in demon haunting and possession

the best way to praise is to live the word. there's a bible in every bookstore and a church on every corner. do they still put them in hotel rooms too? they'll never get anything out of it without the spirit anyway. we can discuss opinions and exeriences, but ultimately to each his own path, of free will. the fallout of which will be obvious.

the best way to praise is to live the word. Thats true, But while we will fail in our attempts to live it we can succed in believing it. :)

And yes they will never get anything out of it without the Spirit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it is responsible for everything that happens & everything that doesn't happen. Whatever it wants to happen happens & whatever it wants to not happen does not happen. Pure & simple. No ifs, ands or buts. No desperate, deceitful doubletalk.

I disagree.

God could have made us robots with no free will but would He really be able to have a relationship with us if we didn't have free will? What sort of relationship do you have with your kids verse the relationship you have with your computer?

We can chose to believe or not. He created us with the choice.

There is a difference between God's perfect will for our lives and His permissive will.

If we chose to go our own way in rebellion He will let us make that choice but sure to be consequences.

For example, we can choose to smoke or not. God won't come and take the smoke from us by force. But you probably will reap what you have sown when you get lung cancer or heart disease, etc. You can't blame God, He gave you the choice and you made the wrong one.
If we have free will god is not omniscient.
Conversely if god is omniscient then there is no free will.
“Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
IF there is an omniscient omnipotent god, it is responsible for everything that happens & everything that doesn't happen. Whatever it wants to happen happens & whatever it wants to not happen does not happen. Pure & simple. No ifs, ands or buts. No desperate, deceitful doubletalk. ”

I disagree.

God could have made us robots with no free will but would He really be able to have a relationship with us if we didn't have free will? What sort of relationship do you have with your kids verse the relationship you have with your computer?

We can chose to believe or not. He created us with the choice.

There is a difference between God's perfect will for our lives and His permissive will.

If we chose to go our own way in rebellion He will let us make that choice but sure to be consequences.

For example, we can choose to smoke or not. God won't come and take the smoke from us by force. But you probably will reap what you have sown when you get lung cancer or heart disease, etc. You can't blame God, He gave you the choice and you made the wrong one.

Your disagreement is illogical. Nothing you've said refutes the facts.
I do not have the choice to believe in your absurd cruel fantasy.
There are many factors in cancer. Genetics is a big 1. Get off the Smoking Is Evil bandwagon before it crashes.
IF it were proven there is an omniscient omnipotent god, I CAN blame it.
You don't get it. You don't want to get it.
You made the wrong "choice".
I don't agree. Knowing is not acting. Without acting, you aren't constrained.

If god knows in advance what you're going to do did you actually make a choice?
If you have the "choice" between toast and cornflakes and it is KNOWN (infallibly) before hand which you pick then you don't choose: it's pre-ordained.
If god knows in advance what you're going to do did you actually make a choice?

As long as he isn't acting on that knowledge, it is inconsequential for me if he knows it or not, though he is going to be really, really, really bored.

If you have the "choice" between toast and cornflakes and it is KNOWN (infallibly) before hand which you pick then you don't choose: it's pre-ordained.

You are mistaken. It is only preordained if he intervenes to force a course on me. Just him knowing, as long as he removes himself from the equation, does not interfere with my decisions being my decisions.

For example. I used to fence a lot and being reasonably good I could often anticipate my opponent's moves. My foreknowledge didn't force him to make the move I knew he was making and I had to intervene in order to effect his decision, by say using the foreknowledge to "kill" him instead of letting the move conclude in killing me as he anticipated.

If I am in the audience I can still anticipate moves, but my foreknowledge has no effect on the outcome of the fight.

Just foreknowledge, in and of itself, is not sufficient to remove free will.

Of course this kind of "godly" foreknowledge is flat out impossible but hey, what the heck.
Do you believe evil spiritual forces can have a residual effect? What comes to mind is the legends of hauntings and odd occurrences on the set of Exorcise and the recent Haunting in Connecticut (I'm a big movie guy, love scary/thriller movies!). Apparently there is some truth to those stories.

There's an interview with the cast of Haunting in Connecticut up on regarding that.

Very interesting indeed, and I liked that flick a lot. Apparently there is still events that take place with that family to this day that are a result of the spiritual influence.

Jack with fearnet
Hmmm. I always wanted to know more about demon possession.

They (The catholic church) report over 500 every year, and to meet their standards, either the possessed must speak in languages they could not have known, or telekinetically move objects.

Certainly, too many events to be attributed to mass hysteria. Insanity is common, but the Church puts a huge emphasis on the distinction. Hoaxes?

If we have free will god is not omniscient.
Conversely if god is omniscient then there is no free will.

Alternately, Time does not exist. But this is off topic.
I disagree.

God could have made us robots with no free will but would He really be able to have a relationship with us if we didn't have free will?

The relationship with god is where he demands servitude, obedience and worship of him, so a robot is the only solution. Free will would not allow for that.

What sort of relationship do you have with your kids verse the relationship you have with your computer?

Well, it certainly wouldn't be a relationship in which I demanded servitude, obedience and worship in the same way god does. Nor, would I threaten my children with an eternity of lakefire for doing something wrong.

We can chose to believe or not. He created us with the choice.

There is a difference between God's perfect will for our lives and His permissive will.

If we chose to go our own way in rebellion He will let us make that choice but sure to be consequences.

Then, with rebellion comes an eternity of lakefire. I would hesitate to state that was an actual choice one would make, kinda like having to make a choice with a gun to your head.

For example, we can choose to smoke or not. God won't come and take the smoke from us by force. But you probably will reap what you have sown when you get lung cancer or heart disease, etc. You can't blame God, He gave you the choice and you made the wrong one.

What about the cancer that is killing millions of people who don't smoke? What does your god have to say about that?