in demon haunting and possession

By stating Demons... seems you are the one introducing labels

make believe labels at that

all words are labels for things, actions, descriptives. you can't tell me that you haven't heard of the expression "everybody has their own demons". it's a common expression. are you being overly sensitive because you haven't ever seen an angel? well neither have i, except in a vision once. it was kind of intimidating, but cool. chillax about the syntax.
do they look dead? cause that would be kind of gross. know what my angel looked like? it looked fiber optic.
Now that you mentioned it. I had the transparent luminous little people come see me one night. I live in a very very old part of the United States.

They were looking for the light and needed guidance to go home.

Demons on the other hand .. don't really exist. :)
glowing midgets? what does that have to do with the age of a particular part of the u.s.? like when it was colonized or? by little people. people were a lot smaller back then. you know, before advent of synthetic growth hormones and such. so did you help them get home? where was home? are you sure you aren't thinking of that time you dropped acid and watched the wizard of oz? dude, those fucking flying monkeys!

you don't know that demons don't exist. you're just saying that.
They weren't midgets. Yes people were smaller 500+ years ago and this area goes back 1000+ years.... I guess you live in some big city

I was thinking more of the times you dropped acid ;).. the monkeys were scary weren't they?.. I felt the talking trees were more scary. :eek:

No, I know that demon don't exist. .... sorry to burst your theological bubble ;)
how do you know that demons don't exist? you don't know that. see dead people...

i don't see live people. these people, that are alive, astral project themselves to my house and hang out! invisible people crashin my pad man!

and i only dropped acid 2X, decades ago, and only a half a hit at a time. it wasn't that great. bleh. i liked shrooms though. maybe a handful of times. again, decades ago...

how do you know that demons don't exist? you don't know that.

He knows they don't exist because he hasn't seen them.
And if you can't see something, it doesn't exist. :)
How else could he know. :confused:

Why he cannot apply that same tolerence to others, who have a different experience, is beyond me.

dead people..... well they are no longer people really..just spirits.. it's more or less a line from a movie... don't cha know ;)

how do you know that demons don't exist? you don't know that.

Sorry.... wrong.. I do know this. You say you know God exist? Yet when someone has knowledge that doesn't go in stride with what you profess, you say they can't know this... Pot meet Kettle ;)

Demons don't exist because they have no power... without any power they can't be demons.. they really can't do anything to's only your fear that makes them exist in YOUR mind.. and you inflate them to a so called Demon status due to folklore.

i just smoke a little herb once in awhile... don't drink except maybe 2 times a year..overdue on that..... just whiskey, no beer.. haven't had a good beer since I left the UK

Acid and shrooms... I'm too much of a chicken for that.. that could explain some things... even if it has been decades.. I don't think one ever completely recovers from those type of mind altering drugs.

What type of anti-depressants have you been taking?

You are in a big city aren't you? In some of your other posts you seem rather timid about stepping out. Kind of fits with living in a big city... of course I may be wrong... but there is really nothing to fear , the boogie man should of left his home under your bed decades ago..oh wait... forgot about the acid thing..... well he's not there and tell the voices to be quiet

Astral projection.. you should consider charging them rent.. the free loaders ;)

He knows they don't exist because he hasn't seen them.
And if you can't see something, it doesn't exist. :)
How else could he know. :confused:

Why he cannot apply that same tolerence to others, who have a different experience, is beyond me.


Now I'm being intolerant ... first it's the acid trip.. then it's I'm closed minded

please fill me in with your experience with Demons.. I'd really like to know
dead people..... well they are no longer people really..just spirits.. it's more or less a line from a movie... don't cha know ;)

how do you know that demons don't exist? you don't know that.

Sorry.... wrong.. I do know this. You say you know God exist? Yet when someone has knowledge that doesn't go in stride with what you profess, you say they can't know this... Pot meet Kettle ;)

Demons don't exist because they have no power... without any power they can't be demons.. they really can't do anything to's only your fear that makes them exist in YOUR mind.. and you inflate them to a so called Demon status due to folklore.

i just smoke a little herb once in awhile... don't drink except maybe 2 times a year..overdue on that..... just whiskey, no beer.. haven't had a good beer since I left the UK

Acid and shrooms... I'm too much of a chicken for that.. that could explain some things... even if it has been decades.. I don't think one ever completely recovers from those type of mind altering drugs.

What type of anti-depressants have you been taking?

You are in a big city aren't you? In some of your other posts you seem rather timid about stepping out. Kind of fits with living in a big city... of course I may be wrong... but there is really nothing to fear , the boogie man should of left his home under your bed decades ago..oh wait... forgot about the acid thing..... well he's not there and tell the voices to be quiet

Astral projection.. you should consider charging them rent.. the free loaders ;)

you have a point about demons and power. people have a lot of power that they don't realize i think. but i do believe in angels. as a matter of fact, one may have inhabited my skin for a while in order to write something. it might have been some other spirit as well. don't really know. but whatever it was it wrote some kick ass poetry. i live in a relatively small town about 30 miles NW of cincinnati ohio. i'm a suburbian brat. i do love the city. but i do love the country too. i love to travel. i'm not a timid person at all. it's just that i've been posting out here on and off for about a decade now, and a lot of it is just old hat. i'm not really interested in arguing with people. i just like the idea of sharing thoughts, opinions, and experiences. i can be a rabid dog if i get pissed off though. shit. i scare myself sometimes. i don't take any anti-depressants. what made you think i did? i have an aversion to pharmaceuticals for the most part. i like natural stuff. and the free loaders, well, i don't mind. most of them are really nice. at first they needed help. i didn't know what a trip through hell it would be when i signed up, but i helped them. now they just hang out and watch videos with me and stuff. it's cool.
Without having to quote the whole message .. that's cool Lori

I kind of feel the same way about big/little cities.. though where I'm at now is kind of a big little city... with heavy Catholicism.. I tend to blend more to the native American beliefs .

The anti-depression statement comes more from knowing how much of that crap gets peddled these day. That stuff scares me, the docs hand it out like candy. Now I'm sure there are cases where it warranted, but i think too many Docs are in bed with the Pharma companies

I don't even like taking aspirin.. if it wasn't for back pains.. not even sure if I'd smoke weed, but the pain pills the Doc want to hand out are worse. I'm the proverbial cheap date ... a couple of puffs and i'm fine for 6-8 hours.

So they hang out and watch videos with you... what are their interest? .. not the History channel I take it ;)
i adore native american beliefs. and yes, the doctors are in bed with the pharmaceutical companies and the fda. keep the people sick and reliant on drugs and broke and control the masses. they're musicians. last night's pick was a HIM performance at the orpheus theater. honestly, i think they like watching me. and we have a history now after they f'd my head all up for a minute. their presence wasn't always so low-key. and this type of experience took a while for me to get used to.
Now I'm being intolerant ... first it's the acid trip.. then it's I'm closed minded

please fill me in with your experience with Demons.. I'd really like to know

If I said that I'd had no knowing experience of demons, would that
make any difference, to your decision as to whether they exist or not?

I didn't say you were closed-minded.
I meant that the only way you could know for sure that
demons don't exist is because you haven't seen any.
Am I right or wrong?

explain yourself. i dare you to. what i have suggested here is freedom of choice under and divine and perfect law. where positive and negative choices both ultimately have positive outcomes for the greater good. i doubt you could top that if you tried.

WHAT perfect law???
If I said that I'd had no knowing experience of demons, would that
make any difference, to your decision as to whether they exist or not?

No not really , you could say there is one sitting right next to you as far as I'm concerned

I didn't say you were closed-minded.
I meant that the only way you could know for sure that
demons don't exist is because you haven't seen any.
Am I right or wrong?


Wrong... You may use that supposition if you choose to keep everything orderly in your thinking.. that's ok .. you have that right

Demons are nothing but products of a vivid imagination to explain things that can't be explained... as I said earlier...Folklore

They are also used to control the minds of people. Note I'm not stressing religion here, although I certainly could in this regards.

Fear Tactics 101... the boogie man will get you .. or the devil ..or

fill in the blank with what makes you scared

Demons have no bite only the bark YOU allow.. therefore they are nothing but mere spirits... there is no chain of command in the spiritual realm

Spirits are not to be feared... only loved :)