I'm not trying to bash christianity, but...

You can't run forever. In the end you just die tired. Discretion recognizes when a battle can not be won and isn't that just another form of defeat?
Yes, you did many things which were obviously intended to **** me off, and in this thread, you have many times ridiculed theism and deism in general while supporting atheism as the only true religion.

First of all, atheism is not a religion. It is a LACK of religion.

And, I can ridicule theism and deism all I want, that is what these forums are all about, attacking ideas.

If you're pissed at that, too bad, that is your own personal problem. You need to dissociate yourself from the ideas and beliefs you hold, as it will be the only way you can discuss them and accept the criticism.
You can't run forever. In the end you just die tired. Discretion recognizes when a battle can not be won.

Everyone dies eventually, thats a given. Its a one way ticket from this experience we call life.

The way I see it, thats the easy way out. Takes more courage to stand and fight than to run away.

Besides, death is a lose-lose situation. Life has possibilities that you give up when you choose to die.
Live and learn, its not as difficult as it seems. Besides, you seem to have pretty well defined ideas of your own.

Thats no excuse for you to discard yours, is it?

Just like I say sometimes: "Give me death, or give me life!"

Hopefully you get the message.
Everyone dies eventually, thats a given. Its a one way ticket from this experience we call life.

Getting out of life... you're saying that's a bad thing!?!

The way I see it, thats the easy way out. Takes more courage to stand and fight than to run away.

The former has been done and hopelessly exhausted, leaving no indentation on the peak of the tip of the metaphorical iceberg.

Besides, death is a lose-lose situation. Life has possibilities that you give up when you choose to die.

Most of those possibilities make me gag.
Just like I say sometimes: "Give me death, or give me life!"

Hopefully you get the message.

Getting out of life... you're saying that's a bad thing!?!

The former has been done and hopelessly exhausted, leaving no indentation on the peak of the tip of the metaphorical iceberg.

Most of those possibilities make me gag.

Now you're just being dramatic. :bugeye:

Do you attempt suicide everytime you don't get your way?
If you're pissed at that, too bad, that is your own personal problem. You need to dissociate yourself from the ideas and beliefs you hold, as it will be the only way you can discuss them and accept the criticism.

IMO, this is a big problem with Theism. It binds their identity so tightly to the delusion that attacking the delusion is often perceived as a personal life / identity threatening attack.
Everyone dies eventually, thats a given. Its a one way ticket from this experience we call life.

The way I see it, thats the easy way out. Takes more courage to stand and fight than to run away.

Besides, death is a lose-lose situation. Life has possibilities that you give up when you choose to die.

We can a life without risk...
but what is Life without adventure?
But Yes.. I agree.
But perhaps "control" is the issue.

If we are prodded in the directioin away from death is that really living? Perhaps but you're surely not in control. The question is...is a life running from death really a life at all?
No, things simply accumulate, and my misery grows.

You enjoy your misery, thats why it accumulates, you savor it, pick at your wounds, weep over injustices, wail against destiny. Why not for a change, just shrug it off? You'll find it does not really matter all that much.
IMO, this is a big problem with Theism. It binds their identity so tightly to the delusion that attacking the delusion is often perceived as a personal life / identity threatening attack.

What a load of crap. If I address your values and principles, thats exactly what I am doing, addressing YOUR values and principles; its hardly an objective evaluation to be pondered in the third person.
You enjoy your misery, thats why it accumulates, you savor it, pick at your wounds, weep over injustices, wail against destiny. Why not for a change, just shrug it off? You'll find it does not really matter all that much.

Every loss I make is unchangeable. There is no such thing as failure without loss; even if I were the last being in existence, a failure would still cause loss for me.

To me, a success is simply a lack of failure. Essentially when I do what I am supposed to do anyway. This makes my failures burn ever so much more, and gives no opportunity for redemption from those failures.

It is who I am. I cannot shrug it off. Doing so would make me feel like a traitor, a cheater, a liar, and I would feel worse.
Every loss I make is unchangeable. There is no such thing as failure without loss; even if I were the last being in existence, a failure would still cause loss for me.

To me, a success is simply a lack of failure. Essentially when I do what I am supposed to do anyway. This makes my failures burn ever so much more, and gives no opportunity for redemption from those failures.

It is who I am. I cannot shrug it off. Doing so would make me feel like a traitor, a cheater, a liar, and I would feel worse.

Well you'll just have to get used to wallowing in misery then. The way I see it, its no one else's business to tell you how miserable you should not be.:)

There's always "Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of arithmetic -- Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision."

Thats should be a good start.;)
What a load of crap. If I address your values and principles, thats exactly what I am doing, addressing YOUR values and principles; its hardly an objective evaluation to be pondered in the third person.

Case and point.
Well, in one of my other, more inactive, yet still open threads, I explained a theory which explains my thoughts regarding this in an extravagantly ambiguous way.

I don't think it's gone anywhere, though...

In your other thread you attempted to disprove atheism, there is no mention of God or how he came into being.

So, could you please answer my question ?
Enmos said:
Explain to me how God came into existance then...
Well you'll just have to get used to wallowing in misery then. The way I see it, its no one else's business to tell you how miserable you should not be.:)

There's always "Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of arithmetic -- Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision."

Thats should be a good start.;)
