If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in...

Proud_Muslim said:
I am sure your father will dump you for the above statement...give him a call and tell him that, let us see how he will respond.

I forgot

Proud Muslim doesn't need Fathers
He think his view reflect how all fathers can think

Proud Muslims doesn't need God
Proud Muslims doesn't need fathers
All fathers of this world need Proud Muslim
God needs proud Muslim
Proud Muslim have no respect for anyone
Proud Muslim is his own God.
"If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in ...."

Funny that. Seems to me that atheists have fits when the situation is reversed: "If you reject God for lack of objective proof, you also must reject nations, currency, marriage ...." (And, being that the criticism of atheism examines alleged rational thought, it's much more viable that way.) After all, consistency is too much to ask of atheists at Sciforums.

I think it's symptomatic of people's conditions that so many words and so much energy has been wasted on an irresponsible and intentionally-provocative topic. Welcome to Jahiliyah, Western-style.
tiassa said:
"If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in ...."

Funny that. Seems to me that atheists have fits when the situation is reversed: "If you reject God for lack of objective proof, you also must reject nations, currency, marriage ...." (And, being that the criticism of atheism examines alleged rational thought, it's much more viable that way.) After all, consistency is too much to ask of atheists at Sciforums.

Nations were created by man, currency was created by man, marriage was created by man.....what exactly are you trying to correlate here.....

We can't obviously ask the reversed question...if you don't believe in god, how do you get married, spend money, ect.....

But we can obviously ask the relevant question, if you don't believe in evolution, how can you?

Tiassa, the catch is there is no contradiction between science, religion, and evolution if we look at things correctly.

There are tremendous benefits in conducting research in the evolution field, classifying primates, ect....We can't continue to give the blind eye to something so beneficial to our health and planet wealth in the name of "it contradicts religion". There is no contradiction, only misunderstanding.
Yes but not everyone replying in this thread are atheists Tiassa. PM has just taken it upon himself to label all who believe opposite to what he does as atheists. It seems that all believers in a higher power and non believers have all been grouped together and we're all having a good old retarded time :D...
And how about calling God names??? does it hurt him ?? NEVER..it only shows how RETARDED you are....

For the sake of humour, (which that post was), I see no harm in calling a fictional being a bastard.


Well that's kinda my point, you see.. you have no message. Don't think that 100mb of coloured fancy text means you acually have a point or message.

Oh btw, I'm just the messenger here, don't attack me with your caps and insults :bugeye:

Aganin, who the hell you are to judge a site ???

Want a list of qualifications? However, qualifications are irrelevant. Even a 10 year old would laugh at that site.

like your fellow athiests here, you are but a lonely loser on sciforums...nothing more.

Oh come now, that's a tad ignorant. I spend an hour or two here most nights, are you psychic enough that you can tell me what I do with the other 22 hours in the day?

I have NO respect for anyone who made fun of FAITH in general and Belief in God in particular...it is ok for you guys 'primitive athiests' to go on bashing religion and mocking faith, but when someone stand up to you, you cry innocents, huh ?

You could say us primitive retarded hopeless atheists are just standing up against you, why are you crying innocence?

You can have a go at Christians, you can rubbish a jew, but YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO DEFEAT A MUSLIM IN ANY DEBATE REGARDING GOD this must be the basics for you before you debate any Muslim.

I see you have very little tolerance for anyone other than yourself. That is truly upsetting.

You are such a joke....go to page 1 and 2 from this thread to see how the PRIMITIVE ATHIESTS start shouting like raped apes when they are cornered and their nonesense refuted...

Maybe my web browser differs or something, but on page 1, it's a small discussion with a group of evolutionists until you come along with your insults.

pay speciall attention to what this retarded spuriousmonkey said and the lanugue he used, and of course dont forget yourself DUDE.

What did us 'retards' say, and what did you say before that?

Oh I see, when I posted a replies with links and pictures, you posted RANTS, general statements and PERSONAL ATTACKS.....look who is talking about rational debate...you guys are really SICK HYPOCRITES.

Hardly. Stating that because dolphin communicate over 200km shows there is a god, is not rational in the slightest. That is what the link you gave states, and you don't expect anyone to laugh at that?

Dont play with words

I wasn't. The discussion was between christians. Their god is different than yours. That's the way it is, whether you like it or not.

you know how shit you are !

Ummm.. Hmmmm.. Oh go on, I'm sure you're gonna tell me.

I dont accept any 'primitve athiest' to call God a bastard....you know very well who you were refering to.

Yes yes, god of the christians and jews. Earlier you even stated I could do that, if you remember?

"You can have a go at Christians, you can rubbish a jew"

Remember now?

there is a MUSLIM who will stand up and paint you with shit for what you said.

That in itself is fine, but does it have to be you? You're a simpleton.

You started the insults by calling the Quran a MYTHICAL book

I think you might wanna double check that.

Oh I see, now suddenly, you dont eat pork !!

Suddenly? No. I haven't eaten pork my entire life. Sure, I've had a pork sausage or two every now and then, but I much prefer beef or lamb and as such generally avoid pork. I don't see anything wrong with eating it, I just don't because beef tastes nicer.

She was right...The fact that SARS and Pigs are connected, the fact that the famous Spanish flue that killed millions of people in the beginning of the 20th century was originated in pigs tell us a lot about them.

Yes... but yet again it has nothing to do with Flores statements. I see nothing to suggest pigs are impossible to kill, that their meat causes stress, arthritis and so on.

When you die, they bury you, years after that, if they open your grave, they will find bones, another 10 years and they will find NOTHING....where are the bones of BILLIONS of people who lived and died before us ???? they all turned into clay, As Allah Almighty said in the noble Quran: we came from this earth and we shall come back to it and we shall be ressurected again from it.

Funniest thing I've ever read.
tiassa said:
"If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in ...."

Funny that. Seems to me that atheists have fits when the situation is reversed: "If you reject God for lack of objective proof, you also must reject nations, currency, marriage ...." (And, being that the criticism of atheism examines alleged rational thought, it's much more viable that way.) After all, consistency is too much to ask of atheists at Sciforums
Good point, and if you searched my posts you'd find I have made threads rejecting marriage, funerals, currency, common courtesy, etc.
Devils advocate is one thing, but from here it looks like you're just going for a slide down the sewer tiassa.
It seems like it would be a slippery thing to climb back out of.
Good point, and if you searched my posts you'd find I have made threads rejecting marriage, funerals, currency, common courtesy, etc.
I remember those.
Devils advocate is one thing, but from here it looks like you're just going for a slide down the sewer tiassa.
This is a matter for your own resolution. I cannot be held responsible for your lack of perception, compassion, or humanity.
It seems like it would be a slippery thing to climb back out of.
Well, since you're the one painting the scene that way, I would look to the values of the painter.

What's the matter, Lou? Did I touch a nerve? Perhaps you'd like to stop dancing around like a frightened monkey and just come out and deal with it?

Come on, Lou ... have some courage, man. We'll go beg the Wizard together, if that's what it takes.

Or would you rather continue mucking around like a sulking brat?
Flores said:
Proud Masloub EL 3aqle, meaning proud deprived of brain.

Islam (submittion to god) is exactly what it means. Only god can measure what god constitutes to be a state of submittion or not. An Atheist may be more in submittion than you in the eyes of god. Islam is not a term to be abused by you and your likes....Have some respect for god and submit to him that he will be fair in judgement......Why do you do a DAWA and prepare so many internet sites to match the christian competition? do you think that god is incapable of guiding his creations and that we are all waiting for the likes of you to vomit all over our screens thinking that you are guiding us.....Go guide yourself and your likes.....because I don't think that you need god at all.....Now leave me and my fellow Atheists alone in darkness, because we sure need god to guide us.

Sister, I never interfened in any of your posts, why the hell you are interfering in mine ??????

Anyway, I see you did not respond to the verses I posted about ISLAM being the chosen religion from GOD to all mankind and anyone who chose other religion will NOT be accepted from him !!!!!

Here are the verses again for you, May God guide you:

''And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.'' The Noble Quran 3:85

''O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah with the care which is due to Him, and do not die unless you are Muslims. '' The Noble Quran 3:102

''Surely the (true) religion with Allah is Islam and those to whom the Book had been given did not show opposition but after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves; and whoever disbelieves in the communications of Allah then surely Allah is quick in reckoning.'' The Noble Quran 3:19

''And the same did Ibrahim enjoin on his sons and (so did) Yaqoub. O my sons! surely Allah has chosen for you (this) faith, therefore die not unless you are Muslims.'' The Noble Quran 2: 132

''Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim, and he was not one of the polytheists. '' The Noble Quran 3: 67

''And neither would he enjoin you that you should take the angels and the prophets for lords; what! would he enjoin you with unbelief after you are Muslims?'' The Noble Quran 3:80
Flores said:

You always forget.... :D

Proud Muslim doesn't need Fathers, He think his view reflect how all fathers can think

No, but I speak for MAINSTREAM Islam, I dont speak for Flores' type of deen !!! :rolleyes:

Proud Muslims doesn't need God

I do need God, but I dont need primitives like you to tell me about him.

Proud Muslims doesn't need fathers
All fathers of this world need Proud Muslim

Wishful thinking, but nice try.

God needs proud Muslim

You will answer God one day for what you just said.

Proud Muslim have no respect for anyone

I have NO respect for respectless reptiles like you.

Proud Muslim is his own God.

I am sure you are possessed with some evil JINN inside you !! :p
tiassa said:
"If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in ...."

Funny that. Seems to me that atheists have fits when the situation is reversed: "If you reject God for lack of objective proof, you also must reject nations, currency, marriage ...." (And, being that the criticism of atheism examines alleged rational thought, it's much more viable that way.) After all, consistency is too much to ask of atheists at Sciforums.

Well said tiassa, they twist everything as long as it suits their void athiesm, kind of logical tactics they use to PROVE their nonesense...!! :rolleyes:

I think it's symptomatic of people's conditions that so many words and so much energy has been wasted on an irresponsible and intentionally-provocative topic. Welcome to Jahiliyah, Western-style.

JAHILIYAH !!! WAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am very impressed by your chosing of this very powerful Arabic word...indeed, it is JAHILIYAH, western-Style.
You're changing the subject.... I think:confused: (I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, became tired of re-reading your post with squinted eyes and gave up)

If you are going to defend the most ridiculously illogical stance anyone has ever taken in the history of sciforums.com, I'll have to assume your insane untill I recieve a valid explanation, "taking the piss" being pretty much the only reasonable explanation i can picture.
This isn't your average debate where both sides have good points and choosing either side is acceptable, this is round earth vs flat earth type stuff, worse, this can only be described as evolution vs creation, the single most one sided argument imaginable. I would refer to this argument if I was trying to impress on someone how obvious the stance to take on another argument was, but I would be exagerrating, because nothing is so obvious as this, mathematics may rival it.
This did turn into a debate, purely because the most comedically ignorant cartoonishly moronic human being entered and debated the undebateable, and the rest of the thread played out with people reacting to such a character as one would expect, with disbelief and laughter.
And then a seemingly rational human being comes in and casually defends bizarro stance like thats the normal thing to do, is this some strange conceptual art piece I'm experiencing?
What gives?
Do you agree that evolution can't be real because buffaloes being related to dolphins is absurd?
Because when the fish leaves the water he will die?
Which parts of proud muslims posts is he making valid arguments against what the others are saying and where are the others(myself included) going wrong?

Its just odd. Is there some piece of the puzzle I don't know about? Maybe you owe proud muslim 50 bucks? He's in your house and he's strapped with dynamite?
I'm sincerely confused.
Proud_Muslim said:
I am sure you are possessed with some evil JINN inside you !! :p

Didn't I tell you that you don't need god and you are actually playing god on yourself.

YOUR ARE SURE that I have evil Jinn inside of me? You must know the whereabout of all Jinns at all times, they must report to you all their duties.

I totally submit to god, so I can't even ask god to do something good/bad for me or you, the only thing I can say to god on your behalf is Go away PM, may god does with you what he please and wish....
Proud_Muslim said:
Sister, I never interfened in any of your posts, why the hell you are interfering in mine ??????

Anyway, I see you did not respond to the verses I posted about ISLAM being the chosen religion from GOD to all mankind and anyone who chose other religion will NOT be accepted from him !!!!!

You idiot.....your veil is so thick that you'll never understand. Islam is deen Allah not Deen El muslameen, submission to god belongs to allah and only allah. Judgement will be done by the maker not you. Deciding what constitutes submittion will be done by god NOT YOU. Your submittion could be not worth the carbon and oxygen that it's made of and could be very dear to Allah, only god will decide.

When our souls will finally go to god, good souls will be greeted by "come here souls that is content with me as I'm content with it". This is not about only doing things that you think will please Allah. This is about YOU BEING PLEASED WITH ALLAH as well. Regardless of what Allah decress, your heart must submit, be pleased, and accept. This is the core of Islam. If Allah wishes to make Atheists happy, you should be pleased, if Allah wishes to dump your sorry butt in hell, you should be please, that's Islam, not what you preach.

Islam is not the the slave of muslim, Islam is not Deen Elmuslameen, Islam is Deen Allah, GET IT RETARD.
SnakeLord said:
That's not all that true. While some birds are scavengers, such as vultures and pigeons, the majority are not, and neither are lizards.
I think, you missed the common crows.
They generally rely on movement of prey to even recognise it is prey. Neither of them are "sniff" hunters. Now quite often they will also rely on sound along with sight, and thus a non-moving silent cockroach is better than a moving noisy one.
I agree. But being motionless won't be much helpful / possible if the ants start taking their share.
tablariddim said:
It's like this... you walk into the bathroom (they're almost always in the bathroom) and you see one scurrying about on the floor or in the shower tray, so you immediately leave the room and come back with a suitable weapon (usually a sandal) and you notice that said cockroach is now 'dead' (but you know it's not MWA..HA), you creep up to it, raise your weapon and the thing's fuck'n gone in a blink!
You got some funny experience indeed. It looks like they play tricks with you by recognition. From my experience, though they are just few, i had to mildly kick them to get them on their legs to get rid of them (i hate violence!). Some times they make wild circles but fail to get on.
Flores said:
Perhaps I'm correlating things from prejudice grounds, yet you know how I think by now, and I think I'm not a blind follower.....or perhaps I am.
We're all a bit biased, it's inescapable. Even the languages we use enforce certain prejudices and assumptions. It's a fact that I find completely overwhelming at times. The important thing is to keep an open mind and be aware that this bias exists, which you do.

The Quran clearly states that we shouldn't eat pig and alcohol shouldn't be consumed unless it's for medical reasons. I have no reason so far to doubt the merit of these claims. Do you think there is a reason behind the pig ban?
My guess would be that it was borrowed from Mosaic law. As far as the origin of the proscription I can think of a number of reasons. The primary one being that while pigs are not naturally 'dirty' animals the typical method of raising pigs is quite unsanitary. This causes any number of health issues, the most notable of which is probably trichinosis. It is rather easy to imagine the proscription against pork arising in response to an outbreak or series of outbreaks. Although we have been able to drastically reduce the occurrence of trichinosis and other infectious agents I typically avoid pork (and veal as well) because of the manner in which it is raised.

Beyond that there are many sociological reasons for dietary proscriptions, all cultures have them. Anything from resistance to foreign traditions to cultural identity might be part of the reasons for such a development.

I really don't think your position is correct. We can eat all the grass we want, but I don't think that we will develop an extra three stomachs and start rechewing our food all day.....but again, I really do not know.
Evolution is more interactive than this. A behavior will not affect evolution unless it provides an advantage towards the reproductive success of that creature.

A dietary mutation typically would occur first, allowing a creature to make use of a previously unusable resource or make better use of an available resource. Small improvements then accrue over generations. If we imagine a scenario where meat was for some reason unavailable, those humans that developed a mutation that allowed them to digest grass (for instance) would have a survival advantage over those of us who cannot. Over time, such an advantage wins out.

I can't make a statement on what is better and more efficient, the modern or primitive ways. Perhaps the word evolution is misleading..It should be called change.
It is difficult to discern. The primary consideration here is survival rather than how far 'along' it is in development. We might observe for instance that the most successful life forms we know about are bacteria which are also the most 'primitive'. Meanwhile we can look to the thousands of extinct species that were more 'advanced' that were unable to survive precisely because they were too well adapted for a specific ecological niche.

Flores said:
Didn't I tell you that you don't need god and you are actually playing god on yourself.

Did not I tell you you dont know anything about Islam ??? :rolleyes:

YOUR ARE SURE that I have evil Jinn inside of me? You must know the whereabout of all Jinns at all times, they must report to you all their duties.

No, your writings and your actions indicate you are possessed by a JINN..I am sure you hear strange voices at night while you are sleeping, right ? :p

I totally submit to god, so I can't even ask god to do something good/bad for me or you, the only thing I can say to god on your behalf is Go away PM, may god does with you what he please and wish.

Thank you for confirming again that you are not Muslim but submitter.