If you don't believe in evolution, you also can't believe in...

crazymikey said:
6: Bearded men will not wave AK-47's in front of your face.

Not much chance of bearded men waving AK-37s in your face. They are too busy pointing the guns upwards and firing aimlessly in the air. Ever wondered why the idiots do this?

Well it's because the bearded gits don't want birds shitting on their towels, so they shoot 'em instead.

Thank you, you said the evolution includes the EYES, this is what I want to hear, the topic is over, because such statements indicate the bankruptcy of the evolution.
No they don't.
The fact that you can't grasp what we are trying to tell you reveals your ignorance...

As soon as you spout 'half an eye', it's obvious that you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Evolution doesn't claim that we ever had 'half a retina, half a lens, half an optical nerve'.
What is states is that our eyes were LESS complex. Maybe they didn't have a lens (yes, we still CAN see without a lens, just not nearly as well).

'A Half-Developed Eye Cannot See' In order for an eye to see, all of its parts have to co-exist and work in harmony.

I wear spectacles because my eyes don't function properly. However, if I take them off, I can still see! Not nearly as well, but bad sight is better than no sight at all.

Are you starting to understand, PM?

So you are equating human eyes with that of animals??
That's EXACTLY right.
Are you aware that an EAGLE'S eye is far superior to ours?
Jeesh, thanks God, for giving some miserable bird a far better design. :rolleyes:

However, what this does show is that even though we have 'half of an eye' (compared to eagles), we can still see. Would you rather have half an eye, or no eye at all, PM?

Flatworms have 'half of an eye' compared to us, but they can still see.

Starting to see how an eye could have evolved?

you stop wasting my time with you evolution BULL, you will never convince me of your bull, so keep trying, it is all amusing.
It's amusing how you can't even comprehend simple ideas. I understood Dawkin's explaination of the evolution of the eye when I was 15 years old... and I hadn't even taken a biology class.
mountainhare said:
Evolution doesn't claim that we ever had 'half a retina, half a lens, half an optical nerve'.
What is states is that our eyes were LESS complex. Maybe they didn't have a lens (yes, we still CAN see without a lens, just not nearly as well).

What a load of bullshit !! our eyes according to the ILLUSIONISTS were LESS complex !!!! AMAZING !!!!

and also we can still see without lens !!! MAN.....THIS IS HILARIOUS. :p

The more I read about evolution, the more disgusted I become from your pathetic explanations !!!!

I just wonder how you were ever be able to go through school with such an attitude.

Proud_Muslim said:
What a load of bullshit !! our eyes according to the ILLUSIONISTS were LESS complex !!!! AMAZING !!!!

and also we can still see without lens !!! MAN.....THIS IS HILARIOUS. :p

The more I read about evolution, the more disgusted I become from your pathetic explanations !!!!

Proud_Muslim said:
how the HALF EVOLVED EYE can see

Actually, you can see without eyes. We don't see with our eyes alone, we see with our brains. An eye is a useless organ without the brain to interpret the picture. I'm very interested in this development since I was born severly short sighted, -11 in both eyes. About 50 blind people were made to see "delineation of the reality" with a simple chip.

Still, this is not an argument for evolution. It's an argument againest your ignorance.
Flores said:
Actually, you can see without eyes.

OH MY GOD !!!!!! did you see what you wrote ?? if we can see without eyes, why you have blind people then ??????? :rolleyes:

<img src="http://www.preventblindness.org/topbanner2.gif" width=400>


We don't see with our eyes alone, we see with our brains. An eye is a useless organ without the brain to interpret the picture.

and the by the same tokin, the brain is USELESS without the eye which sends the picture !!!

Still, this is not an argument for evolution. It's an argument againest your ignorance.

It is very sad to hear the above comments from someone who claim to be engineer in water resources !!! even your little kids know that without eyes you cant see !!!

Here is some BASICS about how blindness happen and how the EYE is vital part in the process:


Common Eye Conditions and Causes of Blindness in the United States

[cut-and-paste removed. see link]

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Proud_Muslim said:
It is very sad to hear the above comments from someone who claim to be engineer in water resources !!! even your little kids know that without eyes you cant see !!!


And may god do with you as he wish in helping you explain to your kids how a video camera transmit picture, sound, and action without eye, brain, ect....

And, guess what, you can see without eyes, hear without ears, think without a brain PM....Do you think god has TWO GIANT LENSES . TWO HUGE EARS and a giant brain in the skies????? Isn't god the ALL SEEING ALL HEARING MOST INTELLIGENT....how does god see, hear, and think? With your beloved gelatin eyes and lenses???? How do angels see hear and think?

You are so tunnel vision, may allah do with you as he wish.
Proud_Muslim said:


Why don't you pray for ALLah's eyes while you are at it? You seem to think that eyes are so important for seeing and we can't see without them.....Go ahead pray for god's eyes.... Or are you calling god blind??
Proud_Muslim said:
How hypocrties all of you, you and flores were at each other throats when I am away, now when I came back you all gang with each others against me !! :D

Next time you see me and Raithere at each other throats, don't look. It's called necking.
Hey PM,
Did you pray for Allah's giant eyes in the skies already? Do you think god has blue or brown eyes? Must be some real giant things to see everything in the whole universe at once?

Did you pray for Allah's ears? Just imagine how Allah's ears may look like? I'm sure your kids fantacise about them, afterall, you're teaching them that things can't hear without ears nor see without eyes, so it's either the giant ears and eyes or a blind deaf god? Which one are you teaching your kids?
Proud_Muslim said:

Come on back you coward and explain how the ALL SEEING ALL HEARING ALLAH sees and hears without eyes or ears........Don't be a pop up spoiler, defend your " A half eye - A no eye can't see concept"
Flores said:
Why don't you pray for ALLah's eyes while you are at it? You seem to think that eyes are so important for seeing and we can't see without them.....Go ahead pray for god's eyes.... Or are you calling god blind??

Are you adopting the christian pathetic doctrine of equating god with his creation ?????? :rolleyes:
Flores said:
Come on back you coward and explain how the ALL SEEING ALL HEARING ALLAH sees and hears without eyes or ears........Don't be a pop up spoiler, defend your " A half eye - A no eye can't see concept"

It is this unique attribute that makes ALLAH AN ALL MIGHTY GOD, the ability to see and hear everything everywhere.

Dont divert the discussion, you AMAZED me with your statement that we can see without eyes !!! VIVA EVOLUTION !! :D

Proud_Muslim said:
It is this unique attribute that makes ALLAH AN ALL MIGHTY GOD, the ability to see and hear everything everywhere.

Without eyes???? SEE and HEAR everything without eyes??? Are you saying that a god without pupils is a blind god?

Then I must be right about creations that could hear and see without eyes...The Jinn and the angels perhaps. Could the soul see without eyes?
Proud_Muslim said:
Oh please, dont personalize the issue now, it is not about flores.
My point was that I wasn't 'at her throat', we were just disagreeing about evolution.

Did I declare you as an enemy ?
You certainly tend to treat me like one. You act as if I'm out to destroy Islam.

It is the other way around, you perceive everyone who disagrees with you as someone who is not educated, backward....etc...typical western self-rightous hypocritical attitude.
Not at all. I learn the most from people with insightful criticisms of my thoughts and ideas. The whole reason why I'm here is to find people who disagree with me and discuss things with them. Talking to people who just agree with you all the time is tantamount to masturbation... it feels good but doesn't really accomplish anything.

The problem we're having in this discussion is that most of your assumptions about Evolution are incorrect. Before you can accurately refute a theory you have to know what it really says. 'Half-evolved' is not a concept that applies to evolution, it makes no sense. It's like asking, "At what time today is it half-way tomorrow".

Sure, someone who claim to be Muslim and appear in Bikini is better representative than me !!!!
You see, I don't get the logic here. If God created us why should we be ashamed of his creation? I think Flores in a bikini is a fine argument for the existence of God.

You guys love such kind of Muslims, Muslims who imitate you blindly on the expense of their faith...but nah, you wont find that in me even if all of you here ganged against me...that will only increase my resolve.
Why do you constantly insist on judging others? You know only one of the Muslims that I know, how can you presume to judge them? The only reason you are being 'ganged up on' this time around is because you charged back in and started spitting in everyone's face. What do you expect?

I did not demonstarted any rage and enmity my friend
Then what do you call it, because it certainly appears to be rage from here.

perhaps you live in the virtual world, dare and make fun of ISLAM in front of those muslim friends of yours and let us see how tolerant will they be ?????
When have I made fun of Islam? I may question aspects or tenets of Islam and Islamic faith but I don't make fun of religion.

you should try to visit it one day.
I would like to. I've always wanted to learn Arabic but I've never worked up the dedication to pursue it.

The media there is largely controled by the government, so it is not trust worthy, we have satellite TV though
I bet the change was rather extraordinary. How did people respond?

where we watch all the BS coming from the CNN and FOX
Here we don't have the same level of governmental control but most people seem to feel that the various media companies serve special interests. I find it interesting that you put those two channels together because they're often perceived as fronting disparate points of view here. In fact, I try to get my news from a bunch of different sources so that the information isn't too biased in any one direction.

My government is run by young educated president who is trying to improve our lives but restricted by the old guards who were with his father during the past 30 years when one dictator run Syria.
I've read something of that. Is there a large political gap between the young and the old because of the situation?

Sure, I like you when you show respect, maybe we should understand that we came from 2 very different cultures and that if you want to understand ISLAM, you have to go to the original sources, not some hybrid deformities like flores.
Cultures and religions are not static though. You have your point of view, Flores has hers, my friend from Pakistan has his, and Mohammed has his... none of them are identical.

I grew up in very connected society, I have around 100 memebr of my extended family, we knew our neighbours by name to the 10th block, we live in blocks of flats ( 4 floors ), we lived very peaceful life, no crime at all, not a single house have been stolen in my neighbourhood.
I live in a peaceful neighborhood too, although there is a lot of violence in the nearby city. 100 is a lot of family to be closely affiliated to, I've about 60 members that I see at least a few times a year and that is considered quite a lot here.

my heritage is very very rich of all sort of cultures and civilizations, it has been crowned by ISLAM.
It is interesting. I noted a very different feel to things when I visited Rome as opposed to here where everything is relatively new. There's a sense of urgency and immanency here that I did not feel there. But there is a lot of richness and depth to the culture here too... people brought it with them. I live near Chicago and there is an extraordinary diversity of ethnic groups, each bringing their cultures with them. It all gets stirred up together but still retains a lot of its original character.

No, you are wrong, you are not my enemy, you can disagree, but disagree with RESPECT, I have special respect for you for your ability to reason not like other western hypocrites.
Perhaps there's a cultural difference here because except for a couple of instances I believe that I have been respectful to you. What is it that I've said that's offended you? In what ways do you find me disrespectful?

Proud_Muslim said:
Thank you, you said the evolution includes the EYES, this is what I want to hear, the topic is over, because such statements indicate the bankruptcy of the evolution.
It seems to me that your conclusion is premature. Perhaps you'd like to clarify.

Raithere said:
I live near Chicago

Damn, I used to (no longer) live in Westmont near chicago and work in right in the Sears towers. We could have been riding the EL together and not realized it.
Proud_Muslim said:
Are you adopting the christian pathetic doctrine of equating god with his creation ?????? :rolleyes:

No I'm adopting your pathetic doctrine that assumes things that it has no knowledge of. No where in the Quran were we told that god created man with a fully formed eye....Show me one verse that says clearly that god created man in a nano second with a fully formed eye...

[15.26] And certainly We created man of clay that gives forth sound, of black mud fashioned in shape.
[16.4] He created man from a small seed and lo! he is an open contender.
[18.37]Who created you from dust, then from a small seed, then He made you a perfect man?

That above verse clearly says that we were once imperfect and were perfected in design. What I'm trying to say here is god in the Quran tells us that we were created from basic elements just like the evolutionists claim. We were first dust, then seed, imperfect, then made perfect. The process of creation could have taken millions if not billions of years, afterall, we were told that affairs of creation are handled through two time zones. God is above all, below him is the angels, then below him is our time. 1 angel day = 1,000 man years, and the angel ascend to god in another godly day which measures to god as 50,000 angel years..

If you do the math...you'll find that it takes god 50,000 X 1000 X 365 = 18.25 billion years to conduct his affairs with humans. Science states that we are almost 5 billion years in the process.

[32.5] He regulates the affair from the heaven to the earth; then shall it ascend to Him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years of what you count.
The Ways of Ascent
[70.4] To Him ascend the angels and the Spirit in a day the measure of which is fifty thousand years.

I'm not agreeing with you nor am I agreeing with the conventional evolution theory...All I'm saying is that evolution could have very well happened, but it was not random, it was guided closely by the creator and it took a very long time. We obviously started from very basic elements and we were clearly imperfect, but over time, we were perfected.