in demon haunting and possession

God does not do that to people. Do not confuse what happens for reasons with what God wants.

god allows free will within the realm of his law which directs everything to his will, even things that you might perceive to be bad. even evil has a purpose.
i still can't hear you. see, i have you on ignore. you don't get it do you? ha, ha, ha, ha
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it is responsible for everything that happens & everything that doesn't happen. Whatever it wants to happen happens & whatever it wants to not happen does not happen. Pure & simple. No ifs, ands or buts. No desperate, deceitful doubletalk.

Lol that is why it is funny. He already knows our choices but we do not. Therefor it is not what he wants it is what he knows.
god allows free will within the realm of his law which directs everything to his will, even things that you might perceive to be bad. even evil has a purpose.

and what would be the purpose..oh I know the circular logic back to god :rolleyes:
“Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it is responsible for everything that happens & everything that doesn't happen. Whatever it wants to happen happens & whatever it wants to not happen does not happen. Pure & simple. No ifs, ands or buts. No desperate, deceitful doubletalk. ”

Lol that is why it is funny. He already knows our choices but we do not. Therefor it is not what he wants it is what he knows.

Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it is responsible for everything that happens & everything that doesn't happen. Whatever it wants to happen happens & whatever it wants to not happen does not happen. Pure & simple. No ifs, ands or buts. No desperate, deceitful doubletalk. ”
and what would be the purpose..oh I know the circular logic back to god :rolleyes:

It seems to me that the purpose may be to exibit law and show us that no one is outside it or above it, as we did not create it, we simply discover it, test it, validate it.
Where is the "desperate deceiptful doubletalk"? I don't understand.
It seems to me that the purpose may be to exibit law and show us that no one is outside it or above it, as we did not create it, we simply discover it, test it, validate it.

so god create evil for his purpose to exhibit law and show us he's in charge :rolleyes:
I think it is a little more complicated than that. What does duality mean?
From what I understand, most of the time those that come forwards with "demon possessions" aren't actually the ones suffering from an ailment but misguided teachings of some secular religious order. In other word's they don't see the world like the rest of us because of their teaching, so what would be classed as a disorder is a demon or witchcraft.

There are two potentials:

One is a Mental Illness some have even mentioned the potential for Subliminal programming where they believe something because they are told it's that particular way enough times.

The other is more profound and more exotic and involves equipment that was created during the cold war to pretty much be used in espionage. Rather than say "Hi, the voice in your brain is from a government blackops project which will likely cause you a number of disorders akin to a terminal disease and you won't be paid a penny for your services", they'd rather make out that they were an alien abducting, a ghost haunting or a demon possessing. (Incidentally that can have a partial truth, since computer services that are run as servers are run as Daemon's. If a person was used by such a system, they could end up with repetitive commentary and actions similar to some online chatbots as a primitive artificial intelligence attempt rather than using 24/7 surveillance staff. So hearing the same voice repeat the same thing over and over again is potentially done to work out all potential responses for that event, and it would be a Daemon in your head.)
within a mile radius of where I live there are several places that are haunted or demons hang out there

there are too many to quote , so here's some links

Across the narrow street from the church is the oldest house in the United States, which is supposedly haunted by a malevolent presence.

In fact the entire block surrounding San Miguel dates back to the 1200s and was once the site of an ancient Indian Pueblo.

For centuries, tragic and violent events have occurred within this block including the subjugation of the Pueblo Indians, the Pueblo Revolt against the Spanish in 1680, executions of convicted criminals and much more.

Not only is the church and the oldest house said to be home to a ghost or two, but the entire block. :eek::eek:

btw this is a predominately Catholic area... hmmm coincidence ;)
duality .. a means to get on the road to philosophy

Well pertaining to your question about god and given the nature of law, there can be no light wo dark, no order wo chaos, no peace wo calamity, no love wo hate, no good wo evil, no right wo wrong, no life wo death, or to sum it up, no law wo trangression. It doesn't mean that these things must be perpetuated, but the possibility of them must exist, so it seems to me that its more than just some power play as you have suggested.
god allows free will within the realm of his law which directs everything to his will, even things that you might perceive to be bad. even evil has a purpose.

I had no question

Well pertaining to your question about god and given the nature of law,
“Originally Posted by PieAreSquared
and what would be the purpose..oh I know the circular logic back to god ”

It seems to me that the purpose may be to exibit law and show us that no one is outside it or above it, as we did not create it, we simply discover it, test it, validate it.

Then gods are not outside or above the law.