in demon haunting and possession

Wrong... You may use that supposition if you choose to keep everything orderly in your thinking.. that's ok .. you have that right

Demons are nothing but products of a vivid imagination to explain things that can't be explained... as I said earlier...Folklore

They are also used to control the minds of people. Note I'm not stressing religion here, although I certainly could in this regards.

Fear Tactics 101... the boogie man will get you .. or the devil ..or

fill in the blank with what makes you scared

Demons have no bite only the bark YOU allow.. therefore they are nothing but mere spirits... there is no chain of command in the spiritual realm

Spirits are not to be feared... only loved :)

PieAreSquared ;

what though of people who never believed in the supernatural but do so after an experience with the supernatural
PieAreSquared ;

what though of people who never believed in the supernatural but do so after an experience with the supernatural

good point. but is it really an encounter with the supernatural or is it we have been so programmed over the years till it starts to slip in and we can't think of anything else that it could be so it has to be .....supernatural

Or is it our desire to feel that we have something else to look forward to when we shed this earthly body.

have you had a unexplainable experience ... touched from beyond?
oh Lori... dobro


Demons are nothing but products of a vivid imagination to explain things that can't be explained... as I said earlier...Folklore

My understanding of a demon is a being whose nature only expresses virtues like greed, lust, and envy, and lives only to gratify the senses.
But going back to what you said; why are you so sure?

Demons have no bite only the bark YOU allow.. therefore they are nothing but mere spirits... there is no chain of command in the spiritual realm

Spirits are not to be feared... only loved :)

Are you theist?

There are definitely malevolent spirits out there who like to screw with people, but I wouldn't call them "demons". They are just spirits who like to screw with people for who knows what reason, they're not out to steal souls or anything like that.

I don't really think any spirit is to be feared, just find out what it wants and then deal with it. While love is the best response.. we are human and sometimes it a bit hard to love something that is causing you grief.

The original demon was a "daemon", a kind of spirit guide every person had (and still does by the way) but the Christians turned that spirit-friend into their evil DEMON..... something to be feared and avoided.

They really had it in for people being connected to the spirit realm... perhaps because they'd then learn that the Christian spiritual worldview was a little short in the briefs and a bit plagiarized

Forgive my attitude.... I am good observer of things and have been around the block a few times ;) I really don't follow much in the mainstream of beliefs

Are you theist?... don't wear labels Jan.. the book is still open.. Deists maybe.. not quite tho.. yourself??
There are definitely malevolent spirits out there who like to screw with people, but I wouldn't call them "demons". They are just spirits who like to screw with people for who knows what reason, they're not out to steal souls or anything like that.

I don't really think any spirit is to be feared, just find out what it wants and then deal with it. While love is the best response.. we are human and sometimes it a bit hard to love something that is causing you grief.

The original demon was a "daemon", a kind of spirit guide every person had (and still does by the way) but the Christians turned that spirit-friend into their evil DEMON..... something to be feared and avoided.

They really had it in for people being connected to the spirit realm... perhaps because they'd then learn that the Christian spiritual worldview was a little short in the briefs and a bit plagiarized

Forgive my attitude.... I am good observer of things and have been around the block a few times ;) I really don't follow much in the mainstream of beliefs

Are you theist?... don't wear labels Jan.. the book is still open.. Deists maybe.. not quite tho.. yourself??

I am theist by definition.

How is the difference recognized?

Don't know.

I am not an exorcist or a psychologist.

But i would bet there is a lot more exorcists out there who would look at a subject and say to them.

"Hey your not possessed better get yourself to a mental health professional quick."

Then psychologists who would say to their patient

" Hey you’re not suffering from a psychosis. Have you ever thought about trying a exorcist?"

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar in my estimation is the most devoted God follower in the forum. This is the first time I've ever seen him admit that an genuine human experience can be misinterpreted as having some kind of divine origin or purpose.

He says demonic possession is real and in the same sentence acknowledges that it might be something else to an untrained eye. I'm supposing Adstar knows his stuff with that comment. So to further the scope of human understanding I don't think I'm out of line asking him to reveal the subtle differences between demonic possession and mental illness.

Again i have no idea. I believe it is something the Holy Spirit "who is within the one casting out demons" knows.

Casting out demons is called a gift. I doubt the exorcist can tell the difference, But the demon and the Holy Spirit know the difference for sure.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No problem, I tread carefully in here:).

Of course the inference my question to him has, is that there are other things he credits to God that could very well be misinterpreted. He knows that is the underlying theme for my question and he will think of something to either deflect it, he may even admonish me or he may compose an answer that seems reasonable enough as to cast doubt on my aspersive tone. He's used to it so I don't feel bad about it.

Naaa mate. Your motivations are pretty much irrelevant to me now. I just concentrate on answering what i can answer for the benefit of those who are open, or one day will be open to the information given.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
the best way to praise is to live the word. there's a bible in every bookstore and a church on every corner. do they still put them in hotel rooms too? they'll never get anything out of it without the spirit anyway. we can discuss opinions and exeriences, but ultimately to each his own path, of free will. the fallout of which will be obvious.

Before having a best way to praise, there must be something to praise & it should be worthy of praise.
We can discuss opinions & experiences yet not facts & reason.
I have no free will to believe in absurd cruel fantasies.
The blind claim to see the obvious.

Before having a best way to praise, there must be something to praise & it should be worthy of praise.
We can discuss opinions & experiences yet not facts & reason.
I have no free will to believe in absurd cruel fantasies.
The blind claim to see the obvious.

for those of us who have experienced interactions with god, he is something, and we as individuals have the right to deem him worthy or not based upon that experience. opinions of him can be reasonable based upon our experience, and experience is indeed fact. you have the free will not to believe. you want to arbitrarily call me a liar, that's your opinion (based upon nothing but your own desires and agenda), and you have every right to express it. and just because you haven't seen what i have seen does not make me blind. as a matter of fact, it makes you blind to what i have seen.

You've been asked how you know those experiences are interactions with god.
Currently unexplainable experiences are not evidence of gods. Otherwise they would've been irrefutably proven to everyone long ago.
I've had experiences I can't explain yet they're no evidence of gods. They're evidence that some things happen which we don't yet understand.
I told you I do not have free will to believe your fantasy. Stop saying I do.
I haven't called you a liar. I don't want to call you a liar unless it's obvious you're lying. Even then I might not. Where the heck did that come from???
My opinion is based on truth, logic & compassion. So far, it seems yours is based on assumptions. There is a huge difference.
for those of us who have experienced interactions with god

... just because you haven't seen what i have seen does not make me blind.

Q. What's the difference between a Christian and a paranoid schizophrenic?

A. One person hears voices, is convinced his thoughts and actions are known to some outside power, thinks the world was designed and created for him and that he is central to everything that goes on, is sure he is part of a special divine mission, believes that ordinary everyday events have some special transcendent meaning visible only to him, sometimes speaks in babbling incoherent voices, and believes supernatural forces are at work to influence his actions. And the other one, of course, is a paranoid schizophrenic.