I'm sorry, but there is no god.

God is allowing Satan and his devils (disembodied evil spirits) to test men to see if they will do evil or do good, to find out who will go to hell and who will become an angel of God and go to heaven. Because men choose, in most cases to do evil, punishment comes upon men for that evil. It is this punishment for sin that causes the war, deformed babies and the like.
Satan hates men and wants them to disobey God and go to hell like he is going to do. The devils have telepathic contact to the minds of men to deceive them and tempt them to disobey God and do evil. Because of sin, God will withdraw his hand of protection and allow the devil to cause the trouble, such as war and deformed babies and the like.
The true teachings of God and how He wants men to live are in the King James version bible. It is men disobeying these teachings that is sin.

If you believe in Jesus as your Lord and saviour and try to not sin, then your sins will be forgiven. [Must read the New Testament to obey His teachings if Jesus really is your Lord.]

-If a deity is willing to stop evil but unable, he/she is not omnipotent.

-If a deity is able to stop evil but unwilling, he/she is not benevolent.

Let's hear a logical rational response to that.

Why the fuck would anyone want to follow a god that would send his supposedly 'greatest creation' (a creation he ordered his angels to worship) to spend an eternity in hell if they don't accept him/jesus/whatever?
That god sounds like a petty, spoiled, vindictive, bratty little girl.
-If a deity is willing to stop evil but unable, he/she is not omnipotent.

-If a deity is able to stop evil but unwilling, he/she is not benevolent.

Let's hear a logical rational response to that.

Why the fuck would anyone want to follow a god that would send his supposedly 'greatest creation' (a creation he ordered his angels to worship) to spend an eternity in hell if they don't accept him/jesus/whatever?
That god sounds like a petty, spoiled, vindictive, bratty little girl.


And read my user title ghost7584 !
VitalOne said:
The birth of deformed babies is caused by bad karma....I wish I could prove this, because it's so true...

It's actually to do with genetics. How many more times does science need to outwit naive religious assertions?

Also it should be noted that Stalin (an atheist) killed over 20 million people...that's more than 6 times all religious wars combined...

I am pretty sure you are wrong on that, but even if you are right, what if all religious wars had the same technology as Stalin? The scales would tip the other way, obviously.

And understand the difference in killing in the name of religion and killing in the name of atheism. I can not even think of one killing in the name of atheism.

Yeah exactly emphasizing my point, feelings really have no relation to the truth...

Then how come religion/god exists purely because of human feelings. Absolutely nothing as far as evidence goes.
It's actually to do with genetics. How many more times does science need to outwit naive religious assertions?
Genetics is caused by karma...obviously the reason you can't understand this is because you refuse to

KennyJC said:
I am pretty sure you are wrong on that, but even if you are right, what if all religious wars had the same technology as Stalin? The scales would tip the other way, obviously.

And understand the difference in killing in the name of religion and killing in the name of atheism. I can not even think of one killing in the name of atheism.
Sure lots of have killed in the name of atheism, just go look it up, imagine if they had the same technology? It probably wouldn't have even matter much at all...imagine if people really did follow Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna, things would be a lot better

KennyJC said:
Then how come religion/god exists purely because of human feelings. Absolutely nothing as far as evidence goes.
Well the reason there is no evidence is because nothing can be considered as evidence, atheists try all tactics imaginable to escape evidence in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system...any evidence is automatically a "god of the gaps" case closed to an atheist

Also, it's just like I said, the truth has no relation to feelings, if all religion is true it doesn't matter if you feel it's true, if religion is false it also doesn't matter what you feel...
The best arguement in favor of the atheist is us...a bunch of humans running around each claiming to worship the same God and killing each other in his name. I don't know any self respecting God would want to claim us.
The best arguement in favor of the atheist is us...a bunch of humans running around each claiming to worship the same God and killing each other in his name. I don't know any self respecting God would want to claim us.

That's not an argument in favor of atheism...religious wars have no relation to the existence or non-existence of God at all...

Also if anyone would actually look up the statistics religious wars make up a very very small percentage of wars and have small death tolls in comparison to non-religious wars...
Well, i am not one to count wars as there have been many. But when you look at the long term, for how many years did the Catholic church conduct warfare against heritics...more than a thousand years. And during that time few religious wars were proclaimed. Look at the Jewish, Palestine - Christian conflict that has lasted more than a century and still continues to this very moment. Rarely are these delcared wars, these are wars of ideas...worse yet wars of belief...belief that God sets are certian group apart as better than the rest. And that justifies any inconvenient teachings to the contrary.
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So my question to all religious zelots is thus, how many groups is God going to set aside as special and privilaged? And how many is he going to give a pass/exemptions on following his rules? Or could it be that there are multiple Gods picking their own special groups of humans and setting them at war with their brothers?
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Well, i am not one to count wars as there have been many. But when you look at the long term, for how many years did the Catholic church conduct warfare against heritics...more than a thousand years. And during that time few religious wars were proclaimed. Look at the Jewish, Palestine - Christian conflict that has lasted more than a century and still continues to this very moment. Rarely are these delcared wars, these are wars of ideas...worse yet wars of belief...belief that God sets are certian group apart as better than the rest. And that justifies any inconvenient teachings to the contrary.

So how does this favor atheism? It doesn't show that God doesn't exist or does exist, it's like saying if scientists are debating which theory is true and have different ideas and conflicts that means that all the theories are false...it doesn't make any sense....

Here's the top 10 wars by death toll:
60,000,000-72,000,000 World War II Asia, Europe, Africa, Pacific 1939 1945 World War II casualties
40,000,000 Three Kingdoms War China 184 280 Ancient warfare
36,000,000 An Shi Rebellion China 756 763 Medieval warfare
30,000,000-60,000,000 Mongol Conquests Asia, Europe, Middle East 1207 1279 Mongol invasions and Tatar invasions
25,000,000 Manchu conquest of Ming Dynasty China 1616 1644 Qing Dynasty
20,000,000-50,000,000 Taiping Rebellion China 1851 1864 Dungan revolt
20,000,000 Second Sino-Japanese War China 1931 1945
15,000,000-66,000,000 World War I. (High estimate includes Spanish flu deaths) Europe 1914 1918 World War I casualties
10,000,000 Warring States Era China BC475 BC221 List of conflicts in Asia
7,000,000-20,000,000 Conquests of Timur the Lame Middle East, India, Asia, Russia 1369 1405 List of wars in the Muslim world[1]

Hmm...NONE of these wars are religious wars...
Now I persponally believe in God. But I have to tell you all this foolishness exercised by radicals of Christianity, Islam and Judaism make me wonder sometimes if there really is a God.
Now I persponally believe in God. But I have to tell you all this foolishness exercised by radicals of Christianity, Islam and Judaism make me wonder sometimes if there really is a God.

Well my question is why would this make you wonder? Doesn't the Bible and almost all religious texts describe the world as place of fools, sinners, evil, etc...?
By the way Vital One, the number of deaths is immaterial to the argument over the existence of God. Why would a God set up three different religions and give them similar rules and set them at each others throats?
You can´t blame God for the injustice in the World, you can´t blame God for Religions, and you can´t blame him for the stupidity of men. God is love and life and only that, all religions teach that, and fanatics don´t really follow religions, they just want to hurt people.
-If a deity is willing to stop evil but unable, he/she is not omnipotent.

-If a deity is able to stop evil but unwilling, he/she is not benevolent.

Let's hear a logical rational response to that.

Why the fuck would anyone want to follow a god that would send his supposedly 'greatest creation' (a creation he ordered his angels to worship) to spend an eternity in hell if they don't accept him/jesus/whatever?
That god sounds like a petty, spoiled, vindictive, bratty little girl.

It is a test. You don't get test results if you stop the test in the middle of it. He will stop it at the time of the end when Jesus comes back with an army of angels (ufo aliens) to take over the world by force and destroy the wicked at the battle of armageddon.
There is a parable that Jesus taught that answers your question:

Matthew 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
Matthew 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
Matthew 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
Matthew 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
Matthew 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

Matthew 13:38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked [one];
Matthew 13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
Matthew 13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
Matthew 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
Matthew 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew 13:43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
So my question to all religious zelots is thus, how many groups is God going to set aside as special and privilaged? And how many is he going to give a pass/exemptions on following his rules? Or could it be that there are multiple Gods picking their own special groups of humans and setting them at war with their brothers?

The real born again Christians follow the teachings of Christ in the bible. Just because a church calls itself Christian that does not mean it is Christian.
Real Christians did not do those wars and inquisitions.
Jesus taught:
Love your neighbor as yourself and do unto others as you would have them do to you.

False churches (such as those that cause wars and have inquisitions) don't follow those teachings of Christ.

Religion is big bussiness. Religious con artists can have an easy life and make big money off of people that they con.
Jesus said there would be MANY false Christs and false prophets and they would deceive MANY. It is happening the way the bible said it would happen.
Genetics is caused by karma...obviously the reason you can't understand this is because you refuse to

I don't understand it because there is no evidence, no logical connection and plain stupid and wrong.

Sure lots of have killed in the name of atheism, just go look it up,

I can't find any. But I'm not short of matches when I search for people who were killed in the name of religion. Even in my own city in the united kingdom, people get killed because of the catholic / protestant divide.

imagine if they had the same technology?

Who are we talking about? I can't find any.

It probably wouldn't have even matter much at all...imagine if people really did follow Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna, things would be a lot better

Why is Mohammad missing from that? ;)

And anyway, following Jesus is no help towards peace. Take a look at the South in the USA. You won't find a place that claims Jesus as their savior more than those folks, and they would probably be the first to vote for a war (any war).

Well the reason there is no evidence is because nothing can be considered as evidence

This makes you a liar. If evidence existed for the supernatural or god then you would recognize it as evidence and therefore shout it from the hills.

atheists try all tactics imaginable to escape evidence in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system...any evidence is automatically a "god of the gaps" case closed to an atheist

You underestimate the atheist. If there really was any good evidence for something supernatural, then it would not be discredited automatically. Even if they did, then it wouldn't matter what atheists think, because science would be there to interpret the evidence. However, sadly for the delusional, any 'evidence' for the supernatural is always anecdotal.

Also, it's just like I said, the truth has no relation to feelings, if all religion is true it doesn't matter if you feel it's true, if religion is false it also doesn't matter what you feel...

But when you make claims that are metaphysical, you are more likely to be wrong than right by a factor of... a very long number to one.
It is a test. You don't get test results if you stop the test in the middle of it.

The only valid reason for a 'test' is when one doesn't know the outcome.

He will stop it at the time of the end when Jesus comes back with an army of angels (ufo aliens)

Lol, the shit people believe.. :shrug: