If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in...

Shit, my screen has that centred and it doesn't make sense... well, if posts appear centred for you, that is why my rad diagram is screwed up, it makes sense when it runs smoothly from left to right.
Anyone know how to un-centre your view of the board?
For some reason this reminds me of that george bush episode of the simpsons
"Well I thought the banner was pretty straight forward, i guess I'll just take it down"
Proud_Muslim said:
It is not evolution, it is ILLUSION, only the retarded would believe we came from common ancestor like the apes, otherwise how do you explain there are still apes until now who did not evoluve ??? how do you explain the EYE of the humans dont evoluve ?? do you really believe that a fish in the sea SUDDENLY decided to leave water into the earth ?? will not this fish DIE moments after leaving the water ????

Bells, with all due respect, evolution is the most illogical, the most absurd nonesense I ever heard in my life, I am glad we in the Muslim world DONT teach our childern such garbage.
So you don't believe in DNA either?

What do you expect the apes to evolve into PM? They are evolving as apes, and we are evolving as homo sapien sapiens. Evolution does not happen instantly, but it happens through gradual changes over millions of years. If you believe in microbes, bacteria and viruses, then you must believe in evolution. Lets look at the current bird flu epidemic that is sweeping through Asia. The WHO fears that the virus will alter itself and become contagious between humans. If the virus alters itself, it has in a way evolved from its current form into another form. Evolution takes place when there is a chink in the system that causes a change, however minute. I'm sorry, but that's the only way I can explain it at the moment. One day there could be a child born without an appendice, or without their wisdom teeth sitting under their gums, that would be evolution. It would mean that that individual has evolved from being born with an appendice to not having any at all.

To say that we have evolved from a common ancestor to the apes is highly logical and entirely possible. We have only to look at them to see that there are striking similarities. They are intelligent, they feel, think, communicate, use tools, have the capacity to learn sign language and understand speech, etc, much like humans do. The theory of the common ancestor is that the two species went in their different ways. The apes of the past are not the same as the apes of today as they too have evolved. Like all other life forms on this planet. PM, I'd seriously advise you to keep an open mind and maybe visit some musuems once in a while. See the discoveries that have been made.

PM we share DNA with just about every animal on this planet. That is proof enough that we all evolved from one common ancestor. I believe in the fish stepping out onto land and not die. Why? Because possible food shortages forced it to seek food on a beach somewhere and then slither back into the water. There are some fish that still do this today. After a long period of time, these fish developed lungs which allowed them to stay out of the water for longer periods of time, hence the process of evolution has continued to what we see today when we look around us.

PM, if God made man, why did he/she not make man into a perfect being? Why design or create a man riddled with faults? Why did he/she not create a being that was immune to disease or illness? Why create a man who could lie and deceive when in God's eyes, such a thing is a sin? Why do we all have different traits? Science has answered these questions for me PM, the bible, has not. The bible, like the Quran, is but a book written by man, and we see no proof of it today that what the bible states is the absolute truth.

I am glad we in the Muslim world DONT teach our childern such garbage
I find it sad that you don't teach your children all the theories that exist in the world and then let them make up their own minds. Who knows PM, they could be the ones who end up teaching you.

And not all Muslims believe as you do PM. All the Muslims I know believe in the theories of evolution. I guess their parents were more open minded and let them decide for themselves.
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Proud_Muslim said:
Let us see who is the MORON here Mr MONKEY ! :D

The Darwinist claim holds that modern man evolved from some kind of ape-like creature During this alleged evolutionary process, which is supposed to have started from 5 to 6 million years ago, it is claimed that there existed some transitional forms between modern man and his ancestors. According to this completely imaginary scenario, the following four basic categories are listed:

1. Australophithecines (any of the various forms belonging to the genus Australophithecus)

2. Homo habilis

3. Homo erectus

4. Homo sapiens

You just mentioned 3 missing links. That would go against your previous posts in which you insisted there are no missing links. Of course I can see where your thought process goes wrong here already. You think linear. It comes back in the rest of your post. More about this later.

Proud_Muslim said:
By outlining the links in the chain as "australopithecines > Homo habilis > Homo erectus > Homo sapiens," the evolutionists imply that each of these types is the ancestor of the next. However, recent findings by paleoanthropologists have revealed that australopithecines, Homo habilis and Homo erectus existed in different parts of the world at the same time. Moreover, some of those humans classified as Homo erectus probably lived up until very modern times. In an article titled "Latest Homo erectus of Java: Potential Contemporaneity with Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia," it was reported in the journal that Homo erectus fossils found in Java had "mean ages of 27 ± 2 to 53.3 ± 4 thousand years ago" and this "raise the possibility that H. erectus overlapped in time with anatomically modern humans (H. sapiens) in Southeast Asia"

Ok, now try to read a book on evolution and figure out where you go wrong. If you can?t feel free to PM me and I will try to explain.

Proud_Muslim said:
Furthermore, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Neanderthal man) and Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man) also clearly co-existed. This situation apparently indicates the invalidity of the claim that one is the ancestor of the other.
Ok, shall I give a hint? Homo sapiens neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens sapiens had a common ancestor. Another hint? No, not every specimen of homo sapiens sapiens evolved from homo sapiens neanderthalensis. No, they had a common ancestor. Try to reverse the situation. Homo sapiens sapiens could have become extinct and homo sapiens neanderthalensis survived as a species. Would this change the fact that they share a common origin? No, it doesn?t. Evolution doesn?t work in lines, you have to view it more as a bush with lots of twigs. Some of them end, some of them sprout new twigs, some of them still exist.

Proud_Muslim said:
Intrinsically, all the findings and scientific research have revealed that the fossil record does not suggest an evolutionary process as evolutionists propose. The fossils, which evolutionists claim to be the ancestors of humans, in fact belong either to different human races, or else to species of ape.
That is a false conclusion from your part based on a wrong understanding of the science, evolution and the data.

Proud_Muslim said:
Then which fossils are human and which ones are apes? Is it ever possible for any one of them to be considered a transitional form? In order to find the answers, let us have a closer look at each category.

I know that some people need to label everything exactly, but that has nothing to do with reality. I think you need to educate yourself. You are only fooling yourself here and it is becoming a farce. You can shout all you want but you will not convince anyone except the gullible and the easily influenced. Nobody ever stated that it takes no intellectual effort to understand science or evolution. But you are not even trying. You are just repeating things you heard from ?acceptable? sources like a parrot. I would be fucking ashamed of myself if I would do that. Once you open yourself to the world of science you will realize that science is a lot more flexible than you think and that there is room for individual truth. That is probably why you cannot accept evolution. Your brain only wants straight answers without the need to think for yourself.

I?m not going to give references for reading anymore. I had enough of these theists that know everything better. As if they will even try to understand evolution.
Raithere said:
Interesting responses PM, your insecurity is showing. Tell me, did Mohammed teach you to call people names and make fun of them when their opinions differ from yours or is that something you bring to your 'defense' of Islam all on your own?

Look who is talking about calling names !!! you are such a hardcore hypocrite....what do you call this ?


You rant and call me names in other thread and you come here shouting innocent !!! you are really SICK creature.

You simply don't seem to understand that the number of people that agree with an idea has absolutely no bearing what-so-ever upon the veracity of the idea.

I agree.

It doesn't matter that creationists reference the site. What matters is that the site does not contain any valid arguments.

According to who ??? according to some hopeless athiests ? :rolleyes:

This Muslim Scholar and Scientist indeed earned a universal reputation as the one who stood up and refuted the evolution garbage, all the following sites are based on his work, dont tell me you looked at all of them and you find them void of any valid arguments !!!





Harun Yahya: The intellectuall defender of Islam, the destroyer of the evolution nonesense. :cool:

About Harun Yahya: http://www.darwinismrefuted.com/about_author.html

No one who knows anything about Evolution would make such an assertion PM. Evolution does not indicate that we evolved from present-day monkeys.

Evolution basically says we evolved from ape-like common ancestor, something which I find PATHETIC.

Yes, Harun Yahya. He is also ignorant of what the term atheism means but that's another topic.

Oh Please, dont give me this SHIT....Harun Yahya is great scholar, he spent 20 years researching and writing about faith and athiesm, he has an advanced degree in Philosophy, so please dont rubbish him, the weapon of the weak is to rubbish the MESSENGER instead of the message.

I have now read all of "Darwinism Refuted" and not once did Harun touch upon any aspect of modern Evolutionary science.

Harun yahya is tackling the roots of this garbage, anything built on falsehood is false.

Let me rephrase because you clearly did not understand my meaning. Darwinism does not state that survival traits must be combative or indicate that 'Life is conflict'. To state that it does is false.

And where is your proof ?

I was simply pointing out some basic errors he makes in the title alone. These errors demonstrate an ignorance of the science of Evolution. Therefore, Harun is either ignorant of the facts and theories of Evolutionary science or he is a liar. I chose to state that he was ignorant rather than malicious but if you prefer I'll just call him a liar.

And who the hell you are to even criticize harun Yahya ?? what qualifications do you have ?? how many research you accomplished ? how many books you wrote ? how many lectures you gave ?????????????

Harun Yahya wrote more than 20 books ( with all what it means to write a book from reading,searching and referencing...etc ) he spent many long years in his field ( more than 20 years ) while you are just lonely loser on sciforums !!! GIVE IT A BREAK MAN, you are such a joke.

Appeal to authority is not a valid logical argument.

This is not any authority, it is the authority who brought you to life...beside, appealing to GOD is better than appealling to some pathetic retardeds who think we came from ape-like ancestor !!!

But besides that point; If we are made of clay, where is the clay? If I cut my arm blood comes out, not clay. My bones are made primarily of calcium, not silica (a primary component of clay). In fact, no part of my body is made from clay. So obviously, we are not made from clay. Try again.

No, you try again...here it is for you in very simple way to suit your humble understanding:

When you die, they bury you, years after that, if they open your grave, they will find bones, another 10 years and they will find NOTHING....where are the bones of BILLIONS of people who lived and died before us ???? they all turned into clay, As Allah Almighty said in the noble Quran: we came from this earth and we shall come back to it and we shall be ressurected again from it.

I dont blame you man, athiesm always like that, it makes people so blind, so narrow-minded and primitive in their thinking.

Evolution does not state that we should find a half-man, half-monkey. It states that we should find that some primates gradually (or episodically) evolved traits that were more and more like those we have as humans. And guess what? Evolution was right. We have found fossils that indicate exactly that.

What a piece of re-processed garbage...where is the fossils you found ? did you find this missing link that NEVER WAS ??

Latest Evidence: Sahelanthropus tchadensis and
The Missing Link That Never Was


Sorry to have to tell you this but the Creationism vs. Evolution argument is for all practical purposes over. Creationism lost.


I suggest you reconsider whether your belief in Allah and the ethics set forth by Mohammed are truly dependent upon a literal creationist interpretation.

I suggest you get out your hole and look at the sky at night, look at the stars and the moon, look at our galexy and ask yourself, can all this be in vain ??? can all this be without creator ??? surely, you are so confused and disturbed creature.

Then where did Allah come from? Arbitrarily assigning the property of being eternal to something is not logical.

Applying EARTHY logic on DIVINE logic is ILLOGICAL....Allah Almighty is the beginning and the end:

The Noble Quran: 57

1. Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allâh, and He is the All-Mighty, All-Wise.

2. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.

3. He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of every thing.

4. He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then Istawâ (rose over) the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allâh is the All-Seer of what you do.

5. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allâh return all the matters (for decision).

6. He merges night into day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night is added into the hours of the day), and merges day into night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day is added into the hours of the night), and He has full knowledge of whatsoever is in the breasts.

7. Believe in Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), and spend of that whereof He has made you trustees. And such of you as believe and spend (in Allâh's Way), theirs will be a great reward.

And here is the above in ARABIC-ENGLISH audio if you would like to listen to it first hand:


May Allah Almighty guide you and show you the right path..Ameen.
Parrot parrot parrot

from your link

it gives the following quote
John Whitfield, in his article "Oldest Member of Human Family Found" published in Nature on July, 11, 2002, confirms this view quoting from Bernard Wood, an evolutionist anthropologist from George Washington University in Washington:

I looked up the reference given

you can find the original here:


and what is the full original quote:
Toumaï's scientific name - was probably one of many similar species living in Africa at that time. "There must have been a group of apes knocking around between 5 and 8 million years ago for which there's a very poor fossil record," says anthropologist Bernard Wood of George Washington University in Washington DC. Toumaï is the tip of that iceberg - one that could sink our current ideas about human evolution. "Anybody who thinks this isn't going to get more complex isn't learning from history," says Wood. "When I went to medical school in 1963, human evolution looked like a ladder," he says. The ladder stepped from monkey to man through a progression of intermediates, each slightly less ape-like than the last. Now human evolution looks like a bush. We have a menagerie of fossil hominids - the group containing everything thought more closely related to humans than chimps. How they are related to each other and which, if any of them, are human forebears is still debated.

No groups will be expelled on the evidence so far. The real lesson, says Wood, is that appearances are a bad guide to evolutionary relations. Hominid and ape species probably mixed and matched from a set of features, he says, with the same traits evolving independently on multiple lineages.

hardly anti-darwinian, it is just an example of how the field has changed its view on the nature of evolution, not evidence against evolution. In fact one could argue that it is all lots of acadamic wind, since in the 'on the origin of species' evolution is hardly displayed as linear. I can clearly remember the cladograms in it. I think the problem was mainly that a large scientific audience was convinced it was linear. I wonder if many of the insiders really had this view. But this is probably more a topic for a real science subforum.

Your fucking heroes are telling you lies and you believe them based on authority. Who is the fool here.

You don't understand evoluton and continue to make a fool of yourself.

From your own link

Whatever the outcome, the skull shows, once and for all, that the old idea of a 'missing link' is bunk... It should now be quite plain that the very idea of the missing link, always shaky, is now completely untenable.216

Although your own darwinism refuted link quotes a nature editor saying that it is untenable to still think about evolution in terms of missing links (because of the bushy nature of evolution) you and this page constantly ask for missing links and think that a missing link appearing outside a lineage is a refutation of darwinism. You completely do not understand the article but still rave on about other people being idiots. Have you ever fucking read the original papers? Or are you really just a mindless robot?
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Proud_Muslim said:
This Muslim Scholar and Scientist indeed earned a universal reputation as the one who stood up and refuted the evolution garbage, all the following sites are based on his work, dont tell me you looked at all of them and you find them void of any valid arguments !!!

Never heard of him. If the very first argument I look at is invalid there is a high probability that the other ones will also be. It would be big news if evolution was refuted. I would have heard about it.

Proud_Muslim said:
Evolution basically says we evolved from ape-like common ancestor, something which I find PATHETIC.

I find religion pathetic.

Proud_Muslim said:
And who the hell you are to even criticize harun Yahya ?? what qualifications do you have ?? how many research you accomplished ? how many books you wrote ? how many lectures you gave ?????????????
I hate to brake the news to you, but I couldn?t find any research by harun Yahya in Pubmed. Are you sure he did research?

Proud_Muslim said:
Harun Yahya wrote more than 20 books ( with all what it means to write a book from reading,searching and referencing...etc ) he spent many long years in his field ( more than 20 years ) while you are just lonely loser on sciforums !!! GIVE IT A BREAK MAN, you are such a joke.
Hitler also wrote a nice book.

Proud_Muslim said:
When you die, they bury you, years after that, if they open your grave, they will find bones, another 10 years and they will find NOTHING....where are the bones of BILLIONS of people who lived and died before us ???? they all turned into clay, As Allah Almighty said in the noble Quran: we came from this earth and we shall come back to it and we shall be ressurected again from it.
I really would be ashamed to display my ignorance so proudly. You do realize that fossls are rare and only found under the right conditions??????

Proud_Muslim said:
Latest Evidence: Sahelanthropus tchadensis and
The Missing Link That Never Was

See my previous post you deep thinker.

Proud_Muslim said:
I suggest you get out your hole and look at the sky at night, look at the stars and the moon, look at our galexy and ask yourself, can all this be in vain ??? can all this be without creator ??? surely, you are so confused and disturbed creature.
Yep, sure...it was done without a creator. That makes it even more interesting and remarkable..
Proud_Muslim said:
Evolution basically says we evolved from ape-like common ancestor, something which I find PATHETIC.
Why is it so pathetic? Does the thought that you may share a lot of dna with an ape frighten you so? Does the thought that you share a common ancestor a couple of million years ago scare you that much? I find it amazing that through all this time, we've become who we are, yet you find it soemthing that is pathetic and disgusting. It is only your fear that makes you say such things. You state that you believe in a creator, yet you refuse to believe that maybe, just maybe it is possibly he/she who allowed evolution to happen. You're quite happy to believe that God let evolution take place in animals, why not for humans too? Are you so vain as to think that God only created man and let the animals evolve? No one knows for sure what let off the big bang, that's one of life's mysteries I guess. I think of it often and if a God does exist, then the only way that he/she could have allowed us to get to where we are today is to let us evolve as such. If God were to have created us and allowed the rest to evolve, we would have been created as perfect beings, without any fault. But we like all animals have our faults and our defects, with one exception I guess, we as humans have taken the art of deception to a higher level to cause harm to our fellow man. Do you think that God would have allowed us to be in such a way if he/she had created us as we are? I find that hard to believe. PM, all I can advise you is to read a bit, step away from the religious texts and pick up some scientific texts and just read them. Visit musuems, learn. And then when you've understood both sides equally well, then make up your mind.

Not all people who believe in evolution are atheists PM, the majority are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. I guess they have been educated or have educated themselves and have come to make up their own minds instead of letting someone else make it up for them. I guess they in their own way evolved from being closed minded zealots to people with a greater understanding.
SnakeLord said:
Actually, yes. Of course, all you manage to accomplish is to make everyone here even more confident by the way you retaliate to everything posed to you.

The same for me, the more I read what athiests write, the more I thank my God that I am a believer not some form of primitive athiest reptile.

As others would have already informed you, going around calling people retarded, hopeless and whatever else your mind can conjure up does not help your case whatsoever.

And how about calling God names??? does it hurt him ?? NEVER..it only shows how RETARDED you are.... :rolleyes:

That's hardly a surprise when we actually look at your posts in entirety here and notice that there simply is no case to begin with. All it is is some nice pictures of monkey's, some bright red size 7 text and some schoolyard insults.


I will admit you went to the trouble of pasting a link, but I'd ask why you'd bother when surely you could have found a much more 'educated' site than that one. Not only is it three decades out of date, but it 'carries itself' without having any actual understanding of that which it is trying to debunk.

Aganin, who the hell you are to judge a site ??? like your fellow athiests here, you are but a lonely loser on sciforums...nothing more.

I know you're proud of your beliefs, and that's nothing to be ashamed of, but you could learn a little more tact, a little less aggression and a little more self-discipline.

I have NO respect for anyone who made fun of FAITH in general and Belief in God in particular...it is ok for you guys 'primitive athiests' to go on bashing religion and mocking faith, but when someone stand up to you, you cry innocents, huh ??????

You can have a go at Christians, you can rubbish a jew, but YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO DEFEAT A MUSLIM IN ANY DEBATE REGARDING GOD this must be the basics for you before you debate any Muslim.

You might regard us all as hopeless retards, which is your choice, but at least, from what I've seen, those hopeless retards have been able to conduct themselves with a much more mature and responsible attitude.

You are such a joke....go to page 1 and 2 from this thread to see how the PRIMITIVE ATHIESTS start shouting like raped apes when they are cornered and their nonesense refuted...pay speciall attention to what this retarded spuriousmonkey said and the lanugue he used, and of course dont forget yourself DUDE.

It is also the sign that you have nothing with which to debate the issue.

Oh I see, when I posted a replies with links and pictures, you posted RANTS, general statements and PERSONAL ATTACKS.....look who is talking about rational debate...you guys are really SICK HYPOCRITES.

I wasn't referring to your god, there are many others out there.
Did my usage of the word 'bastard' give you reason to continually berate every atheist on this forum and classify them as "retarded"?

Dont play with words, you know how shit you are ! I dont accept any 'primitve athiest' to call God a bastard....you know very well who you were refering to...if there is no christian or jew here to stand up to your BS, there is a MUSLIM who will stand up and paint you with shit for what you said.

Of course what also makes me wonder is how come you feel you can label my beliefs as "absurd myth" and yet accuse me of being rude about your beliefs.

It is because you STARTED it....how can I show any respect for you or your belief when you call god a bastard ???? only retardeds will show respect for such kind of ''primitive athiests''

On top of that, I had to listen to your usual insults on the thread concerning the Jinn, where you once again went in to your hopeless atheist retard speech.

You started the insults by calling the Quran a MYTHICAL book...again, we are MUSLIMS, we dont allow retardeds to bash and get away with it...we dont turn the other cheek, we hit back.

I just find it funny that a person with such blatant disrespect and rudeness, that you exhibit around this forum constantly, would lay into me for a rare transgression. I had originally put an apology here, but to be honest- you don't deserve it.

Self-rightous western attitude again !!! :rolleyes:

Oh really? I don't actually eat pork anyway, mainly lamb. I guess I'm a young sheep. Let me guess.. you only eat vegetables right?

Oh I see, now suddenly, you dont eat pork !! oh right..... :D

I'm aware of the whole pigs and sars issue, but it's somewhat irrelevant to the discussion between Flores and myself. Flores made a statement that eating pork caused cancer, stress, arthritis and so on. She also stated pigs were impossible to kill. She even went so far as to say eating pigs was cannibalism. I still await any source information to show this as being accurate.

She was right...The fact that SARS and Pigs are connected, the fact that the famous Spanish flue that killed millions of people in the beginning of the 20th century was originated in pigs tell us a lot about them.
Raithere said:
While there are some studies that show a small amount of correlation between meat eating and some of the conditions you describe (arthritis, cancer, high cholesterol, digestive problem) this is typically related to the quantities of meat eaten rather than the type of meat (beef is no better in these regards) and the causal factors are almost wholly undetermined.

Perhaps I'm correlating things from prejudice grounds, yet you know how I think by now, and I think I'm not a blind follower.....or perhaps I am. The Quran clearly states that we shouldn't eat pig and alcohol shouldn't be consumed unless it's for medical reasons. I have no reason so far to doubt the merit of these claims. Do you think there is a reason behind the pig ban?

Raithere said:
Hormones are broken down by proper cooking as well as most parasites, bacteria, and viral dangers and what remains is more readily controlled by how sanitary the conditions are during the raising and processing of the animals. In truth, you run a far greater risk by living in close proximity with these animals or handling their waste or tissues than from eating properly prepared meat from them. Most trans-species infections occur in people who have frequent contact with the live animals.

I agree, but again, you imply here to know the reasons behind the pig ban. And you're not alone, I'm also implying that I have some hidden knowledge about the subject, which I don't really have any knowledge about. I only have stated a few reasons which might be incorrect, and you refuted some of my incorrect/correct claims, the problem remains that neither one of us have actually nailed down the main reason for the pig consumption prohibition to start with.

Raithere said:
This is a bit misleading and presumptuous. The digestive tracts you describe are more indicative of diet than of being 'more evolved'. Such a notion is somewhat erroneous in any case. Herbivores have evolved a variety of efficient and complex methods of digesting plant materials which our digestive tracts simply pass unused (wasted nutrition). Typically these herbivorous digestive systems rely upon fermentation which explains the multiple stomachs and cud chewing of cows as well as the hind-gut fermenters such as horses and rabbits. One of the benefits of eating meat is that it is far more easily digested. It is also far denser in nutrition and energy. Carnivores and omnivores have therefore been able to develop much shorter and simpler digestive tracts, streamlined, in a sense because of an easier to digest diet rather than being further along in development.

This could go both ways. I say that the diet is determined by the existing digestive abilities and you say that the diet shapes the digestive ability. I really don't think your position is correct. We can eat all the grass we want, but I don't think that we will develop an extra three stomachs and start rechewing our food all day.....but again, I really do not know. I also want to clarify one important point. While I can readily see evolution in every aspect of our universe, I can't make a statement on what is better and more efficient, the modern or primitive ways. Perhaps the word evolution is misleading..It should be called change.
Proud_Muslim said:
Look who is talking about calling names !!! you are such a hardcore hypocrite....what do you call this ?


You rant and call me names in other thread and you come here shouting innocent !!! you are really SICK creature.

Enough is enough you degenerate rejected best example of where evolution have went wrong. Do you know no limits to decency? Don't come here and trespass over Raithere, someone that I highly respect. For god sake, at least respect his knowledge and wisdom. Everyday that I trun on my computer and log in I pray that you will be gone and done with....some days, I ignore you, others I insult you, but as Riathere have said, you are stinking this joint....You are annoying us like a fire fly...and I suggest that if James doesn't want to ban you, that he start creating sticky honey thread to attract your butt away from main stream discussions. Perhaps James can hire a full time nanny to talk to you about islam. Go back to Islam.com where you came from. Go do your Dawa somewhere else, we are in no need for your salvation. Such a pathetic looser....and save yourself the dear beautifull sister repsonce after you spout your venom....at least wash your mouth between words.
Flores, I just read:

Enough is enough you degenerate rejected best example of where evolution have went wrong

and I swear to you, I choked on my fruit salad. I'm just glad the mango did not come out of my nose :eek: .. LOL..

If PM were a Catholic, that would have resulted in him doing 50 hail Mary's for your soul as well as for the rest of us 'retards' :p.. heh
spuriousmonkey said:
I really would be ashamed to display my ignorance so proudly. You do realize that fossls are rare and only found under the right conditions?????
To elaborate on this good point.
It is amazing that any fossils have been found at all, or it would be if it weren't for(and it is infact more evidence for) the fact that the earth has hundreds of millions of years of life-history with billions of individual living organisms dieing in each of those years.
For bones to fossilise, the animal has to die in a place were it will be encased almost immediately in silt or sand or debris. It has to then over the years not experience any conditions that will interupt the procedure of the substances that encase it hardening. Add to this so many factors involving chemical compositions of the soil and rock and what not being able to cease the procedure of fossilisation at any time. All sorts of factors I don't even pretend to understand.
The point is its an incredibly unlikely event in the first place, usually when an animal dies its bones are scattered and they eventually crumble into powder.
And ofcourse not every fossil has been found, and even if they were it is likely entire species have existed that never happened to have a member remain or even become fossilised.

Oh and PM I find it far more embarrassingly pathetic that I am related to you than I do the fact I am related to apes.
I'm more proud of my bacterial ancestry than I am of having you on my extended family tree.
(that was deceptively worded, I really honestly am proud of my bacterial ancestry, man we've come so far, ol granpa bacteria worked his ass off to make it through the hard times, and so on and so forth down the line. But what for? To allow fucking morons like proud muslim to breath the precious air on this spectacular planet whilst insulting it? Makes me sick)

Hey speaking of family tree's, creationists can not acknowledge family trees either, absolutely not, a family tree is a tiny snippet from the evolutionary tree plain and simple, if family trees exist evolution exists, to not believe in evolution you must now prove that there are no such things as family trees.
Ofcourse like I said you also have to prove males and females having sex doesn't produce offspring with shared traits of the parents, good luck on that.
Bells said:
Flores, I just read:

and I swear to you, I choked on my fruit salad. I'm just glad the mango did not come out of my nose :eek: .. LOL..

Sorry Bells... :D But for god sake, how many people would rather be in the company of a monkey over PM?

I'm actually changing my position, and I no longer believe in evolution. I have been receiving complaining phone calls from the monkeys all over the world...They are all hurt and insulted at the thought of us thinking that they are the anscestors of PM....
Sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong:
Look, I just need to point out to a bunch of people that this is true.

Now ... does anyone remember an old argument of mine that says that how we in the West got from there (e.g. "dark ages") to here (e.g. "enlightened modernity") has to do with finding something more important than God (e.g. "money")?

Believe me, if American Christians took God as seriously as Muslims do, you could not win a debate about God with them in any practical sense.

Additionally, we in the West have built much of our morals structure out of Christianity; incidentally, this is largely what many Muslims are referring to when blasting Jews and Christians. A Jew is a Jew, a Christian is a Christian, and a Muslim is a Muslim; but the Jewish and Christian outlooks are dangerous to the Muslim outlook, and vice-versa. Technically, this does not have to be; Muhammad, at least, knew it.

But Secular Humanism, despite tributary ideas from abroad, is primarily a mutation of Judeo-Christian post-Christian thinking. The United States is not a Christian nation, but I guarantee you it wasn't the Hindu majority's Puritan mores prohibiting public exposure of female breasts; nor is it Islamic or Wiccan or Humanistic or otherwise that keeps the presumption of propriety in that Judeo-Christian/post-Chrisitan realm.

It's easier for us in the West to undo something begotten of our own heritage. You'll find apostate Muslims to be much like your apostate Christian neighbors; it's just that apostasy is a more important issue to Muslims than it is in the modern day to Christians. So those that still take their faith seriously ... arguing God is a bit like running your skull through the shredder.

Although, I have to admit, the raped apes line was ... unique.


P.S. for Proud Muslim: There is ... a word. An Arabic word. For some reason, today of all days, I cannot think of the word. For some reason, today of all days, I cannot find a reference to the word that I trip over regularly when reading about Islam and Muslims. The word indicates "useless and petty speculation about God." It might be important to have a discussion about that idea, because this word includes aspects of faith that are considered high theological academia in the Judeo-Christian world. I mean, technically, calling God a bastard fits under the umbrella of speculation that should not be undertaken. Not only would such a discussion provide a certain amount of perspective for people to take or leave as they see fit, but it's also a reasonably logical standard to invoke right about now. Or so says me, who can't even remember the word I'm looking for. (Really, the sad thing is that if the word is in this topic, I wouldn't recognize it because the blank I'm drawing is a mile wide.)
Bells said:
So you don't believe in DNA either?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRINING THE DNA TOPIC UP...the DNA is indeed a proof of creation:

DNA Double Helix: A Recent Discovery of Enormous Complexity:

The DNA Double Helix is one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time. First described by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, DNA is the famous molecule of genetics that establishes each organism's physical characteristics. It wasn't until mid-2001, that the Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics jointly presented the true nature and complexity of the digital code inherent in DNA. We now understand that there are approximately 35,000 genes in each human DNA molecule, comprised of chemical bases arranged in approximately 3 billion precise sequences. Even the DNA molecule for the single-celled bacterium, E. coli, contains enough information to fill all the books in any of the world's largest libraries.

DNA Double Helix: The "Basics"

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a double-stranded molecule that is twisted into a helix like a spiral staircase. Each strand is comprised of a sugar-phosphate backbone and numerous base chemicals attached in pairs. The four bases that make up the stairs in the spiraling staircase are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G). These stairs act as the "letters" in the genetic alphabet, combining into complex sequences to form the words, sentences and paragraphs that act as instructions to guide the formation and functioning of the host cell. Maybe even more appropriately, the A, T, C and G in the genetic code of the DNA molecule can be compared to the "0" and "1" in the binary code of computer software. Like software to a computer, the DNA code is a genetic language that communicates information to the organic cell.

The DNA code, like a floppy disk of binary code, is quite simple in its basic paired structure. However, it's the sequencing and functioning of that code that's enormously complex. Through recent technologies like x-ray crystallography, we now know that the cell is not a "blob of protoplasm", but rather a microscopic marvel that is more complex than the space shuttle. The cell is very complicated, using vast numbers of phenomenally precise DNA instructions to control its every function.

Although DNA code is remarkably complex, it's the information translation system connected to that code that really baffles science. Like any language, letters and words mean nothing outside the language convention used to give those letters and words meaning. This is modern information theory at its core. A simple binary example of information theory is the "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere." In that famous story, Mr. Revere asks a friend to put one light in the window of the North Church if the British came by land, and two lights if they came by sea. Without a shared language convention between Paul Revere and his friend, that simple communication effort would mean nothing. Well, take that simple example and multiply by a factor containing many zeros.

We now know that the DNA molecule is an intricate message system. To claim that DNA arose by random material forces is to say that information can arise by random material forces. Many scientists argue that the chemical building blocks of the DNA molecule can be explained by natural evolutionary processes. However, they must realize that the material base of a message is completely independent of the information transmitted. Thus, the chemical building blocks have nothing to do with the origin of the complex message. As a simple illustration, the information content of the clause "nature was designed" has nothing to do with the writing material used, whether ink, paint, chalk or crayon. In fact, the clause can be written in binary code, Morse code or smoke signals, but the message remains the same, independent of the medium. There is obviously no relationship between the information and the material base used to transmit it. Some current theories argue that self-organizing properties within the base chemicals themselves created the information in the first DNA molecule. Others argue that external self-organizing forces created the first DNA molecule. However, all of these theories must hold to the illogical conclusion that the material used to transmit the information also produced the information itself. Contrary to the current theories of evolutionary scientists, the information contained within the genetic code must be entirely independent of the chemical makeup of the DNA molecule.

DNA Double Helix:

Its Existence Alone Defeats any Theory of Evolution

The scientific reality of the DNA double helix can single-handedly defeat any theory that assumes life arose from non-life through materialistic forces. Evolution theory has convinced many people that the design in our world is merely "apparent" -- just the result of random, natural processes. However, with the discovery, mapping and sequencing of the DNA molecule, we now understand that organic life is based on vastly complex information code, and such information cannot be created or interpreted without a Master Designer at the cosmic keyboard.

What do you expect the apes to evolve into PM? They are evolving as apes, and we are evolving as homo sapien sapiens. Evolution does not happen instantly, but it happens through gradual changes over millions of years.

That is not true...you failed to explain why the eyes dont evolove !!!

'A Half-Developed Eye Cannot See'

What comes to your mind first when you hear the word "eye"? Are you aware that one of the most crucial things in life for you is your ability to see? Even if you are, have you ever thought what other signs your eye bears?

The eye is one of the most manifest pieces of evidence that living creatures are created. All sight organs, including animal eyes and the human eye, are extremely striking examples of perfect design. This exceptional organ is so overwhelmingly complex that it surpasses even the most sophisticated man-made devices in the world.

In order for an eye to see, all of its parts have to co-exist and work in harmony. For instance, if an eye happened to have lost its eyelid, but still had all the other parts such as the cornea, conjunctiva, iris, pupil, eye lenses, retina, choroid, eye muscles, and tear glands, it would still be greatly damaged and soon lose its seeing function. In the same manner, even if all its organelles were present, if the tear production were stopped, the eye would soon dry out and become blind.


The eye, which has an extremely complex structure, is not able to see in the absence of even a single on of its components, for instance the tear glands, when the act of seeing takes places.

"The chain of coincidences" posited by evolutionists loses all its meaning against the complex structure of the eye. It is not possible to explain the existence of the eye other than as a matter of special creation. The eye has a multi-sectioned complex system and, as discussed above, all of these individual sections had to come into existence at the same time. It is impossible for a half-developed eye to function at "half capacity". In such a circumstance, the act of seeing can by no means take place. An evolutionist scientist admits to this truth:

The common trait of the eyes and the wings is that they can only function if they are fully developed. In other words, a halfway-developed eye cannot see; a bird with half-formed wings cannot fly.13

In this case, we again face that very important question: who created all of the components of the eye all at once?

The owner of the eyes is obviously not the one who makes the decision about their formation. For it is impossible for a being devoid of the knowledge of what seeing is like, to desire to have a seeing organ and have it attached to his body. So we have to accept the existence of a Possessor of superior Wisdom Who has created living beings with senses such as seeing, hearing, and so on. Another claim is that unconscious cells gained consciousness-requiring functions such as seeing and hearing by their own desire and effort. It is crystal clear that this is impossible. In the Qur'an, it is stated that seeing has been bestowed upon living beings by God:

''Say: He it is Who brought you into being and made for you the ears and the eyes and the hearts: little is it that you give thanks'' (The Qur'an, 67:23)

If you believe in microbes, bacteria and viruses, then you must believe in evolution.

Do viruses evolve as well ???? :rolleyes:

PM we share DNA with just about every animal on this planet. That is proof enough that we all evolved from one common ancestor.

This is not a proof of anything, other animals share the same DNA as well, could we say for example that the DOLPHINS and the BUFFALOS came from the same ancestor ???? this is ABSURD.

it is only a proof of a creator...who made this amazing DNA in the first place ??????????

PM, if God made man, why did he/she not make man into a perfect being?

We are PERFECT creature in design, cant you see, cant you hear, cant you taste, feel, laugh, cry, think...etc ???

Why design or create a man riddled with faults? Why did he/she not create a being that was immune to disease or illness?

Because life has purpose, you wont live forever, Allah Almighty gave you certain years on this earth and then you will go, you will return back to him...illness and disease is a way to intiate death which is again ALLAH'S CREATURE.

Why create a man who could lie and deceive when in God's eyes, such a thing is a sin?

To test you and your faith and belief, to make life more interesting, you cant imagine a life where everyone say the truth....look at the athiests and the darwinists, they lie about creation, thus making us laughing at them....this is life...lies and truth, deception and honesty, it is filled with contrasts to make it more interesting which is again MAKE ME MORE GRATEFUL FOR HIS INFINITE MAJESTIY, ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

Why do we all have different traits? Science has answered these questions for me PM, the bible, has not. The bible, like the Quran, is but a book written by man, and we see no proof of it today that what the bible states is the absolute truth.

Bells, you dont know ANYTHING about Islam or the Quran. The Quran was NOT written by a man, prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) did not know how to read or write, it was revealed to him from Allah Almighty.

Science cant answer everything, how old humanity now ?? millions of years and yet we could not manage to get to Mars, we could not find a cure for cancer, AIDS....etc.

I find it sad that you don't teach your children all the theories that exist in the world and then let them make up their own minds. Who knows PM, they could be the ones who end up teaching you.

I have a responsibility toward my GOD on what I teach my childern, I will never ever teach them anything that posion their brains such as the evolution garbage, Islam is the TRUTH, Islam is the RIGHT WAY...Islam is the religion that initiate search and knowledge under the lights of faith and belief.

You know bells, I am not Muslim because my parents were Muslims, no..I am Muslim because I studied Islam and discovered its pearls while studying in the U.K. Before I left Syria to the UK to study there, I was just normal Syrian Muslim, when in the UK I was shocked by the morale decay and the ethical bankruptcy the west is suffering from, I was sad to see how those westerners are without faith and how lost they are.....I searched for shelter, I remembered I am Muslim, I returned back to my faith and I found amazing inner assurance and Peace, I found endless ocean of knowledge to take from.

I advice you to read serious books about Islam, Islam has the answers to all life questions and as one NON MUSLIM member here started a thread called Islam make sense more than christianity, I say Islam make more sense than any other man-made theories.

And not all Muslims believe as you do PM. All the Muslims I know believe in the theories of evolution. I guess their parents were more open minded and let them decide for themselves.

As I said to you, we believe in the evolution of ANIMALS, but not humans...ask those muslims, do you believe ISLAMICALLY that we came from common ape-like ancestor ?? the answer will shock you.
Proud_Muslim said:
do you believe ISLAMICALLY that we came from common ape-like ancestor ?? the answer will shock you.

What the hell does ISLAMICALLY mean?????

Oh I forgot. You believe in an idea in your head called Islam...I believe in god....big difference.
Flores said:
Sorry Bells... :D But for god sake, how many people would rather be in the company of a monkey over PM?

I'm actually changing my position, and I no longer believe in evolution. I have been receiving complaining phone calls from the monkeys all over the world...They are all hurt and insulted at the thought of us thinking that they are the anscestors of PM....

You know sister, I answered you with all respect in this thread about angels, you did not respond back, instead, you started personal bashing...I will not answer you, I will just remind you of this verse in the Noble Quran:

''Nay, but they have denied the truth (this Qur'ân) when it has come to them, so they are in a confused state (can not differentiate between right and wrong).'' The Noble Quran 50:5

If you dont like my posts, dont respond, you dont respond to my answers when they clearly show your ignorance of Islam( the post about angels for example ), but it is ok, I am glad you are at least reading them and learning something about Islam.

Peace be with you.
Flores said:
What the hell does ISLAMICALLY mean?????

Oh I forgot. You believe in an idea in your head called Islam...I believe in god....big difference.

You see, you are not even MUSLIM....so dont speak by the name of Islam...thank you for making that very clear...I shall save this post everytime you speak about Islam....
Proud_Muslim said:
This is not a proof of anything, other animals share the same DNA as well, could we say for example that the DOLPHINS and the BUFFALOS came from the same ancestor ???? this is ABSURD
Haha jackass.
Ofcourse they do, you could have used a better example, dolphins and bufflaoes aren't even far removed.
By the way, in reality you share a common ancestor with the fungus that causes fungal infections such as "crotch rot", how do you feel about that?
Hey look on the bright side, at least you are better than your god, he only exists in the minds of an organism that shares a common ancestor with crotch rot fungus.
Proud_Muslim said:
You see, you are not even MUSLIM....so dont speak by the name of Islam...thank you for making that very clear...I shall save this post everytime you speak about Islam....

I'm so glad you have discovered that I'm under no obligation to you or those so called muslims.....Now, let me believe in god in peace, because I'm only obliged to god.

The Chambers
[49.17] They think that they lay you under an obligation by becoming Muslims. Say: Lay me not under obligation by your Islam: rather Allah lays you under an obligation by guiding you to the faith if you are truthful.
The Scatterers

God describes believers in the Quran 714 times