If there is a soul what does it do in an afterlife

I think Cris' point was that in order for eternal existence to have any meaning, the soul would need certain qualities in the afterlife. A memory and the ability to reason being most key. If you believe most religions, we will also have our usual passions and emotions as well, since God and the angels seemed to all exhibit them.

My problem has always been trying to imagine existing FOREVER like this. You know, a few billion years will go by, and you haven't scratched the surface. How long before you can't even remember your life on Earth? Billions and billions of years..... yeeck No thanks.

Besides, it makes insignificant our time here, and too heavily weights these years.

If the afterlife is blessed with no memory, that would rather be a wonderful lifting of the weight of these years, and their trials of reason, nor would FOREVER be such a problem. With no memory you would never know the difference.

I am not so sure that God and the Angels do remember. Such a memory would need to be infinite, the practicallity of which tends to boggle the mind.

If the rumor is true that God owns the power to read our minds, to tap into the memories of all in creation, where then is the need of the memory of God? Already she owns the human Universe as an effective database.

And what is so big about meaning? You might just as well say that in order for the Earthly existence to have any meaning the soul would need certain qualities, while in the mean time I hear an awful lot about a lack of meaning. Is that perhaps because of a lack of soul?
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I think Cris' point was that in order for eternal existence to have any meaning, the soul would need certain qualities in the afterlife. A memory and the ability to reason being most key. If you believe most religions, we will also have our usual passions and emotions as well, since God and the angels seemed to all exhibit them.

My problem has always been trying to imagine existing FOREVER like this. You know, a few billion years will go by, and you haven't scratched the surface. How long before you can't even remember your life on Earth? Billions and billions of years..... yeeck No thanks.

Besides, it makes insignificant our time here, and too heavily weights these years.

If the afterlife is blessed with no memory, that would rather be a wonderful lifting of the weight of these years, and their trials of reason, nor would FOREVER be such a problem. With no memory you would never know the difference.

I am not so sure that God and the Angels do remember. Such a memory would need to be infinite, the practicallity of which tends to boggle the mind.

If the rumor is true that God owns the power to read our minds, to tap into the memories of all in creation, where then is the need of the memory of God? Already she owns the human Universe as an effective database.

And what is so big about meaning? You might just as well say that in order for the Earthly existence to have any meaning the soul would need certain qualities, while in the mean time I hear an awful lot about a lack of meaning. Is that because of a lack of soul?
Faith as I refer to it, and as I carefully explained earlier is not belief without proof.
It is THE essential ingredient to the next step in human evolution.

ROFLMAO.....Good one, thanks for the morning joke. Faith in invisible entities has existed over 2 milliniums, it's NOT the "next step in human evolution" its been the past delusion of humanity for the past 2 milliniums. REASON is the next step in human evolution! ;)
ROFLMAO.....Good one, thanks for the morning joke. Faith in invisible entities has existed over 2 milliniums, it's NOT the "next step in human evolution" its been the past delusion of humanity for the past 2 milliniums. REASON is the next step in human evolution! ;)

Certainty is the death of reason.
Certainty in what? invisible gods, faith in invisible gods, angels, demons, unicorns, leprechans, wich doctors, and any variant of mysticism you would like to mention. What the hell is certain about shit you can't prove to exist!!
Certainty in what? invisible gods, faith in invisible gods, angels, demons, unicorns, leprechans, wich doctors, and any variant of mysticism you would like to mention. What the hell is certain about shit you can't prove to exist!!

Or not exist.
If the afterlife is blessed with no memory, that would rather be a wonderful lifting of the weight of these years, and their trials of reason, nor would FOREVER be such a problem. With no memory you would never know the difference.
then what use has a physical body/being alive, may as well go to the end game and do away with living, if the soul has no memory in the afterlife, what have you learned from living in "sufferage".
Or not exist.

True! however the burden of proof is always on the individual making the claim! :rolleyes: ;)

Atheists just don't believe in one more god than you do! We make no claims that such an entity does not exist, we only claim that there's no reasonable evidence to believe your claims!
True! however the burden of proof is always on the individual making the claim! :rolleyes: ;)

Atheists just don't believe in one more god than you do! We make no claims that such an entity does not exist, we only claim that there's no reasonable evidence to believe your claims!

Yeah right!;)

At least theists are honest!
then what use has a physical body/being alive, may as well go to the end game and do away with living, if the soul has no memory in the afterlife, what have you learned from living in "sufferage".

You learn what a terrible waste of time it was, of course.
That would only leave one option for their claims. ;)

Why pretend you believe in one god less if you don't believe in any?

Just say you don't believe in any, that's all I'm saying.

Regardless it does not change anything.

Whether you live your life believing in a structured universe or an unstructured one, with whatever ideology or religious belief you subscribe to, ultimately its your own life to live as you choose. Being intellectually dishonest about what you believe in seems duplicitous to me.
Sure, just look up Nikola Tesla's ether theories, torsion fields (Einstein-Cartan-theory, Nachalov, Parkhomov, Sokolov), Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy, Thomas G. Hieronymous's eloptic energy, etc....
Eventually there will come a point in science when this energy can no longer be ignored

In the end true science and true religion .......are the same thing.

Coming from opposite ends of the "spectrum" .
Einstein said reason and faith are both required to see reality.
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The Sons of God....leading arag-tag group of survivors into a bright new future in the very presense of God here on Earth.

That is the only outcome possible.
Just what the Holy scripture said all along.
They saw the future - and here we are.

* And the winner is........the meek, and the humble that DO the Father's will.....led by His Spirit, that transends all religions created by man, and all knowledge discovered by the sciences of men, casting down anything that exalts itself above God, as we were told to do from the beginning.......

In other words, more Abrahamic B/S that has caused enough suffering for this world and will, no doubt cause much more in the future.
As far as "religions created by man" ..the man created abrahamic faiths and their man created tyrannical god are about as bad as it gets.
Are you still so sure there is no heaven or hell....no angels just out the corner of your eye for a flash, then gone from the visual range of your perception?
Can you be so sure?
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Only by Faith can you accesses the power of the sub-conscience mind, which is far more powerful than the conscience mind where reason and logic resides ....think about dreams.....and the conscience mind can be manipulated by spirits that are way smarter, and much older than you.

This power can only be accessed by absolute faith, believing without any doubt in your heart like the scriptures said....

You have to believe with all your heart and do not doubt....

You just may have to be farther along before we can speak about these things without you're misunderstanding, and until then......

It's a good thing you don't believe me.
I'm going to leave it at that, I've said too much already.

No need to be condescending. I understood all too well the drift of your last post.
As far as tapping into the subconcious mind; you don't need faith to do this.There are many non religous people who practice meditation and the benefits it provides.

The rest of your post is based on your personal belief that the Old and New testament scriptures are God breathed or inspired which by studying the nature of this God (yahweh) should tell any spritually minded (or logically minded) person like myself it is definately NOT.
Having absolute faith in man made scripture is dangerous and if you can't see that ,then I shall leave it at that.
In the end true science and true religion .......are the same thing.

Or so the superstitious-minded of religious belief want others to believe. Perhaps because they're envious of the ability of science to reveal truth about the world around them while the best religions can do is cherry-pick data that support their mythologies whilst discarding, denying, and ignoring that data which doesn't.

In the end, science and religion, while both methods of viewing the world, are vastly different because of this point alone: religious superstitions have beliefs which are fixed conclusions to which they seek data; science seeks data from which to derive tentative conclusions.

Science is reality-based. Religion is fantasy-based.
Yes, it is different, you see there are various different theories out right now on how consciousness operates, but we are still unclear as to which is actually correct. Therefore the field is still unknown, thereby making it completely different from myths and superstitions.

But it ISN'T different. Humans will always give a rose tainted version of of reality which can't be supported and is often proven wrong. 'The Soul' is just another one of those things which gets the default position of being true because it makes us feel better. This is why religion has historically been such a failure at making scientific guesses - nothing is true simply because we want it to be, and of course, by guessing it to be.

Right, confirming what I thought, you only believe what the evidence shows, you have no thinking beyond science. All revolutions in science were initially ridiculed, frowned upon, disliked.

Well I wouldn't go believing in something that is completely baseless. I have a hell of a lot of thinking beyond science, but that doesn't lead me into superstitious beliefs.

A proven track record? One century this is the truth, the next century no this is the real truth. Right great track record.

Well what did you expect, that all discoveries would simply appear out of nowhere? Science is progressive and that is why it has a proven track record.

But there is a reason to discard it slightly. Eventually after many many scientific revolutions, the science today will appear primitive, and false like the science of the 1700s.

Much of science will (and has) stood the test of time. Much of science in the 1700's is still relevant today. We have simply made more discoveries.

Thats not true, there are in fact many theories suggesting that consciousness is immaterial or not made of matter (more than just the brain). Some of them are the Quantum Mind theory, the space-time consciousness theory, the many-minds interpretation, etc...there is really not much pseudo-scientific or mythical about it.

Immaterial is not science. We are living in a material world - (c) Madonna 1984.

Its a perfect example. For instance in the many-minds interpretation, it says that each individual mind is an observer in their own world or universe. You disagree, so you call me delusional.

You are delusional if you believe it, not if you simply wonder about it.

Actually, a lot of theories come out without hard evidence. Just check the big bang, super-string, dark matter, etc...theories...don't know what you're talking about...

Maybe, but they are generally theories gained from at least some evidence/observation or calculation. The 'soul' doesn't even get that far.

Also you're just dodging what I'm saying. The fact is you possess the same mentality as those who condemned Galileo and others. Your mentality is "what I says is right if you don't agree you're delusional, a fool, lets condemn and ridicule them, for they live in fantasy, I know this, because what I believe is all true"

What is it exactly I am saying is right? It's like the celestial teapot - I am not claiming anything to be right by ignoring claims unsupported by evidence. If science finds strong evidence for the soul and I continue to say it is false or doesn't exist, then come back to me with your accusations.
Only in your clouded shape-shifting mind........SkinWalker

This is reality. I don't expect the superstitious to accept it, however, since that would bring down their little house of cards. The ignorant will always choose to remain so when they're afraid of reality.

The words of prophets are not "man made scripture"

"Man shall live by every Word that procedes out of the mouth of God"

The mouthpiece of God are prophets who speak His Words, not their own.

This is to be either vindicated or not.

Until such time as evidence can be produced to show otherwise, there is no recourse but to accept that the "words of the 'prophets'" are the words of the superstitious. There simply is no reason to accept that Atun or Zeus said them.
Thank you for your advice - I will try and remember to quote nursery rhymes and other such bodies of knowledge you are familiar with in the future

Please do. The nursery rhymes and fables you've been quoting ad nauseum in this forum are crap and boring.