If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in...

Proud_Muslim said:
Do viruses evolve as well ???? :rolleyes:

Yes. Type evolution and virus in the PubMed search engine and if you are too lazy here is an example:
: Theor Popul Biol. 2002 Jun;61(4):461-70. Related Articles, Links Evolution of viral structure. Bamford DH, Burnett RM, Stuart DI.

Viruses vastly outnumber their host cells and must present a huge selective pressure. It is also becoming evident that only a small percent of the eukaryotic genome codes for molecules involved in cellular structures and functions, and that much of the remainder may have a viral origin. Viruses clearly play a central role in the biosphere, but how is this viral world organized? Classification was originally based on virus morphology and the particular host infected, but now there is an increasing trend to rely on sequence information. The type of genome (e.g., RNA or DNA, single- or double-stranded) provides fundamental classification criteria, while sequence comparisons can provide fine mapping for closely related viruses. However, it is currently very difficult to identify long-range evolutionary relationships. We present here a different approach, based on the idea that each virus has an innate "self." When the structures and functions characteristic of this "self" are identified, then they uncover relationships beyond those accessible from sequence information alone. The new approach is illustrated by sketching some possible viral lineages. We propose that urviruses were present before the division of cellular life into its current domains, and that the viral world has lineages that can be traced back to the root of the universal tree of life. Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science (USA) Publication Types:

You know what is really funny. I even recently went to a course called 'virus evolution'. haha...do viruses evolve. You are so ignorant that this should be a sign to you.

Evolution of the eye
Proud_Muslim said:
If you dont like my posts, dont respond, you dont respond to my answers when they clearly show your ignorance of Islam( the post about angels for example ), but it is ok, I am glad you are at least reading them and learning something about Islam.

Peace be with you.

You stink Islam and just like god said in the Quran, your obligations are to YOUR ISLAM not to god.

The Chambers
[49.17] They think that they lay you under an obligation by becoming Muslims. Say: Lay me not under obligation by your Islam: rather Allah lays you under an obligation by guiding you to the faith if you are truthful.
The Scatterers
Proud_Muslim said:
You see, you are not even MUSLIM....so dont speak by the name of Islam...thank you for making that very clear...I shall save this post everytime you speak about Islam....
You are right, I'm not your submitter, I'm a submitter to god, and I don't speak in the name of Islam, I speak in the name of god.

Do you say every morning. In the name of Islam, most beneficient most mercifull...because I happen to say, In the name of god, most beneficient most mercifull.

You must also say.

I believe that there is not Islam but my perceptions of it and that Prophet Muhammed is my slave in affirming my sick misconceptions.

Try saying.

I believe that there is not god but one god and that Prophet Muhammed is a mere slave of god.
tiassa said:
Sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong:


Look, I just need to point out to a bunch of people that this is true.

THANK YOU so much Tiassa, I hope Flores and her athiest gang are listening !!

Believe me, if American Christians took God as seriously as Muslims do, you could not win a debate about God with them in any practical sense.

EXACTLY, we do take Islam very very seriously indeed...I think those people here are not well read as you are Tiassa, you are such a treasure here, I am still on my promise to translate any book you write into Arabic...I am sure people in the west and in the Arab world will benefit so much for your writings.

You make NAKED this self-rightous western attitude when it comes to Islam and Muslims...if you see those athiests who complain about some rude words I said, if you review their posts about God and faith, you will find sickning amount of rude, insultive words about God, when someone hit back, they shout about civility and rational debate !!!

Thank you again for your post, you always come in the right time in the right place.

Here is something for you from our great ARAB poet, Gibran Khalil Gibran:

From his book, The Prophet:

On Reason & Passion

And the priestess spoke again and said:

"Speak to us of Reason and Passion."

And he answered saying:

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite.

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.

But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?

Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

If either your sails or our rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.

Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion; that it may sing;

And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as you would two loved guests in your house.

Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.

Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows - then let your heart say in silence, "God rests in reason."

And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky, - then let your heart say in awe, "God moves in passion."
Proud_Muslim said:
We are PERFECT creature in design, cant you see, cant you hear, cant you taste, feel, laugh, cry, think...etc ???

Oh I'm crying right now, believe me.. Although I'm also on the verge of hysterical laughter as well...

As I said to you, we believe in the evolution of ANIMALS, but not humans...ask those muslims, do you believe ISLAMICALLY that we came from common ape-like ancestor ?? the answer will shock you.
No I think it'd shock you more. They do believe 'islamically' that we share a common ancestor with the apes. Funny thing is, the first person to probably ever teach me about HUMAN evolution was actually a Muslim :).

And PM, I dare you to translate all that you've just copied about DNA into your own words.
Just as knowing what “triangle” means makes it obvious that a four-sided traingle is impossible, the argument suggests, knowing what “God” means makes it obvious that God’s non-existence is impossible.

You also know what "Santa Claus" means, so I guess that makes it obvious santa claus non-existence is impossible. Same goes with leprechauns, (that you labelled 'absurd'). If you know what evolution means doesn't it also then make it obvious that evolutions non-existence is impossible?

Well, I give you praise this time for actually trying, and limiting your usage of insult to just a few particular areas. You're improving.

It is not evolution, it is ILLUSION, only the retarded would believe we came from common ancestor like the apes

Ok, retarded aside, can you explain then why man has wisdom teeth, goose pimples, (which are worthless to a creature with as little body hair as man), and tail bones in humans? Does Allah give an explanation to these things? These particular points are just a miniscule part of a gigantic issue, but instead of just trying to instantly label something off as illusion believed in only by retards, it might be better to debunk every aspect of an issue before making the quote shown above.

There are also problems in many religions to explain the huge percentage of identical dna found between humans and chimps. For instance: some beliefs state we were made of clay and had life breathed into us. From this position it looks harder to explain dna comparisons than say someone like Arebati, (an African god), who made everything using his blood.

do you really believe that a fish in the sea SUDDENLY decided to leave water into the earth ?? will not this fish DIE moments after leaving the water ????

This is a large part of the problem with many creationists. They regard everything as "suddenly" or instantaneous. Evolution does not happen during a lunch break.

What you also need to remember, is that many pure sea dwelling animals need to come out of the water in order to breathe - such as dolphins, whales, turtle, etc. This point was spoken about in a different thread, (or maybe this one, i forget).

Let's also look at mudskippers - fish that can live in or out of water. You can see from animals like the mudskipper, that some have evolved - or if you'd prefer - adapted to live cross environmentally. When that mudskipper passes on that ability to his offspring as part of his genetic code, it becomes a case of evolution.

with all due respect, evolution is the most illogical, the most absurd nonesense I ever heard in my life

Here's a very important question: Have you studied it in depth? There was a time when I knew absolutely nothing about religion, and until I had studied religion in depth - until I had read all related texts and spoken to countless of people, I had no place with which to say what you have just said. In my own circumstance, upon studying them both in depth, I realised evolution had ALL the evidence, whereas creation had none. There really was no contest. I would ask that you do the same. If you find more evidence in your bible, then that is fine, but unless you study both as in depth as each other, you'll never have a place to label one as retarded nonsense.

{EDIT} Oops, apologies, I had an email notification but it brought up this thread like 3 pages ago :D Dang it, 3 more pages to read now...
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Proud_Muslim said:
THANK YOU so much Tiassa, I hope Flores and her athiest gang are listening !!

I wish that you start changing your underwear as often as you change your alliances and friends....You know god likes those who are clean.

Do you know who you are....???You are a guy that hangs on to a misely straw for comfort. Your misely straws break so often. You don't hang nor submit to god. If I tell you what pleases your ear, you'll hang to it, much like you hung on to Tiassa like a water mirage or shadow in the middle of the desert.
Flores said:
You stink Islam and just like god said in the Quran, your obligations are to YOUR ISLAM not to god.

The Chambers
[49.17] They think that they lay you under an obligation by becoming Muslims. Say: Lay me not under obligation by your Islam: rather Allah lays you under an obligation by guiding you to the faith if you are truthful.
The Scatterers

You see dear sister, you cant even understand what you are posting, this verse is about the people who impress the prophet Muhammad as a FAVOUR that they have embraced Islam, while ALLAH is indeed the ONE who has conferred a favour upon them that he has guided them to ISLAM.

Bells said:
Oh I'm crying right now, believe me.. Although I'm also on the verge of hysterical laughter as well...

Crying and suddenly laughing is an indication of some mental disturbances !! are you ok ??? :D

No I think it'd shock you more. They do believe 'islamically' that we share a common ancestor with the apes. Funny thing is, the first person to probably ever teach me about HUMAN evolution was actually a Muslim.

What definition of Muslim ?? someone who pleases you on the expense of his faith ?? :rolleyes:
I for one do not even show pm the respect of being offended by his mind numbingly stupid posts. It takes an opposing argument for me to argue, so this is just hilarious.
I have not seen someone so consistently and confidently wrong about everything, this is awe-inspiring.
*Arguing against something by proving you have absolutely no understanding of it?
Such a bizarre strategy, don't see the potential for its success myself.
(*source; "will not this fish die moments after leaving the water?" - 1 of 847608 results for search "instances where PM scientifically proved he was the dumbest person in the thread")
Ignorant Muslim,

we have pointed out some of the fallacies in your thinking and your sources, but you never replied. Does that mean you admit you were wrong?


from all the posters who were stupid enough to think you could think for yourself
Proud_Muslim said:
Crying and suddenly laughing is an indication of some mental disturbances !! are you ok ??? :D
Actually PM, after my day today and after reading your responses in this thread, I'm glad to say that I feel absolutely mentally great :).

What definition of Muslim ?? someone who pleases you on the expense of his faith ??

Oh you have got to be kidding me? What, just because they are Muslim and don't think just like you, then they aren't under your definition of Muslim? Oh my God!! Ok that's just floored me. You ignorant prat. There are many Muslims who don't think or are like you PM, the majority of them are quite well educated.
Flores said:
I'm so glad you have discovered that I'm under no obligation to you or those so called muslims.....Now, let me believe in god in peace, because I'm only obliged to god.

No one is forcing you or putting you under any obligation, you need to leave me in peace and stop interfering in my posts and my answers.

''And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.'' The Noble Quran 3:85

''O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah with the care which is due to Him, and do not die unless you are Muslims. '' The Noble Quran 3:102

''Surely the (true) religion with Allah is Islam and those to whom the Book had been given did not show opposition but after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves; and whoever disbelieves in the communications of Allah then surely Allah is quick in reckoning.'' The Noble Quran 3:19

''And the same did Ibrahim enjoin on his sons and (so did) Yaqoub. O my sons! surely Allah has chosen for you (this) faith, therefore die not unless you are Muslims.'' The Noble Quran 2: 132

''Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim, and he was not one of the polytheists. '' The Noble Quran 3: 67

''And neither would he enjoin you that you should take the angels and the prophets for lords; what! would he enjoin you with unbelief after you are Muslims?'' The Noble Quran 3:80

May Allah guide you dear sister, you dont know even your own Quran... :(
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Proud_Muslim said:
You see dear sister, you cant even understand what you are posting, this verse is about the people who impress the prophet Muhammad as a FAVOUR that they have embraced Islam,

You are so shallow headed that the bacteria in your head have absolutely no food except feeding on itself over and over again.. The Quran "written for every age" should never be interpretted in the shallow way that you always do. God is not speaking to the prophet in the Quran, he is speaking to humanity through the prophet. If he was exclusively about the prophet, then you're wasting your time reading the Quran.

God tells humanity in this verse that all obligations are to god and not people. So how dare you judge Atheists or any other people by your set of criteria that may be unfounded and all together wrong. An Atheist may be better in god's eyes than you...
spuriousmonkey said:
Ignorant Muslim,

we have pointed out some of the fallacies in your thinking and your sources, but you never replied. Does that mean you admit you were wrong?


from all the posters who were stupid enough to think you could think for yourself

I dont have time to answer every single HOPELESS ATHIEST here, I am THE ONLY MUSLIM CREATIONIST here, cant you see that or you are very dumb as your athiesm suggests ???? :rolleyes:

I will respond in the due time.
Flores said:
You are so shallow headed that the bacteria in your head have absolutely no food except feeding on itself over and over again.. The Quran "written for every age" should never be interpretted in the shallow way that you always do. God is not speaking to the prophet in the Quran, he is speaking to humanity through the prophet. If he was exclusively about the prophet, then you're wasting your time reading the Quran

Go read the verse you posted again sister, you are so confused, May Allah guide you.

God tells humanity in this verse that all obligations are to god and not people.

Wrong, in this verse, God is telling it is HIS FAVOUR TO MAKE YOU MUSLIMS, not your own personal favour....if you can read Arabic, you would understand it better.

So how dare you judge Atheists or any other people by your set of criteria that may be unfounded and all together wrong. An Atheist may be better in god's eyes than you.

I am sure your father will dump you for the above statement...give him a call and tell him that, let us see how he will respond.
Proud_Muslim said:
I dont have time to answer every single HOPELESS ATHIEST here, I am THE ONLY MUSLIM CREATIONIST here, cant you see that or you are very dumb as your athiesm suggests ???? :rolleyes:

I will respond in the due time.

Please also inform me on why atheism insinuates dumbness? I must have missed that earlier on.
Proud Masloub EL 3aqle, meaning proud deprived of brain.

Islam (submittion to god) is exactly what it means. Only god can measure what god constitutes to be a state of submittion or not. An Atheist may be more in submittion than you in the eyes of god. Islam is not a term to be abused by you and your likes....Have some respect for god and submit to him that he will be fair in judgement......Why do you do a DAWA and prepare so many internet sites to match the christian competition? do you think that god is incapable of guiding his creations and that we are all waiting for the likes of you to vomit all over our screens thinking that you are guiding us.....Go guide yourself and your likes.....because I don't think that you need god at all.....Now leave me and my fellow Atheists alone in darkness, because we sure need god to guide us.
spuriousmonkey said:
Please also inform me on why atheism insinuates dumbness? I must have missed that earlier on.

Well asked spurious. And also PM, how does being an atheist indicate retardedness? I'm flicking through the Quran now and trying to find where it says that being an atheist means that one is retarded and I'm not finding it :confused:. lol
Proud Muslim doesn't need god.
He has an internet site to show us how to be good.

Proud Muslim doesn't need god.
He has an internet site to refute evolution

Proud Muslim doesn't need god.
He already know how we were created exactly.

Proud Muslim doesn't need god.
He already knows that he is going to heaven

Proud Muslim doesn't need god.
In his mind, all people that don't agree with him will burn.

Proud Muslim doesn't need god.
God is a hired employee by Proud Muslim

God needs Proud Muslim
Proud Muslim is showing us all how creation happened.

God needs Proud Muslim
Proud Muslim makes the life of Atheists hell.

God needs Proud Muslim
Proud Muslim fights for him and kill the infedels

God needs Proud Muslim
Proud Muslim issues Fatwa and tells us how to go to heaven.

Proud Muslim doesn't need God
God needs Proud Muslim
Proud Muslim must be his own God.