in demon haunting and possession

People need to get out of that nutshell and fucking realize that just because they don't believe in shit, except the shit that they think is right, does not mean that everything else does not exist. Lol I'm sure people like to act like they have a demon inside of them. Only Americans would make a mockery out of that, to post it on you tube for attention. A lot of attention whores around.
nothing happens outside god's will, so the possession/haunting must be his will too right?
People need to get out of that nutshell and fucking realize that just because they don't believe in shit, except the shit that they think is right, does not mean that everything else does not exist. Lol I'm sure people like to act like they have a demon inside of them. Only Americans would make a mockery out of that, to post it on you tube for attention. A lot of attention whores around.

Mental illness is proven. The existence of demons is not, and there is no good reason to think they exist.
nothing happens outside god's will, so the possession/haunting must be his will too right?

God does not do that to people. Do not confuse what happens for reasons with what God wants.
Mental illness is proven. The existence of demons is not, and there is no good reason to think they exist.

Lol. Okay why don't you take a retard from Texas and take him to church for an exorcism see if he gets fixed. Mental ilness is a fucking metal ilness. It is always good to be aware of all things, even if they are not good.
nothing happens outside god's will, so the possession/haunting must be his will too right?

God does not do that to people. Do not confuse what happens for reasons with what God wants.

IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it is responsible for everything that happens & everything that doesn't happen. Whatever it wants to happen happens & whatever it wants to not happen does not happen. Pure & simple. No ifs, ands or buts. No desperate, deceitful doubletalk.
Lots of other religions believe in spirit realms. Demons from all other cultures around the world, from ancient Norse myth to Japanese culture and Buddhism

