-fallacious reasoning?
Or is it 'cos you're simply "without God"? ;)

I was watching (well it was on in the background) Forest Gump the other day

He was having a talk with the Lieutenant he had rescued after the Lieutenant had lost his legs

The Lieutenant was berating the other vets in the hospital who had found god

He asked Forest if he had found god

Forest replied

"I wasn't aware I should have been looking for him Lieutenant"

Concise meaningful coherent

Everything NOT displayed in ping ponging with a pretzel brain

We each have our beliefs about the world and what we believe to be real which I expect must define how we view the opinions of others.

We each will claim our subjective reality is an objective reality but reality I feel can only be subjective.

Two people can view the same data but each can will interprete the data differently.

Science uses rules to greatly limit the variation between views upon the interpretation of data so if two people use the same ruler their interpretation will seem to be the same.

However if they come from different countries they may interprete that same measurement differently. And so I may say I own a 150 mm telescope because I live in a country that uses a metric system and yet my friend in the USA will say I own a 6 inch telescope.

We both are correct but even with a matter of measurement we each work within a different reality and it would seem even a matter of measurement becomes a subjective reality even when all will say measurement can only be objective.

Reality can only be a personal experience and therefore subjective in all cases.

We can talk of an objective reality but it is something each of us can not know as we can only view that presumed reality subjectively.

My reality is subjective as is Jan's reality as is everyones reality.

So I view the world thru my reality glasses and see a certain reality and Jan views the world through (his or her) reality glasses and sees a different reality.

Neither of those realities can be said to be objective even if each person feels strongly that their reality is the real and correct one.

Each of us can only work with a subjective reality.

So when two people get to argue they can only argue their subjective reality against the other persons subjective reality but understandably each will believe their subjective reality is the one true so called objective reality.

My reality has no god in any shape or form and in my reality it is simply nonsence to say I am without god, or that god is.... indeed to say anything that suggests my reality includes a god or even the slightest recognition of a god I can and regard as nonsence... That is my subjective reality.

Jan has a different reality, still subjective, but it is different to mine.
And so Jan's subjective reality has a god and to suggest there is no god is simply nonsence.
To qualify an atheist Jans approach can only be to say an atheist is without god because his subjective reality does not entertain a universe where god is not present.

So each of us will accuse the other of repetion in our arguement, mine being the scriptures are made up and Jan that god is...

I can't. imagine either of our realities can ever meet.

So this means I will be offended when Jan says that I am without god and Jan will be offended when I offer a definition from a dictionary hinting there are people for whom god does not exist.

And yet knowing we each only enjoy a subjective reality we argue that ours is the one true objective reality.

And that is crazy for only one of us can be right and thats me... at least we each think that.
