I'm sorry, but there is no god.

Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.

How about the wars not started over religion? Hundred Years' war, Civil war, World War 1, World War 2, the Cold war, Vietnam war, Gulf war, Iran-Iraq war, Korean war, Iraq war, Afghan war, are a few non-religiously motivated wars. If you add the totals, these are some of the deadliest wars in history.
How about the wars not started over religion? Hundred Years' war, Civil war, World War 1, World War 2, the Cold war, Vietnam war, Gulf war, Iran-Iraq war, Korean war, Iraq war, Afghan war, are a few non-religiously motivated wars. If you add the totals, these are some of the deadliest wars in history.

Of course you are correct, my good man. But when parroting Dawkins many folks refuse to look at the evidence of history.

Such is the way of the human parrot.

Welcome :)

Your reasoning for there not being a God are not really logical. For example, deformed babies could be evidence that there is a God or Gods and that they are wicked.
I thought god was ALL LOVING ,ALL GOOD!?
It's often told to me that God likes to test people. So it could be that a Priest or Prophet, or whomever, that has sex with a young child is really just Gods way of testing that child. So when the child grows up and doesn't worship God .. well, then God can say "Haa!" and send that person to burn in a Hell that would have made their life-time of rape comfortable by comparison.
why the [Deleted] would god need to TEST anyone when he is (ALLEGEDLY)
he KNOWS everything that will happen from begining of time till the end and everything in between,to allow such evil shyt happen he would have to be uncaring evil monster,or NOT exist!
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Religion does not cause war - not for the most part.
People cause war over resources - the use religion as an excuse and propaganda tool to get the masses behind the effort.
How about the wars not started over religion? Hundred Years' war, Civil war, World War 1, World War 2, the Cold war, Vietnam war, Gulf war, Iran-Iraq war, Korean war, Iraq war, Afghan war, are a few non-religiously motivated wars. If you add the totals, these are some of the deadliest wars in history.
That's true. Man invented War just as Man invented Zeus, sometimes they dance together and other times alone :)
I thought god was ALL LOVING ,ALL GOOD!?
Oh come on scorpius you did not! :p

Why the test? Because inherent omniscience makes tested humans so much Gawd Damn fun! Now, imagine you've tested many many many millions and billions of normal ones, and now imagine you are God and a twit, probably making a couple sick-twisted ones to see what they would do could be considered good?

Or imagine all those children that live normal lives, BUT (God thought to itself) what if one were raped by my very own representative there on Earth - lets see how they handle that one! Bwwwaaaa haaaa haaa haaaa ... ....

Every play GTA? Going to play it for PS3? Whatchya gonna do with the baseball bat?? :eek: Basically Earth is a really really realistic version of GTA4 for God.
Or imagine there is free-will, and this is all our own doing - even if there IS a God.
Now imagine sleeping in the bed we made.
It's hardly a baby's fault they were born deft with two heads and no arms and three eyes.

I wonder why, if God just wanted free-willed beings, didn't It make them out of silicon and why didn't It make these beings so they asexually procreated and derived their energy from the sun like a plant? Then they could sit there and enjoy the sun and think about God.

I suppose it seems in making us humans, It intended for a carnivorous ape-like creature that travels in packs, must kill to live - with a tendency towards killing his own and can be born mentally and physically deranged.

God could have easily made this universe such that human CAN NOT be born abnormally or in pain or missing eyes and ears - where such things were impossibilities, yet it didn't

What does that say about God?

It's hardly a baby's fault they were born deft with two heads and no arms and three eyes.
I didn't say it was the baby's fault.

I suppose it seems in making us humans, It intended for a carnivorous ape-like creature that travels in packs, must kill to live - with a tendency towards killing his own and can be born mentally and physically deranged.
I suppose you've never met a vegetarian?
I suppose also, you didn't realize that in Genesis God said man should be vegetarian (that is if you are referring spefically to Abraham's God).

God could have easily made this universe such that human CAN NOT be born abnormally or in pain or missing eyes and ears - where such things were impossibilities, yet it didn't

What does that say about God?
It says nothing about God, in my opinion.
Again, if you are talking about Abraham's God, we are discussing 80 years, or so, in an existance that has equal capacity for extraordinary pleasure or pain followed by eternity of bliss.
A missing eye seems a small thing to me.
The vast majority of woes on Earth are directly and completely attributable to how man lives.
How joyful man's life is is also on our own shoulders - again, free will.

Do you know any disabled people?
Do you know any happy disabled people?
I do.
In my experience, trauma, difficulty, pain and overcoming obstacles make for the best people.

Hard work, self-discipline and difficulty help us grow and mature as people.
I wouldn't want a life of perfect ease on a beach, doing nothing but thinking about God - I like to be challenged.
Do you not like to be challenged?
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.

The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?

if the soul is eternal, what does it mean to be born as a baby?

BG 2.16: Those who are seers of the truth have concluded that of the nonexistent [the material body] there is no endurance and of the eternal [the soul] there is no change. This they have concluded by studying the nature of both.

(in other words all living entities that appear in this world - including babies - have a long history behind them )
Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.
what do you propose that god does to address this problem?
Religion causes war and has been adapted for countless centuries as a means of justifying and carry out wars. History proves that ultimately, these wars were carried out for the purpose of wealth.
hence there is a distinction between religious affairs and affairs in teh guise of the religious ....
There just is no god; we all know it deep inside somewhere, but many of us, by no fault of our own, choose to believe because it gives us a direction, or it brings a sense of community to us, and many of us need that.
people are atheistic for the same reasons
Often we are taught by our loving and trusting parents to believe in god, to attend church and such. That too is a form of idealism.
so is atheism
You know that "feeling" you get in church? The one where people start crying and putting their hands in the air, and sing, and are overcome with the spirit of the lord, as they say. Well, you can get that feeling from many other outlets in life.

thats why real religiousity is elucidated as something a bit more specific than have an emotional out burst in a place of worship

SB 7.15.12: There are five branches of irreligion, appropriately known as irreligion [vidharma], religious principles for which one is unfit [para-dharma], pretentious religion [ābhāsa], analogical religion [upadharma] and cheating religion [chala-dharma]. One who is aware of real religious life must abandon these five as irreligious.
I am not a religious person, I don't believe in god, in the traditional sense, but
I do believe in a greater power. Though I think the bible has this power down
just as well as Dungeons&Dragons series has it. There is very little evidence
proving or disproving the all powerful god. The bible wasn't a fax from heaven
human hand wrote it. I see everything has a purpose, and everyone has a
use. Did I get that mixed up?
It's true, I'd love to believe otherwise, I'd love for there to be a heaven where I go and be with my daughter when our times come. But that won't happen...why? For so many reasons.

The birth of deformed babies. This is odd, but it is the number one reason I believe there to be no god. If he doesn't atleast have to power to protect children, what does he have?

Child sex abuse from within the church. Do I really need to ask how this so called "God" could ever allow such a thing to happen? Cleary it is another display of how there is no god.

Hello again ppl! It's been a couple years (had a dose of real life) since I last posted, but it's good to see some of you again. Shout out to MW, audible,spidergoat, and bunch of you.

I used to be a agnostic theist...or just a theist, Christian, or whatever. Now, I am definitely agnostic. But, maybe not because I believe there is a truth :bugeye: ...just that it may not be conceivable because of adulterations and preconceptions and fallacies

Anyway, I am well versed with the Bible and the teachings of Christianity and I still dabble in it, in the quest for truth. To answer your question: There are as many reasons for God to stay out of our business (from a Chrisitian perspective) as there are the number of reasons as there are that you do not believe.

The first one that comes to mind is that the Bible teaches that God purposefully allows "bad" things to happen in order for the victim or the comforter of the victim to either focus on God more to help them, or for the victim to be witnessed to by the comforter.

Another reason is the free will to do evil.

Another reason is for the strengthening of character...or to save someone who is in like circustances...

There are many reasons given by scripture. Now, I can't say if Jesus is real or just mythstory (to coin a phrase), but just what scripture gives as reasons why bad things happen to good people.

From an atheist perspective.....hmm, this is pointless discussion because there is no God.

Agnostic...well, I'd say keep searching for the truth!

If you believe in God, then be strengthened...there is always a reason. If you don't believe in God but don't discount his existence, then perhaps find out more of why things are from a Christian perspective. If you are decided there is no God, then don't worry about it...

we can do our best to punish the priests and prevent deformation through genetics and lifestyle during the early fetal stages of life.

Stupid truth :mad: It's all a matter of perspective.:bawl:
I thought god was ALL LOVING ,ALL GOOD!?

why the [Deleted] would god need to TEST anyone when he is (ALLEGEDLY)
he KNOWS everything that will happen from begining of time till the end and everything in between,to allow such evil shyt happen he would have to be uncaring evil monster,or NOT exist!

Heh..you know what ticks me off is how does a god expect us to believe in it if the god shows no signs of its existence?

Jesus says "Blessed are those that believe, but have not seen [me]."

Guess I'm not blessed.

Moses had the burning bush! Jonah had the whale! Where is my sign? :bawl: I know that may sound sarcastic...but, come on...seriously, what does God expect?

Anyway, if we're talking about if God actually knows everything...quickly (to stay on topic hopefully) I believe you do not understand the the Christian belief as so many have not.

God cannot know all things and yet man have free will.

I can give examples in scripture for the Christians...but, there are exmples where God changed his mind, was awestruck, and many others because of a choice a person made. Now that shows that God does not know THE future, but elsewhere in scriptures it says that God knows all futures. God knows how everything will play out till the end of time at every instant...but the future changes as humans make decisions, and God knows the new future. If you knew what everyone did, is doing, and what they are thinking of doing, you could predict the future as well if you had the brain power to do the math.

If there is a god and it is the Bible speaks of, then that is how it is because of examples in the Bible.

But, God may not exist, so I can't say any of this is true...just wanted to set the myth you were talking about striaight...just so that the three little pigs do actually live and not get eaten by the big bad wolf.
God cannot know all things and yet man have free will.

I can give examples in scripture for the Christians...but, there are exmples where God changed his mind, was awestruck, and many others because of a choice a person made. Now that shows that God does not know THE future, but elsewhere in scriptures it says that God knows all futures. God knows how everything will play out till the end of time at every instant...but the future changes as humans make decisions, and God knows the new future. If you knew what everyone did, is doing, and what they are thinking of doing, you could predict the future as well if you had the brain power to do the math.
We have discussed this recently.
Rather than rehash days of arguments take a look here...
Hard work, self-discipline and difficulty help us grow and mature as people.
I wouldn't want a life of perfect ease on a beach, doing nothing but thinking about God - I like to be challenged.
Do you not like to be challenged?
Hey I totally agree. But there's challenge, like say my growing up trailer park-trash, and then there's cruelty - like a child molested from birth and finally brutally murdered at the ripe old age of 12. That's not a life-challenge but simply sick.

Not to mention people who are born with separated brains or missing large chunks of brain and not able to mentally function above the age of 6 etc... God could have, with ease, made a world where such existences are impossibilities. Such is the Power of God. As God did not do so - that says something about the nature of God.

Then again the Abrahamic God even goes so far as to manipulate people so as to have an excuse to murder others. I'm thinking of the hardening of the Pharaoh's heart and the following murder of Egyptian children.

God purposefully allows "bad" things to happen in order for the victim or the comforter of the victim to either focus on God more

What an absolutely superb idea! I'm gonna go chop off my daughters legs just so she can focus on me more. :bugeye:

What an absolutely superb idea! I'm gonna go chop off my daughters legs just so she can focus on me more. :bugeye:


probably a good indication why the relationship between parent and child is not as absolute as the relationship between god and the living entity
Hey I totally agree. But there's challenge, like say my growing up trailer park-trash, and then there's cruelty - like a child molested from birth and finally brutally murdered at the ripe old age of 12. That's not a life-challenge but simply sick.

Not to mention people who are born with separated brains or missing large chunks of brain and not able to mentally function above the age of 6 etc... God could have, with ease, made a world where such existences are impossibilities. Such is the Power of God. As God did not do so - that says something about the nature of God.
or alternatively, something about the nature of the living entity in the material world
Then again the Abrahamic God even goes so far as to manipulate people so as to have an excuse to murder others. I'm thinking of the hardening of the Pharaoh's heart and the following murder of Egyptian children.
so how do you propose that god deals with the problem of evil in this world?
From the last paragraph of the last chapter of A. E. Haydon's "The Biography of the Gods": "For too long, we have put off unto the gods those things that we should be doing for ourselves."
I love that quote. Isn't it funny how something like that quote can keep popping up over many years and can still always sound so good?

photizo said:
why you want him to believe lie? So that you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves?
Please keep the religiospeak to a minimum. It is annoying. If you want to give people something great, quote the bible directly, or re-phrase it to fit modernity - but don't use this mishmash, it just sounds like someone trying to add influence to their words without explanation of them, i.e. pompousness. Ok, sorry, rant over...
Like, drop the word "twofold" that nobody uses anymore, and if you are talking to medicine woman say "yourself". Or say, "why do you people (or "your type") want him to believe lie", and then address the comment with the word "yourselves". Or talk like an indian with a bible, do whatever you want, nevermind. AAGH - ok, now the rant is really over.