If there is a soul what does it do in an afterlife


The physical/material universe is composed of a combination of matter and energy that are inextricably linked and where each can be converted into the other, e.g. E=MC^2. The forces of electromagnetic, gravity, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear, are all part of that inextricably linked fabric.

Something immaterial or supernatural is simply none of that and remains undefined as to what it could possibly be.
It depends how you define physical/material. In some definitions it is defined as being made of matter, with mass, etc...

There fore something immaterial would be without mass, matter, etc...

Cris said:
No. The soul concept as a supernatural entity lies outside the physical/material realm of matter, energy and forces. Your analogy is not valid.
Why does it have to be supernatural or outside energy? After Gorillas were proven to be real, they were no longer mythical.

The mind, not made of matter, is made of energy (similar to EMF, but different). This is what I've personally found to be true. Also check the electromagnetic theories of consciousness, they propose something similar to what I've said but different. Their theory lacks the unacknowledged ether-energy in my opinion.

Thats what science is all about, people developing theories, evidence being gathered, and one coming out to be proven true, however you atheists seem to discourage anything that points to a soul or immaterial mind or God existing. You are no different from theists or any other religious person, just trying to defend your faith.
The mind, not made of matter, is made of energy (similar to EMF, but different). This is what I've personally found to be true. Also check the electromagnetic theories of consciousness, they propose something similar to what I've said but different. Their theory lacks the unacknowledged ether-energy in my opinion.

Thats what science is all about, people developing theories, evidence being gathered, and one coming out to be proven true, however you atheists seem to discourage anything that points to a soul or immaterial mind or God existing. You are no different from theists or any other religious person, just trying to defend your faith.
Your evidence? Your proof? Your experimental protocol?

Didn't think so.
You're full of shit, shit-for-brains.

KennyJC is rational and is just asking for some testable propositions about the "soul". Please give us some testable ideas regarding a soul.

You can't say anything besides I'm full of shit, because everything I said was true. But I understand your anger, having left to say, what can you say? You also confirm what I just said, "Let's ridicule and condemn them, because we know everything".

There are many theories proposing that there is an immaterial mind or soul. Check them yourselves.

If the brain is independent and freewheeling, ergo the will does not apply.

To exert a control there needs to be an input.

Consider the analogy of an electronic amplifier. Independently, freewheeling, the output is noise (or an oscillation if the internal feedback is positive).
No, you missed the point and misrepresented what I said.

An amplifier is not independent since it needs an input. And my statement included the terms “independent” and “thinking”, i.e. the ability to think enables free choice and the will.

Your analogy is invalid on both counts.

To achieve a meaningful output there needs to be a meaningful input, and for free will to be meaningful somebody has their hand on the volume control, hence an input of energy.
And in the case of the brain, it’s ability to think is the input and the control is the brain since the brain is what makes you – you.

Then apply this to the "controller" in an infinite regression. Pretty absurd, right?

Infinite regression?

The will is by definition progressesive, not regressive.

Do you hope to halt regression by suppossing the brain to be the soul the will and the consciousness? That's just stupid. They don't buy this idea that they're nothing more than a peculiar accumulation of chemicals.
Look, I know there are lots of theories out there and I've read many of them.


Ok, but by your logic you should not believe that the brain is the mind nor should you believe that the brain isn't the mind. Through your logic, you should not believe in a soul nor a brain as consciousness.

Since neurology has yet to explain the "hard problem of consciousness" (to explain how all these flows and electrochemical processes in the brain give rise to the inner experience of subjective awareness), it is also lacking.

So all you can believe is that there is a brain, and that it is connected to consciousness in some way, there is no other evidence available.
Infinite regression?

The will is by definition progressesive, not regressive.

Do you hope to halt regression by suppossing the brain to be the soul the will and the consciousness? That's just stupid. They don't buy this idea that they're nothing more than a peculiar accumulation of chemicals.

What exactly is your position here? Are you a theist? Do you believe in a soul? Are you a mystic? Or are you just another philosopher who just likes to babble for the fun of it?

Seriously, what are you on about?
You know I find it amusing to see why a topic is still alive when its gone completely off topic.