I'm not trying to bash christianity, but...

Sorry, post No8 onwards... it reiterates sentiments already expressed in this thread, only in a different way.
Thank you, CC. I haven't gone that far as I suspected Rokkon to provide the exact answer he DID provide.

Rokkon needs to first understand that his beliefs are based on a conclusion that requires support as opposed to observation evidence leading to a conclusion. Deism is exactly that, as is theism. They both come to the same conclusion before any evidence is presented. Then, they both try to find evidence to support the conclusion.

It's bass ackwards, to science, of course.

YW, and you might be right as the issue might have nothing to do with evidence and everything to do with thought process (problems with specifically).
I am finding it very hard to express what I am feeling right now. It is not so much the degree to how I feel it so much as it is simply what kind of feeling it is.
Did you report him?:p

Yeah... like, at least a dozen of his posts from this and other threads have been reported, and a private message sent to who I assume is a very high-authority moderator. Most of the reports have been for goading, some for the kind of preaching described in examples #3 and #4 in the posting rules for the religion forum, and several other things.
I don't get it either, but for some reason people keep telling me that it can work that way... something about singularities being able to break the laws of common sense...

Explain to me how God came into existance then...
Yeah... like, at least a dozen of his posts from this and other threads have been reported, and a private message sent to who I assume is a very high-authority moderator. Most of the reports have been for goading, some for the kind of preaching described in examples #3 and #4 in the posting rules for the religion forum, and several other things.

Goading? Preaching?

Yeah... like, at least a dozen of his posts from this and other threads have been reported, and a private message sent to who I assume is a very high-authority moderator. Most of the reports have been for goading, some for the kind of preaching described in examples #3 and #4 in the posting rules for the religion forum, and several other things.

Don't take it so hard, its only a discussion forum. :)
Explain to me how God came into existance then...

Well, in one of my other, more inactive, yet still open threads, I explained a theory which explains my thoughts regarding this in an extravagantly ambiguous way.

I don't think it's gone anywhere, though...

Go see that link on my 'explained' forum. The one posted on post #8.

Why would you give someone so much power over you? How would killing yourself change anything? We would not even know that you had done it or that you even meant it.

You should ignore people who make you feel bad about yourself; most of them don't even realise they are doing it.:)

Life is too beautiful to throw away for someone you don't even know.

(Q) probably has no idea of the effect of his words on you, its probably his notion of tough love or something.
Goading? Preaching?


Yes, you did many things which were obviously intended to **** me off, and in this thread, you have many times ridiculed theism and deism in general while supporting atheism as the only true religion. As I explained in the second thread regarding my theory, there is a difference between not believing and believing in nothing.
Why would you give someone so much power over you? How would killing yourself change anything? We would not even know that you had done it or that you even meant it.

I could have stated my name, where I lived, that people should look for me in the obituaries, and I could have written something cool on the wall in my room that would probably say "My murderer is (Q)."

You should ignore people who make you feel bad about yourself; most of them don't even realise they are doing it.:)

Ignoring is cowardice.
I could have stated my name, where I lived, that people should look for me in the obituaries, and I could have written something cool on the wall in my room that would probably say "My murderer is (Q)."

To be perfectly honest no one would care.

Ignoring is cowardice.

Too much drama, m'boy. Discretion is the better part of valour.:)